Another Look Behind The Curtain At Divi 2.0

Posted on March 19, 2014 by 319 Comments

Another Look Behind The Curtain At Divi 2.0
Blog / Theme Sneak Peeks / Another Look Behind The Curtain At Divi 2.0

Divi 1.0 shipped with a total of 2 section types, 11 row structures, 6 column widths, and 17 modules. In 2.0 we are setting our sights on increasing these numbers and delivering an even more robust Divi. At the end of the day, the content of your website matters the most, so we are working hard on improving the quality and quantity of modules that ship with the Divi Theme. Below are some sneak peeks at new modules and various module enhancements we have in the works. For more info on Divi 2.0 check out our earlier sneak peak.




Tools To Connect With Your Visitors

In 2.0 we are working on taking social media to the next level with modules that allow your users to share content, learn more about you, and interact with your social networks. This will make it easy to add social sharing buttons that actually match the look and feel of your website.

Share and Follow

Share and Follow

People should be able to connect with your business in the real world too, which is why we are exploring ways to integrate Google Maps within our intuitive builder interface.

Google Maps

Google Maps

Modules That Highlight Your Humanity

We are working on updates that allow you to highlight your clients, customers and the team members that help make your company “real.”


New Ways To Display Beautiful Imagery

In the second release of Divi we are developing even more ways you can display images and portfolio items.

Fullwidth Portfolio and Gallery

Fullwidth Portfolio and Gallery

Image Carousel

Image Carousel

In addition to imagining new and beautiful portfolio layouts, we have also been working on new pagination and categorization features for our existing modules.

Filtered Portfolio

Filtered Portfolio

Not only are we updating and improving our Portfolio modules, we are also looking at ways to bring normal WordPress image galleries to the next level.

Image Gallery

Image Gallery

We Are On A Mission To Build The Best Theme Ever

We believe that Divi will be the best theme you can buy, period. This is because we will be constantly evolving and expanding on its feature set. Divi 2.0 will bring the theme to the next level, but that’s just the beginning. I hope that you are excited for the new release. We are working hard to finish 2.0 as soon as possible, but we are also taking care not to rush. Stay tuned!


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Divi Sneak Peek: Layers View

Divi Sneak Peek: Layers View

Updated on September 18, 2022 in Theme Sneak Peeks

Layers View: A Brand New Way to Effortlessly Control All Design Elements is Coming to Divi! We’re excited to announce that soon a new Layers View feature will be added to Divi. This feature will help you speed up your workflow by allowing you to access the hierarchical layer structure of...

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  1. Hey, fantastic news and feature. Please, when aproximately you plan to release divi 2.0. Thanks

    • Will it be possible to use all those great features for posts too or still only for pages?

      • Same question! Why is it all the good stuff is for PAGES only? is this a WordPress restriction?

        • I am not sure of this but I do see a conflict in allowing those on posts. Posts are shown on other websites through RSS feeds or even Jetpack (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)

          Post will look messed up if they bring any of the Divi’s modules and they don’t have a link to the theme’s stylesheet or JS files

          • That maybe but a warning rather than simply excluding the ability might be a better approach. I don’t use jetpack and am not too concerned about other sharing the post. I just want my posts to look great to my visitors.

  2. “Tools To Connect With Your Visitors” looks like a nice feature

  3. Awesome! I sooooooo can’t wait.

    Is the Google map integration going to be like the explorable theme?

    Top work guys.

    • It will be similar, in the sense that you can drop pins in several locations, and have the map be full width.

      • Will this be responsive and mobile friendly (Explorable theme is not working well at all)

        This could be the solution.
        Looks great!


        • Of course, Divi is already responsive 🙂

          • AWESOME! I’m using Explorable and I wanted to change 😀

            THANK YOU ET!

      • How similar do you mean? For example, will I be able to place different places of shops on the map for people to click on and let them see more info? Like Explorable theme. Would be great for an upcoming assigment.

        Can’t wait 😀

      • I have send you and article about adding Pinterest Codex, which was originally publish in our blog. Kindly Check !

        • Hi there.
          Id like to know how to get that pinterest button/icon into my theme as well. Have you still go this information to share? Grateful for it!

  4. wow, it is great!, countdown it is a great plus!, i wonder if the team member feature will work with the google rel=author rich snippet?

  5. The question is not whether it will be awesome, but when it will become awesome! Any idea when it becomes available? Divi rocks BIG time!

    • We don’t have a release date planned right now, but we are working hard to finish the theme as soon as possible.

      • I have 4 websites that I currently manage: 3 have Divi and my main website is switching to it shortly.

        I REALLY like the new layouts, so I’m going to hold of my change until this is rolled out, but I was hoping to have some sense of timeline…1 week, 5 weeks, 5 months…any potential guidance that can be provided is extremely helpful.

        • Quoting:

          >We don’t have a release date planned right now, but we are working hard to finish the theme as soon as possible.

  6. Please, please, give us ‘ofset posts’ option for blog modules, and more different predefined styles for blog modules, so we can make nice magazine/news portals 🙂

    • Yeah like being able to make the blog modules the same size in grid view.

      • Absolutely – it was one of the things that stopped me using Divi on my personal blog, I just found them to look messy, I would also love to be able to control the size / where the post’s image appears in the non-grid mode, too.

        • Need this too

          • Yes, the blog photo’s please make it more like a “typical” blog post/page…..pretty please 🙂

            If there’s an option for the blog to go either way, current structure or typical structure…. WIN!

      • Me too…depending on how long my blog post titles are the grid is staggered. To this point I haven’t been able to identify a workaround on this and it mars an otherwise very attractive site.

      • Any updates with this? Would be great if the blog modules could be equal size!

    • I agree, have more display options in the blog module would be a big plus. Love Divi and am anxious for 2.0!

  7. You’re on the right track (mission). Great new features!

  8. Just love the way you guys set an awesome standard with Divi then up the game even more. Speachless.

  9. Wow! Amazing!

  10. Can’t wait!

  11. Kenny,
    The new DIVI features look promising. I can’t wait to see. I already have ideas for new websites. Please continue. 🙂

  12. Looks pretty good. Thanks for the new features!

  13. Looks awesome! No worries if it takes a bit longer.

  14. Looks like a great update. Really looking forward to the full-width portfolio/gallery.

    Any idea when we might expect this to launch? Would be helpful with multiple projects we’re about to start, and more on the horizon. Couple weeks? Couple months?


    • We don’t have a release date planned at the moment, but we are working hard to finish the theme as soon as possible.

  15. It’s beautiful!
    The only one question important not only for me – would it be compatible with current Divi theme including translation PO files and custom css via child theme?

  16. Nice work, fellas. I’ve recently joined and started to use Divi for a project I’m working on, so far I love it. The builder is snappy to use and seems really robust compared with others I’ve used.

