Huge Performance Improvements For Divi And The Visual Builder

Last Updated on January 25, 2023 by 161 Comments

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Huge Performance Improvements For Divi And The Visual Builder
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All Divi Websites Just Got A Lot Faster!

Today’s important performance improvements greatly improve loading speeds for all Divi pages, as well as WordPress admin pages and the Visual Builder.

Today we are releasing major performance improvements for Divi that will both speed up your website and the Divi Builder. These performance improvements are significant, reducing front end page load times by up to 60% in most cases. That means pages now load more than twice as fast as before. These improvements are important not only because they accommodate the many features we have added over the past couple years, but also because they lay a stronger foundation for Divi that will allow us to keep adding even more options without bloating your website and slowing it down. We want you to be excited about some of our most anticipated features such as the Theme Builder, WooCommerce Builder and Global Defaults (which are all launching soon by the way!) without worrying about how these new features will affect your website’s performance.

Enjoy Faster Page Loads And A Faster Building Experience

These new improvements not only speed up current Divi websites, they also lay the foundation for a more stable builder that can continue to grow without bogging down under the pressure.

Pages That Load Twice As Fast!

The performance enhancements we are rolling out today are very noticeable. Using creative caching mechanisms and other performance optimizations, we have improved page load speeds on standard Divi installs significantly. To validate our results, we tested on low tier shared hosting accounts without any performance plugins installed and using complex Divi layouts. In one instance (using SiteGround), processing a complex page took 1.9 seconds on the previous version of Divi. On the new version of Divi, the same page took only 880 milliseconds to generate, which is a huge improvement.

A Faster WordPress Admin And Visual Builder

These enhancements mean that every page your visitors load will be faster. It also means that WordPress admin pages you load while managing your website will be faster, and that using the Divi Builder will be faster too. With these speed improvements also comes a reduction in CPU and Memory costs, which means your server will be able to accommodate more traffic. The Visual Builder loads so fast it barely gives our loading spinner time to animate!

These new caching optimizations work in tandem with Divi’s static CSS file generation and the Visual Builder’s Javascript options cache to generate super fast page loads, even when you aren’t using a WordPress caching plugin.

These major performance improvements are available today, so download Divi and take them for a spin. Let us know what you think in the comments and don’t forget to check back next week for even more great Divi features coming your way.

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  1. I’d really like to see Divi support srcset and then integrate it with Cloudinary’s responsive breakpoint generator API to automatically generate the optimal srcset for a given image and the desired size steps.

  2. Awesome! Can we use a plugin like Hummingbird or AutoOptimize to further consolidate CSS? Or will that mess up Divi’s CSS consolidation? Does Divi’s CSS consolidation also consolidate CSS put into a child theme CSS file?

  3. How do I get the update? I think I have auto updates turned off but when I turn them on and check, it shows no new updates.
    I’m currently running: Divi Builder Version 2.19.17
    and Divi Theme: Version 3.19.17
    By the way is the update on the builder or on the Theme?

  4. Good Improvements.

  5. This latest update ruined all of my sites using Specialty sections that contain background images. These sections will no longer work as full-width, no matter what I do.

  6. What a great step in the right direction. This is the first time in a long time that I am super happy with Divi. With all the new competition this needed to happen in order to keep this builder at the top. I am going to run some internal testing but I love the changes.

  7. Hi,
    I’m having some issues with the latest Divi version. It appears to be a caching issue.

    I make some change using the visual builder, save and then refresh another browser window I have open, but most times there is no change. I clear the cache, disable siteground optimizer plugin, do a hard refresh etc. Mostly there is still no change, then later in the day for some reason the change is applied.

    Could this have something to do with the latest divi version? I never had this issue before.


    • Specifically the problem I have right at this moment is that Im trying to change the background color of a button in a CTA module.

      The visual builder correctly shows the background changing as I specify the background color, but when I view the module without the visual builder activated, the background color never changes on hover.


