Announcing The Divi Design Initiative: World Class Divi Layouts And Original Photos For Free, Every Week!

Last Updated on September 21, 2022 by 283 Comments

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Announcing The Divi Design Initiative: World Class Divi Layouts And Original Photos For Free, Every Week!
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Free Divi Layout Packs, Free Photos,
No Restrictions

We are bringing insane value to the Elegant Themes membership by providing Divi users with beautiful and free Divi layouts, photos and resources.

Today is an exciting day for me because I get to announce the start of something new, and it’s something that we have been working on for quite some time. Today we are launching the Divi Design Initiative, a brand new design department at Elegant Themes with a brand new goal: To create unique world-class Divi Layouts with original photos and graphics and to release those resources for free to the Divi community every single week. We want to provide a level of value that is unheard of in the WordPress theme market. As a Divi customer, you will get more than just a design tool, you will get a complete design solution that makes it easier than ever to build websites for you and your clients.

World-Class Divi Designs
For Free Every Week

We will be providing Divi customers with a constant stream of amazingly-designed Divi layout packs.

A Constant Stream Of
Free Divi Layout Packs

Over the past few months, the Divi design team has grown substantially. This new team of amazing designers and photographers are working together to create hundreds of Divi layout packs and thousands of design resources for all of the most common types of Divi websites. These layouts are beautifully designed by Divi experts and guided by our very own Design Director Kenny Sing.

Fully Designed Websites

When we say layout “packs,” we mean it! These new Divi layouts will be released as complete website packs, including home pages, landing pages, about us pages, contact pages, and more all designed in a cohesive style and complete with original photos and imagery. They are the perfect way to jump-start your new website.

The New Layouts Library
Coming Soon

As we continue to create amazing Divi layout packs, the designs will eventually be rolled into a brand new Divi layout experience in the Divi Builder. This new layout manager will allow you to browse all of our Divi layouts and to import those layouts right onto your page. Until then, we will simply be releasing these new layouts on the blog each week, so be sure to check back every Monday for a new free layout pack to download!

Unique Free Photos
Without Restrictions

Divi layouts come with beautiful photos that you can use for free without any licensing restrictions.

Unique Photos For Free

One of the really unique things about the Divi layout packs we will be producing is that they will include photos taken by own our photographers in collaboration with our design team to create the perfect harmony of text, color and imagery. More importantly, these photos will be unique and well-crafted, far superior to the often terrible and expensive stock photos you may be using right now.

No Licensing Restrictions

These photos will be released without any licensing restrictions. This means you can use them in all of your commercial projects without having to worry about paying licensing fees or attributing the photographer. Use them in your commercial websites, sell them within your Divi child themes, include them in your own Divi layout packs or just use them on your blog. We know how challenging it can be to find good photos and how confusing and scary the licensing that governs those photos can be. We want to fix that problem for our users.

Our First Free Layout Pack Is
Available Right Now

Our first free layout pack is available today!

The Wedding Website Layout Pack

Today we are kicking things off with our first free Divi Layout pack created by our new team of Divi designers and photographers. This Wedding Website Layout Pack is the perfect way to jumpstart your next wedding website. These days, everyone who gets married needs a website, and they expect a very specific aesthetic and some very specific features. This website pack has it all! Included are fully designed pages for: home, about, contact, blog, gallery and details.

View The Live Layout Demo

Homepage Design

View The Live Layout Demo

Details Page Design

View The Live Layout Demo

About Page Design

View The Live Layout Demo

Gallery Page Design

View The Live Layout Demo

Contact Page Design

View The Live Layout Demo

Download The Layout Pack

To use the Wedding Layout Pack on your own Divi website, you will first need to download it using the button below. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our newsletter by using the form below. As a new subscriber you will receive even more Divi goodness and a free Divi Layout pack every Monday! If you’re already on the list, simply enter your email address below and click download. You will not be resubscribed.

How To Import A Divi Layout

Once you have downloaded the layout pack, locate the file in your downloads folder on your computer. Double click the folder to unzip it and then navigate inside the layout-pack-wedding folder. Inside this folder you will find 6 files, each of which is a unique layout that you can import directly onto your page using the Divi Builder’s portability system.

  • Wedding_About.json
  • Wedding_Blog.json
  • Wedding_Contact.json
  • Wedding_Details.json
  • Wedding_Gallery.json
  • Wedding_Home.json

To load one of these layouts onto your page, activate the Divi Builder and then look for the portability icon in the page settings bar. Click this icon to launch the portability popup and then navigate to the Import tab. Here you can click the “choose file” button and select any of the 6 files listed above to begin importing the design.

I hope you enjoy this first layout pack, and I hope that you are excited about all the great new designs that are coming your way. Don’t forget to check back every week on Monday to download a brand new layout pack!

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  1. Divi is to WordPress as Amazon is to online shopping!!! HUGE!!!

  2. Will Santa be bringing this for Christmas?

    I’ve been a very good girl this year, I was only bad once and it was only a tiny little bit bad, I painted my husbands toenails purple while he was asleep, nothing else. Well maybe I hid the nail polish remover as well, but that’s all, just a minor detail. So is Santa bringing it?

  3. Where can I find the other complete PACKS ?

  4. You and your team are very generous 🙂

  5. Well, I hope to be able to download images or layouts in member accounts instead of having to download them individually or download them directly in the Divi theme’s configuration section including images and layouts. gathered in a complete library.Sometimes I’m tired of having to go to each post to see and download photos and layouts that aggregate together and can be downloaded in the same place or in the same member of the elegant is good

  6. Well, I hope to be able to download images or layouts in member accounts instead of having to download them individually or download them directly in the Divi theme’s configuration section including images and layouts. gathered in a complete library

  7. WOWWWWw, you guys are on fire…. I swear you must have been reading my mind, I have been talking about this for a while now and finally, this is happening the Divi cloud of premade layouts will be amazing, I can’t wait for this to happen.

