Introducing Divi AI: Powerful AI Tools For WordPress Creators

Last Updated on August 10, 2023 by 39 Comments

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Introducing Divi AI: Powerful AI Tools For WordPress Creators
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Today we are excited to release Divi AI, a powerful text and image generator built inside of Divi, allowing you to create spectacular images, write fantastic content, and improve your existing website on the fly using artificial intelligence.

Divi AI is unique, not only because it is conveniently accessible in the Visual Builder but also because it understands Divi and learns from your website, allowing it to create better content. It works like magic, blows me away every time I use it, and I think you will love it!

Get Divi AI Today

The Divi AI Image Generator

First, let’s talk about the Divi AI Image Generator, which can create unique and stunning images of all types out of thin air. We put the power of AI image generation at your fingertips right inside the Visual Builder.

AI Image Generation

Generating images with Divi AI is simple. You tell Divi about your image, choose a style, and let the AI get to work. Within a few seconds, Divi AI will create four unique images. If you like one, you can generate additional variations to hone in on the perfect result.

You can create images in the style of photos, digital art, 3d animation, paintings, drawings, and more. Instead of hunting for the perfect image, you can create it quickly and without leaving the builder.

AI Image Refinement

You can also use AI to refine and alter existing images. When creating a new image, you have the option to supply a reference image and control the influence it will have on the final result. You can combine reference images, image descriptions, and styles to create different results.

For example, imagine I am running a clothing boutique and have a stock image on my homepage of a woman outside on a sunny spring day. But right now, it’s wintertime, and I want to change the subject matter and the color scheme to get my website into the Christmas spirit. I’ll tell Divi AI to take this image, swap out the bouquet for a gift and switch the scene from Spring to Winter.

AI image refinement is handy when working with premade layouts. You can easily reimagine existing images while retaining the composition and preserving the interplay between the imagery and its surrounding elements.

For example, let’s say I am building a website for a cafe, but I like the style of this premade layout intended for beauty products. The design looks great, and I even like the images, but the subject matter is all wrong. I can take the photos of beauty products and turn them into pictures of coffee while retaining the original composition and style.

The Divi AI Content Writer

Divi AI can also write content with the skill of a professional content creator. We’ve taken the power of large language models like ChatGPT and Llama 2, tailored them to Divi, and integrated them into the builder.

AI Text Generation

You will notice a new AI button when working with content fields. Click the AI button and tell Divi what you want it to write about, and you’ll get back some fantastic results immediately. Since Divi AI is part of Divi, it knows the module and content field you’re working with. We also give it information about your website and context from the current page, which helps it generate more intuitive results.

Divi AI can write headlines, paragraphs, or even entire blog posts.

AI Text Refinement

You can also use prompts to refine and improve existing content. Take any piece of content and tell Divi Ai how you would like to change it; simple as that! You can also use your mouse to select text from within the content field, and Divi AI will only alter that portion of the text.

Easy-to-Use AI Quick Actions

Divi AI’s content tools come with many quick actions that you can use to refine results and improve existing content. You can automatically translate to different languages, fix spelling and grammatical errors, shorten a paragraph, expand on an idea, change the tone, or tell Divi AI to improve your content automatically.

Using Divi AI is like always having a professional copy editor at your side.

There are quick actions for images too. You can quickly change the style of existing images or have Divi AI reimagine images automatically.

Automatic AI Text And Image Generation

You can even set Divi AI free to generate text and images without instruction. Since Divi AI is learning about your website and your page as you build it, it can produce great content without any guidance.

For example, imagine I am building a website for a florist company. I am working on my homepage and have written several blurbs describing our floral services. At the moment, I am finishing up the module that defines our wedding floral services, and I need a good photo.

If I ask Divi AI to automatically generate an image in this location, it knows all of the relevant information I just described. As expected, it returns a beautiful photo of the wedding floral arrangement I was looking for.

If you are struggling with writer’s block and can’t come up with a good prompt for Divi AI’s text or image generator, you can tell Divi AI to come up with a good idea of its own. This free flow of ideas, text, and imagery means you can design new websites seamlessly without any roadblocks. It’s going to improve your workflow significantly.

There’s An Art to AI Art

AI is a tool, and there is definitely a spectrum of mastery! You can create amazing things if you know how to use it, and you can produce some strange and interesting results as well πŸ˜…. Over the next month, we’ll share tips on how to get the most out of Divi’s AI tools. Be sure to keep your eyes on the blog for helpful AI tips and tricks!

More AI Features Are On The Way

Divi AI is a fantastic tool, and AI is something that every website creator should be leveraging to maintain that competitive edge. With Divi AI, you can build better websites, and you can build them faster. Every Divi user can try out Divi AI for free, and you can purchase a Divi AI membership, allowing you and your team to generate unlimited text and images. Swing by to get started, and stay tuned for even more fantastic AI features coming soon.

