Introducing Bulk Editing And Multiselect For Divi! This Will Change The Way You Build.

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 121 Comments

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Introducing Bulk Editing And Multiselect For Divi! This Will Change The Way You Build.
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Multiselect And Bulk Editing Will
Change The Way You Design Pages Forever!

Multiselect provides amazing utility to Divi, allowing you the freedom to edit and design your pages even more effectively than ever before.

Today we are introducing Multiselect and Bulk Editing for Divi, an incredible new feature that gives you the power to build websites with a new found speed and efficiency. You can now select multiple items at the same time and perform bulk actions to the entire group of elements. You can drag, drop, copy, paste, delete and even edit the design and content of everything at the same time. Instead of making tedious changes to a group of elements one one by one, and over and over again, just select them all and edit everything at once. It’s really really cool.

Edit Multiple Elements At Once
And Save Yourself Endless Hours Of Design Time

Editing multiple elements at once will save you an enormous amount of time by removing the repetitive, tedious and costly tasks associated with designing a cohesive website.

Hold Cmd/Ctrl Or Shift To Multiselect

When building in Divi, you can now hold down the Cmd or Ctrl keys and click on elements to select them. You can multiselect as many items as you want, and you can even select a combination of modules, rows and sections. You can also hold down the Shift key and click to select a series of modules within a column, a series of rows within a section, or a series of sections within a page. Once selected, you can bulk edit the entire collection of items at once.

Bulk Edit The Design Of Multiple Modules

When you bulk edit the design of several multiselected items, they all get updated in tandem, saving you tons and tons of design time. When you open the settings modal of a collection of items, Divi will automatically display a list of shared settings. As you modify the design, all of your selected items get updated accordingly. You can even bulk edit a collection of dissimilar items. For example, you can add a box shadow to a Blurb Module, Image Module and a Section all at the same time.

Quickly Drag, Drop, Copy, Paste & Delete

Multiselect is great way to quickly copy, paste and delete multiple items at once. It’s also a great way to move a series of items to a new location, instead of having to drag and drop them one by one. You can even drag and drop modules, rows and sections at the same time, and Divi will automatically combine the items and drop them into a single location.

Better Understand Your Page Structure

Holding down the Cmd or Ctrl keys is also a great way to better understand the structure of your page, and to quickly select small individual modules that might be difficult to find using Divi’s minimal building interface. When you hold down Cmd or Ctrl, you get a clear outline of all modules, rows and sections, giving you a perfect picture of your entire page and how all the individual pieces fit together.

Multiselect and Bulk Edit are available today, so download Divi and it for a spin. Let us know what you think in the comments and don’t forget to check back next week for even more great Divi features coming your way.

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  1. Really great time saving feature, thanks! Is it also possible to copy styles from one page to another?

  2. Hallelujah, what a great new addition to Divi! I am extremely happy with this new feature. Great work!

  3. AWESOME! This is a huge time-saver and a help for streamlining for our clients. In our workflow we would only load sample content, then get client approval before we built out the rest of the content because of this exact prior limitation (having to make changes to each module one by one). Now we can be more flexible with the client when loading redundant content modules. A+.

    How do we bulk edit in the regular Divi editor though (NOT visual editor)? We are much more accustomed to the back-end editor, and have found the Visual editor causes a lot of glitches, so we only use the back-end editor.

  4. Thanks again. Have a good Vacation! 🙂

    Please also add a Text Version of Divi-Code per Site for even faster Mass Editing in the Editor (Sublime Text etc)
    Also for quick import & export… this would be really great as well.
    I saw it once somehow, but I don’t remember how and when, probably when I deactivated divi or something. Please add a Feature to allow to see the Text Code Version of the Divi-Builder-Code

  5. What a great time saver for web design agencies 🙂

  6. That’s a really awesome new feature. Looks like it will save designers a lot of time.

  7. This is a great feature. Im curious with all the feature upgrades is Divi going to be doing quizes in the platform any times soon? Will Divi also be including more customizable optin forms?

