A Sneak Peek At Bloom, An Email Opt-In Plugin That You Are Going To Love

Last Updated on September 20, 2022 by 370 Comments

A Sneak Peek At Bloom, An Email Opt-In Plugin That You Are Going To Love
Blog / Theme Sneak Peeks / A Sneak Peek At Bloom, An Email Opt-In Plugin That You Are Going To Love

Today I am excited to announce our upcoming email opt-in plugin, Bloom. We want to build a plugin that will allow our customers to grow their own email list using beautiful, customizable and easy-to-use forms that can be placed anywhere on their websites. That’s exactly what we are doing with Bloom, and I can’t wait to release it later this month.

If there is one thing that I have learned over the past year, it’s that email is perhaps the single most important tool for website and business owners. There is absolutely no better way to cultivate a community around your brand, build a fan-base and keep in touch with your customers. The engagement we see from email far exceeds that of social media, and an email subscriber is 10-20x more valuable than a Facebook fan or Twitter follower. If you aren’t building an email list then you are putting yourself at a huge disadvantage!

The email inbox is a more sacred place. Emails are not lost in the endless stream of chatter or filtered out by social algorithms. They are a direct line to your visitor’s ear, and if your visitors have subscribed to your newsletter then they are willing and eager to hear what you have to say. Building your list is the hard part, and that’s where Bloom comes in.


So What Will Be Included In Bloom?

We are still busy developing the plugin, but we plan to make this a truly comprehensive email opt-in system. There will be various integration methods, such as pop-ups and fly-ins. There will be actionable insights in the form of stats and A/B testing. Finally, there will be support for all of the most popular email marketing software.

Even though we are already months into development, it’s not to late to give your suggestions. We would love to hear what kind of features you would like to see in Bloom, so be sure to let us know in the comments 🙂 Stay tuned for more details next week!


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  1. Will Bloom be integrated with Vertical Response?

  2. Please support getdrip.com already!!!

  3. Hi there,

    It seems it just use it’s form feature instead of using my thank you page when integrated with Mailchimp. Is this the default behavior of the form? How can I change it that it will redirect to the thank you page I setup in mailchimp?


  4. Two Questions:
    1. Can Bloom connect with ZoHo email provider?

    2. On Success message, I’d love to be able to add a hyper-link. Is there a way to do that?

  5. Hi Nick,
    Does Bloom work specifically with Elegant Themes, or any WP Theme?

  6. Is there any way to use all of your pretty forms with custom HTML code that I make to hook into my Mailchimp, or do they only work when you are linked through Bloom to the Mailchimp API?

    Meaning can I just use the pretty forms and fill in the HTML section with custom code?


  7. I am getting an ajax error on the blocked content optin> It’s trying to load ajax over http and not respecting https so the optin fails to refresh and serve the blocked content

    Is there a solve for this?

  8. does this work with activecampaign.com?

    • Yes, it works. But you just have to use the Custom HTML and some custom tweaks.

  9. Hi Elegant Themes! I can’t use this plugin only for one reason; I need to redirect my visitors to a custom URL that I set up per opt-in form. On that page I show them relevant information on the topic they subscribed for. Can you please add this functionality? This can be in one of these two ways;
    1) Add a field where I can enter a custom Thank You page to redirect to within the Bloom setup for a a new opt-in form.
    2) Use the “Custom Thank You” URL that I already set up on the different campaigns within my auto-responder software (in my case GetResponse). At this moment I have this set up but Bloom doesn’t read this message.

    All other things look stunning as I’m used to from Elegant Themes so hope you can help me (and others?) out here!


  10. Hey Guys,

    What would be a great idea is to have the optin form somehow store all the optins within wordpess. Therefore we wouldn’t need to pay any 3rd party services such as Aweber, or Icontact for email marketing.


  11. I’d love to see direct Hubspot integration here .. would be so nice to not have to go through a midway layer.

  12. Lots of people requesting “exit-intent.” I’d like to add my vote that such a feature be included in this plugin. Exit-intent, combined with “show on Xth pageview” and “don’t show after X days” would be perfect.