  8. Unable to import

    mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wedding/www/html/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php on line 977, referer: /?page_id=2&et_fb=1

    • Sorry wrong error. However, I’m unable to import “Home”, “About”, “Gallery”,

    • Sorry, this was the error: This file should not be imported in this context.

  9. Hey Nick – THANKS beyond words, You and whole team is the best.

  10. Hi, its a nice workt but :
    on this wedding template you used a lot of H1 tag I think it is important for SEO to pay attention to this kind of detail before using this layouts

  11. I can’t import it into Divi Version: 3.0.79. It just load and go back to import screen.

    • Same for me. I also tried a fresh install. Can we fix this?

  12. Glad to see this happening. You are right, not just a one page template but a full website of themed templates for Divi! We are excited by your new offering.

    Every Monday for a release? Wow.

    Better yet, can’t wait until these are all fully integrated into the theme!


  13. Hello Nick,

    This is the only way I can get through to you so please don’t approve this comment!

    I’ve been with Divi since 23, October 2015 so I thought of Upgrading to Lifetime access at your 20% discount, but there is NO option to purchase this with Paypal – I use them for ALL my Online payment as I have NEVER given out my credit card details and NEVER will!

    Your billing department’s reply, (We currently cannot accept PayPal for lifetime purchases or upgrades. Our only option at this time is through our credit card check out – Kelsey Brown)

    Nick, I would really appreciate it if you could resolve this and get them to send me a Paypal link at the earliest.

    Thank you.

    PS: I haven’t fully completed even ONE site with your Divi theme due to lack of time, so if you can not give me the Paypal option I may have to cancel my subscription before the 23rd of this month – hope you understand!

  14. I submitted a comment asking When will the creative design agency layout be available? I changed my email so not sure if I got a response.

  15. I could not be happier about the new layout library where you will be able to SEE the layouts and not guess. THAT is awesome all by itself, never mind the layouts you will add. I am also super happy with the new series of tutorials you have been offering this last year. I could not have made a better move than to move to ET!

  16. Hi,

    the problem I live with all those layout is a problem inherent to Divi. It imports layout, but not settings, unlike the Theme Bridge or Thrives. It’s anoying to have the page, and try to find all the settings to make the menus, footers, etc… look like the layout.

    This is a major thing missing from Divi. I don’t think Layout importation is the solution. Maybe child theme ? Full site template then we go from there ?

    This is anoying because no matter how fast and good I know Divi, my collegues with Bridge and Thrives are beating me hands down with speed to make a website beacause we don’t have these tools. And That sucks on my ego. :p

    Stop thinking layouts… there are hundreds of theme easy to find. It’s time to think templates.

    Kind regards,

    • Michel,

      I think this is why Child Themes are a solid answer. They provide styling for New Pages, menus, Blog Posts, Archive pages, etc… all of that styling is built-into the Child Theme which is a more complete solution than Layouts.

  17. Could use the food layout show in the above image. When will it become available?

  18. Since I purchased a life membership account with elegant themes, I have been stuck with Divi Theme and no regrets for doing so. All the websites designed before I came across Divi Theme are now redesigned with Divi. Lovely theme and in my opinion the best Theme in the market for now. Thanks to Nick and his team for coming up with this laudable idea. To make Divi the most competitive and a premium theme in the market, they also need to consider revamping the form module so that it can at least look like Caldera form. By so doing, we do not need to use external form plugins as we do at the moment. Once again, keep up the great job you are doing, we are loving it!

  19. That is an awesome update for all Divi users.

    It would be great if you include Magazine style layouts in this pack.

  20. Do you have an idea when the “We serve quality food” restaurant pack will be Available ?

  21. I am always thrilled by what you put together

  22. Awesome. Will we be able to vote on potential layout themes?

  23. I’m super glad and proud I switched to Divi. Its great to be part of and a witness to the growth and development of such an awesome product and amazing community.

  24. I’m super glad and proud I switched to Divi. Its great to be part of and a witness to the growth and development of such an awesome product and amazing community.

  25. Awesome to have all these at our finger tip. Proud to be a part of the Divi community.

  26. This is pretty amazing to soon have all these resources at our finger tips. Proud to be a part of this community.

  27. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? This is mind-blowing – who does this?? DIVI ROCKS!!

    Thank you for such an amazing product and thank you ESPECIALLY for your wonderful tech support team.

  28. Question is this a resource that will require a weekly check in or will these blogs be forwarded to the listed email?

  29. WOW!!!YES!!We need many many layouts!!

  30. When will the creative design agency layout be available?

  31. You are doing something wonderful with Divi, and your latest idea will certainly help non-professionals to build pro looking sites.

    Way to Go!

    One thing though…

    When do you plan to offer paid hosting for your customers?
    I’m sure quite a lot of us would be interested in using Elegant Themes hosting when you get around to it!

    All the best,

    Jan E

  32. Wonderful news,I’m waiting impatiently!!!

  33. I really love this approach.
    And I can imagine this will save me tons of time.
    Great work guys!

    However, I can’t download unless i register for the email newsletter (which i am already subscribed to).
    Even though I’m logged in and everything.
    Bottom of page (this form) tells me I am currently subscribed to mailing list.
    Do I have to re-register again? I have done it every time I downloaded something from the newsletters. Possible bug somewhere?


    • You can enter the same email address to download, no problem. The browser cookie is set for a particular opt-in so if your browser cookies are cleared the opt-in will show up again. If the unlocked opt-in cookie is present, the download button will show up everytime you visit this post.

        • you need to import via the page import (open a page then look for the up/down arrows in the builder), not the divi library.