    Divi 2 looks to shaping up very nicely indeed. I have a feature request that I’ve still not seen done properly with WP – a multi-size tile layout slider section. Something along the lines of the slider on…

    So could you add that functionality in and get it ready for release tomorrow, please? 😀

  17. More options to display blogs and hover animations for post images would be a nice feature.

  18. Wow this is awesome!
    Hope every theme will soon have those features. The design is sick!

    I really like the icon on the google map. Is it possible to update the explorable theme with those kind of icons? 😀

  19. the google maps feature hints at your explorable theme which would/could be amazing. Divi is already my favorite theme but this would be the icing on the cake.

  20. I’m so excited for this update! so many awesome features in Divi! I can’t wait!

  21. Can’t wait guys, it looks awesome!

  22. Divi is growing into a beautiful theme. Kudos to the ElegantThemes design team. Proud lifetime member.

  23. Hi Kenny
    All looks good but that social media integration really caught my eye.

    With social media fast becoming as important as traditional SEO I can’t wait to get my hands on that module.

    • Definitely. It’s essential for the type of websites I’m working on and where I plan to go from here – at bare minimum the primary four shown, with both share and follow options – and an absolute need is the ability to show follower counts, regardless of what service and/or type of social media account it is. (And to show multiple from the same service on the same site page would be nice, too.)

  24. Love the attention to detail with the portfolio and social sharing icons. Excited for 2.0!

  25. this is incredible, i am wainting! Thanks guys! Full page gallery and round pictures for testemonials, cute!

  26. Nothing I enjoy more than stalling a couple of clients who I know will love this… 😉

    Work harder, like the dogs you are!

    Seriously, it looks amazing and I can’t wait to get my grubby little mitts on it. Keep up the superb work!

    • Good one Kathy! You made me smile from ear to ear.. And I still am!

    • Thats some real fun site. You are very creative 🙂

    • Hilarious Kathy! Great work!

    • I’m with you Kathy
      I was so impressed with Divi that I put out a dedicated Divi site.

      As you say…
      “No complaints, it was intuitive and easy!” and I’d add that it was great fun to play with it.

      • The first one I liked, don’t know how, but while looking thru it inspired me to find decision for my site I searched for…

    • Looking good Kathy 🙂

  27. Looks nice. Will there be a feature to like save a module too? For example if i have 2-3 different CTA modules it would be great if i would have them saved somewhere instead of creating them from scratch for each page. Could be bothersome when you have 10+ sites that need the same module. Templates for the whole page are nice but sometimes i just need that one module. At least a module for the whole site would be nice.

    Looking good otherwise. great work! 🙂

    • I do agree – That spild be a KILLER feature in an already awesome theme!

      • Agree. Right now, I just save lots of layouts. So far, so good.

    • This would be very welcome, sometimes I need only part of the content, not the whole template

    • I agree it would be nice to save different important modules. For now though you could just save a layout with all the important modules and load that, and quickly delete all the stuff you don’t need…. not optimal, but faster than copy/pasting content, add section classes etc.
      If you have a snippet paster program in your OS of choice you could add those important CTA to that as well..

      • Yes! Also some sort of (+) Duplicate Module feature within a page would be excellent

    • You can simply save a layout with the one module you would like to re-use, and then load it using the load layout feature. In 2.0, we have also integrated a duplicate feature.

  28. Great stuff as always ET! I’m very excited about the image carousel as a way to use space more efficiently but still include all of my recent projects on the homepage! Keep up the great work.

  29. Switching most of my clients over to Divi. Can make it look like ten different themes. Excellent job all round. You’ve made life so much easier. Where were you ten years ago? I could have retired by now.

  30. Could you please enable the photographs or images placed in the portfolio and the store to be vertical as well as horizontal, if desired? That would help me a lot, because most of my drawings are on 22″ x 30″ vertical paper. Thank you for the magnificent work you have done so far. It is absolutely amazing!

    • Oh that would be so helpful.

  31. CANT WAIT! your support is brilliant and the security and lightness of your code works so well with helping us create sites faster with no loss in scores with speed tests – thanks to you all

  32. Will Divi 2 support more than one menu?

    • Actively looking towards secondary menu.

    • That is a great site John! May I ask where you get your amazing HD background pics? They really makes your site stunning!


  33. That’s it. I’m sold. Great job guys – looking forward to this one!

  34. Yaaass! That social media module is perfect! Can’t wait.

  35. Absolutely amazing! I have two Divi sites in development right now. One thing my clients have been asking me is how to have a masonry wall but instead of posting images they want to post YouTube/Vimeo and SoundCloud. Hope there’s more support for video and sound in Divi 2.0.

    • Until they get that feature built in (if they do), you may be able to find a plugin that can use shortcode to help you. You could then put the shortcode into a text box and have it show up with ease 🙂

  36. I love the elements that make you more human to your audience. The dimensions of the picture there will make a difference.

  37. I just started working on my first Divi site. It’s a little overwhelming at first with all the great options, I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when you’ve added even more! Keep up the excellent work.

  38. Awesome one guys, eagerly waiting for Divi 2.0!

    Also, create a few modules for magazine or news blogs. The social links and buttons is a nice addition, eliminating the need of plugins. The most important feature would be the post types.

    • > The most important feature would be the post types.


  39. Gosh ! Waiting for Divi 2.0 wit bated breath. This is amazing ! Will we see some designing options on posts too ?

  40. Looking good! How about the footer disclaimer? I know you deserve credit for the amazing themes, but no offence, disclaimers need to be relevant to the site owner or company. This theme is so good, I hate having to create a child theme just to change the disclaimer in the footer. How about giving access to change this in the ET settings?

    Other than that, can’t wait for 2.0!

    • Ditto

  41. Looks great can’t wait for the release. Especially like the social media module !

  42. BTW, it seems Divi is already the best theme ever, now you need to compete with yourself.

  43. Will be divi 2.0 effects and widgets MobileMe compatible? The first version isn’t and that’s not good because a big chunk of actual traffic traffic comes from mobile devices… I really really miss that…

  44. Wooooo beautifull 🙂

  45. So excited cannot wait to apply this to my sites and play with customizing even more. Divi ROCKS! 2.0 will rock even HARDER!

  46. OMG! ET Rocks!

  47. Looks awesome can’t wait for the new version to come out! Love to implement it on my art website.

  48. You already created the greatest theme ever. I can’t believe it’s being improved. Looking at the improvements, these are things I didn’t notice were missing. My sites are going to look great thanks to you!

    ~ Estevan Montoya

  49. Wonderful! Social media plugins, while there are many good ones, would be great to have fully integrated into Divi. I have not ultimately liked the integration aspect of any plugin I’ve tried.

    • That would be a fantastic idea. I’ve played with AddThis recently, but it doesn’t provide the functionality to select a specific post category. Something built in would be perfect, and knowing how fabulous Divi ver 1 is, I’m sure you will have all the options covered in ver 2.

  50. More options for the slider please, or at least full compatibility with Smart Slider 2 plugin, that would be like… wow

  51. Bring it on ! You guys rock!

  52. Great work guys. I love the Divi theme and am using it on my business site. I can’t wait for 2.0 and am particularly looking forward to more options in terms of headers / logos / nav bar size and placement.