    And if you could include some sort of logic what X popup shows within X category, that would be awesome.

  13. State of the art is Pippity which has a great conversion rate and also delivers Analytics. It is perfect to match with Mailpoet and does a wonderful job.

    Your very own will be very interesting cause Pippity is way too expensive.

    Tx for the developing! Cheers, Peter

  14. Nick,
    Sorry, and ignore my comment.
    I missed the earlier update post.
    Waiting for it.

  15. Nick,
    Thanks for the new offer which is a useful one.
    By the way, Any news about EXTRA theme which you gave us a sneak preview more than a year back.
    Or did you scrap it.?
    Just update us about the status.

  16. Will bloom send blog updates as well as allowing us to send custom newsletters?

  17. Awesome. Pretty exited about this new plugin!
    Just a few question/recommendation:
    – How does this integrate with the divi builder? Will this add a module or options on the subscribe module when the plugin is activated? Or is it simply going to be a pop-up/fly-in plugin?
    – Templates? That would be awesome. Ability to create 2 or 3 different templates that match a client branding. I am already saving branded landing page templates for each of my clients site, template for opt-ins will a be a BIG plus for me. Helping them building a site that converts more.

    Anyway, thank you ! Look forward to trying it!

  18. OMG ! i missed this blog post !!! I am very excited to learn of this yet another FREE feature from elegant themes ! Mailing list is part of the backbone of any successful marketer on the net, and i’ll be even more pleased the day you’ll release this new baby !

  19. I’m definitely gonna buy a subscription now. Can you guys make it that visitors can opt in using their social account like G+ Facebook Linkln ? Using api to extract email from those account to be precise. Gonna be a great feature to set Bloom apart. Can’t wait for this release !

  20. I continue to be so impressed with what you guys create. That’s why I maintain my subscription with you. Thank you for your hard work!

    I’d like to put in a vote for integration with Arigato (formerly BroadFast Pro), an autoresponder plugin for WordPress – more info about that plugin for your consideration at http://calendarscripts.info/bft-pro/.

    And I’d like to request a LeadPages like opt-in process – no opt-in form, rather a button that pops up a 1-step opt-in form. Tested to be more effective than traditional opt-in forms on pages/posts/widgets.


    – Brett

  21. Have you ever received more (and more positive) comments on a product announcement?

    Glad to hear you’ll be supporting Mailchimp, but I’d be tickled if you would integrate with emma (myemma.com). Here is their API documentation. . . http://api.myemma.com/ Like Elegant Themes, emma has invested heavily in developing a fantastic product and they differentiate themselves on superb design and usability.

    Inbound marketers will need a two-step signup form. Also needed are hidden fields that allow us to capture analytics tags. Salesforce integration would would be icing on the cake.

    Thank you for continuing to deliver and exceed our expectations.


  22. Hey Nick…thank you so much for this amazing upcoming plugin.

    Will there be a possibility to include a hyperlink as well as video on the same?

  23. Hey Nick, this is great and saves me the cost of buying a plugin elsewhere. Can you tell me if it will have the option of placing an email option box right below each post (above the comments)? And if so will it be possible to select a certain option form based on categories. For example: If I offer copy writing and web design services along with a partner on copy writing posts I can offer a free copy writing check list and on the design posts I can offer a free style guide as a gift for signing up.

    Even though this is a pop up plugin it does alot of the things I was looking for in a list building plugin – http://ambitionally.com/popupally-pro/

    Thanks for the chance to give suggestions, and I totally understand if things cant ship in version one. I would rather have someone usable than wait for perfection.

  24. Two words….


  25. Lead Generation, Lead Magnets, Split Testing, Welcome Autoresponder, etc. I keep wanting these things (and more), e.g. LeadPages, Unbounce, HubSpot.

  26. Looks great. Would love to see a simple form that can be used in a parallax section with a background image. So this would be a transparent background form that would consist of an email address field and submit button. I hope this will integrate with MailChimp.Thanks.