  34. Switching to Divi was the best decision I’ve ever made! Thank you for making my life easier each day.

  35. You guys really get it… This is so amazing God bless you guys… Is it possible for you guys to include a few Church and Ministry Layouts there is a huge market for this …and this kind of good friendly templates are hard to find…. thanks… I can’t wait to see how you will top this new release…

  36. Divi and Elegant Themes are the best thing that I’ve seen since the invention of sliced bread!

  37. Amazing!! Super Cool Nick & team. Now we just need the ability to save a block with THUMBNAIL so that its much easier to manage / find needed blocks quickly.

  38. Now thats what I call DIVI…

    This is what happens when you have a great team of visual creatives and bring more to the table. DIVI is good in the hands of a designer that can think past the technical side and bring awesome visuals and a great UX.

    And thats what your team are doing, my only gripe is the Optimisation side of things. This framework still needs to be faster. Layout and optimisation of all elements and images will only get you so far, then there is caching, if only you guys built your own caching add-on specifically built for DIVI would be a game changer once again, As not all Caching plugins play nicely.

    But bugger those negative point, you guys rock !

  39. This is wonderful! Thank you … you guys ROCK!!!

    I’m curious to know whether we’re able to list these layouts as design options on our business websites (ie have a samples page and link to the live demos of each layout)?

    • Sure, Cathy. That is fine. ?

  40. This is fantastic! Thank you very much, ET, for working so diligently on and providing such an incredible wealth of web design resources.

    I’m looking forward to the functionality of the new Layout Library, in particular. I do have a question: Once the Layout Library update gets implemented, will we still be able to access/use the existing premade layouts that Divi has right now (like “Homepage Portfolio” and “Shop Basic,” etc.)? They actually make for some great starting points already!

    Thanks again, and I look forward to learning about the many different designs!

    • Thank you, Mathias! Yes, the current Premade Layouts will still be available in the new Layouts Library. ?

  41. You guys are turning the design world upside down. Proud to be taking this magical ride with you!

  42. Fantastic news. Don’t know how you do it for the price we pay. Please please please consider a layout for real estate

  43. This looks fantastic. I would really like to see some generic-type sites, rather than niche ones.

  44. Such a great idea. For someone like myself with very little design skills these packs are a godsend.

    A real estate website pack would be an awesome addition 🙂

  45. Wow! You guys are taking over the game! Divi is like the Amazon of WordPress themes. This just brings it to the next level. I can start my own divi child themes/layouts business with this initiative.

    I don’t see how anyone else can compete with something like this…

  46. Just when I thought that Divi couldn’t get any better you’ve done it again!

  47. I was amazed by the announcement. Directly I downloaded and installed the entire site. Most of it worked, but unfortunately not all:

    – The site has no menu designed. It however does need a menu to go to all the different pages.
    – There is no live preview of the Our Blog page. On my install the section with the blog module gives a ‘No Results Found’. Creating some posts doesn’t do the trick, unfortunately.
    – Google Maps gives an error in my Details page. It says:
    Oops! Something went wrong.
    This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.

    I love the way ET is going with this. If someone could help with especially the last two problems, that would be great.

    • I already fixed the Google Maps error. You need to install a Google API. It is simple and explained in the Divi Map Module page on the ET site.

  48. Great news! Keep the good work up.

  49. quand on voit le nombre de commentaires, on comprend que là c’est une innovation majeure!

  50. This sounds awesome! Is it possible to use these photos in different types of graphic design, like printed media? (Brochure, catalogue, flyer)
    Thanks for the answer.

  51. Woohoo!!

    This is how I feel after reading this:
    “So exciting, so impressive, so beautiful….*insert another 20 adjectives here*”

    Elegant Themes Team, thank you for constantly reminding me why signing up for Divi was the best professional decision I ever made. Champagne and high fives for everyone 🙂

  52. That’s awesome, thanks.

  53. Ok, Nick Roach, what can I say more than already has been said here, but:
    – When I bought a one year access I got to know Divi and all it’s amazing functionality
    – Then I bough lifetime access and it was the best thing I ever did for my website (I only use it for me not clients)
    – Every month you have new things added and great articles for us to learn about improving styles, functionality and anything else for our Divi Theme.
    And now you come out and surprises all with this free extra…
    I really do not know what to say but thank you very much for all your great work, and for everything you keep giving us to improve the WordPress community, to improve your Divi Theme, and so much more.
    Thank you Nick, thanks also to the design team, who are amazing, with great design sense, thanks to the photographers who are sharing their photographs here, thanks to the technical team who make all this work stable.
    Just Thank you all. I have a micro company and this news just made us smile 🙂
    We are out of time to improve our website and work on it, but it just looks good thanks to Divi, although our site lacks a lot of work from our part, but this might just be the change to make it better faster.
    Cheers and I wish all of you the best in life.

  54. WOW!This is awsesome!

  55. So Awesome! Being at home disabled really limits the opportunity of taking my camera and getting the required pictures needed to design websites. Plus by providing these layout packs for members also destroys the need to learn legalese lessons needed to use pictures in a site. I’m grateful for being a Divi Member.

  56. it’s just amazing thank you for your work

  57. Great idea, the sample layouts that you show in the blog post look brilliant.

  58. looks good. i notice the layouts need to be imported via the page rather than the Divi library like usual…is this the new way layouts will be provided from ET? I prefer to add into the library and import from there as i can then add multiple layouts to a page and keep what parts i want…

    looking forward to seeing lots on new, free layouts 🙂

  59. WOW ! This is just FANTASTIC !!!

  60. WOW ! This is awesome news for the community.

    DIVI has ended the themes requirement , now with pre-designed layouts it could be just another level.

    IF you could accomodate whole new UI Design in next update it would be great. As FLAT UI is getting now overdone since last two years. It high time NEW UI is explored.

    Any Way Great Update

  61. This is truly amazing & completely unheard of! Thank you Divi team!!

  62. Thanks so much! Honestly, I think these layouts will help your team just as much as it will help us users. Reason being is that when using a layout, we most likely won’t have to open up a support ticket through the forum.