  53. I have created several sites with your templates for clientes (+50).

    But focusing on my problems right now I have one with harmony, another one with vertex, and I did try the Divi in both but its not really helpfull because it lacks the “store” area of harmony and it also lacks the “team” and “testimonials” of vertex…

    Any light on this subject? could you integrate them to divi 2.0?

    Thanks in advance for all your kind help and keep up the amazing work!

    • +1! Also, the filtrable/sortable portfolio of Flexible! Those are the combination modules we expected and I hope it will be included in Divi 2.0+ since we already have the survey taken. Its well. More creative juice to ET teams!

  54. Yes, full-width portfolio/gallery!

    I’m not going to bug you on when this beaty will be released, but could you please, please elaborate what will be the recommended image-sizes for that full-width portfolio? If I knew, I could start prepping my portfolio. Thanks!

  55. Any chance of seeing alternative blog layouts with Divi 2.0? I’ve tried tweaking the blog layout css to a list style (more like Lucid) so that I could fit more blog entries on the home page without taking up too much space, but it’s not easy.


  56. I am anxious Divi 2.0. If you could include the integration of routes maps would be really great. Excellent work, ET team.

  57. Great stuff. I like the maps feature and the new portfolio look.

  58. Great work. I think you’re doing an excellent job fulfilling your mission to build the best theme ever.

  59. I love countdown feature! My webmaster will get free of work, heh

  60. This is really so exciting!! I cannot wait to play with all these features 🙂

  61. Infinite Scroll is the new Black.

    • Adam,

      nice site layout – not cluttered. especially like your contacts page and those like/unlike thumbs. that’s not an ET contact object is it?.



  62. Looking at these images make it hard to breath.
    My heart is beating…
    What’s going on ?

  63. If you can make that countdown, count “up” as well, that will be an awesome feature! I was trying for long to code that, in order to add an “age on the market” in my products. Can’t wait for Divi 2.0, the design will go to a whole new level 🙂

  64. Interesting theme .Seems good candidate for translating my old HTML type web to wordpress based sites . Do you had ETA guys? I would love to join when this theme released .

    One question about columns or rows how easy to change or making margin modification or variations in every page or section? How about mosaic or metro gallery or post style ? Its possible ?

    Thanks and good luck with your next DIVI 2.0 sales 🙂

    • Also wondering about an ETA?

      Any idea when 2.0 will be released?

  65. You know, that ‘recent work’ image carousal would work great as a related posts feature that peeps could add to the bottom of their posts.

  66. That`s absolutely great! Can`t wait for it. It looks stunning and gorgeous! Wish you releasing Divi 2.0 as soon as possible 😛

  67. Definitely cannot wait for this release.. Loving the Google Maps module.

    Keep up the great work guys!

  68. Would love to see a Header area on the widgets page. It could either replace the logo/menu area or appear directly under it.

    This would give more creative control over the look of the site.

    My Divi Site:

    • Loved this website! professionally done and all the info on the home page! Especially liked playing ‘where’s the gorilla’ with the vehicle colors near the bottom!!!

      • Thank you! It was a lot of fun to build. So nice to have a platform like Divi to build sites on.

    • Loved your website Trent. Great job.



      • Thanks!!

    • Now that is a cool website!

      Well Done Trent!!

    • Awesome website! Do you have a portfolio, or any other websites you can share?

    • Wow, Trent, this is amazing. The truck colors and the empty garage for the slogan are genius.

      Can I ask how you get those effects?

      Are those just stacked up fullwidth sliders with parallax turned on? With similar photos?

      • Thanks. Yeah I actually made a large photoshop file where I can change the truck colors and move the gorilla around. exported a bunch of jpegs, then I set those images as the background of multiple sections with parallax turned on and inside the sections I set an invisible divider at like 800px for each.

        Since the only thing that is changing is the colors and the gorilla it gives a cool illusion like the colors are sort of rolling onto the truck.

        The possibilities are endless with Divi. I’ll be using Divi for everything I do now. 🙂

        • When I first saw your site, I said to myself I won’t comment because its the best so far amongst other Divi. That said, what prompted me to comment now is how you do the trick of that moving color on gorilla vehicle, now I can learn. Thanks Trent, your gorilla site hot like Divi and a source of inspiration.

    • The best Divi site I have seen so far! The homepage really stands out of the crowd! And the Gorilla appearing at diffirent places in colour picker section is just awesome 🙂

      • Thanks!!

  69. Wow!

    I’m so excited!. Currently have 3 site designs on the go using Divi. Would love to include some of the new stuff before they launch next month. Please, please, please.. let us have Divi 2!

  70. I Think that Divi is not a Theme, but it’ sa STRUCTURE, it make every work possible, but please improve graphic possibility, the MENÙ style and features is what make each site different from other, so please add more and more style different possibility for the Menù, i see new ones on divi 2.0 but we need more different possibility.
    We need to see a new site and don’t recognize the divi theme on first look! That will be amazing!
    Please Think about.
    Good work!

    • +1! Yes, its the menu style that makes the catch cum the slider. While most forest theme authors had perfected the slider option, only a handful are intuitive to release 4-5 different menu styles (check quentin) and it makes the difference. Providing option to style the menu or produce different menu template or option to move around the menu via modules will be a strong magnet for WP power users and newbie.

      • Agreed! One of the only things that keep me using the horribly bloated AVADA theme from ThemeForest is that it has nice options for the menu, sticky header/menu, and ability to use Revolution Slider natively – if DIVI could give us better menu control and formatting and ability to drop in REVOLUTION SLIDER (the best and most commonly used slider) natively as a module, I would switch everything to Divi.

  71. Awesome flatters, magnificient team and portfolio gallery, cool flat social, all nice. But i hope you haven’t forgotten about the survey and all the premium modules/plugin you guide us to tick via the survey form? I strongly believe Divi 2.0 will gain maximum accolade. Thanks for giving us creative edge.

  72. Absolutely outstanding theme and great use of modules thus far. What would certainly be a great addition would be to implement more options for video display. It always seems to degrade the appearance of a majority of themes adding video such as YouTube. I feel that a nice clean video presentation like that of Vimeo in most cases looks outstanding. The ability to have videos from outside sources maintain a Professional look would be a great improvement in my experience. Other than that, responsive mobile display tends to not be centered correctly in many places, mainly widgets, so having more control with custom CSS for mobile would truly help.

  73. Excited about these updates for Divi. Love, love the Connect With Your Visitors tool and map integration. WTG Elegant Theme team!

  74. Wow! Just about everything I have been asking/ hoping for has basically just been confirmed (carousel, filterable portfolio were on the top of my list). I could not be happier! Everything else is a complete bonus.

    I still think it would be really cool to implement an event calendar with Divi or something along those lines. Either way- I’m really happy!