  27. Looking forward to it! 😀

  28. Nick, for these type of announcements it would have helped to include a “Get Notified” email optin field in your post so when you announce the release you have a list of people opted in that are waiting for the product release/launch.

    Just saying. 🙂

  29. Hi Nick,

    Could you tell me if the plugin also supports conditionals on a form? If you want to now where a customer has heard from you for example i would like to know which advertisement in which newspaper etc.

    So if people select newspaper the form should then show a field where they can enter the name of the paper. And if they select google adwords that field should not appear.

    Would be great if this where possible in this plugin 🙂

  30. Would it be MultiSite ready? 🙂

  31. It sounds very promising! There’s a lot of great email opt-in products out there. But the main thing for me is compatibility. I’d like to see a wide range of email management companies other than the usual (aweber, mailchimp, getresponse, etc.)

    I’ve actually stopped using these companies. I was a use of aweber and mailchimp prior to the email company I’m using now. They’re great, user-friendly and more. But they’re too pricey especially for a beginner.

    If you guys can make this more of a universal plugin, I think this will be a GREAT addition to my array of plugins.

  32. I can’t wait. Will it also intregrate with MailPoet plugin?
    I was thinking about purchasing Optin Monster but I think this will be better because I love using Divi.

  33. Very exciting news! I love Elegant Themes and team. I use Aweber and hoping you will include that in the email solutions.

    Thank you.

  34. So when will it be available? Huh, huh?

  35. Hi!
    What about integration with custom post types and multiple MailChimp accounts? In my case, I have multiple company “locations” in our site, each with its own MailChimp account to keep things separate. Each of these locations is a post in a custom post type. For this to work for us, I would need to somehow be able to assign a post number with a MailChimp account.


  36. Nick,

    Please say it will be compatible with Get Response?

    Also, will Get Response be added alongside Aweber and Mail Chimp to the Divi 2.0 Theme?

  37. This is amazing Nick. So glad that Elegant Themes was my first choice in diving into WordPress. The Blog is an amazing resource and the new direction for ET is on point. Keep up the good work and thanks for all the genuine effort to help people like me take a risk into starting my own business.

  38. I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned, but my current email plugin has a shortcode that allows you to have an image and when the user clicks it, the subscribe box pops up. You can see the top right sidebar image from my site for an example: http://www.growingslower.com
    It converts extremely well, and I love this feature. I’m so excited for the new plugin from ET! Thanks!

  39. Any idea if it will be compatible with SendReach?

  40. I would like to see integration with WooCommerce. Specifically a mechanism to opt in on either the cart page or the checkout page. Would like for it to be stylish as your themes. +1 if this has already been suggested.


  41. Man! great tool!
    i hope you include options to use with getresponse and mailchimp.
    in my opinion, you should give options to use in every part of a post , for example, in the top, in the middle and end of post in the same time, pop up with actionable button too(with permission to put button at any place too).
    if you include options to make simple landing page , it will stay perfect!
    thnks for the news….you have a fan 😉

  42. What about the “Language Translation” features on this plugin ?

  43. Awesome! I don’t see any plugin that supports FeedPress subscriptions, I really hope you’ll include that to your “to be supported” list.

  44. Hi there

    This is a cool idea. From what I can see, the fact that you can have horizontal signup forms as well as vertical is cool. I didn’t want to trawl through each post, but just list some things I have come across for either me or my clients when using sign up forms.

    1. Need to have them vertical signup forms as well as horizontal forms.
    2. Need to be able to turn off/on what fields are displayed on the forms. Some people just want first name and email address. Some people want group subscriptions, last names, addresses etc.
    3. To be able to have these sign up forms for sidebar, footers (different footer sizes), popups, slide-ins, sign ups at end of pages and /or posts,
    4. ‘Embedable in content (page and post)’ signups forms. In all instances, forms should be customisable (see 1 & 2)
    5. Redirects after submitting forms to member only info, but it should be optional.
    6. Locked content pages/posts that can only be seen by subscribers who have signed up through the website. This would be A HUGE PLUS

  45. This sounds really great. I’m wondering what the projected cost will be? and if it will be available separately from any other products you offer. I’m glad to hear/see you’ll have Constant Contact integration, as that’s what we’re currently using. Their form is kind of … plainjane – and not really customizable.