  8. My Client changed her mind about colours and borders yet again for the 5th time, you just saved me from having a nervous breakdown! Thank you XOX

  9. Wow. So many cool new features keep coming. You are guys are continually raising the bar!
    This is going to be a huge time saver!! 🙂

  10. Simple. Genius.

  11. This is amazing! And I love the outlines so I have a great understanding of the spacing of my elements. Absolutely clutch!

  12. Not that everything you’ve done so far was useless, but this is (in my opinion) one of the greatest update. That is awesome. Having to edit styles for many modules in a page is something one has to do on a very regular basis. This update makes the process much more visual and faster.
    Thank you.

  13. Seems like a cool feature, but I think I might only get to use this very rarely. When you’re working with child themes and you’re assigning classes to similar elements, you can already make sure that they are all getting updated at the same time. All it takes is a little understanding of CSS.

  14. Hi, when releasing new features like this, can you please put somewhere obvious what version of Divi this is available from.

    Today is 14th September, the day after you said that this is available, but not in my version – 3.14

    I’ve not got any theme updates available, so fdo not know what the latest version is. Would just help so that I know if I need to update, wait or something else.

    • This feature is in Divi 3.15, update your copy. To see all changes made for each version of Divi, log-in to your ET account then go to this URL:

      Scroll down to Divi under “Theme Downloads” and view its changelog.

  15. Yes, génial ! Enfin !!! Merci 🙂

  16. Thank you for continuously updates. Bulky update.

  17. A Big time save! This is awesome, thanks a millions!

    Waiting for the header design in our hands using Divi


  18. Progress.

  19. Great stiff but what about performance issues like image srcset??

  20. Finally!! Excellent job as always you do. A question: is it available only in front-end or in back-end too?

    Thank you

  21. You guys are AWSOME!!!

    Nuff said.

  22. I can finally multiselect the AWESOME, COOL and WOW words to describe the DIVI.

    Thanks Nick and the DIVI team.

  23. I was really wanted this Update,Thanks ET.

  24. Looks like my guess for the next feature was right! This will definitely make changing some stuff faster. The outlines shown on hover when holding Cmd/Ctrl is a nice touch.

    I’m also looking forward to the Transform Options that were sneak-peeked recently. You really are making it possible to visually edit pretty much everything CSS allows.

    Some things I would like to see Divi add in the future after Theme Builder and the other things already announced:

    – Gutenberg editor styles support in the Divi theme: the new 3.8 release of Gutenberg makes it much easier for themes to style the Gutenberg editor to look like the front-end, and it would be really neat if the Divi theme utilized this to make the Gutenberg experience in the Divi theme more WYSIWYG.
    – overhauled layout system: I think rows and sections should simply be modules like everything else, and you should be able to insert a module directly into a page or into a section. Right now Divi forces a lot of often unnecessary markup to be generated. Nearly every other page builder, especially Gutenberg (even though it is not technically a page builder yet) and Oxygen, have better base layout systems right now.
    – turn sections, rows, and modules into blocks: If you’re going to overhaul the layout system, you might as well switch to the Gutenberg block system as well. The comment delimiters are way better for graceful failed parsing, and the block system would allow for Divi modules (now blocks) to be used on any page regardless of whether you are using the Divi Builder interface or not. Vice-versa, any Gutenberg block could be used in the Divi Builder. I fully expect at least one of the major page builders to do this (probably Beaver Builder), and I hope Divi will too at some point. Of course, I don’t expect it to happen any time soon, but once WordPress 5.0 (or even 5.1 or 5.2) has been out for a while, I think that this would be a good next step for Divi.