    Really excited for this release. I find myself checking back daily to see what will be posted. Keep up the great work!

    • +1 on adding a calendar module!

      • +2 on adding calendar module

  75. I’d love to use the full screen “Gallery” section to display Products (Woocommerce) – any plans for that?

    Think it will be a fun and interesting way to showcase products 🙂

  76. Oooh! The preview looks really awesome. I can’t wait to try it out. Keep up the good work!

  77. I’d love to see an updated form builder, or even just some CSS for Contact Forms 7

  78. Hey Kenny and Nick,

    I couple of things I would like to see are:

    1) I would love to be able to control the font size in the body and headers. Some of the fonts that are available in the customize area look great, but they are tiny. Having an option in the epanel to control these would be awesome.

    2) The ability to add fields to the integrated contact form. I know we can use plugins such as contact form 7 to do this, but the plugins don’t look anywhere as nice as the integrated contact form. The field that I really need, is the ability to add a phone number field. (Please, please do this for us. Most service industries need to capture a contact phone number on the contact form)

    Thanks guys, love the Divi theme.

    Here is one site that we have used the divi theme for so far:

    PS: How about putting a blog post up asking for everyone to link through to the Divi Theme projects. Be great to see how everyone is using it.



  79. Really looking forward to DIVI 2.0. It looks like I can delete many of the plugins as DIVI 2.0 can do a lot of those. Great work!

  80. This is just awesome guys! I love the map integration (I’ve used Explorable, but would love to use it with Divi!) and adding to the way images are displayed would be great – I’m working on a photographers website now and would love to be able to have some different options!

    I’ve been using Divi almost exclusively since the beginning of the year – I think I’ve done half a dozen sites (and about to redo my own as well). I love it, as so my clients!

    Most recent ones are, and Would love to see what others are creating as well 🙂

    Keep up the great work!
    Thanks, Ellen.

  81. Still waiting disable the widget on the homepage footer and integrate google search (adsense) in search page 🙂


  82. This sounds so great, thank you! Very happy about social media (and the maps)!!!! Divi is, without a doubt, the greatest theme ever. Powerful and intuitive.

    Question: Will there be an option for the slider/full-width-slider where we can assign a category to the slider, so it is populated with the latest posts?

    I think that would be a great option for easy homepages and/or category Pages.

    • Yes, I would like the sliders to grab the latest posts from a category, too!!!

      It’s just soooo much work otherwise… 🙁

  83. This is awesome but I was hoping that divi will get a great woo commerce look too as we have today looks just about okay. With flexibility of Divi it would be nice to have woocommerce on its full glory as well.

  84. Are we going to be able to edit category and blog post layouts in the future with the Divi builder? I don’t understand why any other feature is being focused on when such simple things are being completely over looked. The ability to only edit pages forces users to use pages for EVERYTHING.

    • I really love Divi, and am excited about all the add ons that are coming. I just wanted to concur with the above. Please give us some flexibility with the blog posts 🙂

      • I second that…

        For Divi 2.0 I am awaiting Page Builder features for Posts.

        Without this at present I have to build pages for everything, I cannot assign Tags and Categories for them as a result I have to create manual menus for everything.. Too much to be done.

        Would really love to have this feature.

  85. Looking forward to the new portfolio options.

  86. Yayyyyy!!! Great work guys!! Awesome enhancements! When should we expect it??? 😀

  87. Social media section look very nice. Looking forward for it’s release.

  88. Hello, Divi is fenomenal and I’m very looking forward for the 2.0 update!
    Have you planned/considered to add a double sidebar layout, choosable in the right top corner in the page/post editor? In the dropdown where you can choose Left, or Right or none sidebar, I mean.

  89. Yes I’m think so – You are build with Divi the best Theme ever. Rock’n’Roll!

  90. Wow. Fantastic guys. I love you so much 🙂 You make my life so easy with you high quality themes, especially with Divi which is THE BEST theme ever, I love it. Keep it going guys and i will stay subscribed like FOREVER.

    Have a great day. Cheers.

  91. Very nice! It will punch any other feature rich theme in the face… …with a chair 😉

  92. It would be great, when finish Countdown:

    – Expiry Url a URL to load upon expiry, replacing the current page.
    – Expiry text text to display upon expiry, replacing the countdown.
    – Expiration tracking system, track your visitor counter based on IP address, cookie or both

    Thanks, good job.

  93. Love the portfolio and gallery updates, but I don’t see any sign of pagination… and I think it’s basic, if still missing as in the current version, I will have to use alternative plugins to show portfolios, so the updates will mean nothing…

    • Me again,

      I’d like to know if u’re planning on adding pagination to portfolio and/or shop modules. As I said, without it are not very usefull…


  94. Hi, I’m currently looking for a theme, where I can have both impressive single page capabilities plus standard multicolumn layout. With all the other possibilities of this theme, Divi is currently quite on top of my candidates. The only things, that I miss, are
    – a top menu of all sections on a large, single page, which stays on top during scrolling (e.g. as second menu line below the site menu or even as the only menu in case it is just a single page)
    – a sidebar menu, which stays on top during scrolling, possibly to be combined as site menu with the above mentioned single page menu.
    Then it would be really perfect…

  95. Hi,

    Hoping you’ll add vertical tabs. I’ve suggested it several times but haven’t seen any confirmation that it’s coming.

    Just about all leading themes offer a choice of vertical and horizontal.


    • This isn’t something that we have planned for 2.0, but we will definitely keep it in mind for future updates.

  96. THANKS!! I love this theme.

  97. I’m a recent convert to Elegant Themes… a very happy one.

    But as I pull my research together about the new site I want to create (always good to know WHAT you want a site to do before just pouring in the content, don’t you think), I worry about Divi.

    Here’s why…

    There are SO many options that I’m afraid I’ll build a camel and not a race horse, if you know what I mean.

    I will build a “magazine” type site with lots of outside writers. I’ll show images and videos too.

    So… how do I start off in Divi looking like one of your other responsive magazine-style themes without taking way too much time to create it?

    See why I’m confused?

    Charlie Seymour Jr

    • I agree, there is a lack of “First, do this…” type instructions with Divi.

      It’s just… there.

  98. Ok, here’s my one Divi project so far, I’m very happy with the outcome and so is the client! Have the feeling it will be lots more with 2.0. 🙂

    • I really like your site. VERY professional use of Divi. Let me ask you, did you have much trouble with the CSS for the menu? Those little icons really fit in nicely. Well done.

  99. Keeps getting better and better! Thank you, Hopefully Divi 2.0 will support the page builder to be used with custom post types (or even better if possible to give us the ability to create them easily.) Noticed in the forums that using the builder in CPTs may be possible but this is currently not in scope for support.

    Another great feature would be to allow us to add graphs in addition to the progress bars and counters.

    Excited about the map feature, hopefully, it will be at post and page level to allow us to create a map of our articles similar to Explorable as mentioned above.

    Love it!!