  46. Great work guys ! This sounds like just what i’m looking for. I use Monarch just now, but can i make one suggestion, I want to get more followers on our various social networks, so would it be possible to change the use of the sidebar, popup, flyin etc to follow buttons, rather than share ? This option would perfect Monarch

  47. Hi, and sorry for my english (I am french).
    I agree with @Alex Sol : do exactly what do OptinLinks, and I will pay for it.

  48. Hi Nick,

    Will it support getdrip.com’s automated mail marketing solution?

  49. What about that animated balloon guy pop-up template you are using on elegantthemes.com. Will Bloom feature animated pop-ups like that?

  50. Hi Nick

    Awesome! I’ve purchased all your Elegant themes. Is bloom automatically included or do we purchase bloom separately?

  51. Cool would be a support for Supermailer. A very popular an cheap E-Mail marketing software in germany for many years. With supermailer users can use their own gateway and contacts are allways saved on the own PC. There are ready scripts for wordpress. If there could be good looking subscribe forms by using Bloom, it would be a great! http://int.supermailer.de

  52. It would be awesome if the Bloom plugin is able to do SMTP emailing either directly via our website or even more usefully with a 3rd party SMTP email provider like: Mailjet, Sendgrid, etc.
    I have found the cost of normal email autoresponders like A.Weber prohibitive & would love to easily integrate my sites with an affordable SMTP service.
    This would be truly awesome!!!!

  53. My Top Feature requests (some are mentioned above),

    Include the ability to embed in a post
    Redirect on submission option.
    Redirect on decline.
    Redirect to a page once landing on site if user hasn’t signed up. (cookie)
    Customization of field names and buttons (including “submit” text)
    Field suggestion text inside text block (eg click here to enter your email)
    List selection fields (eg select region).
    Toggle fields (eg male or female)
    Fields with links (eg accept t&c’s read here)
    Timing of next redirect/popup once the user has seen and declined.
    Timing of first popup. On user’s first vist or second, third, etc (cookie)
    Ability to run multiple submit forms.
    Color and graphic customization.
    Social submission option.

    Ok some of this got a bit Sci-Fi 😉 .

  54. Thanks! Nick, Thanks to Elegantthemes. Plugins functionality is superb.

  55. an update profile link would be a good idea

  56. Hello,

    This new plugin seems great.
    I use a french provider to manage my list : sg-autorepondeur.com

    Could you tell me if I should use it ?
    For exemple with hybrid connect, I simply must add lines of specific codes from sg-autorepondeur.com and all is connected.

    I really hope integrate and use your plugin.


  57. I’m already looking forward to it!! 🙂 Will it work with mailpoet? I do hope so! 🙂

  58. You know I was only looking at Optinmonster over the weekend, not installed yet and will wait for the release of Bloom.

    Sounds great. Pete 🙂

  59. I really look forward to see Bloom, love the Monarch!

    Would it be possible to add Sendy.co support in Bloom?

    If not, please consider making an option to csv download subscribers directly from Bloom, so we can import new subscribers them to Sendy from time to time.

    Thank you for the great work.

    • Another vote for Sendy.co Please!!?!!
      That would be amazing. Alternately – a csv would REALLY be helpful.
      Great plugin and can’t wait to get it up and going 🙂

      • +1

  60. Excellent! Missing this since long! Yet using OptinMonster but sure that ET will make it better and gald to turn to an integrated ET solution. Waiting excitedly!

  61. Wow, that would be AWESOME! An ET native opt-in plugin to rule them all. Good luck with the development, can’t wait to see more.

  62. Hi

    for this I got a lifetime subscription, this is great!!! Has someone requested laposta (www.laposta.nl) yet? that would be awesome….
    thanks guys!