  63. Elegant themes you guys are pure awesomeness.

  64. Great. I like this new layout. Thanks for sharing information.

  65. Will the child theme or layout need added plugins or will the stand on their own? For example the reservation space on one of the layouts.

    All looks great though, thank you.

    • No need for plugins or child themes, you simply create a new page, load/upload the layout using the up & down arrow and that’s it! 🙂

  66. Well the child theme or layout need added plugins or will the stand on their own? For example the reservation space on one of the layouts.

    All looks great though, thank you.

  67. sounds cool ……BBBUUUUTTT….

    1. I don’t want all of these json files and images clogging up my database and media library. Is that where they are going to be stored? Do I have no option but to have all of this immediately loaded in my install? Can I delete them? That just seems like a lot of weight to add to an already heavy theme.

    2. If you’re a designer charging for a site and you use one of these layouts and then hand it over to the client to make simple content updates, aren’t they going to see these layouts? Holy cow would they be ticked! Imagine them looking through this library, finding the layout you loaded, and then asking why you charged them 2,500k for their site.

    Anyone else want to weigh in on these thoughts of mine?

    • I read your thoughts and your concerns too. I also had those thoughts. Themes can be bought at $65.00 or less. What they don’t get is your obligation to them, even better if you know them then it’s personal and Word of mouth business can be generated. The more content you have will only help you succeed.

      I’m sure there will be a delete file options, but why would your clients be ticked about professional photographs provided to paid memberships?(without the legal hassles that might show up later for unauthorized content) The code css or html5 is also professionally done and or taught, still you decide if you want to use it as well as the layouts or if you craft your own, again it’s up to you.

      You’re the designer for the site you are generating for your client, what you charge is based on a an agreement already established prior to your taking on any client.

      There are some posts in the blog that was helpful for myself.



      Using a contract or pictures helps promoting your professionalism as a designer and gives your client a deadline and peace of mind. Having more tools in your kit doesn’t degrade your work or commitment to your client, but compliments it. They shouldn’t be mad or upset if you use a Mastercraft(tm) style hammer or a Dewalt(tm). Good luck in your endeavors!

  68. Thank You Elegant team. It is hugeeeeeeeeeee…

  69. be part of ET is the only right choice in my web design life!!!!!

    • 🙂

  70. Wow, everybody love freebies and this is a great idea to improve the original quality of elegantthemes. I hope its available too in other themes, such as Extra. Thank you so much.

    • You can use them in Divi, Extra and any 3rd party theme alongside the Divi Builder plugin!

  71. This is what I signed up for… Great Stuff!

  72. Well done guys this is amazing additional been waiting for something like this!…

    QUESTION : is there one layout a week you plan on releasing? or will they faster?


    • Thank you, Darren! We will release a layout pack per week, every Monday.

  73. Nick you always know how to make me smile. Lol

    I’ma be getting that lifetime membership now thank you

  74. wauuuu. esto es lo que faltaba para seguir consolidandose como los mejores, muchas felicitaciones

  75. AMAZING! Thank you!

  76. You have really done it now Nick! Holy hell! Congratulations

  77. Absolutely fantastic thank you ET

  78. Great initiative – however I would prefer you spend ressources devoted to support.

    Spending 2 days for answer from support seems to be a very long time.

    I know it’s always a balance to prioritize between product-innovation and provide responsive support. However it’s the support that keeps me a happy customer and preventing churn which is actually financing the product innovation.

    • ADVANZ, I totally agree with you. How about six days for a reply?

      I have been a lifetime member of ET from the start, and support has always been of an on but lately it seems to be non exixtant.

      Everytime there is an update to the Divi Builder plugin, other parts of the theme especially Fusion and Nexus break, recently it’s the short codes.

      Have had a ticket open on this for days with no reply!

    • I too would like to see faster responses and fixes. The true parallax white space issue has been unresolved for 4 weeks now. I had to remove that from all of my sites and it’s just not being addressed in any of the numerous updates that have come out in that time.

  79. Amazing! You guys really are hitting your stride when it comes to keeping us well-stocked with incredible and useful features.

    Thank you to the ET team on another amazing release.

  80. This is fantastic! Thank you

  81. Just adding my voice/Kudos to this awesome new feature. Thank you for continuing to raise the bar for Divi and WordPress overall! WOOHOO!

  82. Only one word: WOW!

  83. Well, 4 years ago I purchased a lifetime membership to Elegant Themes and it has been the best investment that I have ever made. Since my membership I have earned 1000’s of dollars and have had the opportunity to bring my creativity to the next level without having to worry about my wordpress themes or plug ins integrity because I could rest assured that they are top-notch development team. It has been my pleasure to have the opportunity to watch as this company grow to the point where they have dominated the industry with quality work and excellent support. I am proud to be a member and excited to see a company be rewarded by continuing to display excellent business ethics and hard work. Thank you for all that you do and have done for your members. Words are not enough to express my appreciation and gratitude and I want to thank you so much for all of your hard work and effort. You guys have truly made WordPress a better tool for everyone that has invested in a membership.

    • Same. Divi is hands down the best business purchase I have ever made and well worth the lifetime membership.

    • I second that, with the one change that I signed up something like 7 years ago. ^^

  84. Hey Nick, I’m just wondering if there is a place where we can download the images, or do we need to download the layout packs to get the images? I love what you guys are doing with the images, but I may not need a particular layout pack but could use the photos.

  85. Guys… I love you!! haha Seriously, you do an amazing job, outperforming your competition at all levels. You re introducing new standards…and this is huge! Thank you!!!

  86. This is amazing! Divi already outshines other themes BY FAR, and it just keeps getting better!

  87. It keeps telling me to “Join to Download”, but I am already a member. Is the wedding layout pack the only one available at the moment? Cause that is the only one I was able to download.

