Divi Feature Update! Introducing Uniquely Effective Product Tours For Divi

Last Updated on September 17, 2022 by 124 Comments

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Divi Feature Update! Introducing Uniquely Effective Product Tours For Divi
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Making Divi Easier

Today we are excited to announce the introduction of dynamic product tours for the Divi Builder. The new product tour system will make it easier than ever for new customers and your clients to jump into Divi and start building!

Earlier this year I revealed some of our biggest goals for Divi. One of those goals was to make Divi easier to use. This isn’t just an important goal for new users, it’s an important goal for current customers and their clients, for the entire community and for the future of the Divi ecosystem. Divi needs to be robust enough to accommodate the most experienced professionals while at the same time being easy enough to navigate for everyone. This is the fine line our product team strives to walk.

Divi is amazing once you get the hang of it, but for some people the time it takes to learn Divi is more time than they are willing to invest. These people are missing out on the awesome and transformative tool that is Divi!

We want to make sure that those who try Divi for the first time aren’t sent flying blind, and today we have the solution. We are really excited to announce a great step forward for Divi on-boarding: Live Product Tours! These product tours are built right into the Divi Builder and will take new users, step by step, through a real building process that teaches them all of the Divi fundamentals. This is just the first of many product tours that can be implemented in the future to help people understand Divi and all of its complexities.

Product Tours That Actually Work

These aren’t your average product tours. Divi product tours take users through a real step-by-step building process that allows them to learn by doing.

Not Your Average Tour

When we decided to build a product tour system for Divi, we wanted to make sure that we created a foundation that would allow us to make tours that actually work. Divi tours aren’t mere informational slideshows. Divi tours are not a series of annoying tooltips that point out every single button on the page! No, Divi tours are dynamic, follow-along tutorials that empower users to perform real actions inside the builder and create their very own layouts. It’s easier to learn by doing than it is to learn by reading, and that’s what makes the Divi product tour system uniquely effective.

The very first product tour that we are launching with today is the “Introduction To The Divi Builder.” The first time you launch the Visual Builder, you will be now be greeted with an informational popup along with an instructional video and an invite to take the tour. This tour is only shown once. You can skip it and you can also disable the tour in the Divi Theme Options.

Once the tour begins, it will guide you through all of the Divi Builder basics while you create your very own page. You will learn how to load layouts, add sections, edit modules, drag & drop, copy & paste, adjust design settings, preview your page on mobile, navigate your editing history and save your page! It really makes your first experience with the Divi Builder much more inviting and much less overwhelming.

A Better Way To Introduce
Your Clients To The Divi Builder

Divi product tours are not only useful for new Elegant Themes customers, they will prove an incredibly useful tool for web design agencies and freelancers that need an easier way to introduce their clients to the Divi Builder interface. Running your clients through Divi Builder tours allows them to take their first steps into the system with a guiding hand, and it helps them better understand the value proposition of using Divi for their website.

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  1. Are there plans to develop a product tour for the EXTRA THEME?

  2. The tour is in English only. Will it be translated?


  3. Here’s an idea: Instead of (or as well as) having the tour on the Divi install, why not create a dedicated Divi Tour feature on a subdomain or something. Make it gated so it’s only available to ET members, and enable members to generate temporary user/passwords for their clients to take the tour. It will be a safe, dedicated environment for newbies.

    Might be a great way to add value to Divi, not just for developers/designers but for the client too.

    Like I said, this is just an idea. There maybe hurdles to overcome, problems I haven’t thought of.

    Best wishes

  4. Hi

    Nice addition. One remark though. Will the guidelines be translated ? If yes, I beg you to take a professional translator because, believe me, some of the Divi translations – French in my case – suck like you can’t imagine. It’s clearly made by google translate, and sometimes it does not make any sense. And this only on short translation strings. I dread to see the result on long paragraphs.

    • Up

      • Up also for translation, French is really fun.
        “L’effondrement” for “collapse”.

  5. I’m not a website developer. I got Divi to build my own site and I really enjoyed using it. Personal issues have caused me to stop developing my site for more than a year. So I’m stumped about where to start again with anything that’s happened since then. I have maybe hundreds of emails, but it’s too much to go through.

    I was excited to learn that there’s a new tour that might help me get back to it, but I doubt I’ll catch it all in one sitting. The question about turning it off has been mentioned many times but I don’t see an answer to the question of “can we see it again?”

