A Sneak Peek At Divi 2.5, And An Update To The Divi Production Timeline

Last Updated on September 17, 2022 by 241 Comments

A Sneak Peek At Divi 2.5, And An Update To The Divi Production Timeline
Blog / Theme Sneak Peeks / A Sneak Peek At Divi 2.5, And An Update To The Divi Production Timeline

You might be asking yourself: Divi 2.5? Wait, I thought The Divi Builder Plugin was next on the production timeline? You’re right, we originally planned to release The Divi Builder Plugin before Divi 2.5. After some thought, we flip-flopped and decided it would better serve everyone if we rolled our framework updates into Divi 2.5 first, while at the same time continuing to focus on the various Divi bug fixes and improvements requested by the community. We want to make Divi absolutely perfect before expanding it into plugin form.

As mentioned in our previous post, we are building a unified Divi framework that will be shared among Divi, The Divi Builder Plugin and our future themes, and each update to the Divi Builder is a culmination of our progress towards each of those goals. We are making big progress on all fronts!

After Divi 2.5 has been released, The Divi Builder Plugin will follow suite shortly after. Keep reading, because we have some other exciting announcements about the new features that Divi 2.5 and The Divi Builder Plugin will include!

So What’s Divi 2.5 All About?

Divi 2.5 will do a lot things. First of all, it will finalize the Divi Builder Framework which will act as a base for all of our flagship products. Divi, The Divi Builder Plugin, our upcoming Extra Theme, and any additional themes we make in the future will all be able to run on the exact same codebase. This will ensure a seamless experience for you and your clients, and it will also make development of this family of products more efficient. Finally, it will make switching between these different themes (or websites built with third party themes + the Divi Builder Plugin) effortless.

As mentioned earlier, we are also working to address several bugs and improvements. If you have been reading our changelogs lately, you will have seen the hundreds of fixes and improvements that we have already made, and we plan to continue these efforts as we wrap up Divi 2.5.

But that’s not all! While our lead developers have been working diligently on these framework updates, the rest of our team has been polishing up a few nifty features to be included in Divi 2.5 as well. In fact, they are more than just nifty, they are totally awesome. Here are just a few of the exciting new features you can expect in Divi 2.5:


We are expanding the Divi Builder to accept new right click and hotkey commands that will not only save you a ton of time, but will also introduce some brand new functions to the builder that will greatly improve your experience using it. After using these new features, you are going to wonder how you ever lived without them!


In addition to several UX improvements within the Divi Builder, Divi 2.5 will also ship with a brand new tool for WordPress Developers that will help you interact with your clients. We realize that small web design agencies and freelancers constitute a huge part of the Divi user base, and we want to set Divi apart by working on new ways to make the lives of WordPress developers easier. Many of our customers have expressed frustration with sharing control over the Divi Builder with their clients, and we aim to alleviate many of those headaches. Gone are the days of gungho clients messing up your beautiful designs!


We want to make building websites as efficient as possible by cutting out steps and reducing unnecessary actions within the builder. There is one Divi 2.5 feature in particular that really hits home on this goal; can you spot it? πŸ˜‰

What’s The ETA on 2.5?

The major framework updates and new features are already finished. We are starting beta testing for Divi 2.5 in a few days, and we are shooting for a release in ~2-3 weeks. Don’t worry, this isn’t a 6 month project that will cause significant delays to our future products. As mentioned earlier, Divi 2.5 and the Divi Builder Plugin are being developed in unison (due to the shared framework), so once Divi 2.5 has been finished, the Divi Builder Plugin will be released shortly afterward.

I hope you are as excited as we are about these two upcoming releases, and I think you are going to absolutely love the new features we are working on.


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Divi Sneak Peek: Layers View

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Layers View: A Brand New Way to Effortlessly Control All Design Elements is Coming to Divi! We’re excited to announce that soon a new Layers View feature will be added to Divi. This feature will help you speed up your workflow by allowing you to access the hierarchicalΒ layer structure of...

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  1. Regarding the release date of Divi Extra theme: I got a reply from @elegantthemes about this on Twitter.

    This was me to @elegantthemes:

    “@elegantthemes when is your DIVI “Extra” theme available? (I’ve had a client waiting over a year for me to use it to design a site for her.)”

    On the 12th December, this was the happy answer:

    “@StephenGritton In a few days :)”

    .. which I think is brilliant news. I can’t wait to get to grips with it. So, barring any last minute glitches, I’m hoping to see something happening on this front within a week.

    Fingers crossed …

    • Good news! But I think there will be a beta before release…Wait and See!

  2. Extra before the end of the year? Yes or No.

    • Looks like a “NO” Rob. Must say my website is in need of an upgrade for months now. I am eagerly awaiting the release of EXTRA to do just that. What gets under my skin is the lack of communication on this matter. I pay for a service, the least they can do is keep us informed. Sure there must be a deadline?????

  3. “follow suite” is incorrect.
    The correct phrase is : “follow suit.”

    “Suite” is a grouping of things, sometimes mispronounced in local vagaries as “suit.” “I rented a suite of rooms.” (sweet, not soot)

    To “follow suit” means to play a card from the same card family as the previous player did. Thus, one after the other, appropriately next, in like manner, it follows as night follows day.

    I have NO idea what “follow suite” is supposed to mean.

  4. Hi,

    I’m very excited that the DIvi Post Builder wil be there soon!
    Maybe if it is possible to create a plugin or option to search the posts created with the post builder. That would be great so you can create a searchfield that fits DIVI, with all the taxonomies you have created in the builder.

  5. I’m wondering if upgrading old divi sites (before 2.4) to the newer version is still causing problems. I haven’t upgraded any of my sites since 2.4 came out because I’m afraid of the work involved in getting them back to normal. I’ve heard a lot of rumblings of hours of work involved in fixing all the bugs after the upgrade. I’m wondering if those bugs have been fixed yet. Otherwise, the version of divi looks amazing. I’ve taken a small break from websites but I’m dying to get back in there and try it out.

  6. Hi, I was wondering if there will be more customization options for the gallery in Divi 2.5? I need to finish up a site, but I still need to work on the gallery. If the new Divi will have a better gallery, I probably will not have to look for a gallery plugin. Could you let us know, so I know whether to wait, or search for something else? Thanks!

  7. I couldn’t buy Divi today, some program glitch I guess. But got the newsletter application. Ends up I found out about the Divi 2.5 coming out and will wait for that. Can you let me know through the newsletter when Divi 2.5 is available? It looks so good!


    When I requested you these updates and I never thought you would hear my requests and actually apply them.



  9. We have lifetime membership and yes its worth every penny.
    Over the last couple of months we have been building ecommerce site with divi/woocomerce. And yes there are tons of issues that need to be fixed and added to make Divi the ultimate ecommerce theme.
    Just to name a few:
    1. Styling of many woocomerce pages, modules and widgets needs to be fixed and rewriten.
    2. Did you noticed that if you make simple page with woocommerce shortcodes, is not mobile responsive?
    3. We need ability/ module to to customize woocomerce shop pages.
    4. We need some mega menus that will be functional for woocommerce.
    5. We need better integration of divi product categories within divi framework.
    6. We need option to turn on/off the “add to cart” button on shop pages.
    7.Way to customize the behavior when hover on product thumbnail will be nice addition too.

    Thank you

  10. For the most part I’ve moved on to Themify.

  11. I keep clicking on the ad on the bottom right of my screen for the 10% off divi. But when i enter my email it wont send me anything because i am already registered for your newsletter (and thus tells me the email is already used). How can i get the offer please? I am looking at a lifetime membership… Thanks Al

  12. Thanks for the update! I have really enjoyed being able to create standardized modules and just drop them in on whatever page or article. That has saved so much time and adds a level of standardization across my website.

    I must say from a business standpoint your guys really need to set a hard deadline for Extra once the Divi plugin is released. I, like many other, have projects on hold for Extra and that impacts my business plans too.