    Some other notes:
    – The “Use The Divi Builder” button in Gutenberg should be responsive and shrink to just an icon and/or move into the ellipsis menu on mobile. Currently, it eats up a lot of space regardless of your viewport width and makes the editor harder to use on mobile. Also, it should probably read “Use Divi Builder” so it can be a bit shorter.
    – It would also be really nice if Divi users could somehow contribute code to Divi. Brizy, Elementor, and of course Gutenberg all have their free versions on GitHub, so contributing via issues and pull requests is relatively simple. It would be really cool if Divi could do something similar, though I am not sure it would be done since Divi has no free version.

    Here is my usual analysis of the upcoming features, since I did not make one for the Transform Options post…

    Every Divi feature update these days is sneak-peaked first. Here is a list of all sneak peeks for features that have not yet been released, in order of their announcement:

    – Dynamic Content
    – Theme Builder
    – Hover Options
    – Global Defaults
    – New Divi Builder Experience
    – Support Center
    – Transform Options
    – Global Presets (not yet officially sneak-peeked; mentioned in comments)

    One of these will be the next feature released, but which one? Well, as it turns out, there is a comment on this blog post by Nick that helps narrow it down a lot:

    (In response to a question about when Dynamic Content and Theme Builder are coming.)

    ‘Dynamic Content will come first. That feature is quite close to being ready actually, and will likely enter QA testing within the next week weeks. Our whole team will be on vacation next week for our yearly retreat. Global Defaults and Hover Options will also likely come first. The Theme Builder is the “last piece of the puzzle” when you consider the various features we are currently working on.’

    We already knew that Theme Builder was blocked by Dynamic Content having to come first, but it looks like Global Defaults and Hover Options are also probably happening first. In hindsight, it does make sense that Theme Builder would be most useful when the other features were all in place: creating menu navigation in a header would be better with Hover Options to change how menu items look on hover, for example, and Global Defaults would be very useful for general website theming. I wonder if Theme Builder will end up being marketed as Divi 4.0. If anything would be worthy of a major version increase, it would be that (ignoring SemVer standards, which Divi probably does not follow).

    Another feature likely blocking others is the New Divi Builder Experience, AKA the port of the Visual Builder to the back-end. Features like Extend Styles can be implemented in just the Visual Builder and not require any change to the back-end builder. However, something like Dynamic Content includes changes to how content is stored in a module and would probably require changes to the back-end builder UI. But why update the current back-end builder when you are about to replace it?

    Knowing all this, if you list features indented under the feature(s) they probably depend upon, you end up with a list that looks like this:

    – Global Defaults
    – – Global Presets (not officially sneak-peeked yet)
    – New Divi Builder Experience
    – – Dynamic Content
    – – – Theme Builder (also likely to happen after Hover Options and Global Defaults)
    – – Hover Options
    – Support Center
    – Transform Options

    It looks like Global Defaults and the New Divi Builder Experience are the most likely updates. It is also possible that Hover Options is not actually dependent on the New Divi Builder Experience, which would make it the oldest non-blocked update. Support Center seems rather unlikely since it hasn’t been that long since it was announced, and Transform Options is obviously out since it is the latest sneak peek.

    I think it may be time to get excited, folks. Every update on that list except the last two are big ones. The next Divi feature update is pretty much guaranteed to be a big one.

    • The hover update has gone through at least one round of QA.

      • In that case, it would seem that it is either not dependent on the New Divi Builder Experience, or else the latter is actually going to be the next feature released, followed by Hover Options. Either way, that’s good news!

    • Agree. Being able to make code contributions would be very useful. Case in point there was a piece of code floating around in one of the forum threads that would propagate the alt text in an image module from that entered in the media library for the image.

      I modified this to take either the text form the media library if the alt field of the the advanced panel of the image panel was left empty. It was a pretty trivial code change.

      The one caveat is that you had to copy the image module php file to a child theme to make it work, which isn’t advisable since it effects Divi updates. So it was something that Elegant Themes should implement themselves but haven’t done so yet.

      I sometimes wish that ET would park the feature updates for a few weeks or, at least appoint a small dev team, to address all these small feature requests. It’s not only the big features…its all the little things.