  63. Sounds very good… Can’t wait to test it.

    Hope to see it soon 😉

  64. I have never dealt with email marketing. But that plugin will be a reason. Thanks for your great work!

  65. Dear Nick,

    As one of the commenters, BadrAldin mentioned, it would be nice if we have a social signup or simply a Facebook like or twitter follow in one of the optin modules.

    One main reason to have this is because, we should be able to fetch the email address from the facebook, twitter or other social media fan followers.

    This could especially mean a lot, when we have membership based sites, where we can monitor all the social media fan/follower base into a member base by sending a direct email to them if they do checkmark/option to do so when they like/follow using the option.

    Thanks again!

  66. I would need a connection with YMLP email-system. Will it be covered?

    • I second the request for YMLP integration.

      It looks like their API documentation is only available once you’re logged in, but that functionality is available with the free account tier.

      (Plus their support is pretty responsive: [email protected])

  67. beware optinmonster. you are near to get a tough fight!

  68. Waiting for your anouncement that bloom is ready to use.

  69. There are only 2 things I’d like to see with this plugin –

    *the ability to fix the email sign up box at the end/embedded into blog posts (like you have the ‘download Divi’ box on your blog posts);

    *and the ability to have the sign up box be part of the page header (like on okdork.com and marieforleo.com).

  70. Hi,

    What a great addition to the ET line-up this is going to be.

    My only concern will be the security. I’ve previously been spammed with many bots that have signed up to my newsletter list. I was wondering if there is anything to prevent this from happening?

    E.G. native MailChimp code signups put an additional box to fill out, but position it -5000px off of the screen, which humans wouldn’t fill in, but bots would.

    Kind regards,

    • I would suggest always using Double Optin. This will stop bots from actually confirming their accounts and joining your list during the secondary authentication. This would be handled via your email marketing software and not with Bloom.

  71. One of the many reasons why ET is different from others. Couldn’t say anything more other than a THANK YOU to the ET team.

  72. Nick,
    Can you look into integration with LeadOutcome? It’s fairly new, but a more affordable alternative to Infusionsoft, and what I’m starting to use for all my business clients. Perhaps if not directly, then maybe a Zap can be figured at at Zapier to make the two work together?

  73. My biggest complain about visiting Elegant Themes lately has been how every slight motion near the edge prompts me to add my email address. Even when I’m:

    A: Already on the newsletter
    B: Not intending to leave the site but just scroll to a different area, closing the popup only brings it back shortly after.

  74. Wonderful news…
    We’ve been using email protocol for almost 10 years to this point. Having a very flexible plug-in to support the front-end builder for eCaptures, with many templates to chose from (and html modifiable) will be handy, indeed.

    I’m sure it won’t matter as to which third party Autoresponder one uses, as it’s expected that your platform will handle any pertinent AR code snippet…(?)

    fyi… Since day one we have supported ArpReach (formally ARPlus), which remains one of the best server-based ARs (we prefer over web-based third parties) as a mainstay for many of our clients management thereof.

    Recently, we’ve discovered and have been utilizing with tremendous success, Sean Danahoe’s – IMSC Rapid Mailer plug-in. (yes, it has been operating smoothly as a sequential delivery platform with no conflicts re: DIVI and Vertex). Since Sean is a powerful marketer himself and a great code developer, RM just kicks-it when it comes to flexibility! Heck, we can send a single Page or Post (even partial or complete auto Post launches) to any segmented email list, right from the control panel of the RM plug-in… very handy!

    The reason we love server-based ARs over Web-based, eg., Aweber, GetResponse, Mchimp, et. al. – is that we retain more control over our d-bases. And once we’ve secured proper DKIM for the SMTP (if not utilizing local) server, along with proper WordPress (or Cron) distribution intervals (w/many other option availabilities), we have been getting better spam filter by-passes and greater open rates over the big (web-based) boys!

    Anyway, probably ‘way’ more than you needed to know, no doubt… Yet, please keep these powerful server-based ARs in mind re: preventing any conflicts with Bloom.

    Keep up the great work!