  13. I’ve just purchased the divi 2.4 theme. It’s been less than a month. Will I be eligible for a free upgrade?

    • You will have access to theme updates for as long as your membership is active. You can use the theme forever, even after your subscription expires. You can renew your account at any time should you wish to regain access to theme updates and support :).

  14. I occasionally check back on ET to see if there is any news on the Extra theme, and as always nothing.

    Don’t hold your breath for Extra pretty much ever coming out. Maybe another year or two.

    Competitors have already completely usurped anything ET has in it’s portfolio. Divi is just a watered down version of any business theme you can get on ThemeForest.

    People will continuously pat the back of Nick and the ET staff because their needs are being met by Divi, and they don’t have a full grasp of what other options are out there. Meanwhile, the rest of you looking for a magazine theme will be left out in the cold probably forever.

  15. Always great to hear more about Divi updates! I wish there was a special place where current Divi users could submit ideas for improvement or is the comments of posts the best place for this?

  16. The ‘website content width control’ give values that would indicate they are pixel dimensions but when measured are not correct.

    It would be great if they were accurate pixel dimensions, for now I have to do screen grabs and then measure in Photoshop to get the correct pixel dimensions of the website.

    Can this be addressed in Divi 2.5?

  17. I can’t wait for Extra to be released, it will be the new design for a blog on domotica that has been running for three years now (on 2 different ET themes).

    Having said that, I’m VERY happy with the development of Divi. It made a few projects much easier and it’s great to work with. Looking forward to v2.5!

  18. Nick, I would like to see a directory of customer websites using DIVI. They can be by category (ecommerce, blog, etc.) and it would just be a link to their website, similar to the customer showcase but a directory.
    Thanks for the good work.

  19. We only use Divi for your customers. So far so good. Cant wait to test this! πŸ™‚

  20. Regarding the footer supporting ET, within the Elegant Theme protocol…

    As a marketer and designer, I’ve kept the Elegant Theme reference, along with my design/marketing company, but with a twist.

    I know the value of noting my company in the footer, but I also know the value of supporting the Theme foundation that supports me. I anchor the design reference to my site, and then anchor the Elegant relationship to my ‘affiliate’ link.

    This way I get the benefit of supporting (anchoring) my firm and, and support ET along with the ability to collect an affiliate fee (drop your affiliate anchor link in) for turning folks on to (the power of) ET.

    Consider this as a way to support both!

    eg., in my case my anchors look like this…

    Designed by CustomerCounts | Powered by Elegant Themes

    • Hey Michael,

      There is nothing such a “Like” here for comments, but it should.
      Great advice… Thanks for sharing.

  21. The only thing I can say about this new release of Divi is… AWESOME!!!

    I have built more than 10 sites with Divi so far and it is really fantastic.

    For all those who are requesting for a way to customize the footer, I sugest them to use a child theme. It’s so easy that I don’t understand why such a solicitude.

    Thank you… great job Nick!!!

    • It may be ‘easy’ but it shouldn’t be necessary! ET themselves have said one of the great things about Divi is that you don’t need to use a child theme (or an extra plugin) – it should just be built in – it is a much more fundamental and basic requirement than many of the fancy things you can do with Divi.

      Come on – make it so.

    • Or download Divi Children…

  22. Will your 2.5 update include modal dialog box/popup window option?

  23. Aside from the little nitpicky things (there’s no way you can cover all of them), a major part of divi that I feel is lacking is the shop/woocommerce feature.

    It hasn’t changed at all and everyone really would like to have options to choose their own product categories, number of products, single specific products, etc.

    I understand you can use woocommerce documentation code/shortcodes in a text module as a workaround, but I’d have many more applicable scenarios for divi versus a woocommerce theme if this wasn’t so inconvenient.

  24. Nick

    You and your Elegant Themes development team are fantastic!

    Thank you for a great product!

  25. Hi Nick

    Just saw your post and I am so glad to see the notice about the release of DIVI 2.5, keep doing the incredible work!

    You probably remember that I’ve been the first one to claim about sharing control over everything on DIVI with clients, messing up the designs. Developer will be able to control access only for modules or also for sections, rows and tabs?


  26. Been looking forward to Extra for a long time! Glad to hear an update

  27. My biggest frustration with Divi is that the full-width slider basically forces you to use abstract backgrounds or solid colours. Otherwise your text content is unreadable.

    Divi desperately needs an alternate version of the full-width slider that places your text in a semi-transparent box (like a caption), so you can use actual photos in the full-width slider. Give us a little control over the placement and styling of the caption/content box, and it would be perfect.

    I know this can be accomplished (more or less) with custom CSS, but it’s a pain, and doesn’t quite work. I had to use Revolution Slider on one recent Divi build, because I couldn’t live with abstract slider backgrounds. I’m working on two more Divi builds where I would MUCH rather have a slider with caption-style text so I can use real photos, not blurry or abstract ones.

    With all the other great features being pumped into Divi, I’m really surprised the slider hasn’t been improved along these lines. To me, it’s by far the biggest limitation of Divi.

    • I totally agree with this.

  28. Will there ever be retina display support? Themes from other companies have had this for a while now.

  29. Hey Nick,

    No flack from me about release dates or anything else. I’m a total novice, don’t code, can barely tell my CSS from my HTML, and I love ET. You have made it so easy for a “technically challenged” person such as myself to put up decent sites without tearing my hair out – I’m forever grateful.

  30. Give the guys a break. They’re working on making one of the best frameworks released to date even better. I understand you all need the Extra theme fixed but that’s no reason not to appreciate their hardwork.

    Great work Nick and the ET team.

  31. Lol! ignore my previous 2 posts, I tried to do it on my phone but the newsletter popup kept on blocking my view and the submit button was pressed in the process.

    What I wanted to say is that the woocommerce module must please be expanded so that one can choose ones own categories and not just the favourites etc.

    Otherwise divi is king.

  32. Hi, I am a new Divi user and ET themes client and after having created my first website with Divi, I found it excellent.

    The Divi Builder is so quick and efficient, well thought that I forgot all the visual builder I tried before (a lot). Library is awesome, tabs are the ones you need, modules are so great.

    I completely understand the way you work and why you prioritize the dev of the framework, to have a solid backbone for all the future themes you will create on top of it.

    I really appreciate the quality of the coding and the nearly no bug experience I had creating my first website.

    The only bad point I see for the moment (not a small one for me) is not to be able to improve easily the search (Relevanssi or Search everything don’t work with the content created by the builder).

    Thanks for your work.

  33. Would be great to have two features in the builder:

    A preview thumbnail
    A deactivation button or checkbox

    Thanks and great job!

  34. Nick, you never, ever answer the (many) queries about the footer – it seems we aren’t allowed to talk about this, but for many of us it is a pain to use extra plugins/child themes just to remove WP/ET from the footer. Is this addressed in 2.5? Pretty please!

    • I think Nick will never reply and should never reply to this request.

      It seems to me like asking Ferrari to sell their car without the “Wild Horse” so you easily put the brand you want !
      Crazy ?!
      It’s their brand guys !
      Your are allowed to remove it but don’t ask them to remove it !!!

      • HyperTiti – you must be very new to wordpress themes or maybe you just have used premium themes by Elegant Themes. It’s one thing for a FREE theme to make it difficult to replace the footer — it’s another thing to pay money for a premium theme and have to edit the footer.php file every time there is an update. That’s ridiculous. I use many premium themes other than Elegant and they ALL have a section in the theme options to change the footer.

    • I would also like to find an easier way to change footer credits, perhaps in the theme options.

      • Yes, this would be nice!

    • I would also like to find an easier way to change footer credits, perhaps in the theme options.

  35. Hi Nick,

    Divi is the best theme I have ever used in my WP career. I have used Divi for many websites. I have used Divi Version: in my one website. Its working perfect but I think there is 1 problem in tablet & mobile screen.

    Please open http://www.jinnimd.com/maternity/. Its working perfect in PC & Laptop screens. I have used 2 columns structure to display product image & product description. There are total 7 products I have displayed in this page.