      • @Irishetcher – Your ALT tag suggestion is great! Thank you for this! 🙂 …and of course for the focus on the “smaller” things too.

  25. Holy cow. Just the “Copy Module Style” function was amazing. This is… a ginormungous time saver!

  26. This is an awesome feature, this can save a ton of working time.

    Thanks guys

  27. Tried this right after seeing this. Wow, saved me a bunch of time already. Thank you!

  28. WOW !!! Again!!! I’m running out of superlatives!!! Thank you, thank you, guys!!

  29. You guys! Keep it coming! So many great features and tools to make my life easier (dare I say, better?)!!
    Love it!

  30. Absolutely brilliant again – Divi is just the best theme for wordPress. Well done!

  31. This is pretty cool. I am waiting for bulk select in the Layouts – so that when building a new site you can just choose a layout pack and populate all the pages for that site at once; and then just go to the pages tab on the dashboard and start editing the content on the pages.

  32. This new feature is incredible! I just tried it out and it works perfectly. I just completed a long and complex 50 pages of information arranging text on the webpage, now when the client wants to change it the bulk feature will be excellent. Thank you Nick and the Elegant Themes design team.

  33. Outstanding!!! It’s amazing how you guys work to keep us, the community, happy… ? Thank you, ET.

  34. Would be helpful if you published a summary of the many recent (last few months) features. I know you published a sneak preview or roadmap earlier, but since you are rolling out features as they are developed, I’m getting confused about which of the promised features have been released (and which are still coming).

  35. I almost got excited when I saw this in my email. I could’ve sworn it said Multisite. But I guess not…

  36. This is something I dreamed of when working with pre-made layouts and blurbs. Love this!

  37. I’ve bought the lifetime package few years ago but I have the feeling that I owe you a lot of money for such amazing work! Well done guys, well done!

  38. Yes! I love you guys! No… really I do! =)

  39. Whaaaaaaaaaaat????!!!! This is one of the greatest Divi feature updates!!!! Excellent job!!!!

  40. Awesome as ever – I can barely keep up with the updates myself, but some people are obviously harder to please 😉

    Keep up the outstanding work and support. Easily the most active and supportive theme developers I’ve ever invested in, which inspires confidence for me and my clients.

    Thanks ET 😉

  41. Nick, for future vids, we’d like to see you wearing some ET swag! 🙂 Eric & Shari

  42. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

  43. Will this only be in the visual builder? Are you still planning on removing the back end builder eventually? The visual builder still feels beta, and doesn’t show exactly what the browser actually does. Maybe a browser specific compatibility mode so we can see if there are any differences?

    I’d really love this to something i can do on the back end. At least being able to copy the properties from a module and paste them on to another module would really speed things up!

    • We are going to have a backend builder update.

  44. Oh this is sweet! I was just working on a page yesterday and thought about how cool it would be to be able to do this very thing! Awesome new addition to the Divi design toolbox.

  45. the update broke my footer. I have the standard four columns and after the update, my fourth column pushed over to second row. Just wanted to point that out.

    • This happens to me about every 2 or 3 DIVI updates and does not clear up till 1 or two updates later. It’s been a persistent annoyance for over a year, but seems to clear up eventually. I hope it isn’t still going forward as the last 3 have worked for me. But i feel your pain!

      And no, it’s not a caching issue. I’ve even been fooled by forgetting to clear my cache and thinking it wasn’t broken 😛

    • Hi Jessica!

      Sorry about that! It sounds like a cache problem. Have you cleared all your caches (browser cache, server-side cache, CDN cache, etc.) after updating Divi?

      If you are still seeing this issue please open a chat with our Support Team and we will look into it.

  46. Is this for the theme, only, or will this also work on the Divi Builder plugin?

    • Well, I had a plug-in update today, so tested it out. Still can’t use the visual builder at all. Just gives me a white screen no matter what type of content I’m editing — post, page, etc. So doesn’t appear this update will help Divi Builder plug-in users.