  8. Renewed my yearly subscription on the promise of a theme builder (Promised May 17, 2018). Now I must renew that subscription.
    You continually say that you have teams working on various aspects of the builder, and that each feature is done, when it’s done. Perhaps you could allocate more team resources to the builder.

    Since day one, (May 17, 2018) this is what people have been asking for the most.
    Since day one (May 17, 2018) and up until today (over a year later) this is what you have not delivered.

    I understand that these things take time, however I have issues with promising your clients something that you fail to deliver within a subscription period.
    If I did that with my clients, I would expect to lose them.

    Usually dislike complaining. So please take this as a request to add the required staff to the team to get the biggest, most requested features done within reasonable timelines. A year, from promise to delivery, is a timeline I can’t imagine many developers get the luxury of having.

    • It took 4 years of me asking to simply have them add a web url to the API serial in your membership admin panel when you add an API site. It took 3 years for them to allow a simple edit of the divi footer in the theme customizer rather than having to do it in footer.php! I would really encourage E.T. to focus on the simple or smaller things that make a big difference.

  9. This has got to be worth a try – anything to get an extra millisecond!!!

  10. Waiting for this for a long time. Can’t wait to try and test but it’s friday night…Most of my heavier sites (all my sites are Divi) are around 3-4 sec now which is pretty slow by these days standards and I’m using DO hosting with minimal setup to keep it as light as possible. And all that I do is using Divi and its features. And clients are aware that speed is important for Google etc… So I’m happy with this annoucement.

    And what an amazing platform where you design/protoype/build all at the same time with live results. That, for me, worths a sec or two of loading time.

  11. Awesome job! My Websites feel snappier & I checked the google page speed before and after I updated Divi, post-update I saw high 80s which I am thrilled with !

  12. I’m certainly not seeing performance improvement. My Pingdom load time went from 1.4 sec to 4 sec (repeatedly) after the “upgrade.” In addition, the structure of my home page changed to full screen from a limited width. I went back to the previous version, thanks.

    • Same here. After I updated, about half of my page’s changed to a smaller width than I had originally set them. This isn’t the first time this has happened to me as well; I wish they hadn’t changed the structure of the row’s sizing. ?

    • Awesome job! My Websites feel snappier & I checked the google page speed before and after I updated Divi, post-update I saw high 80s which I am thrilled with !

      • wow… are you optimize of images ?

  13. So it still outputs the messy code ?

  14. Just downloaded the latest Divi and the Visual Builder is painfully slow. Can the animations for the builder just be taken out or have an option to be shut off. Even the layouts are slow to load. I have an i7 and all other apps are closed. It was slow with the blocks in page builder but don’t like this visual builder at all.

    • Yep you can turn them off already in the Visual Builder’s interface options (the triple dot icon on the the left of the main settings bar).

      • Thanks Nick, animations was something I didn’t think to test.

        Another thing I just discovered. I use Cache killer in Chrome for site work and seem to have bene using it full time without realising the adverse effects to reloading the visual builder. Duh! Now, with that off things are working much better.

  15. Wish I’d done before and after timings like others… but my websites are now noticeably faster. Thanks!

  16. I have been waiting for this improvement, glad to see you are responding to feedback.

  17. Great work and great news!

    “We want you to be excited about some of our most anticipated features such as the Theme Builder, WooCommerce Builder and Global Defaults (which are all launching soon by the way!)”

    What is soon? A week, moths or a year?
    Keep up the good work.

  18. My site speed slowed and increased in memory size after this update. Running the SiteGround Optimizer. What happened?

  19. Alright! This is great news for my sites. I was able to get the speeds decent but this should make a huge improvement.

  20. I lost around 10% performance following the update according to Google insights :/

  21. #perfmatters 🙂

  22. thanks for the update very curious about the theme builder , woocommerce & other features it will be great relief if you share any date or month planned to launch it ?

