A Closer Look At Bloom, Our Upcoming Email Opt-In Plugin

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 149 Comments

A Closer Look At Bloom, Our Upcoming Email Opt-In Plugin
Blog / Theme Sneak Peeks / A Closer Look At Bloom, Our Upcoming Email Opt-In Plugin

Last week we announced our upcoming email opt-in plugin, Bloom. There has been a lot of excitement and a lot of questions about what features will be included in this new product, and I am excited to give everyone a closer look at the things we are working on. We have been working on Bloom for quite some time, and we are very close to finishing it.

Email Software Integrations

First of all, we have been spending a lot of time working with the API’s of the most popular email marketing software available. We also took some suggestions from the comments on our last post, and have been working on even more integrations. Whatever program you use to manage your email lists, there is a good chance Bloom will work with it seamlessly!


Diverse Location Options

One thing we learned during the creation and improvement of our social media sharing plugin, Monarch, is that people want more control over what information is displayed on different areas of their website. We took this into consideration with Bloom, and have been creating a system that will give you complete control over where each of your opt-in forms appear. There will be no limit to how many forms you can create, and you will be able to easily target each form to different posts, pages, categories or post types.


Elegant Design

Of course, design is always a top priority here at Elegant Themes. With Bloom, we are creating a design system that favors design options over static templates. This means you will be able to customize each opt-in form to look exactly the way you want it to. Using the different design settings, you will be able to create just about any kind of form you can think of!


Full Control, Beautiful Stats & Actionable Insights

Perhaps the most impressive things we are building for Bloom aren’t the opt-in forms themselves, but rather how those forms are created, managed and understood. We are building a beautiful admin experience for Bloom with exceptional stats and useful methods for testing and optimizing your campaign performance. You are going to absolutely love using this plugin, and we think that Bloom will give you the tools you need to build your email lists faster than ever.


So When’s It Going To Be Ready?

We have been working on Bloom for several months already, and we are very close to finishing it. In fact, we are shooting for a release by next week! Keep your eyes and ears open, and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know when the plugin goes live. I hope that you are excited as we are about Bloom, and I can’t wait to put this great new tool into our customer’s hands.


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  1. I would love for bloom to have the redirect to Thank you page option as well. Also, it would be nice if bloom kept up with some other plug ins like thrive leads and allowed light box pop up when an element is clicked. Those convert better.

  2. Please tell me, how to do redirect to custom thank you page after sending the form?

  3. Hello Nick,

    Bloom it’s awesome …but recently in Europe has been activated the “Privacy Law” …so, is now necessary a CHECK IN BOX in the opt-in form …Do you know if it will be implemented (and when) ?

    Thank You

    • Yep, I have the sam problem

  4. Great plugin, for me one thing that is missing is a the ability to add a redirect URL once the signup form has been submitted so we can send the subscriber to a custom thank you page with tracking code on. Could this be added in a future release? Thanks

    • Same here. Would be usefull.

    • Desperately needing this as well. As of right now the only work-around I can think of is using an html form instead of the built in email integration (which kind of defeats a lot of the ease of use).

    • Yep I need the same thing

    • Agreed, need a way to track conversions from paid ad sources!

  5. Why can’t you just buy the standalone plugin – don’t want all the themes etc

  6. Will CleverReach be supported by Bloom?

  7. nice

  8. I too am excited to see how Bloom turns out. This is the week, correct?

  9. eagerly awaiting.. this was the week.. any status updates? By pure coincidence, I have 2 clients that are going to be needing this, the same week you started teasing us with it.


  10. Wow, fantastic, it looks like a very slick popup plugin.

    Is it possible to mention our WordPress Newsletter plugin as supported? https://wordpress.org/plugins/newsletters-lite/

    It allows you to generate HTML code which can easily be used with most popup plugins currently available and I assume it will be the same with yours. Documentation on the HTML code is here: http://tribulant.com/docs/wordpress-mailing-list-plugin/97

    I’ve contacted you for a testing/development version as well so that we can make an illustrative video and/or documentation to promote on our side as well. There are many of our customers asking for good opt-in plugins similar to this.

  11. hello,

    is it possible to translate the administration module ?

  12. This could not have been more timely for me. I. Can’t. Wait. Seriously, I bought a membership to this site JUST for this plugin. Please tell me it will be available, like, yesterday!

  13. So happy that you have launched monarch and now this plugin. They both look great 🙂 You should launch plugins more often!!