  6. Nice feature for beginners but not interesting for me or my clients. Most of them do not want to make own changes (at first they want but after a try they call me most times) or they are not able to (even after showing them). The visual designer made it not easier for clients due to my expirience. I also hope that future updates concentrate more on the layouts, modules and visual output instead of the backend/editor.

  7. Just installed a fresh download of Divi theme on a new site today, and wondering how to then enable / show the tour? Where is the documentation? Or do I need to install the Divi builder plugin separate??

    • That’s what I’d love to know. How are people viewing the tour? It seems you have to create a new user each time you want to view it?

      We really need a link so that we can send clients to, and to be able to preview it ourselves so that we know what we are sending them. What if clients have questions about the tour after viewing it?

      I personally think it would more useful as a YouTube video that anyone can access at any time.

  8. Where Can I download and use the library template the tour uses?

  9. Is there a way to force the product tour to launch?

    I closed the nav window and now I can´t do the tour…

  10. Hello Nick,

    I suggest you to use a Customer Feedback for future features.

    In this way you will allow us to let you what we really need.

    Thanks, keep it going.

  11. Is it possible to customize the tour?

  12. Tours looks like a useful idea!

    +1 for pre-made layouts.

  13. Thanks a lot for this nifty update, this would help some of my clients a lot. Also, I can’t wait for the design team to churn out modern design layouts for Divi and Extra. Longlive Divi/Extra, longlive Elegnatthemes!

  14. This is cool.

    What we need are sidebar A/B tests and analytics

  15. Can it be access on-demand? I have a client that I will have to walk them through this several times by hand.

  16. Is there a way for our existing clients to view the tour?
    How do we as owners access the tour and view it ourselves before deciding if we want to use this feature with our clients?

  17. Nick, I love how you are always so pleasant even in the midsts of so many complaints. Been using ET since before DIVI and now only work on DIVI if I can help it. Thanks for always trying to make your awesome product even better. It’s not perfect but nothing is.

    Thanks for everything!

    • Me as well !! I triple that, Nick is such a sweetie 🙂 I wish he was my son !! mine is broken, and no longer under warranty, so I can’t send him back ha ha …. I’d like a shiny new one like Nick if anybody has any spares they could send on the next flight to Australia!

    • Yes I agree. I have been a Divi user for some time and ET is always so pleasant and they work so hard to make Divi brilliant. Well done team!

  18. Does it work well with role editor?

  19. I am in love with this, but pretty please can we have a button to launch the tour anytime we want? I would love this for my clients. It would save me tons of hours editing step by step tutorials and endless meetings to teach then how to make changes.
    With every update i am more and more in love with divi!

    • +1

    • +1

  20. Have you thought about adding a feature for divi users to create their own product tours online?

  21. Nice addition to Divi. This is gonna help lot of newbies.

    If anyone wants to try out this new feature then we have loaded Divi in our WordPress test drive facility: demo.diywithwp.com
    – Just solve the math captcha and select ‘Divi Demo’ template.

    (The Divi testing setup provided by ET doesn’t seem to have this new feature)

  22. The Divi Builder has got to be the most complete system for building websites of anything I have ever seen and I have built more than a few in my time. Most remarkable is the uniformity with which the pieces are able to be configured. You folks have done an amazing job with Divi and are to be congratulated for not only your efforts but also for the forethought that went into developing this system.

    My hat is off to you! Thank you.

  23. In a word … Absolutely magical and fantastic. Thank you so much!

  24. As a lifetime member and DIVI user on 3 sites, I am thrilled to have a theme that offers so much, while still being pretty easy to use. I’m not a website designer by trade, so I am looking forward to the tutorials…I expect there will be a lot of ‘Aha’ moments for me – always great to learn something new. Thanks, Nick.

  25. Very cool! Was kind of hoping to see it on the front end as well. Would be great to use for users or interactive content.

  26. I’ve been using DIVI since it’s release and I have to say it just keeps getting better. There are so many times I look at other themes or even other builders and time and again I return to DIVI because I can do so much more with it than any of the others. It performs very well and has so many features, I am hard pressed to find something better.

    I think these tours will be a huge help to customers who want to maintain their site and get answers to questions without having to come to me all of the time. Yes, getting paid is nice, but sometimes it’s hard to charge someone for a 5 minute answer. At least for me it is. (I’ll never be a lawyer. )

  27. Is it possible to initiate the tour again once it was skipped?

  28. Nice but we have problems with divi builder ,it can not be used with bootstrap and with this issue ,my customers are not happy

  29. Great work guys!! I’ve been playing around with it and it’s pretty easy, helpfull and practical.

    The only thing I see is that all my clients are from spain, do u have any plans on translating the tours or there’s any way to do it ourselves?