    Now please open this same page in tablet or mobile. Its display all 7 first column product images first and then 7 second column product descriptions. It should display first column product1 image and second column product1 description, first column product2 image and second column product2 description.

    Hope you got my point. If I am wrong or If I am not following proper divi functions then please let me know. Looking forward for solution.


    • It’s so easy to do what you want…

      All you need is to have 7 rows of 2 columns in each row, then you put the image on the first column and the description and content for the product on the second column… and that’s it.

      I hope this helps you…


      • Hi Jorge, I did same in my current page. Please check it. Its working perfect in PC & Laptop screen. But if you open it in Mobile screen then its display all 7 rows first column first and then 7 rows of second column. It should display like 1st row first column and 1st row second column then 2nd row first column and 2nd row second column ….

  36. Divi my favourite theme to date. Would just love to be able to use my own categories in the woocomme

  37. LOVE

  38. I really hope that more testing is done prior to releasing 2.5, than what was done for 2.4. Based on the number of support tickets that were raised after 2.4, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one to think this either. I ended up having to revert several sites back to 2.3 as there where so many things that broke or got changed. I even have two support tickets that were raised back in late June that still haven’t been resolved.

    On another note though, looking forward to seeing the Divi Builder plugin released. This will definitely be a big plus.

  39. Hello all.

    Nick and Elegant Themes team, I think a good way to make easier the wait for Extra, which we are also waiting for, could be to write a “How to create a news / magazine site using Divi” post.


  40. Nick,

    I’m reminded of your earliest comment prior to DIVI’s release, which noted that… “now you’ll be able to create most any Web pages ‘without’ the necessity of a Child.”

    I’m just curious why many in your Support section continue to suggest PHP modifications and other suggestions requiring editor level scripting to handle many conflicts, which continues to push one into a Child consideration to support such?

    Understanding that DIVI now allows more custom CSS scripting at its pertinent hierarchical level, however, you might want to address some of your (esp. overseas) support staff, to steer more fixes away from editor level scripting, to otherwise be within the DIVI domain in order to support your ‘non-Child’ disposition.

    Also, you might consider having more closures on your (ET) Support/Forum. For example… many fixes in the ET Support section tend to end without a complete synopsis [fix] closing the thread. This leaves many wondering what route one took to secure their final resolve.

    e.g., many go offline with a PM with a staff member right in the middle of a subject matter, never to return to the thread with their pertinent fix…

    This can get a little frustrating…

    Supplying a complete closure to a member’s question (even if your staff member must return to the pertinent thread to provide the fix) would not only help many with similar situations, it would ‘greatly reduce’ your staff requirements regarding their return to redundant questions!

    In any case… Thanks for your consistent work on DIVI… keep after it, we certainly appreciate it.


  41. Well this can make it more easy, lot’s of my customer has DiVi theme and I have worked with this theme. It was very easy and glad to see you are making it more productive.

  42. Excited

  43. Hi Nick,

    Thanks for the update! Joined a year ago because I admire your designs. And here, one year later, I built my best looking site so far using Divi. Wouldn’t be possible except for how well you’ve turned your design expertise into a tool with Divi 2.4.

    Any chance of Elegant themes turning its attention SEO and Schema.org in modules? Building a local service business website and was looking for an elegant way to get it right.

    Thanks again to you and the whole team.


  44. Looking forward to the new version. My only suggestion is to have the content on a separate tab on the module interface. Right now in 2.4 the “General Settings” tab can change design settings and content settings. Let’s separate content completely so all aspects of a module’s design can potentially be a global library item.

    So, instead of this:
    [Gen. Settings] [Advanced Settings]

    We have this:
    [Content] [Gen. Settings] [Advanced Settings]

  45. Great Work! Love what I see from this team. πŸ™‚

    2: If there would be a way to EXIT/SAVE/WP-PAGE-UPDATE out from the Module with ONE CLICK, this would save a ton of time for us before a front end framework is released. I think I am wearing out my scroll-er on my mouse.

  46. Sorry if I missed this, with all my Divi reading and research, I cannot find how to add an image in the header? I can add logo, change color, but I cannot add a background image.

    • This would be nice!

  47. I have just started with divi and enjoying the journey to date. have also joined the face book group some very helpful people on the group thanks for the update.

  48. What I need (more than just want) is some sort of Divi builder that stamps out a ready-to-use template for blog posts (not pages). That would not only be amazing, allowing me to have greater (even if nuanced) control over different blog posts, but really is a necessity.

    One of my clients is a food blogger. Some posts are recipes, others are food strategies, and on top of that, she has a few other ‘types’ of blog posts. Sadly she’s stuck with a few layout choices, layouts that are very standard and uninteresting, affording her minimal ease in tweaking the page design (read: Yes, she can do it, but not without a lot of work using shortcodes and other formatting, which she really doesn’t want to do. She calls all that ‘programming.” Sigh.).

    Maybe I’ve missed something out there, but if something like this existed it would truly meet the needs of many clients.

  49. How about a slider for featured image size, and an option for placement – L, R, M

    I know I can use css for this, but come on, I can’t believe how big the featured images are in the default divi theme, and no UI to change it???

  50. This is awesome!!! Not only does ET listen to its customers but they follow through.


  51. This is really a very exciting news. I thought after the release of the new improved Divi theme it will be very difficult for you to excite us but am glad you proved me wrong on that πŸ™‚

    • I am glad too!

  52. If one is about to upgrade a site from Divi 2.3 to 2.4, should I hold off and do the upgrade to 2.5? How seamless would it be?

    • You can upgrade to 2.4 now. Upgrading from 2.4 to 2.5 should be seamless.

  53. Awesome looking fwd to it!

    Nick – We are hoping of a new feature which is somewhere between a GLOBAL element and a SAVED PAGE/LAYOUT where you can create a Master Page Style Template which can be applied to many pages, but at any stage you can tweak this template (columns/widths/models ect) and it rolls out these changes across all the pages with template applied.


  54. Hi Nick,

    Fantastic news and I await with anticipation, as always πŸ™‚

    One thing I’d love to see added to Divi (or the Divi Builder Plugin) is the ability to make a module, or row, or section non-global. For example, if there is a global section on all pages (a header for example), but I would like to change it on one page – I can’t. I have to recreate the entire section from scratch. Having the ability to “de-globalise” something would save significant time.


    • Good idea Clint, I think that’s something we can explore in the future.

  55. I have 165 domains and I was looking forward to DIVI to do things with all of them, but…once again feel like a lot of buildup and then a big let down. Hate to say that, but as a paying customer am being real.

    Many options, very confusing, and not everything is easily watched in a video. Some of us don’t have time to set up a video, watch, go back and forth, back and forth on things.

    It’s got a ways to go to achieve a really good stable, WYSIWYG type of interface without falling apart when trying to do simple site setup types of things.

    But…I’m going to hope that 2.5 whatever solves some issues and perhaps makes things more cohesive.

    Michael Murdock, CEO

  56. Great vision, Nick, from you and your team! Am looking forward to 2.5 while building/maintaining site with the various earlier Divi increments *if it ain’t broke…). One thing I’ve always wanted, as it’s such a productivity game-changer, is for the text editor in the Text module to be the first thing up. Right now, and for almost every theme, the text editor box is below the various settings, i.e., text alignment, light/dark, etc., and those usually get set just once. I have to scroll down the page and then scroll down the module to get to the text (often several dozen times during the development and evolution of the clients’ content). Is this a problem with the WP core code, or is this something ET can fix? Thanks again for a superb product and great service… RMT

  57. I really hope it doesn’t have the bugs that 2.4 has. I see now there is a 2.4.1 update already. I hope the issues about icon bugs and the suggestion of make sliders and headers having similar functions have been addressed.

    • Matt we are already on version, so there have been many updates and improvements to Divi 2.4 since it was released, and we will continue to improve things moving forward.

  58. Important – to me anyway

    I feel that we really need a way to readily customise the footer to avoid the need to use a child theme or mess with the footer.php

    Any chance of that???