  47. Was waiting for this for a very long time, even tried to multi select when I first started using DIVI it didn’t work….lol


  48. and that was not available this morning when i had to change a bunch of items??? lol
    this is great, i just wish i would have known that a few hrs ago!

  49. Your organization seems to behave like One Team. Killing it!

    If I could witness your Product Roadmap and how you manage the Customer Experience, I’m guessing I’d be impressed and happy for you all.


  50. Great update guys, this is well needed and will definitely speed up development time when using the visual builder, keep them updates coming.

  51. Hey Divi, dear Nick,

    that is excellent. It will save a ton of work. It baffles me how you incorporate so well thought through features that are core to how a builder should work in such a short time.

    I keep promoting Divi wherever I go. And I wonder why I sometimes find people being quite a sceptic of the builder, thinking its more to build landing pages or simpler layouts, mentioning the lack of some core functionality (header, footer, general typography settings, you know the points …). And besides they are right about the core features it reminds me of something that worries me lately: Marketing.

    When I enter the Divi Homepage I am greeted with Divi 3, a banner says “All New Visual Builder Has Arrived!” since a year. I see the video of the lady I saw a year ago when Divi was something completely different. The core features promote visual editing – which is not a real USP anymore as multiple other companies offer that and WordPress is starting in the direction with Gutenberg.

    None of the real USPs of Divi are tangible for me unless I dig deep into blog and feature posts. IMHO Divi Visual Builder is best in class, no question. But I am worrying about marketing where others seem to be more innovative because your incredible innovation is not communicating to the non-user. Others upgrade their homepage every time they have a major feature release – you could at least consider doing that after a feature series. Shoot new videos that show off what Divi can do. The UI is incredibly slick and cool, the features are reshaping the way WordPress should think about building websites. It’s more a framework than a theme – but it is still marketed like 2017.

    I would love to hear your take on this.


  52. This is an excellent new functionality! Much needed! Thanks for the hard work on this update!

  53. This is going to make working with pre-built layouts so much easier – with a few clicks I can change them all to match the site’s default font and colour scheme. I’d been reluctant to use the templates because it took ages to fiddle with them so they were in line with the rest of the site, but this sorts that problem out in a stroke. Nice one.

  54. This is Awesome, thanks for contining improving the experience!

  55. Nice increment to add to the other features recently added (extend styles and find + replace) making the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

  56. Great idea! 🙂 Woo hoo..!
    Does not work in backend 🙁 (Big let down)
    We can’t use frontend editors

  57. Heu,
    It is very cool feature, but what about really useful features, like header, footer amd woocommerce editors, why we need to pay for countless 3rd party vendors and solve the compatibility issues.
    I really want to have an answer….

    • They’ve said it’s coming, This is much more useful to me personally than any of the stuff you said.

  58. You guys never stop amazing me. This is just another of your awesome upgrades. I must say, I truly love your product and your team. Congratulations! Great work… Again!

  59. Multiselect does not work in the latest version of safari for Mac! I have tried use SHIFT, CMD, CTRL, and CMD+CTRL. Please advise!

    • Hi David!

      Sorry for the trouble. Have you cleared all your caches after you updated Divi to the latest version? Also, make sure that you are using the Visual Builder since this feature is not available in the Classic Backend Builder.

      If the problem persists open a new conversation with our Support Team and we will be happy to take a look. ?

  60. Super cool, as always. But as some already asked, can we just have a rough idea of when theme builder and dynamic content will be ready. Before end of 2018?


    • Dynamic Content will come first. That feature is quite close to being ready actually, and will likely enter QA testing within the next week weeks. Our whole team will be on vacation next week for our yearly retreat. Global Defaults and Hover Options will also likely come first. The Theme Builder is the “last piece of the puzzle” when you consider the various features we are currently working on.

      • Thank you Nick, you guys are smashing it!

        We really can’t wait for this, and more specifically, something like ‘Global Layouts’ that have selective module sync.