    Thanks and keep up the great work!!

    • Translations are on the way 🙂

      • Wow!! I wasn’t expecting that answer!! Best news for my clients and me (so I no longer need to create my own Divi tutorials)!!

  30. The most awful upgrade. You should concentrate on performance and stability if divi and improve all bugs instead of roducing this unnecessary things. Plus why our clients can build websites themselves. Who will hire us???
    1 star!

    • If you think any person can do your job, you need to step up your game. There is so much more than divi at the moment to create a website. Design, settings, functions, seo, analytics… the list goes on and on. I teach my clients to use divi and they still always get back to me for new inner pages.

    • Hi Ken,

      We launched a performance update earlier this month and we have more coming. Our main goals right now are focusing on performance and usability.

      I think it’s important to remember that Divi is a design tool, much like Photoshop. Just because someone can open Photoshop doesn’t make them a designer, and your clients will continue to pay for your expertise in this area. We shouldn’t be afraid to make Divi easier to use. Those that use Divi to build websites for their clients should be excited for updates that improve the user experience 🙂

  31. Love this new feature! It’s going to be amazing for those who are just getting started with Divi and trying to explore it!

    Also, good to see that there’s an option to turn it OFF. So, it can be saved from clients 🙂

  32. Thanks a lot for this great job !

    I use DIVI from some mounth now, and it’s really a good tool.
    I never had to contact the suport, every things it’s simple and clear.
    And a ton of video tutorials if i need it.

    My customer are happy too !
    I could work more faster, and I have more time for the design.
    And of course, my customers enjoy the divi builder.

    Sorry for my english writting,
    Love from Paris 😉

  33. This is REALLY amazing! Thanks so much!!!! 🙂

    You guys never seem to disappoint! <3

  34. Nick;
    This is HOT!
    Please give attention to not-for-profit websites, as well.

    • hmm, in which way? How are they different from other websites?

  35. translate to spanish?

  36. I have one suggestion,
    Instead of releasing new layouts, designs and uploading it into your blog why dont you add the same automatically to divi library cloud (users can browse all the layouts and select one which they want). This will also reduce time for downloading the layout, adding the layout and then editing it.

    Hope this is possible. And thanks for the ongoing updates 🙂

    • some layouts break with time

    • That would be incredible, especially if users could contribute and rate.

  37. Jeez Nick, I charge clients $50/hour for training. Or used to. 🙂

  38. But because you do not leave all this and do things to improve our designs.
    For some time we are asking for support of categories, files, tags pages for DIVI, it is also interesting to include DIVI layouts anywhere, within the accordion, within a widget, etc. There are a thousand things that can be done to improve the DIVI design capability. I do not understand why you do not first address these things that are a thousand times more important. 🙁

    • Ditto that.

  39. Is there a way to turn it back on.

  40. May I just say… I am glad I bought a lifetime membership. Thanks ET.

  41. Great stuff. You say it’s one and done. Is there a way to do the tour again if you want?

    Also, I hope you do one for the non-visual builder too, I tend to like that better but could also use the tour.

  42. Hello,

    This is good but, in my opinion, it is not a must for any of us, but we would rather like to see some improvements in the options for the “secondary top bar”. All divi sites have the same design in there.

    • Thirded. Secondary top bar needs a lot more Divi options.

    • I’ll second that, along with some tuts on customising the whole header.

  43. Hi Nick,

    Please excuse the off-topic remark, but I informed ET a few days ago and it seems to stay unnoticed: Please check the Divi preview pages, they are kind of “broken” in several aspects.

    Check, e.g.
    (and the three layout screenshots below)

    Please follow the links to the different header examples and see the pages (and slugs) they are leading to. Seems to be broken to me.

    Also check the headers menu. On some of the example header pages, when opening the header menu and the sub-menu items, it seems empty, but it’s due to white text on white background.

    Cheers, and keep up the good work!

  44. This is great. Now I can reduce the time it takes to teach my future clients on how to use Divi. I can even promote this as one of the pros of installing Divi instead of other themes. Dynamic product tours/tutorials are getting trendy now. It’s easier and more practical than the traditional manual reading.

    Good job as always, team Elegant Themes. Keep moving forward. =)

  45. Is there any way to set the tour to be seen again?

    For example if a client starts the tour going and stops part way through or doesn’t realise what I is and just clicks Start Building instead?

    • Not at this time, but we have plans to integrate tours into a larger help system in the future.

