Enjoy Website-Wide Design Editing

The new Global Defaults editor changes the Divi page builder paradigm and makes designing websites with Divi infinitely faster. Instead of starting with Divi’s default styles and customize each module individually, you can update your website with its own overarching design system by editing the default design of any module. This new system replaces the old Module Customizer and gives you absolute control over the default design of everything.

In the following video, you can see that after editing the default design of the header module, every page on the website gets updated with the new design. While Divi has some amazing efficiency tools such as Copy Paste Styles, Extend Styles and Find And Replace that help you build single pages super quickly, the Global Defaults editor gives you the power to manage the broader design of your entire website.

Access The Global Defaults Editor From Within The Builder

To manage a module’s default design, simply click the new Global Defaults icon to flip over to the defaults editor. Here you can customize the default design of that module. Changes made here affect your entire website and the next time you add a module to a page, it will automatically assume its default design and the default values will be reflected in the settings popup. You can still further customize any individual module and overwrite its default style.

Manage Your Website Design Revision History

The Global Defaults editor also has its own revision history system. Each time you change your website’s default design, a new backup is created. If you ever want to undo a change, you can simply restore the previous revision. You can also easily reset default designs back to their original state using the ever-present triple dot icon in the global defaults editor. Since these changes affect your entire website, we wanted to make sure it was easy to undo a change when you made a mistake or simply changed your mind.

Quickly Turn Normal Modules Into Default Designs

Divi also makes it easy to take any customized module and use it to create new default designs. You can right click on any module, option group or option and click “Make Styles Default” to use the customized design as the new default design for your website. Build a single page and then use that page to create a global design system in minutes.

The New Way To Design Websites With Divi

It’s hard to explain just how important this new feature is, you just need to try it for yourself. Plus, it lays the foundation for an even more advanced class-based Divi design system that we plan to expand upon soon. The global defaults editor is available today, so download Divi and take it for a spin. Let us know what you think in the comments and don’t forget to check back next week for even more great Divi features coming your way.

Premade Layouts

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Introducing Divi AI For Divi 5

Introducing Divi AI For Divi 5

Posted on February 20, 2025 in Theme Releases

Today, we are excited to release Divi AI for Divi 5. Our full suite of AI tools, including website, layout, section, module, text, image, and code generation, has been added to Divi 5. When mastered, it can significantly improve your efficiency, and it feels like having a helpful designer,...

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  1. Previously, I had accomplished basically a similar solution to “Global Defaults” by utilizing the Divi Library using global sections, rows, and modules.

    So with global defaults, I see an added benefit with the added revision history at the module level; but it seems there is significant redundancy between the older global elements (sections, rows, and modules) and with the newer global defaults.

    To me, it almost seems like global defaults should have come first; and global elements should have been created 2nd for another layer of finessing.

    So what is the major benefit? I think you might say “I can now update every module on my site at once”. However, I can already do that with my Divi Library and global sections, rows, and modules.

    Grateful for the additional feature, just not sure where it fits in. Please enlighten me.


  2. This is amazing. Eagerly waiting for new update from Divi.

  3. cool stuff! I’ve been structuring in the back end for the most part working with the Customizer, however this certainly looks a ton smoother and increasingly explicit that doesn’t require slithering through sub-menus… Keep up the extraordinary work.

  4. So, inshort it’s going to be a big change? i hope so 🙂

  5. Thanks ??For Sharing interesting article on Divi’s Website-Wide Design Editor

  6. This is amazing Nick! I wish I could get excited.

  7. Updating to the latest version breaks my wordpress site entirely and visiting either the wp dashboard or my site, it’s stuck with the message:

    “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.”

    I have to restore a previous backup from my hosting provider to revert it back to operating conditions.

  8. Hi,

    Updating to the latest version breaks my wordpress site entirely and visiting either the wp dashboard or my site, it’s stuck with the message:

    “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.”

    I have to restore a previous backup from my hosting provider to revert it back to operating conditions.

  9. I love DIVI Amazing! 🙂 This is so good and Saves me a lot of time but I notice some speed issues hope this issue also resolve soon! Planning to buy again for my friend.

  10. Hello,

    This is awesome feature.

    Its a pity that changing a background of fullwidth section for entire site is not working for me.
    Anyone here with this problem?


  11. Very cool stuff! I’ve been designing in the back end mostly working with the Customizer, but this definitely looks a lot smoother and more specific that doesn’t require crawling through sub-menus… Keep up the great work.

