If you are looking for great WordPress hosting that works flawlessly with Divi and comes with automatic Divi installation, then Divi Hosting is a great new solution for you. We partnered with some of our favorite WordPress hosts (Pressable, Flywheel and SiteGround) to give Divi customers a simple way to create Divi websites that are fast, backed by a modern hosting infrastructure that meets all of Diviโs requirements and supported by leading WordPress professionals.
There are a lot of hosting options out there, and they arenโt all created equal. We help our customers every day deal with hosting-related compatibility issues that can be incredibly frustrating. Everyone needs hosting to use Divi, and your hosting experience doesnโt need to be a struggle.
What Is Divi Hosting Exactly?
Put simply, Divi Hosting is great WordPress hosting provided by our favorite WordPress hosts, fine-tuned to be Divi optimized and integrated with your Elegant Themes account to provide automatic Divi installation, license key generation and product activation. That means you can get your website up and running quickly and enjoy using Divi without having to worry about anything else.
Why Choose Divi Hosting?
Ultimately, every Divi user needs to make a choice about hosting, and making the wrong choice can lead to a lot of grief. We want to make that choice easy. Here are just a few things that make Divi Hosting unique:
- When you create your website, Divi comes installed automatically.
- Your new website is automatically connected to your Elegant Themes account and set up with your license key so you can get updates and support.
- Your hosting environment will be configured to meet all of Diviโs recommended PHP settings out of the box. No adjustments needed.
- Your website will be powered by a fast and modern hosting infrastructure, which means fast load times and modern tools like automatic caching and CDNs.
- You will be hosted by a company that knows WordPress inside and out.
- You will be hosted by one of our partners, which means they are dedicated to ensuring a great Divi experience on their systems.
Do You Need To Use Divi Hosting To Have A Great Divi Experience?
Absolutely not. There are a ton of great hosting solutions out there and Divi will always work great on great hosting environments. However, if you arenโt happy with your current host or if you are new to Divi and want a solution that you can trust, then Divi Hosting is a great way to go. Everyone needs hosting, so why not pick a host that has gone the extra mile to ensure a great Divi experience?
How Did We Pick Our Hosting Partners?
We picked our hosting partners based on personal experience, and they are hosting solutions that we have already been recommending to our customers. Every time we launch a new Divi feature, we test that feature on a variety of hosting companies to make sure everything works great. In our years of testing we have had good experiences and bad experiences. We sought out some of our favorite hosts when creating Divi Hosting so that we could be confident in recommending them. By partnering with these hosts, we have taken their great hosting experience and made it even better for Divi users.
Divi Hosting By Pressable
Pressable lives and breaths WordPress. They are an Automattic company (you know, the guys who run WordPress.com and WordPress VIP!) and their unique hosting infrastructure has been built specifically to ensure great WordPress performance. They are backed by a team of passionate WordPress professionals that care about their customers. Their reviews speak for themselves.
Divi Hosting By Flywheel
Flywheel hosting is delightful. Their focus on design and user experience has resulted in one of the best WordPress hosting experiences ever. They are 100% WordPress focused and have built fast NGINX servers on Google Cloud to provide a fast and scalable solution for all types of WordPress creators. They are also the creators of Local, a local development application that makes working on client websites a dream!
Divi Hosting By SiteGround
SiteGround has been a leader in the web hosting space since 2004. They host over 2,000,000 websites and have a wide breadth of experience in all aspects of web hosting. They are also very active in the WordPress community. Their WordPress pricing structure is affordable and accessible and their recently redesigned hosting control panel is great!
Is it possible to change my current web hosting?
Currently, I use siteground hosting for all my websites. looking forward to test this Divi hosting with Siteground.
Fantastic that you guys are now offering DIVI hosting. Is the hosting migration process and easy one?
This is really awesome. I was used Flywheel hosting long time and this is really a great hosting for wordpress user.