        Not sure if that’s what others refer to as a Theme Builder, or what ‘Dynamic Content’ means, but that kind of functionality would take what is already a phenomenal product better than kittens playing with catnip.

      • Please say the dynamic content facility will work in the loop and not just on a single page, otherwise it will not be anywhere near as powerful as it could be.

        It would also be highly desirable to have a truncate option for certain types of content to be able to set a limit to the amount of data output i.e. excerpt length.

      • Ooh, good to know! Looking forward to all of those features!

      • Don’t suppose Dynamic Content will come with conditional display options? They go hand-in-hand and would really help separate Divi from the others.

  61. Multi-select does NOT work in the latest version of Safari for Mac.

    • Divi and Safari don’t make a good couple! Also the extend styles feature doesn’t really work with Safari. Use Firefox instead.

  62. Time-saving options are always welcome. Keep going, loving Divi each day even more.

  63. Hey 🙂

    Great Stuff, Developers! ♥

    Probably one of the best Updates so far and everything else makes Divi-Builder the most Productive and Best Builder out there!

    Keep it on! You Guys are on Fire lately. Keep improving and listen to the users!

    Please invest even more in Performance for the next Updates.
    Remove or split big librarys and remove unneccesary Features and loading, when not needed or used in the actual site.
    There should be something like an overall site checker and optimizer for better seo and performance. Make it easy to get to or near 100% when it comes to pagespeed & yslow rank.

    Maybe even an extern overall optimizer plugin by elegantthemes.

    And also something that allows to randomize the code strings from Divi, so that the code structure isn’t the same on 500000 Pages using divi. Just like on almost any Database the Pre-words (asdDB,t1dDB,14yDB). For better code/text ratio and uniqueness. You can do that, it’s possible, I know, but needs to be thought, coded and implemented.

    Also maybe something like youtube lyte plugin for the youtube/vimeo videos by default/optionally to improve loading times even more.

    Just improve loading times everywhere possible and even more people will come to divi 😉

    You can probably by now make an html divi builder as a standalone product, so it’s even faster then wordpress, because it don’t need to load uneccesary stuff and could be fully optimized.Just like jimdo, but better and more standalone, self updating of course and for quick install for the hosters, just like wordpress is now everywhere. Would be a major product as well 😉

    Also an easy way to add AMP sites.
    And some good implementation for 3rd party cache and optimization plugins (get in contact with the devs for good solutions out of the box)

    Looking forward for those things.
    Best regards from Germany

    • +1000, divi need to be faster. Sometimes i use only on google font, no extra plugins and website still need ~1,5s to load DOM Content.

    • +1 on this. Would be great if Divi could be super-fast.

    • das ist gut

  64. Please, stop! :):):)

  65. Awesome work as always!
    Are you guys going to expand the split testing features as well?

  66. This is wonderful. I much prefer these updates and the tutorials (like yesterday) to getting more “samey” layouts. Thank you, Nick.

  67. It is excellent thanks Elegant themes team

  68. Good.
    But what will change even my way of building pages is the time that I have more control and options for headers and rodapes, especially for mobile ….

  69. Really nice how you’re constantly working to add features that improve production time.

    If I may request a couple features I believe is long overdue;
    – Gallery: Adding other format options other than just portrait and landscape – such as square and proportional (each image displayed fully). A Masonry option would be really sweet too.
    – Images: Add option to display captions.


    • I have been wanting a gallery update since the day I started using Divi, Square and masonry is a must.

      • +1!! Absolutely need more gallery thumbs options.

        Not a huge fan of visual builder, but this update could change things!

      • +1!

    • I think sometime in 2019 they will be doing module updates and we do need a whole lot of them. So many updates now are from the teaser videos.

  70. You are really trying to make me adopt the Visual Builder aren’t you 🙂
    I am about 80% convinced and converted I would say – still drop back into admin view for a few things!

    These new editing options are really making visual editing so easy and efficient!