  12. Amazing. Just what I needed.
    Is it possible to lock the global settings for certain users?

  13. This is really amazing. I really love Divi.

  14. Broke all the styling on my site. Support worse than useless. Blamed a plugin, even though the site looked OK before the update.

  15. Would be great if you could tell us how to get to the global default editor. I’ve tried watching the beginning of the video about 10 times and don’t see how you get up the editor. I’ve also poked about the interface and for the life of me don’t see how to do it.

    • See the “Access The Global Defaults Editor From Within The Builder” section above. It’s also mentioned in the video.

  16. Sigh…. not working for me either.

  17. maybe I am too old school but I really dislike this. I would rather have full control with my own CSS. That said, I mistakenly played with this on a live site and now am at a loss to find where to clear it all. Anyone?

    • Hi Lois,

      Luckily, the Global Defaults editor has its own revision history system. If you search this blog post for the text “Manage Your Website Design Revision History”, you can see how to do this.

      Hope that helps.

  18. Hi Nick,
    Each and every update of Divi is just awesome ? it’s fun to design the websites now.
    I request if you could focus on adding some variations in Header, Footers & Navigations styles.

  19. So far it doesn’t seem to work with everything. I make “global” changes and they have no effect.

    Also I noticed the Module Customizer has disappeared. So it would seem this is mostly the same features, accessible from within the Visual Builder.

  20. great update, really

  21. This is great – thank you!

  22. Wow Awesome 🙂

  23. I apologize, I’m a little confused — I’ve been using Divi less than a year now, know basic html and no css, and I don’t really speak webmaster jargon.

    My basic question is: Will this affect my existing modules if I update global styles, but that is not my intention to update all the modules of a particular type? I have a blog and my text, blurb, and button modules are all different based on the page/post, I don’t want them to be updated based on this and am afraid that it will do so. How do I avoid that?

    I think I understand how to apply it if I wanted to. But, let’s say I want to do both — update some modules and not others. How do I designate which ones to update and which ones not?

    I apologize if I missed something. Thanks for your assistance!

  24. with this new feature Divi proves once again that it is a pioneer in the WordPress industry! ?

  25. This is HUGE!!! Thank you!

  26. Hi Nick,
    Each and every update of Divi is just awesome 🙂 it’s fun to design the websites now.
    I request if you could focus on adding some variations in Header, Footers & Navigations styles.

  27. Wow, Have loved Divi since the early days, wonderful work guys and gals

  28. Absolutely great news! It was hard to keep even few pages consistent in term od design. Also hope that theme builder is very close, because I am waiting almost year for it. Keep the good work. Thanks.

    • I say it is coming soon. After the Woocommerce and Responsive content updates come out.

  29. Is there a way to put icon links in the menu?

  30. Unfortunately I can’t update to this version as there are major errors in the update which changed how columns work in rows which has still not been fixed in this latest update.

  31. This is a game-changer!

  32. Chris
    July 11, 2019
    This new feature needs some instruction. I get the general idea but say I
    Have a site built with Divi
    want to set up a default “look” for a button
    want to use my newly defined look for new content
    want to keep existing content the way it is now (some buttons are white, some are blue

    What’s the protocol to define the defaults without mucking up my site?

    Thnk you

  33. Oh, this is just perfect timing. I am just about to redesign a website due to logo and colour change! I will give it a go and hope it will make my life much easier. Thanks so much

  34. Seems like a great update but what I want it to be able to set up layouts that then automatically deploy when I create something new. For example, I go to create a new page and automatically my, already set up, pay layout is there.

    I also notice speed issues. I am on superfast broadband, not using wi-fi and yet I constantly get the Divi Builder timeout warning. As for building on the front end, I have no chance. All our client sites are on dedicated hosting, so it’s not shared hosting to blame.

    I’ve got people in my ear telling me to switch to Elementor. I keep looking at it because Divi keeps having all these ‘amazing’ functions that I simply cannot use. And I have to rely on Divi Den Pro to create global footers and headers. Surely that’s a very basic thing that Divi lacks.

  35. Really like this update – Set up H1-6 in text module – and want to apply these text defaults to all modules . First item – Blurb…..Some tabs in the Blurb module allow for Paste Style – but it doesn’t paste any of the styles from the text module? Even if you just copy the H4 Tab. Bug? or another way to do this, other that setting the Blurb Heading up from scratch? Shouldn’t all common module items allow interactive copy paste?