I’ve had very good experience with Flywheel. I don’t have any firsthand experience with the other two, but they seem to be very good hosts as well. Better to read a lot of in depth reviews and compare before choosing one. Everyone has different needs. ๐
Pressable is the best option for the Divi theme over other hosting solutions.
I use Siteground VPS for all my client sites. 80% are Divi and runs flawlessly. Siteground is the go to hosting platform.
Hey, really good idea and I might try this real soon.
Any recommandation about server reliability for french websites and french users ?
I just did google pagespeed tests with my Godaddy site and compared it to the few sites that were listed. My pagespeed was faster. Why would I change hosting services if the speeds are slower?
This is awesome! I’ve been with Siteground since 2015 and I’ve been very pleased with them! It’s the only platform that I recommend to my clients for the best hosting experience. Great job negotiating this partnership!!
Hi. Is it difficult to change from my existing hosting to Divi? I heard that it works much better with Flywheel
So what is this adding for us who are already using one of these three web hosting companies. Just auto installation for new sites?
I was able to fix this in another way than modifying the php.ini file. I don’t know if this could work on any host, but i’m with Siteground and it worked. There’s seem to be a conflict with the WordPress Native Builder and the DIVI one. I deactivated the native builder into the advanced setting of DIVI and I could now download the templates.
I hope this can help you too.
I have to change my comment since I’ve resolved the situation. There’s seem to be a conflict (on Siteground though) with the Native WordPress Builder and the DIVI one. Deactivating the WordPress builder solved my problem. It’s too early to say if that is the only problem, but I’m hoping that this new partnership will create a fluid and bug-free experience as time passes.
I have been with Siteground for several years and I use the GrowBig plan. Unfortunately, I encounter an error with DIVI and after 24 hours of discussion with the technicians, I am sent back here on the pretext that it is an application software error related to DIVI. I can’t download templates when I use the import function on my pages. The progress bar always remains blocked at 1%. I checked the link talking about that on the support forum here. We suggest modifying the php.ini, but on the GrowBig plan, it is impossible to configure the latter. In view of this major problem, I cannot currently recommend the use of Siteground as a host facilitating users with DIVI.
Ok, thats for Flywheel and Site ground customer right?
I used to host some of my websites on siteground for a couple of years. My experience was great especially with their support. Siteground support was probably the fastest I’ve ever experienced so far. Their response time was ridiculously fast. It’s like 100x faster than ET support lol.
I had to migrate to another provider because siteground lack monthly plans. I didn’t care about saving money for this particular situation. I preferred the flexibility and wanted to pay on a monthly basis. They were cool enough to send me a payment link on a monthly basis until they finally said no and wanted me to pay annually lol.
I had to go after that. I was looking into upgrading to their cloud but it’s too expensive and more restrictive.
whatโs the best of all three?
I am both a siteground customer and a lifetime Divi license holder.
I really look forward to this partnership! Would be a nice feature to have Divi autoinstalled with every new WordPress installation.
There are alot of comments bad mouthing Siteground. I have been with Siteground for almost 2 years and their customer service is phenomenal!!
Have never had an issue.
They make it a bit difficult to contact them (due to a still-developing user interface) but once you get in touch, they go the extra mile to solve any issues you are experiencing.
As for Divi, I’ve tried other page builders like Elememtor and Thrive Architect.
Although both offer decent user experiences,I find that the documentation and video tutorials are lacking. This is one area where Divi shines.
That being said, would still like to see Divi do more video tutorials on advanced functionality, like setting up an E-commerce or E-learning site from beginning to end.
Always room for improvement. But Divi isn’t afriad of innovation : )
A happy Divi user
So if we don’t use those, one day our sites made with Divi will be slower and less secure?
No, Divi will always work great on great hosting. These are the hosts we recommend because we have had great experiences with them, and then have gone the extra mile to make getting started with Divi easier.
Can I transfer my existing hosting to the Divi integrated hosting?
Siteground is out right off the bat for not including their pricing, and the other two are spendy. Iโll stick with Dreamhost for me and my clients. 16 years with them and nary a problem.
siteground is the cheapest of the 3, its value is only 5.96 per month, it is also very good.