    Thank you

  88. This is incredible, Nick! High quality design has been the backbone of Elegant Themes since the beginning, and the main reason I joined way back in 2011. It’s awesome to see that you’re continuing to invest in top notch design. This goes to show that the growth of Divi is just getting started 🙂

  89. This is most definitely the best news I have read today. I honestly cannot wait for the library to be available.

    I especially like the bit one can view a layout before loading the layout. This will push designers and developers to get more creative (yay) and make it easier for low budget clients have their websites up and running in no time at all. As long as they have their content ready.

  90. All I can say is “WOW WOW WOW!!!”. Divi keeps taking it to a new level. You totally ROCK!

  91. Nick — thank you to you and your great team! I very much appreciate having Divi in my toolbox and the new service is WOW. 🙂

  92. This is a revolution! Great idea to start off designs. And get inspired!

  93. This is amazing!!! Please, please make some websites that would work for authors and also for small presses!!! And please hurry! I need these resources now!!

  94. I can see designers losing a lot of work too….unless this functionality was available to agencies only or something. Hmmm. Maybe as building websites becomes easier for the end-user, us agencies are going to have to get more creative in establishing our value, or get more creative in landing more clients.

    What are your thoughts on this Nick?

    • Are you clients designers and developers? It seems to sound like that, based on your input? If so, maybe re-target the niche market.;)

    • I think this is both for the end user and agencies. Not all clients want to know how to install divi, work on images, and play with CSS. I think this is helping more Agencies than is in helping end-users. Thank you ET.

    • I personally don’t see designers losing work any time soon. Many clients don’t have the time or the patience to learn how to maximize using Wix or learning the ins and outs of Divi for their own use. This new feature, with customization, will make production faster, in my opinion.

      • I think you have just answered the worry within your own comment. That is entirely the point of these layouts. So that you can obtain this look with 1 click. All of these new layout can already be done in Divi if you are a designer. All this is doing is ensuring the only people that get work in design is the design team at Elegant.

    • Personally I can’t see how we can install it with this functionality available. Any client will just see it and say “what am I paying you for? I could have just picked one of these, have you just picked one of these and changed it a bit?”. Of course, we offer the troubleshooting of bugs and extra css tweaks etc., but a client is never going to see or understand that when perfectly fine layouts are sitting there to be dropped in.

      The only saving grace could be that this turns into a new marketplace where anyone could submit layouts and sell them via it for a royalty split. Then at least my last 6 months of creating layouts and child themes weren’t a complete waste of time….

    • I agree. Also, our clients are going to think; “why don’t I just go directly with elegant themes?” and get rid of the designer. A reason why Wix is everywhere because price dictates… I think we have to start bundling features. Logos, newsletters, hosting, security. Design will no longer be enough now. But I still love ET 🙂

  95. This is an excellent addition. Something that all developers need to do to keep up with progress.

  96. The files can’t be imported, of course I unzipped the zip and imported the json files independently, give this error:
    “This file should not be imported in this context.”

    • Same here, thought I was just being stupid but I get same message!

      Any whizz kid know why?

      • Same here.

        • These can’t be loaded directly into your Divi library. Create a new page and then import each json file directly into that specific page using the Import & Export function at the top of the Divi Builder. The ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrows. Works like a charm.

          • Thanks, now it’s working.

  97. Sounds promising, thanks! Hoping for single-page restaurant layouts?

    • Hey Joel! We also have a Restaurant layout you can purchase:

    • Hi Joel

      Here are 2 free resto/catering/foodie divi page layouts you can try. enjoy.

  98. It’s great. But for me, my site is very slow. In last days, I reduced it to almost an image.

  99. This is great! Glad to see how much you guys continue improving and adding resources for us DIVI users. I just wish you were releasing all of the new layouts at once 🙂

  100. Thanks a billion Elegantthemes, you’ve helped us built modern web business!

    More grace.

    How about header/menu design module, hope to see this soon and it would be the blockbuster!


    • I agree. Getting more full featured customization of the menus would be near the top of my list.

  101. Are you human beings or Super Heroes?

  102. Sweet. Thanks!

  103. Wow. You guys just don’t stop amazing me! Keep up the good work!

  104. This is literally killing off a designers job overnight.

    • No, it’s giving designers our life back !! I was just reflecting a few days ago, on how much time I spend in the office designing, and trying to figure out where the last 10 years have disappeared too?

      This is when the realization set in – I’ve been wasting my life in front of a computer screen! 20 long years…. and I wondered why all of a sudden when I look in the mirror I look 10 years older than I thought I did. It’s because I haven’t had time to look in the mirror, so it was quite a shock to notice that 10 years crept up seemingly overnight! I’m certainly excited about This huge news, and the potential of being able to have a little time for myself, and especially spending valuable long overdue time with family. This will definitely give me some of my life back. :))

  105. This is very helpful … thanks!

  106. You guys are amazing! Thank you!

  107. Looking forward to the next few days. These look great.

  108. WOOO!! Thats Gonna be Awesome !! Yah.. Finally i will use some premade templates and edit them. 🙂

  109. What is the future of predefined layouts?
    We need to get rid of them or redesign them. They look outdated.

  110. A lot of the comments are worrying: “Great, now make me a layout for XYZ”. Guess what folks, you can already make these layouts in DIVI (and get paid for it). When there are hundreds or thousands of these layouts available for free, guess who won’t be calling you to design their websites… small to medium budget clients.

    This is a game changer alright, but not for designers.

  111. Fantastic news! Thanks in advance for your work and what you do for the comunity.

  112. Bravo je travaille tout seul mais depuis que DIVI est entré dans ma vie cela à révolutionné mon travail, toutes ces nouveautés sont stimulantes.

    BRAVO !

  113. My compliments! A big epocal work! Alberto

  114. Yes… I think I made a good decision to switch to Divi for new projects. Bravo, Nick!

  115. Wow, simply put a game changer in the world of web design. Incredible news Nick & team.

  116. How do you make money?!?

  117. Love the idea of the “new layout manager” – Nice work.

    Will you make provision for saving/loading our own customized layouts and thumbnails?