  36. This is amazing Nick! I wish I could get excited.

  37. What a really superb innovation. This will save me time and make it much easier to maintain consistency of branding for my clients’ websites.
    Thank you Nick

  38. Wow! This is so very nice. Saves me a lot of time 🙂

  39. This is kind of…. mind blowing.

  40. power of divi

  41. That is why Divi is leader and the best.

  42. Another amazing feature which is going to save a lot lot of time. Finally, making a style change on button will entirely change the style on the whole website. One of most amazing features I have seen. Keep it UP DIVI!!

  43. This really is fantastic to see and I have to say it’s been a long time coming!! The whole point of CSS to start with, was to provide a central formatting point allowing for site wide styling. Up until now, Divi has been a bit of a pain on this front, but hopefully this will now address those issues.
    I’m looking forward to giving it a try.

  44. Best update ever!

    How is the Filter > View Modified Styles option working with the Global Styles. Will it be possible to view and remove any or all global styling easily?


    • If you are editing a module’s defaults, you can use the Modified Styles filter to see all of your modified default values. If you are customizing an individual module, then the Modified Styles filter will not return default values since they are not modified in that context.

      • Performed a thorough test, and learned that “Default Styling” is a much safer way to implement global styling than the Global Modules and Selective Sync combo, which surely still has its special uses – no doubt about that – but also is fragile to not so tech savy content creators, who might drag extensive padding into a module by accident and apply it site wide (yeah, there was some panic – but thank you for the “Modified Styles” filter)

        The distinkt global tab, the gray colors, the “are you sure” warning, and not the mention the very well built default layout history view that allows to roll back changes, are really well built. Good job!

  45. Awesome !!!

    Do you plan to split the css and js to extract woocommerce feature in order to speed up browser loading time ?

    • This is my Number 1 priority. By giving the users the chance to choose whether to load CSS and JS for woocommerce.
      I use Divi in 4 non Woocommerce websites and I would love to be able to choose not to load JS and CSS doe woocommerce so that all CSS and JS would be more light weighted.
      Also do the same for Portfolio? This would also be amazing!

      That way we would just load what we were using.
      Any thoughts about implementing this kind of feature for the near future?

      And thanks for all the continuity in always developing better features.

  46. This looks awesome. Thanks so much for investing your time in improving divi! Now all we needs the header and theme builder and they’ll never be a reason to use any other theme

  47. From what I can see, if any existing modules have custom settings changes to the defaults don’t propagate to these. It was a little confusing when testing at first.

    For example, when testing on one of the permafrost layouts I changed the icon size of a blurb and the others in the group weren’t changing? I am guessing because icon colour was customised already across that group of blurbs.

    It’s one of those Divi updates that takes a little bit of getting used to. ?

    • The permafrost layout is not available anymore due to climate change. ?

      Use a pre-made one instead,

  48. For sure this sounds like a huge time saver and also helps us … this also gives us a great way to set H1..H6 finally site wide… even with the media queries for desktop / tablet / mobile….

    Thank you for this great update

  49. For sure this sounds like a huge time saver and also helps us … this also gives us a great way to set H1..H6 finally site wide… even with the media queries for desktop / tablet / mobile….

    Thank you for this great update

  50. Wow thats amazing feature, i am a Divi theme User and Love to use it for my Website. This feature will make Divi website more Looking Good

  51. Finally!
    We are close to WooCommerce/theme builder right?

  52. Can you export global default settings?

  53. Great Update Nick. Really useful Features! Divi evolves alot since last year.
    Keep the momentum going!

    I hope some Day there will be global / Site wide Text Edits possible.
    Basically Text extracted editor view for translations or quick edits in sublime text and also css all at once as well.

    Best regards

  54. Great work again Divi team. Just wondering if there’s any update about bringing support for SRCSET in Divi/Extra? Pleassseeeee

    • + 1

  55. This new feature needs some instruction. I get the general idea but say I
    Have a site built with Divi
    want to set up a default “look” for a button
    want to use my newly defined look for new content
    want to keep existing content the way it is now (some buttons are white, some are blue

    What’s the protocol to define the defaults without mucking up my site?

    Thnk you

    • the settings affect all default settings in the modules, so, if you change a setting in a module and make it default, then it changes all other modules with that default setting…. if a module has already had the default setting changed then it is no longer a default setting and your own custom setting which is not effected.

      so, module A has custom background color + custom h1 size
      module B has custom background + custom h1 + custom padding
      you make module B global default
      module A background color + h1 will not be effected, padding will be as it had not already been changed from default.