    • +1

  59. Nick:

    Introducing all these little tweaks to Divi has be stumped because you’re still not even addressing the big issue with your WooCommerce pages. They are nowhere near being full screen. I spent hours in the forum thinking I was missing something but I’m not. Your forum is full of WooCommerce layout issues and you’re placing a band aid over them instead of fixing them.

    I am not going to add functions and JavaScript snippets to enable the full width header and obtain a full width layout. Shouldn’t have to.

    I’m back to using X The Theme again.

    • What do you mean exactly that your WooCommerce pages are not full width?

  60. I don’t mean to be a broken record as I posted the request in the suggestions forum. Is there any chance that asynchronous JS & CSS is in the pipeline for v2.5?

    It’s a real killer on Google’s page speed scores.

  61. Exciting!!! I cannot wait! I learn new things every day working with Divi. The 2.4 update has been fabulous! 2.5 is going to be even more so!

    I’d still like to see the WYSIWYG editor with a fixed editing bar like it is in the default WP editor. It’s so frustrating have to scroll back up and change things like Bold, font size, color etc.

    THAT is really my ONLY issue.

  62. Will Divi 2.5 have slider options to place the text, buttons, etc. on the right, left or center of the slide?

    Right now if I have two slides in one slider, one with text and button left justified on the background image, and one with text and button right justified on the background image, I have to hand code it all.

    It would be great if we could customize the text and buttons from within the builder.

    Also a header widget for things like 728px ads or email signups, etc. next to the logo would be great.

    • I agree. I’d really like to see improvements to allow more control over the slider. Nothing crazy, but just text placement, and the option of adding a shadow box behind the text and button block.

      As it stands, the slider is the biggest limitation of Divi. It’s probably the only reason I don’t automatically use Divi for every site build.

      • I would like this too, I don’t need anything fancy, just something a bit better than we have.

        Just like the contact form, I wish the native contact form had a bit more information/fields to add.


  63. Great news, really looking forward to see the preview feature.
    Will there be possible to post blogpost into sliders, like in the Professional-theme?

    • This wont be a feature of 2.5, but I am sure that a Post Slider Module is something we can explore in the future.

      • Yes, a blog post carousel would be much, much appreciated.

  64. Sounds great!

    Looking forward to keeping my customers who want access to be able to change things well away from the builder/structure/settings and the risk of wrecking the site.

    I have two suggestions:

    One is a minor one giving the text module in the builder the ability to select line heights below 1em as sometimes there is a need for a tighter line height e.g I have a customer who writes poetry and wants a tighter line spacing. I guess the same for other relevant modules.

    The second request is the ability to put a slider above the menu area where there is horizontal navigation. Alternatively, of course, putting the menu below the slider. Using an animated GIF is not a very elegant fix!

    From a support point of view I am confused about several things such as what and where to put CSS changes in the different places in the various modules e.g “before” “after” etc.in the Advanced Settings. Would it be possible to have more documentation on these sorts of issues?

    Keep up the good work

  65. Awesome, Love the preview button. I know that it is going to save me a lot of time.

    One thing that I have noticed about 2.4, is the module customizer is a bit limited. It would be nice to see a few more things you could customize like the overlay color of gallery, project or product thumbnails for instance. If I want to change the color, I have to go into all my different modules and change it. Even with the save module option, it would still be nice because there are different types of modules with the overlay.

    I also agree that the divi options page is very outdated and it would be so nice to have a save button that is always visible so we don’t have to scroll down to the very long bottom of the page or hit the page down button.

    Keep up the great work. Divi has changed my life!

  66. Another amazing, unexpected, value added announcement. Nick, know that ET is the king in value and quality in the wordpress theme sector. It’s sad a few invested their heart and soul into a theme that was only a concept (Extra) and now overlook all of the amazing effort you and your team are putting into excellence and value. Beta Testing “is” important always whether it’s a new theme or a theme update – we’ve all rushed to deliver something only to disappoint clients and multiply our work ten-fold.

    Those that poo-poo beta testing or “getting it right” even if it means missing projected deadlines, don’t understand the “big picture” and only want what they want now, no matter what the consequences for anyone else.

    Live and learn, next new theme inspiration, announce it when it’s done and then there is no backlash.

    Heck, I bought the lifetime membership the 1st day I installed DIVI 2.4 and frankly would have paid double and smiled about it. (Please don’t invoice me for that though – oops)

    Nick and the ET Team – you all should hold your head very high and be proud of the amazing standards you have set for the industry.

    I’m looking forward to Extra too, but only when it’s fully ready – any earlier would be wasted effort and only fuel the naysayers fire even more.

    Like the SOS Band reminds us; “Take your time – do it right.”

    Bravo ET!!

  67. Great news. 2.4 has really helped make my job much easier and helps projects get done much faster. I have never been busier building websites and it due mostly in part to the flexibility of Divi. Keep up the great work!

  68. Well done, ET! I continue to love Divi and Elegant Themes in general. These updates definitely look worthwhile and your efforts to keep your audience in the know are noteworthy as well. Keep up the great work πŸ™‚

  69. I have now used Divi for about a month or so, and I was able to rock very quickly to build a couple websites. Very impressive and we all know speed is important! Divi is the best tool I have used yet to rapidly build, update and get a music website up for an album release. It has been super helpful, easy to use, and fun! DIVI also changed my mind about WordPress and has made it more enjoyable to design and launch new sites.

    The tools are important, but the features we need are also super important. I don’t understand why some very simple things are not in DIVI. For example, we have to update the footer (or use a child theme) every time there is a DIVI update. I do not want Elegant Themes and WordPress on my bottom footer. So we change the code, well then it comes back. Can’t we have a simple feature that allows us to update that and not have to use a child theme or replace the code each time?

    And maybe I missed this on other posts, but what is everybody doing about bread crumbs? It just seems to be the simple feature that is in most Themes out today and it would be awesome to just have it working!

    The 3rd simple feature that is missing is the TOP bar where the social icons are, we have to use some third party editor or edit the CSS ourselves in order to just put the social icons on the left or right side, or maybe we want just text besides just phone and email. As the header is such a crucial area, I have most of my clients wanting some top bar with info up there, and I dont want to use other CSS or other editor, I want to do it all in DIVI, which means more rapid development and I can focus on design and content and not doing special CSS and tricks.

    Again, I apologize if these have already been covered somewhere else, but since you are talking about the new awesome 2.5 coming, I hope some powerful yet simplle items are addressed too! Like these I mention. Thank you.I have now used Divi for about a month or so, and I was able to rock very quickly to build a couple websites. Very impressive and we all know speed is important! Divi is the best tool I have used yet to rapidly build, update and get a music website up for an album release. It has been super helpful, easy to use, and fun!

    The tools are important, but the features we need are also super important. I don’t understand why some very simple things are not in DIVI. For example, we have to update the footer (or use a child theme) every time there is a DIVI update. I do not want Elegant Themes and WordPress on my bottom footer. So we change the code, well then it comes back. Can’t we have a simple feature that allows us to update that and not have to use a child theme or replace the code each time?

    And maybe I missed this on other posts, but what is everybody doing about bread crumbs? It just seems to be the simple feature that is in most Themes out today and it would be awesome to just have it working!

    The 3rd simple feature that is missing is the TOP bar where the social icons are, we have to use some third party editor or edit the CSS ourselves in order to just put the social icons on the left or right side, or maybe we want just text besides just phone and email. As the header is such a crucial area, I have most of my clients wanting some top bar with info up there, and I dont want to use other CSS or other editor, I want to do it all in DIVI, which means more rapid development and I can focus on design and content and not doing special CSS and tricks.

    I have recently been searching for other solutions like DIVI and some have these features, but I want to use DIVI! At least I am leaning that way, yet I really want this to be easy and more flexible to have more control on the TOP bar, Bottom bar, overall header, and bread crumbs!

    Again, I apologize if these items have already been covered somewhere else, but since you are talking about the new awesome 2.5 coming, I hope some powerful yet simple items are addressed too! Like these I mention. Thank you.

    • So you want a theme that automatically conforms to every whim a client may have and how about including a website designer with the theme? Maybe that will be in DIVI 168.5? Of course, why would th client need us?