  14. This will be a great asset to the already many “must have ” features Elegant Themes provides with their license ! Can’t wait 🙂

  15. It seems as if you are BLOOMING with new ideas. Good job!

  16. Hey Nick. So excited and cant wait. But I was wondering if this will also be able to be used within the page builder in lieu of the Subscribe module. We currently have to use something like gravity forms to integrate new sign up requirements such as “company name” or something like that and it would be cool if Bloom could be used instead of resorting to another third party plug in other than ET’s 😀

  17. ewwww-weeeeee…. That is pretty darn sexy!!! Can’t wait to play with that!!! 🙂

  18. Nick,

    This is just awesome. Looking forward to the release. The ability to add video on the opting for is something that I would love as well.

    Keep up the awesome work.

  19. Tooooooooo excited for this!

    • Ditto: I’d be MORE THAN happy to beta test it for you on my site 😉

  20. The option of having full control over the layout just like Monarch did, is an awesome feature. Makes people feel in control of the plugin and not the other way round. Can’t wait to try

  21. Nick,

    I just checked my email service and it looks like they don’t have an API option. Am I able to just drop their form code to this plugin to make it compatible?

  22. this is awesome yes really exciting

  23. Looks like a good product. We will wait and see

    Where can I download it ;P

  24. Is Bloom properly internationalized? That is, do you follow the principles of I18n_for_WordPress_Developers on the WordPress Codex?

    I’m not asking if it is translated into multiple languages (I wouldn’t expect that for a first release), but is it properly coded so that others can translate the public-facing output text?

  25. Wow this is really exciting. Can’t wait to integrate this on both my websites.

  26. What will be the price range for this?

  27. Amazing News!

    Will Bloom work with the wordpress mail function, just sending an email to a defined email-adress with name and email-adress of the interested customer?

  28. Looking forward to it!

  29. Yippee!!!

  30. Two questions in here Nick,

    1st. I have my own E-Mail platform how difficult or easy would it be to integrate? I have an API ready.

    2nd. In case there is not an E-Mail Marketing platform integrated, will the contact list be stored on the WP-DB ?

  31. So excited! How did you know I was looking for this? 🙂

  32. Hi,

    Thanks for the update. Your raised the bar again!

    Will Bloom also provide shortcodes? Monarch is a really great plugin but because of the lack of shortcode I had to use another plugin.

    So please include shortcodes, this will make you plug-ins more versatile.

  33. Looking forward to this release.

  34. Hi Nick,
    Can not wait any more for bloom. I am very excited with bloom. Any tentative date when we can get it.

  35. Awesome work!

  36. Can’t wait to use Bloom on my own and my customer’s websites.
    Good work Nick.

  37. Hi,

    great job, will Bloom work with Autopilot?

  38. Amazing news!

  39. This news just made my day. Can’t wait to get that plugin in my hand.

  40. This is a great news ! Thank’s for your work !

  41. This will be an awesome addition to the ET portfolio, great features, can’t wait!

  42. Great work with nice design of Bloom

  43. Hello Nick,

    Can this be integrated with email marketing providers that are not in your list?

  44. I may have missed this but will a double opt-in feature be available?

  45. I’ve being looking for way to get a smart optin plugin into my ET sites for months and those monster ones outta there with their expensive conditions kept me at bay. Alas! when I saw your parachute like newsletter optin list plugin, and told us that you created when eyebrow start raising, I said in my heart hope you will create a plugin like this for the members and sure you did! Thank you very much because I’m now motivated to do professional email building using Bloom. Next week, email building may start Blooming 🙂


  46. Thank you so much! I’ve been wanting something like this for a while now!

  47. Thank’s all Elegant Theme developers.

  48. Nick,
    Another supplier worth connecting to is the new http://www.ininbox.com Like MailChimp with their free account for up to 2000 subscribers they are an option small business considers. Can send up to 10,000 emails per month so quite a good deal.

  49. Would lifetime members to Elegant themes get this for free or will there be additional payment for this?

    • Lifetime members get all of our themes and plugins at no additional cost.

  50. Everything is awesome!

    Everything is cool when you’re part of the Elegant Themes Family!

    Can’t Wait!

  51. Always the best!

  52. Ah, no plans for WooCommerce Smart Coupons integration? 🙁

  53. So excited to hear about this!

    I use Aweber, and have been wanting to make landing pages
    with Divi and Aweber.

    Can’t wait!