We are just getting started, and very cool stuff is on the horizon. Be sure to follow and subscribe so you don’t miss my future updates. I always give a detailed look into each new feature, so if you run your websites on Divi, you don’t want to miss these posts!

Get 40% Off Divi AI During Our Introductory Sale!

For the next week, we are offering 40% off Divi AI. Anyone who purchases Divi AI before the sale ends will save $115 per year and lock in those savings for life! Plus, all of your team members can use Divi AI at no additional cost. Get the discount here πŸ‘‡

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Introducing Divi AI For Divi 5

Introducing Divi AI For Divi 5

Posted on February 20, 2025 in Theme Releases

Today, we are excited to release Divi AI for Divi 5. Our full suite of AI tools, including website, layout, section, module, text, image, and code generation, has been added to Divi 5. When mastered, it can significantly improve your efficiency, and it feels like having a helpful designer,...

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  1. I’ve been a loyal user of Divi for several years, and I’ve watched with some dismay as the site builder has progressively slowed down. Today, Divi announced a new feature that allows for text and image generation via artificial intelligence, automatically activated in the modules. Personally, I find this very disappointing.

    The idea of generating content through AI might seem interesting on paper, but in practice, it adds yet another layer of complexity and latency to a tool that was once known for its speed and efficiency. Many of the features recently added are certainly attractive, but they seem more geared towards visual flair rather than improving the performance or efficiency of the builder.

    It would be wise for Divi to focus on optimizing their existing product rather than continuously adding “flashy” features that, although aesthetically pleasing, only serve to bog down the software. I would also appreciate it if such features were not enabled by default, allowing users the freedom to choose the tools that are genuinely useful to them.

    In short, I think it’s time for Divi to reconsider its priorities and refocus on what initially made it successful: a fast, efficient, and user-friendly website builder.

  2. Wat about the price?

  3. Is it possible do disinfect Divi from the AI? There should be an option to get rid of it!

    • A new version of Divi has been released where you can disable Divi AI by heading to Divi > Role Editor. Check this screenshot:

      • Yes, you can disable AI from administrator. How to disable AI from other roles, shop manager, Author..?

  4. To force AI like ET does now its a very vulgar way to promote it.
    I need to turn off the AI options for my client’s sites. They don’t want it or need it. It’s just very confusing for them to have the big blue AI button on the text module.

  5. I do like the idea of the AI features and they actually do look pretty good, we all know its inevitable in the future.

    But I agree with all of you here!

    1. There needs to be an option to disable all AI features, and we need it now! AI is just not needed on many sites. And also sometimes customers have access to the site – so my 100 prompts are gone already because of some customer seeing the feature and trying out some image generation. That’s just crazy. Actually it should be auto-deactivated at first and only be manually activated if needed!

    2. 24$/month is just way too expensive. I get that it costs money to develop and maintain it. And I would be willing to pay for it. But this is just too much. Also there should be a high discount for lifetime customers at any time. Not just the Introduction Discount. If it would be a ~10$ monthly subscription for existing lifetime members, I would be in. But not like this.

    I am highly disappointed how ET handles all new extensions (Cloud, Teams, VIP, AI) at cost of all lifetime members that stick so faithful to DIVI in the past.

  6. I am deeply disappointed that you have foisted AI integration on us. I neither need nor want it, nor do I want sites I build to be used to train your AI. You could have made it opt-in, but instead you have chosen to go all-in with this technology that threatens so much that we hold dear.

    I build sites for authors and publishers, and I have been using Divi since its introduction. Now I have to seriously consider stopping using it completely because you have chosen to support and integrate a technology that threatens their livelihood.

    I’m sure you’re aware of the reaction to Zoom forcing people into training their AI. I expect you can anticipate something similar. I hope you will reconsider this decision.

  7. Great. How about DIVI speed? This kind of paid “improvements” are useless. AI is free. ItΒ΄s all about focus.

  8. This is an excellent addition to Divi, well done but why on Earth is it so expensive? Normal cost $345 per year. Divi Lifetime is cheaper than that.

    Even with the introductory discount, it makes no financial sense for small, independent freelancers like myself. Once we have finished making a site, it stands to reason that it would be used far less, perhaps only if the site has a blog it would still be utilised. We’d never recover the cost?

    I’ve invested in Divi Lifetime Membership and bought the Divi Cloud add-on, but I was really surprised to see this released with such a high cost and without any other affordable or free use options aside from a limited trial. No discounts for Divi Lifetime investors either.

    Reduced From $345.60 – (Save $138.24/year with 40% discount): $207.36/year ($172.80 + $34.56 VAT).

    Assuming the cost never increased, the cost over 3 years would be $1035, over 5 years it would be $1725 and over 10 years it would cost $3450. Even with 40% off, it would still cost $622, for 5 years $1036 or for 10 years $2073. Add to that currency conversion charges (I’m in the UK).