  100. Any plans for single page option in Divi 2.)?

  101. Ug! I’ve been putting off theme switching for SO LONG! I still use Elegant Fusion! You’re really starting to suck me in with these Divi updates! OH THAT DAMN NICK AND HIS TEAM OF WP GENIUSES!!! 😉

  102. Everything I ever wanted, in one theme.

  103. You guys are so awesome! I love your work and really appreciate the value you give us. I can’t wait for Divi 2! I just barely installed the first one LOL.

  104. I love Divi… opens lots of doors. Before I would cringe when a client wanted to change something on his site. Now with Divi, I can usually say “no problem.”

    Here is my first Divi site:

    A work in progress… was under a time constraint to get it up… now to go back and spruce up some of the text pages. Looking forward to Divi 2!

    • Looking good Bob 🙂

    • lol..ahahhahaa…same for me but then, I discovered ET support which brought a cool breeze right on my face. However, Divi did most of it smartly and faster!

  105. Long time fan, first time poster… We’re a startup that has been partnering with a number of companies to beta a WordPress version of our technology and early on, we worked with numerous free and premium themes – but now we work exclusively with Divi (9 sites and counting).

    Divi is already the fastest way to create a top-shelf WordPress Site, and with the development path you’ve laid out, it’s going to get exponentially better. We love you, keep up the good work!

  106. OMG! Divi looks fantabulous. I have not used it yet and I can’t wait for 2.0. Wait…maybe I should?

    Anyway…all the sites listed here in the comments look Great!

  107. It looks fantastic. But add a news module too pls. Thanks.

    • What would you want to see in a news module exactly?

      • Hi Nick. Thanks for your message and the great Divi. For a news module: Main photo with title and a lead paragraph at the bottom and a few titles on the right and the option titles to go under the leading paragraph. Also to be able to use the module in different sections and to call specific category/ies and to adjust the size of the photos and the number of titles. See here a clean design:

  108. Do you have any examples of websites using Divi for inspiration?

  109. Can’t wait for Divi. 2.0 to launched!!!

  110. I don’t know if is been mention already as I haven’t read all the comments, but it would be really nice to have a transparent background setting for the text on the slider so you can read any text on any backgrounds we use. At the moment it’s really hard to see text if you don’t choose a background which is almost plane or is not to busy.

    Other suggestions:

    -Transparent buttons
    -Scrolling testimonies module
    -button image overlay so when you hover over image text appears or image changes with different effects to select from.

    Great work guys keep it up!

    • Thanks for the suggestions Dwayne 🙂

  111. *faints*

    about 3 or 4 of those features are now custom built in one of my sites, this will be a major improvement!

    Can’t wait…..

  112. Looks awesome, can’t wait! one question, will the sliders now include the ability to use content generated from a chosen (featured) blog category instead of only static content?

    • This isn’t something we have planned for 2,0, but thanks for the suggestion!

  113. Hi guys,

    this look awesome. Our clients loves this theme and we too because it’s really easy to work with such a great theme.

    Keep up the great work!

  114. A Review module would be very usefull. It would give us the ability to give notation with stars, numbers, percentage, etc

  115. I would love to see a full page width ‘Masonary’ way of displaying images.
    tiled full screen with no border around the thumbnails and the capability to include images and movies.
    Also a really seductive and useful audio transport with the ability to create audio lists that can be dropped into columns.

    The ‘masonary’ is in vogue at the moment and is probably one of the more glaring omissions in Divi – audio always seem to be the bridesmaid, which is a shame as most designers have to take on board video and sound in some form, and as the goalpost are changing and we all become more ‘multi-media’ a comprehensive, beautiful and expansive way to display audio, video and images is even more essential.

    Just a thought!

    • Divi 2.0 will include a full width image grid, similar to what you see in our Origin theme.

  116. Simply brilliant!! my admiration for the entire team of Elegant Themes! congratulations!

  117. Do you plan to have “advert” modules for the head section?

    • We don’t plan to have an advert module. In this case, you can simply add your advertising code into a text module.

  118. Will the new version of Divi hide the current page’s link in the navigation bar like the current version?

  119. Excellent! The new Social Connect and the Portfolio look similar with Origin/Vertex are exactly what I needed. Now I have no excuse to not switch to Divi. 🙂

  120. Divi 2.0 will be great!

    But: Is it possible to update divi 1.0 to divi 2.0 or to use divi 1.0 templates in divi 2.0?

    • Yes, anyone using Divi 1.0 can simply upgrade to 2.0 without any problems.

  121. By the way, what’s the target date for the release? There are some functions which I hope that will come with the release. Hope you guys can consider them:

    1) Ability to add/change some field of the default contact form. I am currently using Contact Form 7 but it is ugly to fit into the nice Divi Template. This is especially so in the mobile responsive view. The text box cuts across the phone display. Hopefully, if contact forms are upgraded, there will be function like “captcha” code, file upload, 2-step verification etc.

    2) Image Slider like Nivo, currently the slider for Divi is abit restrictive in position and there is no carousel to select image to appear in image slider, hope the carousel mention in this blog will add this feature.

    3) Allow color selection for field “text color”, currently there is only “dark or light”, but I do not like only the choice of color “teal” only.

    4) The text field have some irritating issue of spacing between text, I tried creating space between text/paragraph, save it, it works, but when I go and open the field again, it’s gone. Hopefully you understand what I am saying here.

    5) “Tab” module, good to have tab selection that is on the sides too.

    6) Create member sign in page?

    7) Ability to add “table”?

    Hopefully with DIvi 2.0, the number of plugins used can be reduced.

    For those keen to explore my team’s use of Divi. check out, do comment if design can be improve. Thanks!

    • I am really very excited for Divi 2.0 . It has made web design so much easy.

      But I was facing some problems in
      1. Image slider section – complete image is not shown ,when set as a background image of a slide .

      2. search – when anything is searched on site , complete page comes out to be the result along with the right-side bar , it will be better if removed right-side bar and it would be better if only post is searched not pages. form – no option to add fields

      4. cannot apply css-class or id to row inside section

      It would great if you guys fix this in Divi 2.0 .

      Great work ET team . Eagerly waiting for Divi 2.0 . All the best guys !!

  122. Hello,

    I was wondering if ou could make a way to add module on the top of the website, before any menu like this (full width / fixed width) :

    It would be quite awesome.

    • Thanks for the suggestion. We do have a plan for a menuless page, and we have also considered creating a Menu module that can be moved around the page. I am not sure if these are things that will make it into 2.0, however.

      • Thanks for that Nick, it makes Divi intuitively valuable for bespoke and semantic web design/development. More business growth for ElegantThemes as you spur us to achieve our business dreams and to deliver top-notch online presence using WordPress!

      • I hope you will make it in time for 2.0 😉

      • A menu module would be great. Making it possible to easily add a second horisontal menu below the header or a left menu on subpages like category pages. Would be huge to have this added in.