      • Would be great if you could take the tour again. I guess, when you finished or skipped the tour, you flag that somewhere in the user profile. Having an option to simply reset the flag (from the user profile by the user or by an admin) would be fine.
        Or for an admin on the users list, have a column that shows which users took/skipped the tour and reset from there.

  46. Well, that’s great and all but when you gonna add srcset support?! Without it we cannot build production sites that compete on size/speed terms.

    • This +1000

      There is a LONG running thread on the forums about images sizes

      At least allowing you to select the image size on dialogues would be a quick fix (ish)

    • yeap, mobile is only growing, we should care more about that. Mobile-First Index is on its way for 2018 (if you’ve got mobile content that isn’t on the desktop site, it won’t show up in Google’s index. After the impending Mobile-First Index rolls out, the opposite will be true — if there’s desktop content that isn’t on your mobile site, it won’t show up in Google’s index.)

    • I third this! I’ve posted about this in the feature request forums months ago. New features are great, but we all know DIVI isn’t exactly a fast-loading theme. I hope the team will start looking into performance issues as well.

    • I second this! We need full srcset support, everywhere. This is especially important for mobile. I’ve looked into plugins and functions.php hacks but they are not going to be as good as native support.

  47. Great.

    How do you access a tour?

    • Our first tour, the Introduction To The Divi Builder, is shown the first time you open the Visual Builder.

      • It would be great to have a link to be able to view it again if you skipped it or if you accidentally skipped and missed it. I would like to be able to tell a client that you just click “this” link and you’ll be guided through the tour.

        I really hope there are ongoing updates to the tours 🙂

        • YES that would be awesome. Or enable per user.

  48. The title of the post was a bit ambiguous. At first glance, I got excited thinking you’d built a product tour module for website owners to provide a tour of the products they’re selling on their websites.

    So, are you thinking about doing an actual product tour module? I have several clients who’d be able to put it to great use.

    • Holy crap that would be awesome! That’s what I’ve been looking for for our own use. A module that does what this product tour does would be perfect!

    • I hate it when people say “ditto”, but in this case….. “Ditto” 😉

    • I agree, this would be a very helpful feature.

      • I agree, this would be huge. Any chance?

    • I had the same reaction as Rob. I thought there was going to be a tour module available to build on the actual websites. The Divi Builder tour is nice, but would not get used since I’ve been using Divi for quite some time, now. I get that you want to show users how to build with the tool, and that’s a good thing for those new to the theme, but it would be REALLY cool to see a module for this type of thing that we can use ON the website. Thanks! Keep up the great work!

  49. Awesome new feature Nick! This will help with passing the torch when the sites are done! Thanks for all the hard work!!!

  50. Hey Nick – I love the Divi theme and builder, but lately all these “extra” things, specifically the recent update when you guys added the CSS inline stuff/crap have made saving pages about a 7 second process on my sites. One of your Support Guys looked at one of my sites and wouldn’t admit there was a big different when you disable the Divi Builder plugin and save a page/activate it again and the pages save really slow…It’s like the support guys are scripted to say “try disabling this” “turn off that” and skirt around the issue. I also have a zip file of the older divi theme, the minute you update the theme on the site, it takes about 7 or 8 seconds to save a page, prior to the update it saved within 1 second…that is a pain when you are on the phone with a client updating pages!

    • I am sorry to hear that Jon. The static CSS update doesn’t actually affect saving. Static CSS is created on the first page load, not during save (if you suspect that extra save time is occurring because CSS file are being generated, that isn’t the case). So it sounds like this is unrelated to that particular update and was likely caused by something else. We will do our best to get to the bottom of it.

      • The static CSS generation feature is really screwing up the site we created for a customer—it seems to override some custom css for particular pages. This was a very bad upgrade!

      • Thanks for the reply Nick. It’s just frustrating. I have some sites that I haven’t updated the divi theme yet just so the page saving doesn’t bog down…:( Was never a problem until around the time you guys put out the update talking about the css stuff. I thought it sounded like a great idea, but something with that update is really taking a long time to think about saving the page.

        • I’m having this same issue. Even after disabling in the theme options, I noticed that when I was working or editing a page, that the option was still enabled in the actual page, even though it was disabled in the “Theme Options”

  51. WOW great!
    really appreciate this and it’s been long over due.

  52. Thanks for the update. This should help my newer customers learn DIVI faster and more efficiently.

  53. Please don’t take Divi to the mainstream! It would be a free for all, in fact I can just see clients telling me what to do and how to design

  54. Does this product tour launch for each new user that launches the visual builder or just the first time it’s launched in general? Is there a way to enable to product tour for new users if not?