      • Inquiring about breadcrumbs, better flexibility to the header area is not asking for the world, and the bottom footer bar that reverts back to Elegant Themes unless you use a child theme. That is not the whim of the client… that is my asking because it is something I think would benefit the theme and make it better. I can do any CSS, design and development the client needs. But if all these other great time saving features are in the theme, then why not also request some other simple time saving items. Every bit helps. If you already use DIVI then you already have someone writing code for you and designing things. A big part of the hard work we use to do is now already done for you…

  70. Nick – just one thing would make the next upgrade even more awesome… A Tel number field in the contact form – pretty standard thing nowadays. That would save a lot of time having to recreate the Divi Contact form look in Contact form 7 etc.

    • I think it would be great to upgrade the contact form module to support custom fields in the future, and it’s definitely something we will consider, although it may be better to roll this into a separate plugin. We’ll see!

  71. Great functions, great work.
    Go on!

  72. So excited about this new release! Like many others I am most excited about the Extra theme, but I understand that it takes time and that it will be good to get Divi and the Divi builder solid before moving onto the Extra theme. I for one will be happy that I won’t have to go through an extremely time intensive process to convert old posts over to be compatible with the Extra Theme.

    Great work as always!

  73. i was actually just considering buying divi for a site i am about to be designing that should be going live by sept. if you are launching the update in 2-3 weeks do you suggest i wait before buying? this will be my first time using divi and i am concerned about taking time to learn it and then a few weeks later there are major changes… thoughts?

    • There isn’t a reason to wait if you want to get started now. Upgrading to 2.5 from 2.4 wont be a problem for any of the stuff you have built.

  74. I think some people had hoped that Extra would be release before the busy Football season. Which is a very busy time for news, at least it’s going to be there and people want to read about it. I know that is a busy time for me. My initial plans, was to have a news type Magazine type product to create more business for my photography.

    That’s not going to happen now. But, I move on. Get ready for another day. But people make plans and business decisions based on announcements. While this will cost me – it won’t kill me.

  75. Wow more good news and good work from ET, way to go. Love your products….

  76. Divi is an awesome framework! Nick I have been using ET since before divi and I was a happy customer then. Keep up the good work! The only suggestions I would say which there is nothing you can really do about is make divi less dependent on shortcodes. Other than that it is sooooo much faster than hand coding layout. Thank you!

  77. Hi Nick,

    Thanks for the update! Will there be a “Make fullscreen” option on the fullwidth slider in 2.5?


    • This would be awesome addition for photographers.

    • That’s not something we have planned for Divi 2.5, but it would definitely be an nice feature to add in the future!

      • Hey Nick… Any chance we have some functionality like this in DIVI..


        All I see in DIVI is just a down arrow… I would love to see down and up arrows along with a real full screen for stuff such as a Text module.

  78. The theme customizer is difficult to use. I cannot get to the bottom settings with the scroll bar. The bar is too tiny. Can you program a ball handle in the scroll bar so it is easier to pull down. I’m clicking in the area and trying to use the down arrow. It sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t This slows down project development.

    • I have noticed this problem with the theme customizer too.

  79. @Nick,

    Is that a “”live preview”” icon I see?? I believe that’s what you are referring to in “”can you spot it””…

    • You got it!

      • Wow, I can’t believe nobody else caught that. This could be the best update ever!

        Is it going to be a modal popup, new window, or ???

        • Awesomeness – in a word.

  80. As always, very exciting news! Just when I thought it couldn’t get better, you made it so. Thank you!!

  81. Nick, I’ve been on WordPress since 2007. I’ve purchased countless themes and plugins over the years, but somehow, someway, I only heard of you guys last year! I raked over your company with a fine-toothed comb, and do you know what I found? Your plugins ALONE were worth every. single. penny. of the $250 Lifetime membership fee, even if you had zero themes to go with them! The ingenuity and versatility of the Divi theme was just icing on the cake! I practically threw my money at you, and I have loved every minute of tweaking my site and creating new content over the past month. I truly believe that the negative comments here are coming from inexperience within the WordPress space. I’ve already recommended Elegant Themes and Divi to many other people and will continue to do so. Your company will be a part of my every business venture moving forward, so thank you for such a wonderful product that just plain freaking WORKS (and for a blog that is actually helpful)!

    • Page hit on an important point. I too have been developing longer than some folks here have been alive :-). I begrudgingly stumbled into WordPress from DotNet about 5 years ago and yet, it was only a few months ago I truly bebcame aware of the power of Elegant Themes. Divi is awesome and going to be “awesomer” – no doubt. The thing that struck me about Nick and his team is the overall vision they have for where Divi and the platform are heading. The impatient folks here have no idea of the magnificent scale of what is being created. When you get in at the Beta, Release 1, 2 and maybe Release 3 versions of anything this comprehensive there are going to be some growing pains. Bravo Nick! Ignore the noise and “Illegitimi non carborundum” .

      Oh by the way… the thing that turned my head about Elegant wasn’t the themes and the hype around Divi…. it was the Monarch Social Sharing Plugin. This is way more “elegant” than anything out there… just sayin’

      Finally, anything that generates this much chatter as we have here must be worth looking at. Thanks!

  82. Just keeps getting better. Divi is getting to where I felt wordpress could be when I first saw it so many years ago. Love the new features…

    And is that a preview button I saw in the last part of the article on the builder screen ? AWESOME!

    So I won’t have to save & Exit,.then preview… Come back, edit and so the same all over again ?

    THAT is a seemingly simple thing, but just plain AWESOME ! You may have shaved at least one if not a few hours off each project right there with that one little thing…

    You guys are the best ! Love the attention to detail both big and small… And while there are still many features I think that Divi could use, you’re inching closer and closer each day to making this the most efficient platforms out there. I love saving my clients money and delivering value where I can, and this platform helps.



  83. So glad I decided to upgrade to a Lifetime membership looking like a really wise decision.

  84. After the latest updates i decided to use Divi on my own site and it is coming along great. There are a few client projects that i wanted to use it but usually came down to a couple things it just didn’t do or do well that seemed to keep it from being “the one”. Seems to really excel at some things and others — it is confoundedly not flexible. Hope to see it grow and grow with that flexibility in the future.

    And the ePanel is really showing its age. Just doesn’t match the elegance of everything else you do.

  85. When updating or having the theme set to auto-update, is there a way that the logo can be set to never update? Hopefully, this could be a feature in all new themes as well as Divi 2.5..

    • Can you explain what you mean exactly Harrison? When you update Divi, the logo you defined in the theme options will not be removed.

  86. Any plans to integrate a modal pop up box similar to the one the Avada theme currently has?

    Would love to see a modal box option.

    • What do you want to place inside the modal popup box? Right now we are keeping such features within our Bloom plugin, which works great with Divi, and we plan to add a button trigger in the future.

  87. It looks great this new update, and am hoping, however divi should add the option to create topics magazine or redesign existing issues.


    Se ve genial esta nueva actualizacion, ya la estoy esperando, sin embargo deberian agregarle al divi la opcion de crear temas revista o bien, rediseΓ±ar los temas existentes.

  88. My comment was deleted for some reason? We are a Lifetime Access Member…

    I had said:

    Nice work guys! Will a legacy 2.4 branch be maintained? Your theme release cycle is far outpacing our website development cycle.

    Thanks for the heads-up!

    • We wont be maintaining a 2.4 legacy branch, and we don’t expect these updates to cause problems that would require a legacy branch to be maintained πŸ™‚

      • Fatal error: Class ‘ET_Builder_Module’ not found in /home/dev/public_html/testing/wp-content/themes/divi-child/functions.php on line 92

  89. Sounds great! One question, will we be able to designate aspect ratios for individual portfolio thumbnails in Projects to match the aspect ratio of the original?

  90. Finally, ROLES for Divi!!

    I’m starting a big site for a client where users and roles play a huge part, so… perfect timming!!

    Thanks ET team!!!