  123. It will be great to improve the blog and portfolio modules. I need to create a portfolio pahe with only the post of one particular category and I need to put a filter system to show them by tag… I don’t know if I have been clear, sorry I’m french…

    • Sorry I’ve just seen that you work on a filterable portfolio. Will it be filterable by category (each project can only enter in one category), by tag (each project can enter in several tags) or both (the user have to choose)?

  124. Wow! I’m already a huge fan of the Divi theme (I’ve used it on 3 sites recently). I can’t wait until the new version comes out with all the bells and whistles.

    Good job guys!

  125. Incredible theme. Just relaunched my site with it. What a beautiful, functional and versatile theme this is.

  126. Beautiful tools, BUT….. I’m trying to insert a nice slideshow, no too big, no too small in my home page, and it is impossible at the moment. I’m very sorry for this I am very sorry for the lack of such a tool, indispensable for those who want to build a site quickly and easily. How much time do you need to insert in DIVI a fantastic slide show able to show normal pictures, not cropped, not distorted and responsive?, or can you suggest some plugin that works in the page without to open a new page?
    thank you

      • Thank you
        I knew this, but it is not for photographers, the gray bars on the side and the arrows bar on the foot, it is not clean and I cannot correct it to show clean and nice photos.
        I tried with some plugins, but they cancel DIVI options.
        Can you create a specific plugin for professional pictures?
        I hope that you concentrate your attention about that problem, in this way DIVI and elegant themes would be wonderful. Is it so difficult? I hope no.
        ciao ciao

        • can you suggest sums nice plugin for pictures where it is possible to set the size of images without to waste a lot of time?
          thank you

    • Luckily the Divi Text Module supports any shortcode, so if you find a different slider plugin that you would like to use, you can just throw it into a text module and it should work great.

  127. Great! This theme is surely the best and more flexible ever. We can build hundreds of sites with unique looks and feels.

    I just hope that the default pages for Woocommerce gets more attention and step up to the quality of the other areas.

    • I completely agree with this. It’d be awesome to see some custom stylings to the account and checkout pages.

  128. I have recently built several sites using Divi; however, I have not touched my own! I am incorporating video and even created a video to animate the logo.

    Still needs much work . . . it’s a Real Estate website.

    • Karen, nice site. I’m curious about the slider– it looks like you have some animation effects (using layers?) that are not inherent in the Divi slider. How did you do that? I’ve looked into using a third party slider with Divi, but it seems that you can’t get it to go full width AND use the page builder. I think that might change in Divi 2.0. Also, I did notice that your site loaded on the slow side. Any thoughts on why? I have read a lot about how some sliders can slow down a site, but really like them anyways!

      • Ooops. Sorry no code here.


      • I am using the DIVI slider. I uploaded small video clips — into the full-width slider. I made a movie for the video wall and the logo using (the envato projects). The video wall/logo movie was built in Adobe AfterEffects. I love using templates as I do not have the skill to build those things myself. I uploaded MP4 videos with 640 width and 360 height. I had to downsize some of the videos to that size and I used Camtasia Studio to do that because it renders so quickly — as opposed to Adobe Premiere Pro. If you would like a screen shot let me know. I don’t think I can show that here.

        When I use the Youtube option as suggested, it only puts a small video in the slider and does not fill the full slide. Only an uploaded video would do that. More later. . .

        • Hi Karen- I like your idea, I would like to see your site can you send me the link? I also would like to incorporate videos into my full width sliders- wondering how you did that exactly? Let me know!
          Alexis Lennon
          Alexis Lennon

      • On the slow loading, I think I may have to start with stills to get the site going and then perhaps move into the video. Otherwise, you are right. Slow load. I don’t know how else to fix that. Any suggestions besides using the Youtube upload?

    • Hi Karen, you can probably save yourself some bandwidth by posting the videos on YouTube and pulling them into the theme.

      Try something like:

    • OH!!!! your site is very nice, I’m trying to do something like this for my houses in Sardinia, but at the moment I’m fighting with DIVI slider…. it is a pity don’t have an easy way to charge pictures and to control size and everything without waste so much time….
      thank you to have shared your site, I think to have understood your mp4 use, I will try.

    • Aloha Karen, I recommend you insert this CSS code into your Edit CSS area which will remove the Search Icon and fix the padding on the bottom of the menu.

      #et_search_icon {
      display: none;

      nav#top-menu-nav {
      padding-top: 26px;

      I also suggest you combine the “About Ben” link to include the “Contact Ben” which will reduce the width of your menu and settle your logo into the proper place.

      Just a suggestion of course, all the best to you!

      — Erik

  129. I’m currently working on 4 different sites using Divi, and all 4 clients are very pleased and I LOVE the theme. 2.0 is going to be a blast. Given what I’ve saved, just on the few sites I did so far, you guys are definitely getting my lifetime upgrade.

    I recently had to save a clients hosting account and 3 sites, using Securi Inc. and a lot of BASE64 hunt and destroy. Securi was awesome, and the fact that this this powerful theme passed their inspection is reason enough to purchase a Developer Package at least for anyone in the WordPress Design field, and the lower price for certain if you just need to build your own site.

    Great Job You Guys. Seriously. When I get em launched I’ll list them for proper review….;0)

  130. I’m waiting for the Divi Onyx edition

  131. You guys are not being fair to all those other hard working theme developers. This is just flat out wrong. You’re proving us with absolutely everything we can think of all included with one theme? That is totally messed up!


    • Sorry 😉

  132. It would be great that Divi2.0 would respect the bootstrap containers.

    I truly love the Divi theme, but also love to make use of Bootstrap features. Often i integrate Bootstrap into a theme or i do make use of the Easy Bootstrap Shortcode Plugin.

    For example the .container class is also used by Bootstrap and conflics with the theme…

  133. I love how the new features are looking. Just wondered, in the image sections, will there be an option for an image gallery? a proper one where you can click on an image to enlagre it and once enlarged cycle through the other images, just like in some other themes ET has like the Harmony or Foxy.

    Awesome work, love Divi and ET.

    • We are planning to add a LightBox option to the image module, so this should be possible 🙂

  134. Hi Nick,

    Can we please get a sitemap page similar to the other themes.

    The sitemap html plugins I have tried look horrible.



    • Thanks for the suggestion Shane. This isn’t something we had planned for 2.0, but we will keep it in mind.

  135. Would be awesome to be able to save individual sections as templates. And Duplicate Sections.

    | = | [+] Save Section |
    | | _____ ________________________________ |
    | | | = | | |
    | | | | [+] Insert Column(s) | |
    | | |__x__|_______________________________ | |
    | | |
    | | [+] Add Row [+] Duplicate Section |

    [+] Add Section / Add Fullwidth Section / Load Section

    • Module duplication is coming in 2.0 🙂

      • You just made me so happy… Module duplication will make designing stuff so so much easier…

  136. When can we expect the divi 2.0 theme? I want my new blog to be based on it:) This month maybe?

    • We don’t have a release date set right now, but we are working hard to finish the theme as soon as possible.