  54. Great job guys! I can’t wait for Bloom. About integrations, is freshmail on Your list? Greatings from Poland!

  55. Will it include support for Sign-up.to? I have yet to see a 3rd party app integrate with them, but they are the best option for me.

  56. Nice!!! 😀

    It works with Mailpoet and WPML? 🙂

    Great job you are doing!!! 😀

  57. I love elegant themes! I am anxious to know the plugins Boom, I have much expectation. Thank you Nick for this extraordinary team and be as valuable tools creating !! A hug !! 🙂

  58. Nice one & perfectly timed… Looking forward to it 🙂

  59. Soooooooooooo good! A good news! Thank you!
    I use a proprietary software for newsletters. For other programs not included in your software integrations, is it possible to insert the registration fields on the Bloom’s form?

  60. Thank you Nick and all the Elegant themes team. Been a customer since around 2008 or sooner and always get great product and great support!!!

  61. I’m crossing my fingers that you’ll be including API integration for CampaignMonitor…

    • Me too!

  62. I have been very unhappy with the Aweber forms on my site for years. This will be a HUGE improvement over what’s being offered now! {{standing in line, camping out}}

    • Irene, I hope you have a lot of coffee/tea and a comfy sleeping bag as it might just be a long camping. But that’s the most exciting part! 🙂

  63. Talk about timely. I was just considering purchasing a third party plugin to do this very thing. Thankfully I procrastinated. Yours looks so much better. Can’t wait to see it. Well done.

  64. Bloom could come in better time!! I’m starting a marketing project for a client that includes building up a subscriber’s list and this is a plugin I’ve been looking for but didn’t found any with that much controls as bloom.

    Congrats to ET team!!! Keep up the great work!!!

    • Sorry, what I ment was ‘Couldn’t come in a better time’ 🙂

  65. Can’t wait. Love how all your plugins better integrate with Div, allowing me to get rid of the other plugins I use.

  66. When when when?

  67. This is such AWESOME news! I can’t wait to try this new plugin out. I love Divi and the Monarch plugin.

    I’ll keep looking for it in my email. You guys ROCK!

  68. Awesome, I can’t wait the newest plugins Bloom

  69. I am so excited that you have created this plugin I’ve searched internet for exactly this login that looks good and works great.

    if you could only create a membership plugin and the CRM plugin I’d love you forever

  70. Hello,

    About the email software integration, please don’t forget french market.
    We are a lot working with http://www.sg-autorepondeur.com

    We can create a generic system like WP eMember with which we can add a subcriber by email system.
    Hybrid connect plugin could add generic email software.

    Thanks for taking in account this provider. Regards.


  71. Exit-popup please! 😀 Like in Optin Monster!

    • Subscribe…

      the plugin looks awesome, but without exit-popup is like others similar plugins. Please add exit-popup to Bloom and for sure you will on top

  72. Looks Great!

    One simple question.
    Will be possible to trigger the pop up using a shortcode or a link on a post?


    • Oh, that would be quite handy!


  74. Excellent, a new reason to continue loving ET.
    Congratulations to the whole team.

  75. i wonder how the functionality and features stack up against thrive leads.

  76. This looks great! Is this for other forms as well or just email sign up? I can see using this in place of Contact Page default or even other, more complex forms.

    (considering how much trouble I’m having styling MailChimp, this cant arrive any sooner)

  77. So excited for this!! Great work ET team! Keep it up

  78. Pretty.

  79. Next Week it will be Ready????

    Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

  80. Great work guys – really looking forward to this 😀

  81. I am sure that Bloom will be as good as the previous product. Thank you

  82. Nick very very “bellissimo” tanks you!!!!!

  83. The week will seem very long 😉

  84. SumoMe who…? 😀

  85. can’t wait nick, excited to use on my websites and blogs

  86. I cannot wait! I know it will be great, just like all of Elegant products.

  87. Nick, it is nice to see how you seem to have figured out a new path you and the company are following since the end of last year. And I think it is an awesome path, maybe even the path to even more properity for you and your team. Love what you guys are doing!

  88. I would like to see some integration with the self hosted email autoresponder plugins like MailPoet, Sendy and MyMail, etc . This gives the user the ability to apply the opt-in plugin with email services like Mailjet, Amazon and Sendgrid. Which are far less expensive to use then the typical email marketing services often given as an option for these kind of plugins.

    • +1

      Sendy integration would be really cool

  89. Name “Bloom” itself give the feel of some kind of great gift. Thanks Nick.

  90. You all are doing an amazing job here and I am glad to be apart of the growing community. Looking forward to the new plugin coming!