    • Yes… One caution, when working in a secure environment, front end editors don’t work. Also different browsers do weird things we found out.
      Funnily (though many would argue) we work faster in the back end than the front, mainly because we’re so used to it that the front end editor is painful.
      In many respects it’s what the person is used to, able to, and works well in, that’s what counts. Many people do better and prefer the front end, and many people do better and prefer the back end.

      • >>Also different browsers do weird things we found out.

        I’ve recently noticed that too. Working on Opera (the fastest browser on my old machine, FF and Chrome are just too heavy for Divi) the sizes of text in headers are correct on Opera and different on Firefox. Then, editing it on Firefox solves the problem.

        It’s pretty unusual, and not so big of a deal.
        I just hope small problems like this in the future won’t snowball in more and more small problems down the line. Divi is awesome, and i plan to use it for years to come 🙂

      • Hey Rama,

        What do you mean by a secure environment?

        • @Irishetcher
          Frontend ability to edit pages won’t work (it’s blocked).

          So typically we have two monitors, one for the front end display (that gets refreshed), the second monitor with WP Admin, where we edit the page / post, using the Divi builder.

      • I really hope the back end builder isn’t removed. The visual builder is okay, but still doesn’t actually exactly replicate the results. It still feels like a beta product.

  71. Great feature !

  72. You guys are awesome…

  73. Very nice – really!

    but what’s always bugging me is the arrogance of the English-speaking states. You should learn German, because there are almost a quarter of a billion German-speaking people. OR – create your video so that we also see the keyboard clicks for the commands and not everything is explained verbally.

    This is only a tip – but who cares?

    • Yes and now this will be a 100% typical German conversation. Why start a post with words like “arrogant” and “how many people are speaking a language”, when your main concern is to point to an “featurewish” inside the video.

      A short sentence like “Hey guys it would be great to see keyboard shortcuts for all the people out there which not firm in English language” will do it! This is directly on the point of what you will say.

      Please think about it. The next time when you comment something stay human and friendly, you don’t know the people which are reading your text.


      p.s. and from me also a “+1 for shortcuts” ; )

      • You Nailed it Steve !

    • Not really…. see

      German is about 12th….

      • sorry but this is no arrogance. When you start with an different language you have to support all languages.

        Start by your self with an international online business and than you’ll see that this will be a big problem.

        Schöne Grüße aus Heidelberg,

        • Hey Steve.

          My English is enough to understand everything. The Google translation tool directly in the browser is also sensational.

          My request was that Nick not only show the screen in the explanation videos, but also explain the keyboard shortcuts, etc. ? There should always be a more detailed video for such important updates.

          Besides, I’m sure many German readers of this post thought the same, but didn’t have the balls to make it public.

          Greetings from the Lower Rhine

          • Well you can read the article and it’s always explained in detail. It looks like a sort of arrogance pretending Nick to record multiple videos in different languages while English is the most widely spoken language in IT.

            • Many thanks to ET that by my request, the text of this article was subsequently supplemented by Declaration “Hold Cmd/Ctrl Or Shift To Multiselect”. That’s all I wanted…

              Unfortunately, there are always people who answer a simple request with reproaches that deviate from the topic.

              Well. . . 😉

          • it only saves a couple seconds not having to duplicate and move my sets of 3 modules indivually, but it’s really quite satisfying 🙂 Good job (again)

          • 100% correct!


            • 100% incorrect

              Tobi – Hannover

  74. Great Nick, all these improvements are really great. But when theme builder please?
    Thanks Nick

  75. nice update.. but still not IT..

    • What is “it” exactly?

  76. This refinement is absolutely wonderful. I am sure that I will use this daily, and that it will speed up my workflow!

  77. I’m (nearly) speechless. This is a game-changing feature!

  78. This is one of the coolest things you’ve done to date. I am so in love with this update!!

  79. Thats nice, now I dont have to close modules and then edit it for starters

  80. good work!

  81. Finally bulk edit!! Thanks for constantly updating

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