  118. Dear everybody at Elegant Themes,

    Have I told you lately that I love you? 🙂


  119. I have to say this is great news! Very happy to see more layouts being worked out.

  120. Wow awesome! Thank you! Can’t wait for the layout manager too! Would be awesome if you guys could just publish to the layout manager itself, similar to layouts available on Squarespace.

  121. The absolute dog’s bollocks, proper excited!

  122. Great idea and nice way to increase the value of the Divi layouts. Now if Divi Builder could pull in Custom Fields into Divi Builder, it would be perfect.

  123. Divi and Divi team are the best! You changed my life and will do in the future. Thank you

  124. Elegant Themes isn’t playing around. They are going full throttle towards dominating the market with all these features and quality design at an affordable price.

    You guys are doing great! Keep it up.

  125. I want to copy the remark by Manu… “Breathless!”

  126. Divi and Divi team are the best! You changed my life and will do in future. Thank you

  127. Absolutely amazing. Really nice work ET.
    Can’t wait for a “more” business/agency layout pack 🙂
    I think the one with food-icons in the layout image above, could be used just fine for a project of mine.

    Keep up the good work.

  128. Just Wow. Congratulations Elegant Themes team! I’m proud of being part of the Divi developers community. Thanks!

  129. Wow, this is amazing news. Thumbs all the way up!

  130. Amazing, you guys are freaking awesome!

  131. Very Nice. WOW

  132. It would seem that ET is building up to compete with Squarespace. I predict (and hope I’m wrong) it won’t be long before they start to market straight to consumer and cut out the in-between designers.

    • That was my fear when I saw this announcement. Who is DIVI for? Seems like they are designing designers right out of the mix.

      • I can see designers losing a lot of work too….unless this functionality was available to agencies only or something. Hmmm. Maybe as building websites becomes easier for the end-user, us agencies are going to have to get more creative in establishing our value, or get more creative in landing more clients.

        What are your thoughts on this Nick?

        • You guys are always making it sound as if all your clients already know about what ET is offering. Mine don’t. For them, paying me is partly a consultation fee as I’m showing them the possibilities. I’m the Morpheus that shows them around in the Matrix.
          Nothing will change for these customers.

          At the same time, everything will change for me as I might have a much easier time coming up with cool ideas for websites. So I think this is the best announcement since the visual builder (that’s already made the lives of so many of my clients so much easier). 🙂

          • Thank you for saying this (Oliver). It’s a boon to understand that progression is an inevitable part of business life. I’m in the same boat, my clients pay me for my skill, knowledge, and so on… That won’t change.

            Solutions like this simply make things easier (and at times faster), to provide website solutions.

            Clients that are well versed in using such tools (for example, those offered by Elegant Themes), are not my niche market. 😉

          • I can see your point there. I see divi and ET materials and promotions all the time because I am always reading and watching wordpress and divi media. The internet gods track my viewing and put the content in front of me more and more, making me more and more aware and knowledgable. A client who is spending all of their waking hours just learning how to get their first coffee shop business off the ground is not going to have ET constantly coming across their feeds like me. They are more likely to see wix, squarespace, and weebly. Then again, I can’t tell you how many I’ve recommended those builders to that didn’t even know they existed. I guess that drives the point home even more! Anyway, even if they do see that divi has great layouts, they have no idea or time to look into domain registration, good hosting, optimized wordpress setup, divi install and customization, seo, etc. etc. It really is a beast. There are so many ways for us as designers to sell our value, especially if we offer branding and graphic design services on top of all of it. Still, I mostly worry about how this will be executed.

          • Oliver, you hit the nail right on the head there. This is great news, for designers, it makes our work easier, faster and more delightful. What’s not to love? 🙂

  133. You guys are GODS! incredible!! Speechless! wow!

  134. HOLY MOLY
    This is HUGE.


    • This feature helps us compete with Squarespace, which has done a lot of things right. I’m still blown away by this.

      • Or it comes closer to taking you, the middleman, out of the equation 🙂

  135. Well Done. This is awesome. Great Job.

  136. This is over the top amazing. Talk about creating customer loyalty…WOW…I’m in.

  137. Great.
    Will you be able to turn the layout library off or disable it so clients cannot go in and “experiment”?


    • +1. Or they go in and see that you charged them for “just selecting a layout”

  138. Wow! Thanks elegant!

  139. This is AMAZING news! Thanks for working so hard to continuously improve your product

  140. This was one void (to an otherwise optimal offering) that I’m so glad you will be addressing.

    Now I can get to work.

  141. Just when I’m thinking of revamping my website. You guys are amazing!

  142. I subscribed to Elegant Themes somewhere around 2011 and haven’t looked back since. I eventually got to the point where I wanted to use only one theme for every site so that I could become and expert with that theme. Divi pushed me to make the commitment full-time.

    Let me say that I really appreciate what the company and team do in the world of WordPress. Suffice it to say, the forums were tremendous in the early days because I had never used WordPress before, much less designed anything. Subscribing to Elegant Themes has definitely been a life changer for me.

    Now, on another note, with these layout packs being introduced….Wowza! And, I just caught up on the blog this morning and saw that my favorite designer Kenny Sing is back! Talk about Christmas. No disrespect intended for any other designer on the team but Kenny is the man.

    Anyway, I’m still loving being a member of Elegant Themes, loving all these creative additions, loving using this theme every single day on every single site…..I’m speechless. Thanks.

  143. Best money I ever spent! You are incredible Nick!

  144. Hiiiiiii Niiiicccckkkkk, Elegant theme!!! Always Better.

  145. This is the best theme I have every bought. You need to start raising prices to keep down the competition for me. Ha.