    • It launches one time for each user, so each user will get to see it once unless you disable the tour via the Divi Theme Options.

      • Awesome! thanks Nick.

      • Nice. Will be very handy. Great to hear that layouts are being worked on too. My wife is sick of me saying “Did I mention how much I love Divi?”

        It’s probably wrong to be so emotionally invested lol.

  55. Will the tour be included after we update ? Does that happen automatically ?

    • Yes it will be included once you upgrade. The introductory tour is just shown once the first time you open the Visual Builder.

  56. Love this Nick and I know my clients will too 🙂

  57. Cool. Divi dev team is on FIRE!
    We would love to see more layouts in the default pre built layouts. All page builders are releasing new ones every day. it’s time for divi to lift up the layouts game!
    Loving the new updates though. Keep up the good work!

    • It’s as if you read my thoughts exactly on every point. _DiviAwesomeness_ Divi’s on fire!!!! Crank up the layouts game and Divi should be King of the Industry by then.

      App Mon’ WPDEV

    • +100!
      Most of the premium themes have a bunch of ready-to-go demos

    • We are on it Mansoor 🙂 In fact, we are building out a full-time 4-person design time just to create tons of amazing layouts for the community. We are going to take pre-made layouts to a whole new level!

      • Let’s just brand 2017 as the “covert xmas” year. It’s been amazing with all the huge improvements constantly being released and all extra improvements you guys are working on in the quiet.

        Big kudos to the Nick & ET team!

      • Great! Looking forward to new layouts!

      • Can I create a one-page layout and send it to ET so it can be shared with the community? Possibly include it in the DIVI pre-made layouts? :p

        • Very good

        • Up

      • That sounds incredibly awesome!

  58. Can this “feature” be turned off?

    • Yep it can be turned off in the Divi Theme Options. But the tour is only shown once and it can be skipped!

      • Good question, Ken! Some of us will need more than one oppurtunity to create a web site. So why not make the introduction available on your site, Nick?

      • But can you see it more than once? Or do I have to create a new user or install just to see it?

        • I would like to be able to see it more than once too…

  59. That’s great and all, but can we focus on quality for a while instead of shiny new features? (Don’t ask for a list of issues, I’m busy with QA of my own products.)

    • Amen to Reidtech’s comment. Sometimes there are just too many bells and whistles, if any of them are cumbersome, or if the package isn’t extremely fluid to use, i.e., to quickly get to the end response, then what’s the point of new features. Load speed and UI could use some work.

    • We are always hard at work fixing bugs and introducing minor improvements. If you check the change log, you will see over 100 entires from this month alone. We just don’t do blog posts for each bug fix 😉

      • Hi Nick,

        I am working with Divi since few month, also for client`s sites.

        There are problems with the visual page builder to get the homepage responsive without issues.
        Support is helping, but don’t get it solved.

        Full with slider with overlay and text are displaying different as on the page builder. On the visual builder for smartphone everything is fine, but not on live modus.

        After the slides begin, the text in the overlay are in issue, because padding of the overlay changes automatically. After clicking refresh, everything is fine. Who can understand this? After sliding – issue.

        I know, you have better things to do and this is not the support site. I really like working with Divi, but responsive design with visual page builder seems to be not really working good enough.

        Sorry for my english, I am german native speaking.

        All the best and thank you for developing DIVI.


        • Sorry, there is a mistake in the url of the client s site:

          ……….at Top Level Domain is AT

      • Hi Nick,
        Just wanted to follow up on your comment, as I have never seen the change log for Divi or any of the plugins.
        Where would I go to see them?

      • Well, i Ended tour in first time, and now no start again. Product Tour its enabled, so I don’t know how see it again.

  60. This looks useful for some people but I hope it’s turned off by default and doesn’t bloat the theme files etc.

    • Hi Mike. You can turn the tour off, but it’s only shown once and it can be skipped. By the time you turn it off, it will already be gone 🙂 If you want to prevent your clients from ever taking the tour, however, go ahead and disable it in Divi Theme Options > Builder.

      • I LOVE THIS FEATURE! I just ask that possibly in future rollouts to be able to turn it on (even if its just once); I would love to show my CURRENT clients this tour as a “feature upgrade”.

      • If it’s only shown once, how do you get back to it?

        • I’d like to know this as well, because on many of the sites we’ve designed, we can’t even see the tour to show our clients who are ready to take over the maintenance of their site.

    • I have the same concern as Mike.

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