  23. Good Job!!! Divi is getting better day by day.
    Keep up the spirit high.


  24. Thanks a lot. For me it worked well:

    First Byte: 1.635s – Fully Loaded: 7,570 s
    after update:
    FB: 0.434s – FL: 5,385 sec.

    The Lighthouse test (with the Crome-extension) improved from 57 to 64 performance.

    Thanks 🙂

  25. Thanks a lot. For me it worked well:

    First Byte: 1.635s – Fully Loaded: 7,570 s
    after update:
    FB: 0.434s – FL: 5,385 sec.

    The Lighthouse test (with the Crome-extension) improved from 57 to 64 performance.

    Thanks 🙂

  26. Sounds nice. But, like after any announcement I am not sure when and how it will come to my sites.
    Is this included in the recent DIVI update on my site? Or do I have to download DIVI again and overinstall it? Or download something else?
    It would be so great to just have a short word in any announcement that gives us the DIVI version number which includes the announced update.

    • 3.24

    • v3.24
      Whenever I receive an email from Divi I go to my website and the updates are sitting there waiting for me to press the update button.

    • It always comes with the Divi update. You never have to download and install all over again.
      Version number and all changes can be found in the release notes, which can be accessed when you login to your account here. Or directly at

  27. To date I have updated 2 sites, one had an improvement of 40% and the other 35% is enough, this translates into about 9-11 seconds of the total loading time in the interface. Thanks Nick and the team!

    • Wow! Third site improved 50% in loading time in fontend! thanks! 😀

  28. That’s a great update. Thanks Nick. Beside the srcset is there any chance you have in the pipeline adding responsive options for the Custom CSS for the elements on the modules? Just like the CSS settings in the panel, mobile, tablet, desktop toggles.

  29. I got a 35% speed increase on my site hosted by SiteGround (which was quite fast anyways!)
    Very happy, cant wait for the Theme Builder!

  30. ¿Which Divi version # ?, please let me know.

  31. Tell you hwhat, I’m so glad I chose Divi when I was trying to decide between Divi and Beaver Builder.

  32. Very Cheap Shared Hosting Test:

    Before: 7.26s.
    1st After:1.99s.
    2nd Load: 2.39s.

    No content, only the default plain blog on the home.
    No caching plugin was used. Impressive result! <3<3<3

  33. I would love to hear a bit about details, since many of Divi users have done performance work already by external tools.

    What exactly has been done to speed up Divi? Responsive images? Caching, what exactly and how? What kind of interferences may happen with usual tools in the optimization space, like WP Rocket, Autoptimize, Lazy Loaders?

    Do we need to test ET improvements against those tools or has something of the mentioned things already been tested?

    Thanks a lot for the efforts,

  34. From a practical perspective, works a little better on front end & much more obvious on the admin side but anything helps so its awesome to see!

    Will be nice to trim out more of the unused CSS next though, since still has over 90% unused bytes (as shown when using CSS code Coverage with Chrome DevTools) on all our main site’s pages. Similar with our other sites too.

  35. My Site was loading in 1.02 Seconds prior to teh update. I am using WP Fastest Cache and Auto optimize. I also have minification and JS Minification enabled in plugin sand in Divi – Its working so no need to change that. I installed the 2.4 and got a speed of 3.82 Seconds and assumed it was due to caching being cleared on theme upload – I waited 4 hours for caching to take effect and did another speed test – reduced to 2.82 Seconds. I saw that some images were a bit large and went to edit them in VB – all was well, until I hit the module icon tool and the screen went blank. I turned WP Fastest Cache and AO off and the VB builder loaded. Made the changes, left them off and the site loaded in 1.82 seconds with reduced image sizes and no server or plugin caching, just the 2.4 Divi. I did notice a marked improvement on editing with Divi VB however. Site speed is now 900ms with caching plugins enabled – But, I cannot use the VB with WP Fastest Cache Enabled. I reverted back to 2.23 to test the VB and all was well, speed remained at 1.02 seconds. I would be interested to hear what speed testing tools you have used Nick so I can do a like for like. I use Pingdom and GT Metrix. Host is 20i in the UK on Reseller hosting – They use SSD and are about the best you can get for shared hosting. On WordPress installs they use a similar technique to siteground and have their own caching built in – the site in question is on a Linux server. All tests from Pingdom used UK based servers.