    • +1
      Yes, I need clarity on this, too.

  56. This is fantastic. I’ve been waiting for those features since Day 1, well done! 🙂

  57. Just when I began to think maybe things were a bit too quiet from Elegant, and the blog roll a little too filled with self-help fodder…WHAM! Amazing. Look forward to the next year with you. Just keep an eye on any page bloat and performance issues please.

  58. Yes!!!! Great work team!

  59. Great work, divi

  60. This is reason why I love Divi stronger everyday 🙂

  61. Looks great!

    Was hoping this would also be the update to globally add a colour palette when using the standalone Divi plugin. You can already add a global colour palette in Divi theme but with the plugin this has to be done on a per page basis. Is this close?

  62. I am already updating my “base” set up for new websites using this fantastic new feature. Thank you for saving me a lot of time!

  63. Trying it out today on my Dev sites. I’m excited. You guys are always innovating and working to make our lives easier. Thank you Divi!

  64. This looks promising but right now its effects are too broad. Often a single module type like the blurb is styled in multiple different ways in the same site, so having a single global is not very useful. This feature will however become useful once we can apply global defaults to different groups of the same module type… which I believe is the class based system mentioned by Nick. Please hurry up with the class based version so we can take full advantage of this.

    It’s the same as the dynamic data feature release which also is of little use until ET releases the LOOOOOOOOONG awaited Theme Builder(Please please please have dynamic content loops and robust conditional display options out of the gate…. PLEASE!)

    • +9999999999999999999999999999

    • I agree. This could be a problem if the site is already built.

      • Yes, kinda concerned with what Global Defaults will do to modules, etc. already built on an older site. How can you keep some, specific modules “customized” while still being able to change the majority site-wide? A little unclear on this.

  65. Fantastic update.

    I’d love to get some hints about how this classed based system will work.

    I’m guessing it will expand the new global defaults, so we can have multiple defaults for each module type. E.G. ‘Text Module Default 1’ ‘Text Module Default 2’ etc, then we can apply these different defaults to whatever text modules.

    • Exactly 🙂

      • How exactly will that work?
        Should we change the Module Name? Instead of Leaving it named “Button”, could we change it to “Button Style 1” and “Button Style 2”, and then all modules named “Button Style 1” would have this style by default?
        Can you expand a little more on this?

      • I thought of this possibility to decline several defaults settings, it will be really fantastic! ?

      • As soon as I saw this I thought the same – that will be excellent!

      • Gosh! That’s exactly what I was hoping for! Feel like I should wait to implement any of these new Global Defaults until this is added.

        P.S. any way to be able to subscribe to comments, or more specifically, a comment’s replies on this site? Thanks!

      • Great!

      • That’s super exciting—can’t wait for that sneak peek!

  66. Philosophers and words on one side of the world.. On this side are those who work and succeed. Thank you Nick

  67. I appreciate that all of you on the ET Team are not resting on your laurels, but are constantly improving, refining, adding to the Divi Theme. The trick is for me to keep up with it all, learning and implementing it all. THANK YOU for all the efforts you put into this.

  68. Most of my sites are hosted on Midphase, and lately I’ve been having issues ONLY with the DIVI theme, so when I contacted Midphase they said that their servers block DIVI because it’s been known to be hacked often.

    The issue I have is that when I install DIVI to start building a site, and when I use the visual builder, I’m immediately locked out and can’t do anything. I have to contact Midphase and ask them to unlock / unblock me, then I can work on it for a while, and then I’m blocked again….

    Next time it happens I’ll ask you for help to see if you can work with me to fix this issue.

    • Could it be time to dump Midphase and move over to a new host???

    • That’s very strange. There are no known security issues with Divi. We take security very seriously and are quick to fix vulnerabilities and notify are customers when we do so. I like to suggest SiteGround hosting if you are interesting in trying some new. Midphase doesn’t seem to be that great based on their own reviews.

      • I would recommend SiteGround too, except they refuse to increase some of the PHP variable settings to match what YOU (ET) recommend for Divi. So… that’s a problem! I get tons of timeout errors when saving changes, ever since, around last December.

      • Thanks Nick. I stick with Midphase simply because I’ve never had any issues (other than recently and only with DIVI), and any time I need their help, there is always someone there to chat with.