  146. Game changer!

  147. Will you marry me ?
    Sorry, i’m married to DIVI for a long time.

    Thank you to the designers.. and all the DIVI team and community !

  148. This is outstanding. I talked to a full-stack coding friend yesterday about Divi and showed them the tools. They were impressed who well-built and flexible the theme is.
    You guys just keep making it better and better. This adds real value. Thanks for everything!

    • With how well. Not who well. Oh well.

      • Oh well, at least you did tell (and sell), as you know how to spell; well 😀

  149. You people are amazing!!!

  150. This is absolutely amazing!

  151. Seriously I’m glad I’m not one of your competitors, you seem to continue to rise above what everyone else is doing in that arena.

  152. Great news, free, high quality materials without licensing headaches. Thank you!

  153. I have no words to describe how amazing this is. Nick, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  154. You guys at ET continue to do awesome work!

    Thank you!

  155. Amazing!! Will these layouts and the eventual new library work for the Extra theme too?

  156. All great but when will you finally make them WCAG compliant law goes into affect in 2018 and I still can’t legally say your theme is compliant to clients yet. Please let us know so we can start using your theme again. Designs are useless if the theme is going to be illegal for most companies in 4 months.

  157. Awesome! You guys are amazing!

  158. I must say without reservation that becoming a full fledged Divi member is the best investment I have ever made. The benefits keep coming!

  159. Awesome!!!

    Keep up the good work!!!

  160. Awesome, Thank you ET
    Since you’re about to release many layouts, I guess it will be listed in the downloads area. If so, I strongly recommend to add next to each zip file a link to a relevant page/pdf/demo page that will show it visually. This will serve as a visual aid to review the layout prior of d/l it.

    Thank you

    • I’d like to see demo screen shots, like the ones above, included. I can then quickly review the general look and feel of each pack.

      • +1

  161. Wow! Awesome product and awesome expansion opportunities!!

  162. Nick Roach and his team have just taken it to A WHOLE NUTHA LEVEL!

  163. Wow this is big news!

    I’m very excited to see you guys supporting users on the design side of things, post-installation. This is going to be a great thing to look forward to each week.

    Thanks Nick for making Divi even better.


  164. It just gets better and better. This has been in the works for a while now as far as I can tell. Good to finally see it announced. This is what makes you the best WordPress theme company around. I’m very happy to be a long-time Elegant Themes customer.

  165. …it’s impossible not to love it!! Divi forever!!!

  166. Very nice. I like the idea and the previews of the layouts and photos looks very good.

  167. Great new Nick, thanks a lot to all the ET team for hard work!

  168. Guys, you are taking over. Very Very Very good news!

  169. Simply amazing!

  170. I’m still recovering from delighted shock waves and finally stabilized. I had to watch the video twice. Is this really happening! Yes. Thank you Nick Roach, Kenny Sing and the new Divi Design Team for serving the community.

    Elegant Themes embodies the passion of real design with the Divi Framework.

  171. The best just got better. Game changer!

  172. Wow! Elegant Themes did it again. Exciting news. Thanks <3

  173. Just WOWWWW!!!

  174. Great, looking foward to see what’s coming next!

  175. This is awesome news guys. Nick, I love your business ethics.

    Don’t mean to be pedantic but there are a few typos in the blue section, the sentence underneath
    Our First Free Layout Pack Is Available Right Now.

  176. This is literally awesome! Thank you team.

  177. Nick & Co, you’re blowing my mind! Some of your older layout packs are some of the most beautiful designs I’ve seen on the web. Thanks for gifting new ones to the Divi community!

  178. This is a welcome update. I’m really excited about new Layouts Library feature. I wouldn’t call it a game changer because your competition is already providing this facility in their free version. Still a great update!


    • Ok so who is the competition?

    • Knowing both, I have to say I’m very impressed with the screenshots we are presented here. They look more “premium” and also more creative than the ones available with the competition, I have to say. Just my personal opinion, of course. Looking forward to many beautiful layouts!

  179. Okay, seriously? This is amazing. I’ve been a customer for years, and what you’ve been doing over the course of 2017 has been stellar and super helpful, but this is an entirely new level.

    Your support rocks, and goes above and beyond, your theme (Divi) is so versatile and easy to use and these updates… wow.

    You have a customer for life.

  180. P.S. Get me some driving school layouts and I will be in heaven………

  181. this is awesome, congratulations and thanks for keep providing value to divi/extra users.

    with regards to the free images, from what I read on your post, they will be only accessible through the download of one of the layouts… Why not create a free photos gallery in the “members area”, where we can pick and choose which images we want to download? this way, people would be able to download image “A” from Layout “X”, and image “B” from Layout “Y”, without having to download the full layouts.

    • Our plan, depending on how many photos we amass, is to make our photo collection searchable right from inside the WordPress Media Library when you Divi installed 🙂 Just an idea, we’ll see.

      • I’m excited about having access to the photos. BUT, are you saying the photos will be loaded into our media library or are you saying we can import them from the cloud into our media library? I already have so many images and to have to search amongst all the divi images would make it tougher. Also, if I don’t want the images, do I then have to delete them? That takes time and creates countless 404s. How we will access the photos – preloaded vs import when needed – is a big issue. Details?

      • To me, running a WordPress multi-site network, this would be an amazing thing. And just another one of many reasons I chose Elegant Themes/Divi as the only theme/framework I use for all my sites and clients.

        To add images into the mix goes above and beyond, allowing me to finalize a simple solution that I was really struggling with for clients.

        Simply amazing!

      • No, please don’t do that. Or make it off by default. It will lead to “oh look, another site using a Divi pic”

        • Oh look, another site using a Shutterstock…
          Oh look, another site using a Pexels…
          Oh look, another site using an Adobe…
          Oh look, another site using a Fotila…
          Oh look, another site using a Stocksnap…
          The list is endless.

          The point I’m trying to make, in my opinion, the issue is with the popularity of selected images found on stock image stock websites, not on the developers of platforms like Divi.