    • Thanks for sharing. You have amazing fast speed. May I know which hosting did you use ? I thought W3 caching plugin is a better one.

  36. Thank you! I was noticing a slower page load with the version just before this. Happy camper now!

  37. I had to disable the “Minify And Combine” settings in DIVI options quite a few releases back as it broke all my sites. I have tested it a few times since then, and it still breaks them.
    I cannot even use the minify and combine options of my caching plugin, as that also breaks Divi sites too. And I do mean ALL my divi sites, not just 1 or 2 of them.
    I also often have to disable the static CSS generation as this also causes problems with either site or Divi builder or both.

    So how useful will these improvements be if none of those caching options can be used?

    • Hey Russ,

      have you tested the validity of your CSS? Browsers are much more failure proof than minification tools.
      Use this to test your pages:

      The same applies to JS. If minification breaks your site, first step is to validate your code.

      Cheers, Frank

      • Frank, it is not MY CSS, the CSS is generated by DIVI itself, it is part of the theme. So if it is invalid, not much I can do about that.

  38. These are the speed results for Avid Panda web and marketing after applying both the Divi Theme and Divi Builder updates. Interesting that the Divi builder plugin is no longer required. Results are underwhelming with the same number of CSS/JS requests. The combine CSS/JS Divi settings have never worked for me, so we have to rely on plugins.

    Google Developer Tools, throttled to fast 3G with the disable cache box checked
    Before: 2.7s/6.8s
    After: 2.8s/6.8s

    Think with Google on 4G
    Before: 2.9s
    After: 2.8s

    Pagespeed Insights
    Desktop Before: 97
    Desktop After: 98
    Mobile Before: 65
    Mobile After: 65

  39. This is great!!! I love to see the regular/continued/ongoing improvements/enhancements/new features. When I was trying to figure out which WordPress Agency system to purchase, I’m so glad I ended up with Divi.

    thanks again.

  40. When will the woo commerce module be released?

  41. I just ran a performance comparrison.
    1st run (before Divi update) Load time: 3.75s
    2nd run (after Divi update) Load time: 1.99s

    This is a very nice update – thanks!

  42. You’re awesome! Incredible update! Thank you so much for this, I love it!!!

  43. IMPORTANTISSIMO!!! Grazie Divi Support 😀

  44. I don’t see any difference. ( webdesign-willich(dot)de )
    The values are identical for the Lighthouse Test, Google Page Speed Insights and webpagetest(dot)org
    This may be because my pages are generally optimized to the maximum. More is simply no longer possible.

    Lighthouse Test: 96-100-94-100
    webpagetest(dot)org : 1,4 sec
    PSI : 80 – 99

    The most important thing is still that you build the pages cleanly and clearly structured. And that’s possible with DIVI wunderbar (Y)

    Thanks anyway, Nick.

    • If your pages are fully cached then this update won’t affect page speed tests. However, once you log in and browse your site, using the WordPress admin or load the builder, you will see a big difference.

  45. Does this apply to Extra theme using divi plugin?

    • Yeah it applies to everything that uses the Divi Builder.

  46. Glad to see the focus here and looking forward to testing it out. In addition to general improvements, it would be nice to see a few specific areas addressed. First is searching for layouts in the builder… It often stalls and gives a buggy appearance to what should be amazing functionality. Next is waiting on pages to load that have a video slider with a large number of YouTube videos in an iFrame. I’ve seen some plugins address this and know that WPRocket addresses it as well, but it would be nice to see an option we can toggle to get the same functionality. Small things, but such a huge fan of Divi that I want to eliminate any objection someone could ever come up with!