  75. This sounds awesome, really looking forward to it! Hope I’m not doubling up on any suggestions here but features I would like to see:

    2 step opt in, so subscribe pop up is linked to button click. This seems to be the way email opt-ins are moving and there’s not many plugins out there that offer this other than lead boxes and optin ninja.

    Exit intent / smart popups that know when the best time is to prompt visitors to subscribe.

    Animated subscribe boxes like on the ET homepage 😉

    Easy ways to set up the plugin for specific lists in email provider, so it’s easy to set up content specific opt ins, or different opt in giveaways depending on what page the opt in is coming from

    I’m not sure if this is a plugin thing or a theme thing, but the ability to embed email subscription forms at the end of blog posts before comments

    If it had all these I would never use anything else!

    • I second the 2 step opt in request 🙂 Once I see that I plan to grab the developer license to elegant themes. Bloom is one awesome looking plugin!

  76. aweber integration would be great.

  77. Definitely Campaign Monitor, please 🙂

  78. Support for mailrelay, please! 🙂

  79. This is GREAT news!!! And since you’re taking suggestions:

    – PLEASE integrate with Mad Mimi 🙂

    – Have the ability to allow for instant content downloads (like Leads by sumome)

    – Be able to set up multiple boxes of different types like LeadBoxes

  80. You are a fantastic example of modern entrepreneurship working perfectly 🙂

  81. Just my luck 🙂 I just added custom code to do this on my divi site ( http://www.epicflowers.com ) and used the integrated MC feature. BUT this is good news, because I’m sure it’ll be a lot better. TY ET team.

  82. What about support for mailigen? Will it be responsive?

  83. Awesome news. Just finished watching a webinar from LeadPages and they have a two part opt-in and they claim that this converts better than than the one-stage opt-in – will you be taking this route? As well Leadpages insists that their gratitude form is extremely powerful way to build your email list faster because it includes social media share buttons as well as an ability to highly customize the thank-you for signing up form and really brand it – are you working on this as well. If so – super awesome – I will not sign up for LeadPages. Thank you.

  84. This plugin looks interesting. Email engagement is very effective, personal and direct and builds relationships with existing clients and future clients.

    Divi Theme has the subscribe module; so I’m a bit confused as to how Boom will work because I am integrated with Mail Chimp and have people signing up directly from the website onto a segmented list created in Mail Chimp. This is for newsletters though.

    Will Boom allow subscribe to future posts?

    Waiting for Boom, really impressed it just keeps getting better!

  85. Sounds great! How about exit intent and the support of Gravity Forms?

  86. Hi Nick,
    Will MailJet.com be integrated ?

  87. Hello Nick,

    I love the amazing works being done at ElegantThemes & wanted to add few suggestions;

    1- make sure to add GVO also called Pureleverage autoresponder provider also it have big customer base i often see plugins miss it however usually premium plugins usually allow integration with it through HTML code.

    2- there is individuals who use either plugin as autoresponder through wordpress (so not a major autoresponder provider) also services like amazon to collect and send their mails , it will be great to be able to integrate such services through something like HTML code integration.

    3- of course it will be great to be able to use it with other themes others than elegant themes like Monarch does.

    4- it will be great flexible to design and add other elements like youtube or video in general, image, also maybe some functionality like questions before optin like male or female for example or even sign up through social media like twitter, facebook or google +.

    hope that helps and if possible to be implemented.


  88. A simple Captcha to avoid bogus signups.

  89. A popup generated by exit intent would be great!!

  90. Great plugin!
    Do I support for mailrelay? mailrelay is the only one I know who is in Spanish …
    (Translated with Google Translate)

  91. Nick,

    Your products are definitely worth the investment in time and money. I have found that the time I am putting in learning the ins and outs of your themes is well worth it.

    On to my request. I would like some functionality that will allow the site to detect if the person is already on the list. The reason for this is it personally annoys me when I have already signed up to be on a websites email list and I keep getting pop-ups or fly-ins to make me register for the email list.

    I know this is probably easier said than done, but I thought I would voice my opinion.