        Anyway, I’ll have a look at siteground

        • I highly recommend you go to SiteGround, by far the best Hosting to work not only with Divi, but with everything.

          • SiteGround is OK, but limited when it comes to traffic. WPengine is the real stuff for professionals.

            • Just curious Jorg… what does hosting have to do with traffic… other than load time?

    • I failed to say I stick with DIVI simply because you do so many great updates, and make my life easier… when the theme behaves with my host.

      Keep up the great work!

  69. This is brilliant! But I’m going to have to take a day or two to get my head around it—the possibilities are endless! Thanks, again.

  70. This update is really cool. the power of Divi is also in frequent updates. Nick, look forward to the theme builder. When this update is released, Divi will be the most powerful product and I will dedicate a monument to you.

  71. Hey Nick and all the team this is a great news! Looking forward to see this new system expanded even more with the possibility to create library of multiple styles for each Divi elements. And don’t forget WooCommerce template improvements we have exciting projects in the pipeline and I hope we will be able to use the new features soon. Thank you for the improvements!

  72. I LOVE where this is going! Great work teams!

  73. Cool. But what about the promised theme builder and WooCommerce pages?

    • +1 for being able to make WooCommerce look not so ‘out of the box’ 🙂

  74. This is going to be business altering for sure. What a fantastic change! Thank you so much. Looking forward to making some much needed global changes on a few sites.

  75. This looks great for the Premade Layouts especially. I just did a few pages of the ‘Fashion’ Layout Pack, and can’t seem to change any global button background colors. Hmmm…

  76. Whoop there it is! Nice work team Divi!

  77. Very Great!! Less hours, more margins.

  78. hello nick thanks for this update
    i feel no one notice this 😀 😀 (joke)
    great work from elegant team
    thanks at all

  79. Looks helpful for design efficiency! You mentioned it will replace the Module Customizer, but I believe it will also replace a lot of other settings in the Customizer as well.

    • Not yet, but it will with a future update as Theme Customizer settings are moved into the Visual Builder page settings.

      • This sounds interesting

      • HMMMM that will be interesting.

      • Hi Nick… So, how does Global Defaults interact with the Theme Customizer settings today?

        Does one override the other by default, and if so, which does?

        • The builder will overwrite the Theme Customizer, so nothing has changed there.

          • Great. Thanks for clarifying. Looking forward to the extended styles-based defaults even more!

            • @Nick Roach – Can you tell if the CSS class/ID style system will be released soon? I think this is essential to have, since this current Global defaults feature is too limited and does not allow to have global styling on different versions of modules. Many of us have been waiting for an extended, ‘true’ global style system for a long time. Thanks

  80. Great update! ? ?? ?

  81. This is amazing news! Great stuff guys. Can’t wait to start rolling out global changes even quicker 🙂

  82. Definite game changer! This is a welcome and much needed update. Not quite the Theme Builder that we are all waiting for, but a HUGE time saver nonetheless. Thank you ET for your continuous stream of improvements. Divi is the best value you’ll find anywhere in WP development frameworks!

  83. Hi,

    Sounds good.
    What about the integration with Toolset plugins?
    I’m a Divi + Toolset user and would like to have the assurance that both will continue to work together.

    • +99999999999999999999999999999999999999999

    • My understanding is that a lot of this will be addressed with the upcoming theme builder release but it would be reassuring if Nick were to comment on how Divi with dynamic content will be a good fit with third parties such as Toolset and ACF.

      I have done a certain amount of testing and can confirm that quite a lot should work in theory but not 100% convinced that all use case will be compatible. For example you can create an unformatted view archive in Toolset and customise the code to css grid with the loop outputting the container items (posts). The loop can be offloaded to one of many template types, pure code, a Divi integrated template and even one built with the new block editor that can actually be loaded into a Divi Layout with a shortcode. The question is, will there be an exclusively Divi way to do this? And then there will always be the bespoke situations where you want to code in some conditional logic for the display of content.

      The other big workflow for me is separating layout from content. On custom posts I can have the back end interface for the post pared down to just the custom fields needed, no sign of any Divi builder or even the standard WordPress editor text area. On the front Toolset automatically loads the same Divi content template for that post type. The user/client doesn’t need to worry about the design aspect of the site and never needs to see Divi.

      All these are things that need to be seen and tested as new versions of Divi are released. The separation of design and content is a very important concept that needs to be considered and I would certainly be happier if Nick would comment on these as second guessing wether this level of functionality will ever be present in the theme.