  47. 1) did Not notice the difference, frankly, on that front, on the backend…
    a) use cache hosting (for up to)
    b) wp rocket
    C) Compress JPEG & PNG images
    d) CDN

    2) do I Need to recreate a child theme?
    3) How the built-in functions of Divi work about minimalism of Javascript/CSS and acceleration with wp rocket plugin

    4) Create a new article with improved download speed, what gives support – obsolete!

    5) Done, please help me with content for password-incorrect redirect after error password wp-login.php?action=postpass

  48. Great news! Looking forward to the advantages both on my local development server and on clients’ budget hosting platforms!

  49. Hallelujah!

  50. Quantitative changes leading to an evolution in quality. Kudos to everyone in ET team.

  51. Very much appreciated. I was starting to get a bit concerned with the performance when loading the builder.

    I can confirm a perceptual improvement on site load times though the GTMetrix doesn’t reflect that much improvement. Still not getting a great result form Google Test My Site.

    On the back end the new visual builder load time is still not hectic. I rely on the old builder when working on the backend, the frontend load time for the builder is acceptable. Hoping that the legacy builder will remain for the foreseeable future. One thing I do note is that for those of us to be on poor bandwidth (3.8 Mb/s), this could be a factor. I tested the demo from the ET site on a 17Mb/s connection and it was noticeably better.

    Side note: Still no link to the blog in the main navigation of the ET site?

  52. It makes a lot of sense to use local host with divi to reduce the loading time

  53. Wow. The Divibuilder became a LOT faster. Thank you.

  54. Great, I see improvement in my website loading speed. Divi Rocks!
    Which Cache plugin you strongly recommend for Divi? Please let us know. This helps many Divi Users to optimize their websites.

    • WP Rocket – by far the best for Divi imo

      • Finally the Requests been heard! ??

        This is by far the most important Update since a long time, dispite the other updates are great as well and makes divi the best page builder.

        Please continue to focus on speed.
        Everything is online as knowledge and you guys know how to make it even better and faster!

        Please improve the speed even more and continue to drop bloat. Maybe add some more Speedup Options inside Divi & Builder.

        All the Speedhacks possible.
        Also maybe break backwards compatibility with divi builder 4, wich should be a speedking by implementing even faster ways.

        Get the best speed experts in your team and let them do the magic. It will help dramatically to speed up divi even more!

        And also give ou lt best practices blog post on actual installations and continue to implement whats possible 😉

        Great work on this Update!

        Best regards from Germany

      • Thank you very much. I shall try WP Rocket and let you know.

  55. Great news! I’m really happy to see resources put into improving the performance of the theme. As it’s a significant factor in search ranking, optimization is something that will continue to be top of mind going forward when building websites. As the competition heats in the theme space, I’m looking forward to ongoing emphasis on performance with Divi.

  56. Excellent, speed is a tremendously important factor! Thank you so much.

  57. This is a great update! Keep up the amazing progress!

  58. Wonderful News!! I’m also highly anticipating the WooCommerce Builder!

    Thank you for excellent work!


  59. Oops. Upon refreshing the page I now see that my question has been answered. Thanks.

  60. divi should fork wp

  61. Brilliant 🙂 Divi gets better and better. Thank you all.

  62. Just when one would think this theme couldn’t get any better. Wow! My site’s loading times have gone ballistic.

  63. Great! Does this mean that we no longer need to add plugins like WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache or Autoptimize?

    • It’s still important to use caching plugins.

  64. nothing happened according GTmetrix after the update..many plugins such as academic bloggers toolkit and schema plugins crash the divi editors in 5.2.1. hope we’re out of this hell soon

  65. Thanks! I love it!

  66. Will this also help to speed up Extra theme?

    • My question too! Will it speed up Extra?