      • Hello, Do you mean the release will be in a few weeks or in a few months ? Very impatient to implement some new features in my website.

      • Dear Nick,
        Besides the release date, could you reply to my questions posted in this blog entry? haven’t heard anything from E.T. yet and would really appreciate it!
        Keep up the great work and thanks in advance =)

  137. Hi, very nice!

    You will integrate “Google Adsense search” with the magnifying glass’s Divi Module that is in the upper right part of the theme?

  138. Stellar work on Divi folks! Absolutely solid style and creativity!

  139. Will it be pretty easy to upgrade to Divi 2 from Divi 1? I am thinking of revamping my entire site to Divi right now but I know I’m going to want to upgrade when 2 is released.

    • Yep, it will be a seamless upgrade. You will just get access to new features 🙂

  140. Are we there yet?

    I’m working on redesigning the local soccer club’s site with Divi 1, but now I’m stopping dead in my tracks and waiting for 2.0. I’ve already got some great ideas for these new features and can’t wait to implement them.

  141. Since finding DIVI, I haven’t been able to stop…..can’t wait for 2.0.

    Of the 6 sites working on with DIVI here’s one look….

    You folks keep up the good work, your themes are incredibly fast.

  142. When! When! When? I can wait!

    • Nice job on your sites….totally agree, DIVI is a great theme!

  143. You guys have a customer for life. Seriously. I am blown away by the themes, updates, and customer service you provide for the price. I tell everyone I know about how awesome you guys are. Keep up the amazing work!

  144. I would love to see an option to change the background colour of columns as well as rows. Brilliant work though guys.

  145. Free Divi 2.0 ! He is innocent !

    • Haha! #FreeDivi2.0

  146. I understand the header will be one area with added options in Divi 2.0, but will the footer also have options?

    I have noted that the Text Editor in the modules seems to have minor glitches. Am I the only one?


  147. Here’s a site I developed using Divi –

    I tweaked the header and the portfolio framework using CSS only. The rest is out of the box Divi!

    • Hi Erik,
      can you share with us your header css ?
      best regards

      • Sorry for the delay Fabio:

        Here’s that code:

        #main-header {
        border-top: 15px solid #DDEE99;

        .et_fixed_nav #logo {
        float: left;
        max-height: 140px;
        margin-top: -24px;
        margin-bottom: -40px;
        overflow: visible;
        -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.78);
        -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.78);
        box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.78);

        Remember to set the “max-height: 140px;” to allow for your logo size.

        Hope that helps! Aloha

  148. A suggestion if I may… if this is already in the works – SUPER!

    In DIVI, pages have section elements in them (I hope this could be done for posts too). I would love to have a TOC (Table of Contents) module implemented by which is section is reachable with a click in that TOC.

    The way PAGE BUILDER works is probably already geared towards this 😉

    I imagine having such a TOC hovering to the side as I scroll down an article and to make it even more cool – the link to the section I’m in at any given time can be highlighted to indicated where I am in the article.

    What do you think?


  149. Could you please add in the new Divi 2 a news module? It is very important. So we can use it for a news/magazine sites too. Thanks

  150. Hi dudes,
    is there any update about the release date?

    I’m looking forward 😀

  151. Hello everyone,

    Well done to the designers/developers of the builder, it’s truly intuitive, easy, and pleasant to use. I have tried a couple others, too and even if they offer more gadgets and gizmos, none of them is so smooth.

    At the moment, I am willing to sacrifice some functionality for the user experience, but you know, your community has great expectations from you guys, for the next releases.

    Speaking of which, we all long so much for the update to come… Is it safe to assume that Divi 2.0 will be ready “close” to the release date of WordPress 3.9? ^^

  152. I noticed that the nested menus always go to the right on hover. This could be bad for someone like me who has many nested menu items (I probably should consolidate, but it’s not feasible at the time). For example, if a menu is nearing the edge of the page, the next nested item may be completely off the page because it goes to the right. I’d like to see edge detection of some form so the menu knows to go to an accessible place. Divi is a pretty cool theme. Can’t wait to see the social networking and post types added in finally. (Lots of my posts have videos.)

  153. Hi,
    This questions has been asked a dozen of times with no real answer from your part. I even asked it before subscribing and I was disappointed to discovers that what you’ve promised me was not true. So I ask it again:
    Will Divi 2 have REAL parallax background effect ? The current one is not a parallax effect as you advertise but it’s a static background.
    If you don’t plan to do it, you should rename the effect “parallax” to “static” to avoid confusion and disappointement.
    Thanks for your reply

    • Yes, it will have true parallax.

      • I didn’t saw your answer. This is awesome 🙂

  154. I’ve just used DIVI for my client’s site ( and I am getting into it’s tricks fast. I spent years learning flash and AS, and now I design more functional sites some 50 times faster. Can’t wait for v2.0.

  155. Just working on adding some markup for my web for better SEO and found that some known theme builders implement schema in their frameworks out of the box. So, I’ve got a question – are planning to add schema markup to you themes, or Divi though?

  156. Divi may already have this capability and I’m not familiar enough with how the slider(s?) work to know, but it is vital to be able to feature PORTRAIT-ORIENTED PHOTOS rather than always being boxed into these horizontal bars of pictures.

    Most visual content that people want to look at is OF PEOPLE. Most people who get paid to shoot photos. Until we revert to crawling on all fours, VERTICAL images of people look best.

    I apologize if it’s already easy to feature, say, a slider in a center column packed with tall (rather than wide) images, but just in case it’s not (god I hope it is) I want to throw this in there.

  157. I would also love to see Divi 2.0 have more control of which blog posts would show. For example. I would love to be able to set my most recent post to show the full content, and older posts just the the excerpt… I’m not sure its possible, but would love it!

  158. Hey guys. Is there any news of a release date yet?

  159. The new features look great. Is there any chance of a full screen slider that supports parallax?

  160. Thinking of switching from Joomla to WP and start using this amazing Divi theme. Wanna use for my personal site for a blog, stories about our cycling holidays and lots of photo’s.
    Easy customization of the blog page in different layouts would be really handy, as well as a gallery component preferably with a ‘swipe’ functionality for the tablets.
    As soon as Divi 2.0 is out, I’m gonna buy!

    • Rolph,
      WordPress in combinatie met ET Divi is een goede keus.
      ET heeft goede producten en geeft goede ondersteuning.
      Een aanrader dus.

  161. Please To Divi 2.0: Please add the ability to create a second menu, for example vertical! Currently theme supports one menu. I would like to insert vertical in addition to horizontal. Please add the this possibility. Greetings from Poland!

    • I have a project waiting with vertical menu : would like to use Divi 2.0 too ! Wish you will implement this feature too.
      It would fit perfectly !

      An idea whenDivi 2.0 will available ? (few weeks, months or ? ). Waiting for the second horizontal top menu for another project.

  162. Hi! Great news!

    First: DIVI is briliant!

