What Is A Squeeze Page and How to Create One With WordPress

Last Updated on March 7, 2023 by 36 Comments

What Is A Squeeze Page and How to Create One With WordPress
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  1. Full agreement with both above… I almost always leave a site that does this sort of stuff as soon as I can…

  2. Squeeze me and i immediately leave your site. Am old enough to remember the 1st wave of popups some 10 years ago, and the (well deserved) back clash it provoked,. Here in Western Europe, we don’t mind being consumers as long as you don’t take us for idiots. Agree with Paul Peters’s comment above. The effects of the Capitalist Discourse (Cf. Jacques Lacan) are particularly nefarious. Rather than “acquire users”, try to seduce them. Love me, and I will love you back.

  3. What an appalling article.
    De-humanize and reduce human beings to just being “prospects”.
    What kind of awful space are you going to end up in if you think this way?

  4. PS – how is the Squeeze box (bottom right hand corner) generated on this page? Plug-in?

  5. While I agree that pop-ups and squeeze boxes can be annoying I am looking at using them for notification purposes. I have a client that is a vet and I intend to use a squeeze box to notify short-term changes in operating hours (public holidays) or to notify large animal clients of important events (herd health management seminars or on farm demonstrations).
    Does anyone else use squeeze boxes in this way?

  6. These pop ups are reall not for me. But thanks for sharing.

  7. Brenda I have found optimize press the best tool out there for building landing pages, that have many good templates for landing pages and squeeze pages. But one should also know about the main elements of the suqeeze page you have explained here to make a converting page, so thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Squeeze pages are less useful when your target population are marketers or bloggers like some of the people commenting on this thread. It is however a gold mine when used with the general population. Pop ups must be customized to fit on different gadgets, otherwise they can be annoying if they cover the whole screen.

      • there we go, someone that understands what this is all about. 🙂

  8. Imagine you are meeting a blind date at a restaurant. You’ve been told only the basic facts – male, 30’s, good job, wants kids. He sits down, you start to chat and learn more about him, when suddenly he whips out a box containing an engagement ring, gets down on one knee and asks you to marry him, tells you he needs an answer RIGHT NOW.

    Or how about this. You’re in a movie theater, the lights dim, the movie starts and the plot starts to suck you in when suddenly a huge pop-up appears on the screen. It says you’ll get free popcorn if you buy RIGHT NOW and sign up for their frequent buyer program.

    These sales pitches come across as graspy, needy, ill-timed and likely to antagonize the customer.

    That’s how I feel about pop-ups that rudely get in my way when I’m trying to read the content on a website.

    I’m a smart consumer. I know how websites and signups work. If I like what I see, I’m going to look for your signup box, so please put it in a location on the page that I can find easily.

    • Excellent analogies, Karen! *nodding vigorously in agreement*

      Sometimes I think the insistent pop-ups only serve to make me NOT want to do business with the company. Someone who doesn’t think about how annoying the pop-ups and squeeze pages will be to potential customers doesn’t instill confidence in me or make me want to give them my hard-earned dollars.

    • +1

  9. The problem with squeeze pages (like this one we’re on right now) is when their content exists mainly to squeeze people, and the content itself (or any discussion it generates) is considered less important in its own right by the people who are producing or paying for it.

  10. Never knew that it was called ‘squeeze page’ but a nice name and very appropriate also. But this page only works, as you correctly said, if you are giving away some thing really valuable.

  11. First time I heard of Mini Max Page Layout Builder… might be something to take a look at.

    Thanks for the info!

  12. Earlier I use Premise plugin by Copyblogger and now searching for new plugin and theme by using that I can easily create squeeze pages in less time..

  13. “interrupted” “distracted” “annoyed”

    I’m a website designer, but I’m a user too. Squeeze pages are aggravating and off-putting. And that bad taste transfers from the squeeze to the website itself. Let me read your website without getting in my face. Let me take the time to build a relationship with you because I value your content. Stop being so rude!

    Squeeze pages are the new pop-ups and quite as unpleasant as the originals.Pop-up blocker, anyone?

    • I spend as little time as possible on websites with squeeze pages. I hate them and will NOT subject my customers to them on my own websites. Obnoxious advertising is, well, obnoxious. Just because a squeeze page is possible does not mean it is a good idea to make one. Sort of the 2015 version of 1990’s blinking gifs. Awful then, awful now.

    • I’m glad it’s not only me who finds these pop up things hideous. It’s like small children waving their hands in front of your face when THEY are ready to talk to you, even though you’re having another conversation.

  14. God I hate those things. I would never subject anyone coming to my site to that kind of aggravation. Kind of surprised you are promoting it.

    • +1

  15. I’d use ET’s Divi theme and Bloom plugin.

  16. I think my issue with the squeeze page (especially when used as the greeting / splash page of the website) is that it comes too soon. If the visitor is coming to your site for more information about you and your products or services, they might want to first get some basic idea of what you do and whether or not they like it and trust you enough before they sign up for anything. But if the first impression they get is a splash page telling them to sign up for something, they might just click out and go away. I’ve often left websites because I wasn’t ready to commit to signing up for something right off the bat without first getting a chance to see the person’s website, what it’s like, if it looks professional, what they offer and if it seems like something that works for me.

    Likewise for pop-up messages. If they pop up once, okay, I’ll either join the email mailing list or I’ll “x” out of it and wait to decide. But if the pop-ups keep popping up on every page of the website as I’m trying to click around and get a sense of what this company’s all about and if they have something to offer that I’m interested in, then I just get irritated because it seems like the pop-ups are more important than letting me as the customer decide for myself when I’m ready to commit to joining a list or purchasing something. Even if the offer is free, it’s annoying if I’m not ready and haven’t had any time to actually see your site first.

    That’s why I prefer the pop-up message to show up once only and preferably in an unobtrusive area (like lower left or lower right corner of the site, instead of in my face), and once the customer has x-ed out of it, the pop-up shouldn’t show up again. Instead, the offer should be relegated to either a sidebar or footer area so that the customer can decide for him or herself when or if they want to sign up. The offer will be available at any time from the sidebar or footer, but it won’t be so “in your face” that the offer seems inescapable and therefore really annoying.

    • +1

      • I too hate pop-ups and ET is a bad offender. I have been building a site using Devi and, as a beginner, I am constantly referring back to the documentation pages, help, my own page, the devi live examples, the ET home pages and so on. Working intensively by returning to these pages a great many times a day means constant, really annoying pop up offering % off in new level of membership. ANd even after clicking the x it just moves to the bottom poking its ratty little head out, only to keep popping up repeatedly. Spare us please! This is the only agressive marketing nuisance on the whole site – bad policy, bad psychology and total turn off.

    • +1

  17. I’d never use them! I hate them… at least never on a personal project…

    • Agreed. They are presumptuous and annoying.

  18. Or with page builders or short codes like Visual Composer, Thrive Content Builder and Beaver Builder?

  19. Or, you could just NOT implement one of these and stop annoying your site visitors.

    • Bart the point is to create a lead funnel, if you don’t do this, you don’t get a funnel, and if you don’t have a sales funnel, you are not optimizing your top line revenue from web traffic.

    • Awesome idea!

  20. The WP easy columns is a great plugin to work with. We’ve used it on many different occasions and it’s super easy to use.

  21. Start with the DIVI and the blank page template. That will work.

    • And with the Bloom plugin!

    • That’s what I was going to say! it’s so much simple with DIVI …

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