I just contacted SiteGround Support and they told me that, as an existing GoGeek customer, to ask Technical Support to create the website with Divi included. They would do it for free.
I can imagine that in a short period there will be the appropriate checkboxes and integration with the ElegantThemes.com account we have. This must just be a stop-gap measure.
My experience with SiteGround Customer Support has been exceptional. In my experience they have been extremely thorough and knowledgable, and quick. Never have had an issue with them bringing a site down.
I just got some good tips from SiteGround Customer Support on how/when to use their SiteGround Optimizer and when to let the free CloudFlare CDN to handle types of optimization. Plus when to use the Divi optimization settings in Divi > Theme Options for code compression, etc. It was very helpful!
I’m hopeful that a more close relationship with SiteGround will further reduce/eliminate the times when the server cannot be contacted until a refresh is done.
Thanks for making these arrangements!
Super nice Nick! never sell out! you are an artist!
(we need Whatsapp share on Monarch)
Hello. I have 49 DIVI sites hosted on Hostgator, usgin 25+GB of space. This last week I have been experising a lot of server issues and my sites going dows. So, this DIVI hosting service may work well for me. Now, would any of the parteners (preferably siteground) offer any migration services from external hosting (hostgator in my case)???
I did asked them directly, but they have no idea
Hostgator sold out to, yet another, company and since them all three sites of mine have been hacked and infected with malware. 2 of the 3 disappeared completely. I actually believe it was done by them maliciously when I complained about something else. Stay away from HG – they are not what or who they used to be.
As a current Flywheel customer, am I missing any benefits from this new partnership. I notice the features specify Divi optimized servers. How is this different from current flywheel hosting plans…if any?
I already have a Siteground account. How do I take advantage of this partnership?
It is only available on new plans
I have a pleasant experience with Siteground. I don’t have much knowledge about Pressable yet. But, after knowing that it is run by the creators of WordPress.com, I am excited to have an experience with it too.
Flywheel are great, but you are really not doing your customers any favours by recommending SiteGround.
I was with them for almost a year and I have supported many customers who use Siteground, and their customer service is just awful, they literally don’t care if your site or server goes down, in fact they will break your site then deny they caused it and refuse to fix it, leaving your site down for days or even weeks in some cases.
Their default answer to everything seems to be “you need to upgrade” when it has literally nothing to do with the issue.
I must say, I don’t welcome this change. As an owner of a WordPress agency with almost all of our clients using Divi, this offering greatly reduces our ability to stand out as an agency that hosts, cares for, and develops Divi sites. Having a first-party offering such as this will reduce hosting and care plan signups for small business agencies that are going above and beyond right now to take care of people during these rough times. Are these hosting companies waiving hosting costs for the next few months? How about offering free help to get Woocommerce stores built or sell gift cards?
Instead, I would like to see Elegant themes partner with small business WordPress agencies who are committed to using Divi-approved hosts. That way users of your products can work with an agency that passes your muster, be hosted properly, migrate to a better host, and have a point of contact for when things go wrong. What people need right now is help getting online with a new or updated site and simply offering first-party hosting for Divi will not achieve that goal; it will only further profit Elegant Themes with whatever kickback you are receiving from the hosting companies.
I’d love to partner with Elegant Themes to achieve the goal of not just giving people approved hosting, but getting a team to actually help them get online and operational. Hosting is only one piece of the pie and offering this first-party hosting bypasses a revenue stream relied upon by agencies such as mine; such a revenue stream that has allowed us to offer free hosting and free support during these tough times for the betterment of all our clients.
I moved my sites to SiteGround a couple years ago looking for the promised performance increase. I’ve only witnessed minor increases. I’ve been hoping ET would address performance increases. Maybe this is a step in the right direction.
I think a good post would be (if you guys haven’t already written one) is recommended hosting configuration as well and plugins you guys suggest to go with divi.