  91. looking forward to implementing it and removing crummy widget that I am using now.

  92. Hello,

    Very nice sneak peak, I would really want the bloom to be ingrate with mailpoet and MYmail wordpress plugin as well.

  93. Awesome! I was just thinking about this plugin today. I need now.

  94. great job , congratulations!

  95. Very much looking forward to this!! Right now I have some PHPlist installations. Will this be integrated? If not, I would like to put my vote in for this email list. Thanks Nick! You da man!

  96. Love your work!

  97. A feature I have only found in one other plugin that would differentiate you from most of the competition and be an extrordinary benefit is the ability to input a second AR code that sends the same data to a completely different account or list at the same time. You put a tic box that reveals a second area for AR code. This helps JV promotion, can be used to deliver bonus content, and other options. What do you think?

  98. will this integrate with Amazon’s email service?

  99. Wow you guys are completely awesome! I am stoked about this plugin and can’t wait to check it out.

    You spoil us!

  100. Nick,

    This looks great! I hope it allows for my lists (mailman API) which posts via simple URL: domain.com/?key=hash;[email protected]


  101. Fantastic! Cannot wait to give this a go 🙂

  102. Hi Nick
    Will it have Constant Contact integration?
    Also almost all email opt-in solutions have not looked at helping the site owner differentiate different kinds of contacts. For example someone who wants to be on a specific list only, rather then the general list. Do you think that something like that could be implemented in the future?

  103. Looking forward to this new addition to the Elegant arsenal. Please tell me that it’ll be integrated with YMLP.com? They do have an API, so my fingers are crossed that it’s on the list for inclusion in Bloom. Thanks!

  104. So looking forward to this plugin! Not been happy with any of the other options I’ve used, and as a Lifetime member here…. Can you say free ninety free?

  105. awesome, I’m looking forward to next week!
    just easier to build websites.
    Thank ET team & Nick

  106. Nick, great work again. You and your team keep on pushing the standards. Fan of ET.


  107. I’m so looking forward to this… do I need to get out more?

  108. Great Plug-In, I just have one question. Is Bloom only to collect the names and maintain them, but all the newsletters will be sent out through the popular email marketing software. Or can you also build the newsletters and sent them out through Bloom also?


  109. Wow, did not know it was going to be released so quick. Looks like one of the best pop-up plugins I’ve seen. Great job.

  110. Great Work!

  111. The fact the the optins will be fully customizable will certainly set Bloom apart from the other leading plugins of this kind. Looking forward to its release!

    • Looks as though Bloom will do for email optin what Monarch did for social share and follow.

  112. So excited! This is going to be so great!

  113. Ok, Nick! You surely know how to tease us!

    Can’t wait to try it out already. One of my main goals for this year is to grow my email list and I am sure Bloom will be a big part of it 😉

  114. Great work. 😀

  115. Nick, the stats and insights function of the Bloom plugin would worth a goldmine alone not to mention the flexibility in designing the actual forms and their placement.

    You and your team continue to set the higher standard in design world for everyone to be inspired and look up to.

  116. Hey Nick…keep spoiling us with such wonderful plugins.

    Next week will reveal lots but meanwhile I am too eager to learn whether Bloom will support hyperlinks and videos on it?

    • You can certainly add hyperlinks within the text content of your opt-in. We haven’t added video support yet, and if this doesn’t make it into version 1 then we will probably add it in version 1.2.

      • Hi there, looking to buy Bloom over another plugin preferably but we need video support. Does Bloom now allow you to include videos in the forms? thanks.

      • Hi Nick. Sorry in advance for the folly of my question. I wonder how the photo of users in the comments of this site is added.
        Thank you very much for your response or any other user.

          • Thanks Andrew.

        • Hey Alex! It uses a Gravatar. Go to https://en.gravatar.com/ to learn more and set up your free Gravatar account. This links a profile picture with the email address that you enter when you fill out this comment form.

          • Thanks Robert..

      • Nick, I sooo need for you to include the video option into Bloom on the first version. Now, that would be a game changer! Providing the best options in it’s new release. Don’t save the best for last….

      • Thanks for the swift reply Nick. Your assurance makes me so very happy.

    • By the way, a good question about the video support within the opt-in forms. That would be a game-changer!

      • Thanks Timur….it surely will be a game changer.

  117. I can’t wait to get my hands on this brand new Plug-in. Thanks a lot!

    • Hurry up! 🙂

      • I am Also very eager to use this plugin…

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