  67. The gift that keeps on giving! Thanks Nick and the Team…

  68. That is why I love divi and elegant themes, you are constantly improving it! Excellent, well done!!

  69. This is really good news! We’ve been waiting for such news for a long time. I hope you continue to work at the best loading speed of the site. The loading speed of the site is very important to customers. And if we have customers, then Elegant themes have customers. 🙂

  70. Excellent and very noticeable improvement. This is the best update yet. THank you, Nick!
    Chris Reich

  71. Is there a guide on whether or not we still need plugins like Autoptimize, Async Javascript etc? There’s starting to be too many plugins and themes and hosts offering the same overlapping optimizations, I am losing track of what’s doing what!

  72. Woo hoo. Jump to lightspeed

  73. Just tested on a site that I was building (before and after results below)

    GT Metrix:
    3.5s to 2.7s (fully loaded time)

    Google Page Speed:
    Desktop 3.7 to 2.7 (speed index)
    Mobile 10.4 to 7.5 (speed index)

  74. Wonderful update guys! Looking forward to testing it now. Also, I’m hoping for some news regarding the theme builder soon!

  75. A phenomenally great update – best one since the “developer update” from a while back. Thank you Divi team!

  76. Good news for me and my team.

  77. Definitely seems to load faster – at least on desktop! Thank you much!

  78. I have not tried this out yet, but this is REALLY GREAT news and so good that you all are really working hard to make very important improvements to DIVI! Not just features and tricks, but SPEED is important #1! Way to go, can’t wait to try this out on some sites. Rock on! AJ

  79. Any guidance on what Plugins we should add or drop? Every change seems to bring something into conflict. Should I change any of my current configuration?

    Thank you. I look forward to taking this for a spin.

    Chris Reich

  80. Great! Keep the improvements coming! They are all awesome!

  81. A timely update, as I have just completed a series of updates to improve the performance of my site, and have been doing extensive testing using Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom, and WebPageTest.

    I have since updated my site, and I have to say the performances improvements you made have helped. I was already doing very well in these tests, but now my scores are even better.

    I noticed a considerable improvement after updating a client’s website, which is running LiteSpeed Cache on a Litespeed server. The site is now loading much faster.

    Thank you to the team at Elegant Themes for another fantastic update.

  82. As I see the next update is theme builder right
    At all great update and improvements
    Thanks elegant team

    • I say the next update will be the all important Global Default update.

  83. Wow! Amazing!
    Please, bring us Theme Builder! Anxious for that!

  84. I was excited to see this update, but it yielded 0% improvement in page load speeds.

    • Same here 0% website speed increase 🙁

    • If your website is already fulled cached, you may not notice a difference when using external testing tools. In that case, the Divi Builder isn’t really coming into play at all. However, it will still affect you as an admin when editing pages and using the builder. It will also be noticeable on dynamic pages. Here you should see a big difference.

  85. Music to my ears!
    Should I keep WP Super Cache active?
    You guys do great work. Keep it up.

    • Yes you should still use caching plugins. The caching we are doing is behind the scenes and has more to do with how HTML/CSS is generated and not how pages are served to your visitors.

      • Nick, which caching plugins do you recommend? Since you are talking about that.

      • Thanks Nick! Good to know.

  86. Brat kid: Mom! Divi is making things better again! (spoken like a tattle-tale)
    Brat kid: Make em’ stop it Mom! (spoken like a whiner)
    Mom: Why? Faster is better, isn’t it?
    Brat kid: Well yeah, but what else can I whine about Mom?
    Mom: You can whine about why my 30 year old kid is still living at home.
    Brat kid: #@!^*@!
    Mom: I heard that!

    • I just wrote something similar on my FB. 😀 You win this comment thread!

  87. Wow guys, just upgraded and its an instant difference! Thanks for all the amazing work!

  88. Cool, but you haven’t disabled cache in network tab. This means that’s not 60% but maybe 20-30%.

    • It’s not relevant in this case since we are measuring the time it takes PHP to process the page, not the time it takes for cached assets to load. That being said, caching is an important part of performance optimization and it should definitely be considered when testing. This really comes into play with our cached Visual Builder options and Static CSS file generation for Divi Builder layouts.