    Second: …but we need some little modyfication. Is it possible that you would have added to the file “functions.php” in the root directory of theme, a few lines before each function:
    “if(!function_exists(”)) :

    We need to overrides some functions in child theme, and we have exeption because messing check !function_exists.

    Thanks, and regards.

  163. I see many beautiful designs with DIVI, this is mine: (first design) … and I hope many will come with many more to DIVI 2.0 Ansis Greetings from Venezuela!

    Good job Nick! congratulations!

  164. One of the only things that keep me using the horribly bloated AVADA theme from ThemeForest is that it has nice options for the menu, sticky header/menu, and ability to use Revolution Slider natively – if DIVI could give us better menu control and formatting and ability to drop in REVOLUTION SLIDER (the best and most commonly used slider) natively as a module, I would switch everything to Divi.

    Excited for Divi 2.0 and hope the above could be thought of!

    Also a great quick switch to support boxed/full width mode and toggle between them – that is one other killer feature of Avada and other themes.

  165. Any news on the pending upgrade to Divi – I am desperate to add the gallery options that the ‘sneak peek’ alluded to ( a glaring omission from V1 ) yes I can use plugins to achieve gallery options, but who wants to clog up a clean and beautiful theme like divi and inherit all the plugins attendant upgrades and possible vulnerabilities. Are we very near? Months off?

    Will the promised Parallax work on mobile devices?

  166. Waiting for Divi 2.0 for Gallery portion… badly need that for my photography section in my website… NextGen Gallary is good… but again… extra footprints…

    Also is there a possibility of option to design different layouts: like single post, search result, archive, category, 404, tag, etc…

    Looking forward to Divi 2.0.


  167. Any update on release date for this? I’m literally sitting on two big projects just waiting for it! Desperately need boxed layout which was supposed to be included from what I saw on the forums.

    • I’m in the same boat. I keep finding myself checking ET every day in hopes that I can begin my projects!

    • ditto!

    • Ditto!!!!!

  168. Amazing word guys!

    I am waiting impatiently 😉

  169. Any word on when Divi 2.0 will be out? I know (trust me, I do) that it can be difficult to give times for large projects that involve testing and troubleshooting and whatnot, but a general ETA would be nice (for example – by the end of May, probably not until at least June, we’re shooting for sometime in July, etc.).

    I know you’re excited about Divi 2.0 and wanted to share some of the upcoming features, but it gives off the impression that it is forthcoming, and developers put projects using Divi 1.0 on hold in anticipation of the new features, but aren’t given any idea as to how long they need to wait (or if they even should wait).

  170. I am very excited about the forthcoming 2.0. In terms of header options, I would really like to control the header area as if it is another section, still with the option of having it fixed. For example have three images in a 1/3 layout, or two logos and a text box (is fiddly to do in header.php in child theme).

    Would also love additional vertical menu option and a slider option where the dimensions could be specified and images scaled proportionally (with crop) rather than the dimensions depending on quantity of text.

    More footer options would be amazing too, and a place to specify background images for sections as well as colours!

    I am very impressed with Divi already though!

  171. Any dates for release yet?

  172. DIVI destiny is to be a nuclear bomb 😀

  173. Divi 1.0 is awesomely made, but not enough for my complex project which I have to deliver in two weeks. A majority of the features I need, will be part of the new Divi as I see in the sneak peek. Should I wait some more, or should I turn my eyes elsewhere?

    I am eager to use your product, but I am on a deadline, too. I see myself hoping and waiting in vain for almost two months now, while falling behind on my projects.

    All this secrecy and building anticipation is good, but enough is enough. From a point and then, you disappoint your customers. I feel my excitement and enthusiasm turning into bitterness and frustration.

    A rough release date estimate as in 5-8 weeks, or 3+ months or a year or something would help.

    • Agreed. Excitement and enthusiasm went out the window about a week ago. I finally moved forward with a theme from Themeforest. Divi 2.0 might be worth the wait, but not when we aren’t given any clue as to how long that wait will be.

      • I’m in the same boat. I was holding onto two new projects for Divi 2.0, as I need some of the new features that were in the sneak peeks. However client deadline have forced me to look elsewhere.

        It’s been almost two months since the last update. I can understand that they don’t want to give us an exact date but an update would be nice.

        I absolutely love Divi, but c’mon ET, can you give us any updates? Thanks 🙂

        • Shooting for a release date this month. Stay tuned!

          • that is awesome news Nick. Thanks for the update.

  174. I’m very interested in Divi ever since I discovered it awhile back…it looks fabulous…but reading about all the features you’re planning to add for 2.0 has me worrying that 2.0 is going to be bloated and slow.

    Of course I expect you to say that won’t be the case…but what *do* you have to say about this concern? How are you going to add all these features without bogging everything down?

  175. I’m going out on a limb and saying that if you’re not loading something on a page, it’s not going to affect your page load times.

    My refrigerator is full of condiments, but I don’t put all of them on every meal I eat. More options are a good thing, just use them wisely and don’t fill your pages with needless excessive elements.

  176. I’m going out on a limb and saying that if you’re not loading something on a page, it’s not going to affect your page load times.

    My refrigerator is full of condiments, but I don’t put all of them on every meal I eat. More options are a good thing, just use them wisely and don’t fill your pages with needless excessive elements.

  177. I can’t wait – release it already ;p

    Any indication when it will be available?


  178. I hope you should do something with the slider. seting link on the slider image, change the size and more animation slides we need. thanks

  179. Hello,

    This theme is relatively well but ePanel is too simple to set all the parameters needed, it can be done without css but everything is not working in the code while for simple adjustments should work too css, especially when not used


  180. WAOOO 100 stars

  181. How Exciting! When I wake up there should be a Divi 2.0 update! Looking forward to the new theme options … especially social media integration!

  182. Thanks Developers! These are the most elegant and awesome features you have introduced. Great 😀 I will get one of them, right now 😀

  183. Hey guys! I was working on the Divi 2 theme and it is GREAT!

    I wanted to know if there was a way to customize the icon for the location, maybe even have different icons for different pins. Is this a function you will make available in the future or is there a way to do it now? Thanks for the info!


    PS I tried to log in so I could post to the support forum but I still haven’t received my reset password link, please email me!

  184. Hello there.
    I recently updated to wordpress 3.9.1 and divi 2.0. However after the updates the video URL’s previously embedded have become text and the youtube content is no longer shown…

    This is mysterious, I have tried to rectify the problem by deactivating all plugins to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated,

  185. Please help, mobile site is not displaying slider (no images) and if using mobile modules can only see code.

    Isnt this supposed to be responsive to mobile devices?

    Please, any assistance is welcomed

    • If you need help with anything, please open a ticket in our support forums so that our team can assist you.

  186. When I input the YouTube URL into a text module, nothing happens. I am trying to embed a video into a page…can you help me with that?


  187. What happen with the announced “Share and Follow” Features?
    “Share” are still not available in Divi 2.1.4

    Will they come with your new Plug-In?


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