  91. Well I was waiting for Divi 2.4 to be released before starting any work on my website (I have no web experience), and now just as I’m starting to have things in place to begin that process, I hear that 2.5 is coming out. Should I wait or is there work I can do in 2.4 that will be transferable without causing more headaches than it’s worth? Thanks!

    • No need to wait, you can upgrade to 2.5 from 2.4 without any problems.

  92. I hope that the email module will be improved! More possIbilities (fields), more flexible…..and that it will deliver the emails, a huge issue.

    • Right now we aren’t focused on the contact form module, but it’s definitely something we would like to explore in the future. However, such a robust form system might be better suited for a plugin or a Divi extension.

  93. Thanks for the update Nick and the work. I am sure Extra will be great when it is released. For now Divi is about as fine a universal theme as you can get and every upgrade so far since it was released were solid steps forward. Already DIivi Builder blows the doors off of Virtual Composer, which, with add-ons, is already more expensive than a one year membership to ET. It will be great to have the builder as a standalone plugin to use elsewhere.

  94. Will the Role Editor work with multisite roles as well? I’ve seen a few plugins that address Roles, but they only work for single-site installations.

    • We’ll look into the Riley. It’s actually something we have not explored, and if multisite support isn’t added in 2.5 right off the bat, we can look to adding it down the road.

      • Sweet, Nick. That’d make things a bit easier.

  95. I love Divi. Just deep-sixed another theme that was making my life miserable and rebuilt the entire site in Divi in about 2 days. There are so many ways to style pages simply. My favorite feature is the save to library – reusing sections and rows saves tons of time. Looking forward to the updates.

    • Glad to hear it Marie!

  96. I love that you are all in on quality over quantity…

    The Divi 2.xxx updates have been splendid

    I’m still holding my breath waiting on Extra,
    but I haven’t turned blue yet.

    What you have done with Divi is nothing less than spectacular,
    and it’s by far the best theme to work with

    Thanks for all the hard work from you and your team


  97. The Divi Role Editor, is the best thing mentioned here..
    looking forward to the new updates..

  98. Good news!

    Please tell that the builder will have a filter for post content built in so that shortcodes aren’t sent out to jetpack blog subscribers. Right now, if we use the jetpack blog subscription feature, emails of new posts have all the builder shortcodes in the post excerpt.

    • This is really something that Jetpack should do (strip out non-standard shortcodes), and I don’t think it’s something we can do from Divi’s end unfortunately.

  99. This is great, but will it be a seamless update from 2.4? Or will we have to re-create everything on the new version like we did with the last update?

    • You wont have to re-create anything, and you should not have had to re-create anything on 2.4 either. Are you referring to Child Theme customizations? Divi 2.5 wont be adjusting any front end styles like 2.4 did, but it’s always a good idea to test your Child Themes before upgrading. There is no limit to what a Child Theme can do, and with great power comes great responsibility!

  100. This is all excellent news and continued awesome work from Elegant Themes.

    Please keep in mind integration with Multisite when you add custom abilities and roles interaction with Divi – it seems like an amazing feature for multisite platforms that are using Divi and would add an excellent level of functionality!

    • I hadn’t thought of that, I am moving more of my clients to my own multisite installation. I hope that doesn’t introduce new problems.

  101. Awesome work Nick – you have a ton of patient people appreciative of all your work – ignore those few moaners.. πŸ˜‰ Can’t wait to see the update.. Thanks!

  102. I haven’t followed all the updates or features…but is there a way to create and manage a library of “Master Modules”. So, for example, if there is a favorite text module to include on several pages – you only need to update one module that will update all of it’s instance modules or maybe “child” modules. The same idea would be great for sections and layouts. Maybe I’m missing something, but seems like it would be useful. I see where you can create a template, but I’d like to update it once and all instances are instantly updated – styles, settings and content.

    • Yep, they are called Global Modules and they were introduced in Divi 2.4.

  103. Undo???

    Excuse me:



    Sorry. Couldn’t contain that. THANK YOU!

    • πŸ™‚

  104. Ahhhh preview!!! Woohoo I’m so excited!!!

  105. I think you have blown us away with these new features, especially the ability to lock modules. Beautiful. I hope we can keep Divi 2.4 as Divi Lite… That would be awesome!!!

    ET #1

  106. Thanks for your update. If could be considered, for me will be useful to include more columns in the Divi Builder Framework.
    Keep up the good work.

  107. Great news Nick!

    One feature I still miss, that I haven’t seen discussed yet, is the ability to activate/deactivate sections, rows and modules. I know this can be done with custom css (display:none) but it would be so nifty to have that as a slider in the settings.

    Sometimes you build a page with stuff that is not supposed to be visible all the time, for example marketing sections with sales stuff. You want to prepare for it, but now show it always. And if the website is to be managed by the client, you can’t always rely on them knowing how to enter the display css.

    Do you understand how I mean?

    • Ok, you forced it out of me. One of those ??? in the preview is a “disable” option =P

    • I agree with this, and used to have this problem myself. But the Library functionality makes it easy to save these items, remove them from the page, and re-insert them later when needed.

      I’ve been testing this with a couple of “sandbox” pages that are excluded from robots.txt and navigation so I can work on designing concepts, and when they’re ready, find a way to easily move them into production.

  108. What do you think, can i update from 2.3 ro 2.5 without loosing the simplest thinks like 2 Coulmn Blogs? 2.4 is not ot get working correctly on my site.
    Close one Error, get 2 new ones….. not funny

  109. Will the secondary menu and megamenu enhancements be available in DIVI 2.5?

    • We aren’t making an mega menu enhancements in this release. However we have developed some really cool mega menus for Extra, and these feature will likely be rolled into Divi at some point. Right now our focus is on builder related issues as we gear up for the Divi Builder Plugin release.

      • Nick, i hope more customisation options are added.
        Atleast a customiser to change the font size, spacing etc of the sub-menu items.

  110. This is all great but the things I’m waiting to see in Divi are:
    1. Being able to set opacity over a Slider image so visitors can read light or dark text on a mixed light and dark image background. I have to code it every time I setup a Divi theme or switch to Divi.
    2. The ability to set a sitewide header image common to all pages. I know it can be done when you start with a new website but we are converting many older existing themes to Divi and the option just isn’t there as far as I can tell.
    3. A top widget. Sure, I can code one in but it is so commonly needed I have always wondered why it is not just part of the theme.

    PS I’ve personally done hundreds of WordPress sites and now I’ve used Divi for around 20 or 30. Great product. Just needs these last 3 tweaks as far as I’m concerned.

    • Yes yes, please add an option opacity to make slider pictures darker than text in front of it.

    • Same here, I think that should have been addressed eons ago, it only makes sense. I am racking my brain trying to figure out what to do about the text.

      Nick, really, please include this in the 2.5 release, I betcha tons and tons of people will agree, if not ask in the group.

    • I second the opacity for sliders option . it would be awesome !
      Great work Nick & team !

  111. I Love the Divi theme.

    Yet, the one think really really missing is to have it as a frontend builder.

    Using some Front end builders with Other Themes the difference in workflow is huge, as you can see all changes inmediate, no forth and back clicking all the time.

    Is this a possible feature for the Divi builder Plugin As well?

    Any other experiences from the Community?

    My Pinien: if not implemented, an important train might be missed…

    • A front end builder would be high on my wish-list too! Imagine the time you’d save!

    • Michel, bringing Divi to the front end is something we are definitely going to do (in fact, we have already designed a front end builder), but not in Divi 2.5. Such a big upgrade is something we have reserved for Divi 3.0, which wont be completed until after we finish the Divi Builder Plugin and Extra.

  112. Thanks for this new update, I love Divi !!

  113. Will 2.5 still inject extra code? I have not upgraded past 2.3 because of this from 2.4. I really like a lot of the features in the 2.4 builder but there is a lot of extra code injected even when I hand code my content. Extra p tags and such, really bloats my pages and throws things off. Is there a way to disable this feature?