    Divi Cloud has been great in theory but has also been quite temperamental. I never know if it’s going to work properly. So I’d be hopeful this is rock solid reliable. I’ve experimented with AI images and was disappointed at how many people with one eye or a missing arm it generates! It has a way to get yet so don’t see how the price ia justified, other than the cost to the planet for all the extra processing power and energy required.

    Awesome work and concept, but the price sadly makes it unaffordable. Please consider the user base and Lifetime investors.

    • Also a Divi Lifetime Member with the Divi Cloud add-on and I I agree, this is way to expensive!
      And the AI images is not worth the time, it’s gimmicky and frustrating trying to find anything useful for actual use case.

  9. I agree that this should be included in lifetime membership, but also agree I would never use it for any reason. Is this unfortunate change in business process something we should expect from now on?

  10. Lifetime users should be grandfathered in and not pay this price. As a lifetime member, I feel we should all have free access.

    • This service is newly introduced and involves continuous expenses. While we offer all Divi users the opportunity to generate 100 prompts without charge, granting unrestricted prompts for a single payment wouldn’t cover the ongoing operational costs linked to this service. We recognize the valid concerns about the supplementary expense; nevertheless, we are confident that the pricing of Divi AI Unlimited is competitive, especially when compared to alternative options in the market.

      • I partially agree with you. I understand that the images and generated content is one thing to pay for, but other IA features should be included with our lifetime membership. When I was watching the video and reading the updates about AI being implemented in divi, I was never under the impression that it would cost more or have a separate charge.

  11. Tengo DIVI lifetime, ΒΏhay promociones para clientes?

  12. Please introduce a way to disable all the AI prompts. We have no use for this feature on most of our client websites.

    • We are currently in the process of developing an additional feature for the Divi Role editor that will allow you to manage access to Divi AI. Unfortunately, we do not have a specific timeframe for the release of this new option at the moment. Thank you for your understanding as we work to enhance your experience with Divi AI.

      • So it seems like youΒ΄ve added Option To Disable Divi AI In The Role Editor.
        Now Divi AI is possible to made disabled from administrator and editor (users). Still yet we canΒ΄t disable it from Shop Manager, Author… Why?

    • +1

    • How can I remove this feature?

    • +1

    • The same thing happens to me, I understand that there are people who use it at a professional level but in my case it makes me reconsider changing to another system because it seems as if I don’t want to pay for a product that I don’t need for my clients, it would be nice to be able to choose the options on whether we want to use it or not…

  13. Kinda bush league to charge extra for it. Never had to pay extra for new features before – I thought that’s why I bought a lifetime membership. :-/

    • Divi AI is a recently launched service that comes with continuous operational expenses. While we offer all Divi users the opportunity to generate 100 prompts without charge, offering unlimited prompts for a single payment wouldn’t align with the sustained expenses tied to the service. We recognize the concerns related to the supplementary cost; however, we are confident that the pricing structure of Divi AI Unlimited is competitive when compared to alternative solutions in the market.

    • Are lifetime members required to pay extra for it?

  14. i gave it a try, buts not generating the images… it says it has been completed, but the images are still generating forever.

  15. Hi Nick

    The FAQ says “You can use Divi AI for free in a limited capacity for free. Once you reach your free trial limit, you will be asked to purchase a Divi AI membership to unlock unlimited text and image generation.”

    Is there a way of installing this so that we can take it for a test run before deciding on which purchase option. Also, what is the limit before unlocking unlimited?


    • Once you update Divi to the latest version, you will see the new Divi AI button and can test it out 100 times during the free trial.

  16. Hi DIVI guys, just paid for my AI package.
    Is there any way you can have the AI generated images be produced as WEBP files.
    The two images i have created sp far are 10x the size of the other images on my site which are webP (700×400 iage typically 40kb) AI generated images are coming out as png files at 360kb.
    This seems a bit heavy-weight to me.

  17. This is so nice!!! I’m literally in shock!!! Thanks for always keeping improving our best web design tool and doing this amazing work, I’m proud of using Divi in all my projects guys πŸ™‚

  18. Great Stuff… I presume that we will still be able to use our own brains to do all this stuff. : )

    Joking aside, sounds like there are a lot more tricks up your sleeve. And, awaiting Divi 5 updates with great patience.

  19. If the price is too high, please also introduce a token or credit system for those who don’t want unlimited.

  20. If one of my clients wants to try AI, does this upgrade get charged to my Divi account?

  21. Finally Nick!πŸ™ Congratulations to all the DIVI team. I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Thanks for all the good work guys.

  22. will this be for Divi 5 or we can use it right now?

    • It’s available today πŸ™‚

  23. On the purchase page you have: “Divi AI is unique for a couple reasons. First of all, it’s integrated right inside the Visual Builder, which is incredible convenient!” I think you meant “incredibly convenient.” Obviously this wasn’t written by AI. Hehe.

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