  89. Thanks for the speed update!

  90. Fasten your seat belts people!… DIVI can now make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs… Great work ET!

  91. Awesome! For myself this is so much more important than transforms 🙂

    Any chance of a developer / pro version of Divi for devs that focuses more on performance and coding and less of the frivolity?! +1

    • I am against a split up Divi. They can do both in the one package. Divi has been marketed as a VISUAL website design tool first and foremost…however, it has taken way too long to implement basic functionality that has been missing for a long time compared to other page builders who have it all, too.

  92. It really loads faster, great job ET. I think you also removed the first section background blink on load, that is also great news, website load looks neater on desktop.

    Next step for a big speedup will be srcset support for images. I am finishing a free plugin for srcset support in Divi image module, but I would prefer if you beat me to it with built in support 😉

    • Well Cangon the Responsive Content update that is coming up soon will do SRCSET along with a mobile and tablet CSS update.

      Your free plugin may not last that long.

    • Ditto on the srcset support for images 🙂

      Love the update, thanks for continuing to improve Divi!

      • It’s coming soon. Actually I am testing it right now 🙂

        • Amen, Brother-Friend! Been waiting for responsive images, image improvement, etc for a long time now. Very grateful when this is released. Thanks!

    • I’d like to add, while we are on the subject of images, taking the alt text, if there is any, pulled from that filled in in the media library as default if the alt field in the image module is left blank. There is a feature request in on this with some prototype code demonstrating how easy this should be to implement.

      • That is very easy to implement, I will add that to the plugin.

    • Great news Canagon. Yeah I’m with you on the srcset support. I was hoping the update a couple of weeks ago that added responsive options to every option, including background images, was going to allow us to set the WordPress defaults of “Medium” size to Mobile only, but it doesn’t seem to work. Please let me know when your plugin is complete! Thanks! 🙂

  93. My memory, CPU, and I/O are still pegging 100% at times when moving in and out of VB.

    Godaddy Deluxe Linux plan (acknowledged this needs upgrading)

    • I’ve been having the same issues (not with GoDaddy) *since* this update. Very frustrating.

    • Hey Richard, I run a brand agency in Melbourne, Australia. I thought I’d share my experience with Godaddy + DIVI over the last few years 🙂

      So I’ve been Godaddy for around 15 years now. I have multiple Godaddy ultimate linux accounts (some of which I don’t even use) as well as around 5 of their “Managed WordPress” accounts (which cost around $650-700 AUD per year for 5 accounts).
      I admit, they’re cheap… but I have had terrible experiences with speed & performance.

      Anyways… I’ve been using DIVI for the last couple years on Godaddy and have found the visual builder to be extremely slow. When I spoke with a representative from Godaddy and informed him that I’m using DIVI… he was VERY honest and transparent with me and informed me that the Godaddy shared hosting accounts are not really made for a theme like DIVI… Unfortunately up until now, the DIVI builder was quite resource hungry… I even used DIVI on my managed WordPress accounts and the resources used were unbelievable… EVERY TIME I update something, the visual builder would either go absolutely nuts on me, OR would just time out and give me errors!

      Hopefully this update makes a difference when it comes to hosting resources!

      FYI – I just moved over from Godaddy to Site Ground and have found that building my websites through the visual builder is a lot faster!
      The account I purchased was their cloud account which is around $80 AUD per month… expensive, but you can have as many domains hosted as well as having access to cPanel and WHM.

      If you’re building websites for clients, I HIGHLY suggest you move AWAY from Godaddy!
      I cannot stress this enough. After speaking with multiple ad agency owners; they laughed when I said Godaddy as well and told me to MOVE AWAY from Godaddy too.