We are working on several performance improvements of our own as well ๐
Say a client signs up to a SiteGround hosting plan, am I correct that they will then have their own individual Elegant Themes licence, renewed annually with their hosting? If so this makes sense for the client but more so for ET. It’s a better business model. Say the client goes for the Grow Big plan and has multiple sites with domains, will that cover installs of Divi for each site?
Sadly SiteGround know nothing of this, and try to get you to manually install using cPanel.
This is a good idea. One issue I’ve had with some hosts is that Divi sometimes disappears when it updates. I’ve concluded that the upload times out before it’s complete, leaving you with a partial theme or even an empty themes/Divi folder. It has happened most often with a client using iPage.com for hosting. Hopefully these hosts have solved that issue.
So do you have a special configuration on these hosts, as I run on SiteGround the front end website rendering speed is ok but developing in divi is very slow.
Or is this just a way to generate affiliate income?
SiteGround is very fast in our experience. That being said, when it comes to using the Visual Builder, it’s not all about hosting. The building/rendering process is occurring in your browser and the re-rendering speed is affected by the power of your computer and the speed of your browser.
This could make a good Divi Blog posting, variables in different browsers, how many tabs open while working back and forth in the back end, different CPUs, available ram, etc…?
Or even a larger response here…?
I’d sure be interested in more from you/Divi in this arena…?
Keep me updated about browser performance
Good point about the number of tabs open.
Siteground seems to set some CPU limitation on traffic and they don’t tell us when we purchase
I have just renewed my Godaddy to full throatle Godaddy. Did I make a mistake?
I’m familiar with cPanel etc and godaddy has said I now have this service but i’m still using their clunky back end panel.
Can you comment???
Bee Mac
Godaddy is very bad, of course this is just my opinion
We’ve been using SiteGround’s GoGeek platform for over 3 years now with much success – can we still get the benefit of this integration on our already ongoing subscription?
No, it is only available on new plans
This is really awesome. I was used Flywheel hosting long time and this is really a great hosting for wordpress user.
So people online now are not going to be able to claim DIVI for a slow website anymore???
If someone is running a standard Divi website on another WordPress host, and they are experiencing slow loading times, builder time outs, failed saves or System Status issues, then switching to Divi Hosting will likely solve all those issues and more ๐ Plus our partners are dedicated to solving problems if they do arise.
On June 15, 2020 SG tech messaged me regarding their optimizer plugin:
“Keep in mind that our plugin may not be fully compatible with the theme that you are currently using.”
There are issues with minify, and optimization of images that is frustrating, after running the tools, i still get Lighthouse telling me to optimize image and minify. It’s not really working, and they’ve suggested that I hire a developer.
Maybe your developers can look into this.
To true. I have seen vast improvements when Divi sites get moved from a local provider to SiteGround. Itโs the reason that hosting is one of the three in this partnership. That doesnโt preclude other hosting companies, just that these have a proven track record as far as ET is concerned.
That being said if you mis configure settings or make a bad choice in plugins your site will perform badly, even on SiteGround.
what’s the best of all three?
You really can’t go wrong! There are a few things that make each host unique that we have outlined here.
Looks good. Will go investigate. I already work with SiteGround.
And give me the opportunity to say thanks for some of the recent updates where some nice new features were added quietly:
โข Auto-fill of alt info in image module when set in the media library.
โข Toolset custom fields now accessible through the dynamic content when working in Theme Builder.
How do we switch over current existing sites to this?
Don’t ask SiteGround – they have no idea
This is because they are the same old siteground plans only with easy pre-installation for Divi, but the characteristics of the plans are the same as always. I use siteground and they are very good.
This is the SiteGround who said in September that all accounts would be transferred to the new front-end “in a few weeks” and are now saying “in a few months” – they have had 8 months already. Be warned, they are saying that there are technical problems with the new front-end stopping the migrations
Understandably, what siteground is doing is a complete game changer. (No more cpanel will be used, the change is very big)