          It’s inevitable that very popular images will be repeatedly used across websites 😉

          Having multiple websites using the same or similar stock images, forces us to use our creativity – And that’s a good thing. 🙂

          I would rather Divi continue to put value in their incredible “platform”.

      • *drool*
        Having access to professional, royalty free images from inside WordPress would be a game changer for me. Finding photos is the single biggest time suck at the onset.

  182. Big news. Congrats

  183. WOW!!! I now know I chose the right page builder design team to bring me forward into to next generation of web design for my future customers. This is way beyond any other company out there who improve on their structure. So happy I have a lifetime licence with you guys and gals. Keep up the brilliant work you do. Bryan, Across the pond in the U.K.

  184. …unbelievable! As I’m not the quickest person using WordPress, this is a great addition to your current layouts and modules! I’m sure that I’ll be able to use one of your upcoming layout packages! Great stuff! Cheers!

  185. well.. First of all, a big thank you for the free , professional photos.
    Just this by itself is a very generous gesture .

    and i’m all in for the divi layout manager idea, i can’t wait to see how it’s gonna work.. is it going to be cloud based? is it private per user? or layouts controlled/release by ET exclusivity ? or more like a marketplace..?

    Thank you Nick and the entire team.

  186. Wow… just… wow! Thank you so much!

  187. This is fantastic. The library is something that was definitely need but will be a huge improvement. And it looks awesome!

  188. Awesome!

  189. Superb guys, (as usual) and thank you. You genuinely take adding value to a whole new level. This is really brilliant.

    What’s the timescale for introduction of the new layouts library – (hint, do it sooner rather than later..imho..just start after the first 4 weeks or so).

    The great thing would be if we can then add our own layout screenshots so clients can choose from our designed layouts which we’ve included in the library too – and ideally, if we can turn on/off which layouts we wish to include and show to clients in the library, that could be very useful.

    Thanks again!

    • +1 To be able to show a client a demo is something that’s been mentally holding me back. As my own client, I want to know what I’m getting, or else won’t buy. The layouts should help immensely to sell a client on a new site.

  190. Nice move – although it might lead to a lot of similar looking websites and potential problem with duplicate content.

    More urgent to me would be a version of the Divi builder that just loads single sections of a page. As great as the builder is, it gets awfully slow on long pages, plus the duplication function stops working from now and then.

    Thanks for tackling that and congrats on the overall package, never fails to amaze me!

    • There are more than a billion sites already. Why shouldn’t we be able to add a few more that are really good?

    • I don’t believe this to be an issue, the content (text) that counts will defiantly be changed in each website while having same layout structure, it’s just a dummy text anyway.

  191. OMG this is amazing! Total game changer! ?

  192. I. Do. Really. Appreciate. This.

  193. HELL YEAH! This is great. Some of the layouts I see these days online make me scratch my head. As always you always provide value the Divi audience.

  194. Wow! Thank you! This is terrific news 🙂

  195. Just Wow!! what an awesome initiative guys and something I’ve no doubt will be much appreciated in the community. As an SEO practitioner first and a Web designer second, these packs could really allow me to cut down production time when I do get asked for a new site – even with modification and design CSS change. Thanks for this very welcome offering!

  196. Thank you. But why not launch/introduce this service/library with a more generic layout demo? Are your customers really clamoring for save-the-date layouts? =] Thanks again.

    • My daughter just announced her wedding date so this is perfect. While I WON’T be using this exactly, I have already selected the elements I know I’ll need. I see these packs as pick-n-choose options. I also see a layout for a caterer’s menu I will use to modify something I had done but not as elegantly as ET’s!


      • I can easily see myself in a similar situation where I feel like certain parts of these layout packs are perfect for my needs.

        On the one hand, I do feel a little with the people that create stunning Divi Child Themes for a living – this is gonna make life a lot harder for some of them. On the other hand, I can’t help but think that this is an amazing service and Elegant Themes is continuing to change the game even though they’ve left all the competition behind already…

        Thank you very much, Nick and team!

        • I think the people that create layouts have known they’re living on borrowed time. Same with anyone that creates plugins for Divi. The layout I’ve bought have been inadequate or had errors anyway, so I think Elegant will up the quality.

    • Based on their target market, my guess is they have a wide variety of customers with a wide variety of needs. Perhaps they started with this one because it had wide consumer appeal and could be easily identified by potential customers?

      Either way, who cares? They said more were coming didn’t they? 🙂

  197. this is so awesome!!! i cant wait for the rest of the layouts!

  198. wow wow wow…………………..

  199. Breathless !

  200. Awesome Nick!

    You guys rock and are taking web design/development to groundbreaking new places.

    Impressed, very impressed, and… thank you! 🙂

  201. You’re changing the game for ever.. well done ElegantThemes.

  202. Absolutely fantastic!!!

  203. wow! some these layouts look excellent, I can wait to try some out and I think it is going to save me loads of time with certain clients 🙂

  204. awesome news

  205. Very exciting!! Divi just keeps on getting better every day! Awesome news!

  206. WOW, WOW and double WOW.
    This is fantastic Nick and team.

  207. Mind blowing news!

  208. Love the idea of the layout packs. It would be great if the team at Elegant Themes could design a layout pack for small non-profit organizations. Most small non-profits don’t have the resources to spend $2,000 to $5,000 to create and maintain a first class website.

    Thanks for all that you do to support the Elegant Themes community.

  209. Nick Roach…..You my friend, and your entire team……ROCK!

    • Owe my gosh, I am soooo excited about this new aspect of Divi – gotta LOVE Divi!

    • Totally agree!

    • These updates are a mind blow!!!

      • Awesome guys. You’re brilliant mate.

    • Was going to say the same thing!

      • Totally agree. Wow !!

      • Yes. Yes Indeed

        • ALSO AGREED!!

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