      Anyways… If you want me to share any more info or to help, let me know!

    • GoDaddy is the worst provider that didn’t completely malfunction. So basically there are some providers that don’t do what they’re supposed to do and then the next worst thing is GoDaddy. People really shouldn’t use them for anything, regardless of the millions of USD they’re flushing down the drain for Marketing.

    • I would highly recommend moving away from GoDaddy. We test all of our updates on a large array of shared hosts, and GoDaddy is always the slowest. It’s painful. I also find that SiteGround is always the fastest. Making that switch will be like night/day for you I bet.

      • I agree.. I’ve moved 3 clients running the Divi theme recently from Godaddy to Siteground with significant improvement in performance! Godaddy denied the issue and blamed it on WordPress plugins and theme. They refuse to acknowledge the issue.

        • So this explains why two of the global elements on one of my client’s site was acting crazy.
          I have forms and related products modules that kept changing size, disappearing or not updating. I think you guys are gonna get alot of support tickets about this from devs that use global modules on existing sites and find out they have changed for no reason.

      • nick I use hotsgator in these moments is slow to the wordpress board, that you recommend me, my page is super slow

      • Nick R., do you guys also test LiquidWeb? We are using their CloudSites package due to the number of sites we run (used to be Rackspace) and see ‘OK’ results. Just wondering how SiteGround stacks up.


        • siteground is superb. I have used with over 100 sites with a combination of plugins such as wp rocket, autoptimize, siteground caching…. I highly recommend it because I am getting like 1s load time now several sites.

        • I’m on Liquid Web (24 core VPS) and I find it’s pretty good. That said, Divi most definitely is NOT the speed king of themes.
          Glad to hear about the performance improvements.

    • I have the same GoDaddy plan and it’s doing the same. I thought it was the plugins but never suspected VB. I am ready to move to a different host.

  94. Well I was thinking today would have been the global defaults update. This is a much needed update anyway.

  95. Lovely! Great Work ???.
    Lots of hugs from Sweden,


  96. Fantastic news guys. Well done!

  97. Sigh of relief knowing you’re listening… 🙂 Thanks ET.

  98. Thank you so much! This is just what I needed!

  99. Hi Divi Team,

    Are plugins already installed as “WP Super Cache” or “Fast Velocity Minify” compatible?
    Are they still necessary?

    You’re amazing, thank you for all.

    • I would not drop them if you are using them. Need to keep the site as fast as possible.

  100. Exactly what’s needed the most for now.
    Been struggling for a while with the builder loading time.
    Thanks Nik

  101. Would love to see this post edited to specify if/how it is compatible with caching plugins we may be using.

    • I would like to know that also, as I already use WP Rocket, and don’t want this version of Divi to mess with my current setup.

      • Same here. I typically use WP Rocket (but also use a couple of other cache plugins on different sites).
        Also, what Divi version will have this major performance improvement?
        Very happy to hear this though! The need for speed is strong!

    • +1…!

  102. Hey Nick, great news. So what does this mean for our existing sites that are setup with performance enhancers such as caching plugins?

    Also, I wish you would have mentioned that fast websites are also good for the environment. I feel that in general, the CO2 footprint of websites doesn’t get nearly the attention that it should. I realize it’s a complex issue, but each and every web designer can help make the world a better place by optimizing their clients’ websites. So having these improvements now with Divi is a really good thing. Not just for SEO.

    PS: I’m not a tree hugger. Just a parent.

    • I Second this question. I got a bunch of Divi sites already dialed in with some combination Siteground cashing, WP Rocket, Autoptimize & a CDN… I sure am hoping that 50 sites don’t break after the next update… 🙂

      • Thanks Nick for the update..

  103. Fantastic!

  104. Amazing ? Thanks ❤️ for such a huge Performance improvement ? i was just waiting for it because Divi Builder was slow on my site and takes time to load.

  105. Yes! More important than new features right now.

    • This is awesome

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