    • Have you tried the recent version of 2.4? We fixed a lot of issues related to the WordPress tinyMCE editor in The problem with extra line breaks being added occasionally was fixed πŸ™‚

  114. Does this include being able to use the ESC key to close windows?? That would make work much more efficient! I always press it and then realize i have to manually click the X button on module windows.

  115. I have been waiting for “extra” also however I used Divi to make a magazine styled site for an actual magazine which I design. With a few plug ins and workarounds it more than does the job, the best part is our Google Analytics are screaming high compared to the old HTML site we had. Here is the site I designed (I am in no way a master code geek but a designer who uses a platform like Divi which I totally understand!) http://www.wmlifestyle.com

    • Robbie,

      I just wanted to tell you that your magazine site built on Divi looks awesome! Great job!

  116. Will Divi 2.5 repair the [gallery] conflict with Jetpack’s Carousel function?

    • That bug is logged in our tracker and will be fixed. We will do our best to add it in 2.5, if it will be in a 2.5 maintenance release as soon as possible.

      • Dear Nick an ET-Team, is there any place to report bugs to?

        I still have one which isn’t fixed since the last big 2.4 Divi-Update (…and we are now at 2.4.6).

        • Yep, please open a ticket in our support forums and we will help you out. If there is indeed a bug involved in the report, it will get added to our bug tracker and our developers can start working on it.

  117. A way to let clients use Divi responsibly built into the theme, perfection, and just as I launch my small web design business. I so love Elegant Themes! ?

  118. Does 2.5 include the ability to apply global templates changes to old blog posts? That would be phenomenal!

  119. Will your Divi Builder Plugin work with your others themes? I LOVE the functionality of Divi but also like some of your other themes. A marriage of the Divi and your other themes would be GREAT!

    • The Divi framework, which will power the Divi plugin, coming shortly after the Divi 2.5 update will work with just about any theme. Not only those from ET but from other developers as well. So to answer your question, when the DIvi Plugin is released in the next few weeks, all ET themes can have Divi functions.

      Hope this helped.

      • Awesome. I had been thinking how to recreate some of your other themes to Divi but now there is no need.

  120. Great job Nick – thanks for the update! 50 Divi installs on my end and counting!!!

  121. Nick,

    Thanks for the update. As a developer I do understand that things take time to get them where you and the team want/need them to be. I do appreciate the efforts and am patiently waiting for the latest update! I’d love to beta test (if possible, if not I understand).

    Thanks for your time!

  122. Nice update πŸ˜‰

    Keep up the good work Team!…

  123. I love the client access update. What a great idea!

    • I am so happy to see that the Lock feature made it into the Module right-click options. But I am even more ecstatic to learn that you are creating Client Access controls. I was reluctant to use Divi for client projects but now I think I will be able to promote it as the best option.

  124. Great work, can’t wait for extra?

  125. Highly motivating, I always look out for this type of post. I love the part to grant privileges to the builder…spot on!

    Looking forward to Divi Framework and Extra

    Thanks a million! Cheers!

  126. Love it all, but perhaps making the theme’s many advanced features a bit more intuitive would be on your to-do list!

  127. You Guys β™‘

  128. Very excited about this and the release of the divi builder plugin. I have a basic hosting company that relies a lot on ET products especialy on the new Divi theme ( we use it as default theme). The release of 2.5 and the divi builder will provide us with much more advanced but at the same time easy to use tools to offer to our clients.


  130. Thanks for providing an ETA. I was worried when I started to read this post.

    Keep up the good work.

  131. Excellent news!

    …and when we should expect Extra?


    • You can expect Extra after we have finalized the Divi Framework that will power it. Divi 2.5 represents a big step towards this goal, and after the Divi Builder Plugin is released, we will return our focus towards Extra. In fact, we have never stopped working on Extra, and the Divi Builder Framework (which represents to complete re-creation of the Divi Builder in Divi 2.4) was actually born out of our work on Extra. All of these products have become part of the same family, but we need to release them in an order that makes sense. In other words we can’t release a theme until we finish its foundation, and that foundation needs to be really strong!

      • It would be nice if we could have Extra until the end of September! But you know better : )

  132. I hope you implement the option to use text instead of the logo.

  133. When does Extra come out??

    • You can read more about Extra here. New themes will not be released until we finalize the Divi Framework which will power Divi, The Divi Builder, Extra and all themes we make in the future. As we improve Divi, we pave the way for all of these products, but we have to move forward in the correct order.

      While it may seem like Extra has made no progress over the past year, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, all of our work on Extra has already been rolled into Divi 2.4. In fact the modular framework that Divi has become was born out of our work on Extra. These products are all part of the same family. Divi 2.4 would not exist without Extra, but I know it’s frustrating that “Extra” itself has not been finished. We are building everything up piece by piece.

      We will be finalizing the Divi Framework, releasing the Divi Builder Plugin, and after that we will be moving on to Extra while continuing updates to the Divi Builder. We are making sure that all of these products work together seamlessly.

      • Nick, Your team is amazing and very much appreciated. Kevin Brown said it well…mega dittos from me. Keep on doing the heavy lifting and great work!

        • +1 on ignoring the negativity. The work you guys do is awesome. When extra gets here I’m sure it will be equally awesome – I dont mind the wait. Keep up the good work!

          • I’m not a hater, but I desperately need a great magazine theme. Divi has had exceeded all expectations and is the ultimate WordPress theme for my business, product and even portfolio website needs. And I expect Extra, because I hope it would be at least as great as Divi.
            Please hurry up, guys. We need you to πŸ™‚

      • Divi is amazing and you guys are incredible! About Extra….Sometimes things just take the time they take.

        Thanks for all the great work! You’re making history.

      • +1 for Kevin’s comments. I think you guys are amazing.

      • Nick, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but ignore the negativity…it’s just noise and you don’t need to hear it if it’s not constructive. You’ve built an amazing product that I’m proud to use for 90% of my clients. Divi has allowed me to build my business on a solid framework that is consistently getting better. Thank you for the care you have given this product and I look forward to every release. Keep on coding.

        • Well said Kevin.

        • Fully agree with you Kevin!

          I can’t speak highly enough of the quality work and products coming from ET. I have the highest regards for Nick and his team. ET is not following world-class standards – they set it!

          Thanks Nick!

        • What Kevin said…

          with much appreciation,


        • Right on Kevin!

        • Plus +1 on ignoring the haters. The work you’re doing is beyond amazing guys. Really appreciated.

          • +++ – Ignore the haters. Please. I was auditioning several theme solutions and frameworks – all good. I tried Divi – and it is by far the very best. All have plusses & minuses. But Divi made me feel like a little girl at my own birthday party! So just keep on doing what you are doing. I love it – And look forward to each new update.

  134. Nick and team. This look amazing! I can’t wait to interact with the new features.

  135. There is many people waiting for extra..many people who need a magazine theme. Why you only improve Divi? Why we don’t have a deadline for Extra. I’m frustrated

    • I thought the whole point of all these updates & perfections on the DIVI front was to essentially allow you diversification tools.
      The updates & changes to DIVI with copying & saving modules in the library etc .. would mean that any kind of theme is very possible.
      I look at Divi to be like the king of the mountain, I new frontier in wordpress exploration.
      Of course new themes would come after Divi, but essentially you have the framework at your fingertips already.
      Thanks for the update ET. πŸ™‚

    • I wouldn’t hold your breath, if I were you. It’s been a year and two months now, and the lack update here seems to indicate that it’s not going to be happening at any time in the foreseeable future. To be absolutely honest, ET has been an absolute disgrace over this, and I’m pretty certain I’ll be cancelling my subscription before it next renews.

      My own site runs on Divi, but it does the job really clumsily. I only put it in place as a short-term solution because we were regularly told that Extra would be along in due course. Three months development time, they said, in June 2014. At this stage, I don’t really feel able to believe them on when they will be delivering it, but since they seem to have given up even giving estimated dates for it, at least I don’t have to worry about that any more.

      • Sorry man, but you represent the 000.1% of people that is not happy with Elegant Themes. Good luck with other companies and prices! Hi Nick, keep up the incredible work! We reallly love ET!