  84. Absolutely fantastic!! What a product!

  85. Awesome! ?♥️?⭐?????

  86. Amazing!
    Thank you, Elegant Themes!!!

  87. Wow, this is great and a big relief! Thanks guys.

  88. Love it! Great work as always Elegant Themes.

  89. Very nice (y)

  90. That’s why i love Divi!!! Amazing!!!!

    • I’ll close that 2 year old feature request ticket now! Woo Hoo!!!

  91. Amazing!

  92. I say it in German: GEIL! 🙂

  93. Amazing, as always!!!
    Now I`m very anxious for the Theme Builder! Please, release it!!!!!
    Thank you, Elegant Themes, good job!

  94. This looks very promising and with further additions such as the class base system will make the builder very flexible.

    Taking it for a test drive now.

  95. Shedding actual tears…

  96. This is terrific. It’ll save so much time. And it looks really easy to use.

    Development request: How about giving some attention to the Divi header? It’s probably the least flexible element of Divi and really clunky to use.

  97. Only one think for say: Amazing Nick! ? and very soon the theme and woocomerce builder, right? I love DIVI 😀
    Please dont forget the contact form module. Will very nice with upload and data picker field, messages save into BD, etc.

    Huge !!

    • Not to mention Akismet or other spam protection for the form!

      FYI, there’s an awesome plugin called Divi DB that saves messages to the database – that’s what I use, but it would be even more awesome to have this built in.

    • Woocommerce and I say the very important responsive content update before Theme Builder.

  98. Absolutely game changing.

    Love it!

  99. Very nice!

  100. Game changer for sure!!

  101. Oh Yeah!!!!

  102. I wish I could get excited. I feel like the ship has left me since I haven’t been able to get the Visual Builder to work on any of my Divi sites, and this included sites that I created starting with the Visual Builder. If Divi worked as advertised for me, I’d be hoppin’ up and down. Congratulations to those of you who can enjoy this forward thinking company.

    • Hey Matt! What issue were you having? I’m just getting started with Divi and upon loading the visual builder, none of my buttons/menus show up! (The green and blue circles and menu box show up, but the content inside of them don’t)

    • +1

    • PM Me and I will be happy to help you! I do not work for Elegant Themes, but I specialize in Divi and I am certain I can help. And I will not charge you for some basic guidance!

      • Thank you for this important update. On the 9th of September I will be presenting on page builders at the Portland WP Meetup. Before then I am hoping you will have released the theme builder, as I believe it is supposed to be called. I very much want to be able to present Divi as the best choice out there. Thanks again.

        • Wishful thinking 😉

    • Have you opened up a support ticket so we can take a look? There is no reason that Divi should not work on every WordPress install unless there is a plugin or server conflict, which can usually be easily diagnosed using the Support Center.

      • Hey Nick, first of all – thank you, because this is a big quality of life improvement for Divi.

        I have to say, though, that recent changes have definitely had a performance impact – and having been through the support process several times, they’ve not really been able to help.

        Whilst generally pages and the builder are loading faster, it seems that this is requiring more server resources to achieve. Because of this, many of my clients (and former clients) who use cheaper hosting plans are now struggling to load the builder – when everything was working fine before.

        I appreciate how difficult it is to balance new features with supporting legacy – but do please remember the impact that changes can have.

        Thanks so much for your efforts – you and the whole team!

        • Pretty much this, Nick. Even hosts like SiteGround (who are considered a top WordPress hosting company) refuse to increase some server PHP settings to what ET recommends for Divi. That says something about the server resources Divi now needs.

          • Hostgator adjusted to all but one of the Divi requirements… just gonna throw that one out there…

  103. This is amazing Nick! ? So does this mean we’ll never have to use the WordPress customizer again??

    • I think we’ll have to use it until we get a separate option for this.
      e.g. Theme Settings.

    • We still have to use wp default dashboard to customize header, footer and some other places divi builder can’t reach.

    • I say you will still be using it even after the all important Theme Builder update.

      • Richard,

        I barely use the WP customizer now. The only thing the customizer is good for is setting some global styling such as typography and buttons, as well as setting header/nav styling and options. But with this update, it eliminates the need for global styling to be done in the customizer, and then the theme builder should eliminate the need to use the customizer for header/nav options. The WordPress customizer is outdated and will be obsolete soon. Elegant Themes is making it so we’ll rarely have to leave Divi’s Visual Builder, and I’m loving it 🙂

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