      • Sorry, but you represent the 000.1% of people that is not happy with Elegant Themes. Good Luck with other companies and prices! Hi Nick, keep up the incredible work! We love ET!

        • It’s not that Divi isn’t good. It’s very good. The problem is if you ever want to switch to another theme. Well, and also some of the CSS is restrictive. I found elements that use the !important tag in the Divi CSS and wouldn’t let me change them on my site if I used a child theme of Divi.

      • I was using Divi 2.0 on a site and exported the content to use in another site. Once I tried to do that I realized that Divi was not going to work for me and creating sites for clients. There is so much crazy code you have to clean up after importing everything to a different theme that no matter how good Divi is in itself, the trouble it causes during migration to a new site isn’t worth it. As a well know WordPress blog author once wrote, “If you use the Divi theme, it better be forever.”

        • That could be said about basically any advanced theme. It is not exclusive to Divi.

      • Nick

        Just a quick word of support – I think some people get frustrated about progress on Divi and Extra for a whole swag of reasons (and some may be valid to them) but I’ve been super impressed by your work to date, your professionalism, and the ease with which a novice like me can build websites that, frankly, get feedback from colleagues (who know I know squat about building websites) saying “No way, you didn’t build that! You’re pulling my leg!”

        Please continue your amazing work (together with what is no doubt an amazing team behind you)! You are quite literally changing the availability of the internet to become accessible and meaningful to average Joes like me.

        On top of that, surely people can see that paying a relatively small “fee” (although I’m not encouraging you to increase it) for such an awesome tool is way better than any other alternative I’ve come across to date.

        Thank you immensely for all you have done and continue to do.

        Warm regards


      • I am doing everything I can to explain what we are working on, why Extra has been delayed, and when it will be released. In fact, that’s exactly why we made this post, to give everyone another “update on our production timeline.” We are working harder than ever on everything we do, and we want to do it right. I would certainly recommend canceling your subscription for now if we do not offer anything that you find useful. You can always sign up again in the future if you change your mind.

        Having our customers pay for something they don’t like isn’t something we would ever want to happen, and it’s one of the reasons we have such a great refund policy.

        • Come on guys… for us ET and the DIVI theme and framework have completely transformed the way we work. With the relevant content we can produce superbly styled and functioning sites in a fraction of the time it used to take – especially now we’re so used to DIVI. Literally a few hours. And our clients love the sites – granted we’re in an area of Spain that’s not cutting edge with, well, anything – but especially technology. If we were marketing services in the West End of London things may be different – but for a small design agency this has proved invaluable. The upcoming improvements have taken that fact into account and I’m excited about them. If it takes the ET devs a bit longer than expected then so be it – I mean what’s the annual subscription costs? Little more than a single purchase on themeforest. That’s good value especially when we’ve used DIVI on the last 30 odd sites we’ve created – each styled a little differently.
          I also had an issues where I’d been charged twice for subscription last year and didn’t realise for months – as soon as I submitted the query the money was refunded immediately with an apology. To be honest you guys have been an inspiration to us here. We’re moving into theme development now and continually refer to ET as “our goal” – or rather we say “if we could be 1/4 as good as ET we’d be laughing”. Keep it up guys – thanks…

        • Nick, I have something to add to this. I’ve been a customer for years (some 4 or 5 years now I think).

          I am also waiting for Extra. And I’ve seen it taking much longer than initially announced. But I’m cool with that. I know you’ve been holding quality as one of your highest standards throughout the years and if this means waiting a couple of months longer, then so be it!

          I mean, sure, back in the old days we got a new theme every x-number of weeks, but those were far more limited then what we have now with Divi. I even dare to say Divi has sped up my work quite a lot by providing so many options I don’t have to code everything into the child-theme myself.

          Even more, all of the updates to Divi have been awesome (due to lack of a better word, since awesome doesn’t even come close) and the extra plugins that were released (Bloom, Monarch) have made my life far more easy.

          I also focus strongly on security (kinda have to, since I wrote http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Q247BXW) and I have to say that I have yet to find my first security hole in any of your products. I recommend your service to most of my customers, since you provide high quality code, which for is the utmost important thing. And if this means waiting some more, I’ll gladly do so. But don’t ever change those values you hold so dearly. It’s exactly why I’ve been a loyal customer all those years!

          Cheers and thank you

          Brecht Ryckaert

        • Hi Nick,

          I can only say that you guys have delivered over and above on the quality of your products, Divi in particular, and the only negative would be for letting your customers know about Extra. If you didn’t keep your customers up to date you would cop flack for that too I’m sure.
          I am very grateful for all of the work that the ET team has done to deliver an outstanding product and am happy to wait until you and your team feel the time is right to release any new products.
          Thanks for an awesome job.

    • I’m also waiting for this theme.
      But what we need to understand is that once Divi is perfect , Extra will be perfect right out of the box ! And that is great !

    • As this post explains, Extra has been delayed due to our new vision for a unified framework, and Extra cant be released until we finish our work on the Divi Builder (which powers Extra).

      In many ways Extra hasn’t really been delayed, it’s just that the work that we put into Extra has already been released in the form of Divi 2.4; and Divi, The Divi Builder Plugin and Extra will all benefit from this new framework.

      As the time-line in the post explains, Extra will be released after we finish our work on the Divi Builder and release the Divi Builder Plugin.

      While Extra has been delayed, the work we put into has not been made in vain. From an outside perspective, it seems like the Extra project has not been moving forward, but like I said, Divi and Extra are (in many ways) one in the same, and our work on Extra has currently manifested itself in the form of improvements to Divi Builder used in Divi. We are working as hard as we can on this suite of products, and I am confident that we have made the right decision in our plans to develop them.

      • I’ve been waiting a long while for Extra and my annual membership renewal is next month. I understand you see this as prerequisite work, but you should also understand that I’m a paying customer who re-upped last year based on Extra promises… and have nothing to show for it. Will you refund my payment or extend my membership?

      • Hi

        I think it would be great if DIVI had a filterable post module, that lets you add category/taxonomy filters, and/or a widget ajax filter for posts.

        I think it is the only feature missing from builder…

        Another thing would be a recurring post calendar

    • Pietro,

      I thought I was the only one in great need of a Magazine theme. Nick explained to me why EXTRA is taking so long just a few days ago. Read the last comments http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/theme-sneak-peeks/a-closer-look-at-extra#respond ).

      It seems that releasing 2.5 is a good thing but taking that into consideration we see EXTRA being pushed even more.

      Nick mentions in this post that they are going to start beta testing an planning to release in 2-3 weeks. And then “shortly-after” (which has been used before and it can be 1-2 months if not more is the DIVI PLUGIN.

      Again, these updates seem to be necessary (at this point I do not see necessary the beta testing. DIVI 2.4 I understand, it was a major change but beta testing of 2.5?)

      Anyway, the way I see this announcements, is that EXTRA is not near to be released this year. DIVI 2.4 is doing a good job for me. I can wait for the update and the plugin. What I need is a Magazine theme.

      Nick thank you for the update at least we know what you guys are working on.

      • The plugin will not take 2-3 months after Divi 2.5. More like a couple weeks. We could potentially release it the day after Divi 2.5, but we would rather do some beta testing first πŸ™‚ Like the post says, Divi 2.5 and the Divi Builder Plugin are being developed in unison.

        • Great news Nick! Hope it is better than Visual Composer, Beaver Builder and Thrive Content Builder πŸ™‚

          If you’re keen, make it modular and respond to WordPress API

        • Beat Test Please! I prefer a delay over a disaster! Keep up the great work.

  136. Great thanks Nick for your work. I’m french and try to explain your Divi theme by writing posts to french developper. I think I will have a lot of work.
    See you

    • I understand you are a bit frustrated Pietro but, honestly, these guys are working hard and releasing very good stuff compared to another companies.
      I’m also waiting for Extra and I know the waiting time will worth it.
      They are not improving Divi only, as you can see, they are working on the plugin that you’ll use for the rest of the themes!
      So the work they are doing now is in your best interest.

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