    • +1

  92. I would TOTALLY LOVE to see exit popup – like on Optin-Monster! <3 Best luck with development guys 🙂

    • Include a time on site option to disable exit pop.

  93. Please add Vertical Response to your list of companies the plugin will work with. We run the Divi theme across 5 different sites and have over 60 email sign up forms. We’ve added so many email signup lists individually that this would probably be a blessing if it worked with them. Thanks!

  94. Sounds like a good plugin. However, my pet peeve with ET is that you don’t don’t include these plugins with a basic membership. Why don’t you get rid of the basic membership, and have everyone join with the Developer package? From a PR level I think it would look like less of a cash grab for ET.

    • I fail to see the cash grab… Basic membership at 69$ is already an amazing deal that’s worth a lot more than that (in my opinion). Even at $89 for the developer’s license ET is still incredibly cheap!

      I have been “working online” since 2007 and Elegant Themes is the only company that provides so much value for such low price 😉

      • I completely agree with Alex : ET membership in the best value you can find on the web. I have myself a liftemime membership since 2012 and this is great value.

      • This is true, Elegant Themes is an exceptional company that does not ‘milk’ you for money. You get an outstanding product as well as service for so little. If you upgrade to a life-time member that’s it – you don’t pay anymore and still receive the service.

        Now that is an example to follow in a much needed crazy online business make a dollar every time you do something world we live in.

  95. We have a small business marketing automation solution and would like to understand how we can integrate as well. http://www.hatchbuck.com. Please let us know what we would need to do.

  96. Hi, are you going to support Direct Mail (www.directmailmac.com)? They just published their API a couple of weeks ago.

  97. This is great Nick! I’m so excited! Please tell me this will include an option for “exit intent” ??

  98. On more thing Nick & ET Team, can you create it a long vertical opt-in box that’s simple a drag and drop without having to use code. I don’t want to have to hire someone to do that for me or watch a ba-zillion YouTube videos to learn it. Just give us 2 or 3 (or 4) design options to choices from. I know the customers and community would really appreciate it.

  99. I have a client who tried Mail Chimp but moved to Mail Poet which he swears by. Could Mail Poet be included in the options? He says that it is so easy to set up and use as well as being able to schedule sends without upgrading to a paid version.

  100. Nick, I think this is a HUGE win for ET and us as members! Thanks-a-million for stepping up your game even the more.

    I would like to suggest if you have not made it already apart of Bloom: Please create an optin that goes vertical like these suggested examples on the these most popular websites:


    Nick, this is exactly want I want to use and see from ET…don’t let me down. 🙂 You can do it!!!

  101. Hey Nick… Will CRM’s be included? Would pay extra for this business case (so little good CRM email integrations forms/plugins) We use http://www.agilecrm.com and they have API’s to could help make it work great with Bloom: https://www.agilecrm.com/api

  102. For all your international customers, and I believe there are some, integration with WPML so that we can use bloom in multilingual sites will be great.
    In any case, great news, can’t wait to use it.

  103. Does Bloom integrate with infusionsoft?

    How will Bloom compare to Leadpages.net?

    Awesome themes and plug ins. I’m loving monarch!


  104. How ’bout a matching sidebar/footer widget, like you have with Monarch?

    So many of the widget mailing list opt-in forms offered by–say, Mailchimp, for example–are UGLY and barely customizable. Having a widget that matched the design and style of the popup would be just lovely. 🙂

  105. Exit pop-ups work well for me. Is there a way to not have a pop-up not come up if they are already subscribed (MailChimp) or if they are a regular reader of the blog?

  106. If it can double as a basic contact form too that would be super useful!

    • I second that suggestion. One thing I don’t like about your current contact form is that there is not an easy way to customize the automatic response – which is currently “Thanks for contacting us”.

  107. Brilliant! I am so in. Glad to hear MailPoet is covered

    My only request in addition to what is proposed is Exit Intent.

    • Yes, Exit intent plzzzz!!

  108. Nick, will it have an exit intent feature? So pop-up can be configured to appear when visitor intends to leave the site?

    • I second exit-intent!!

  109. Thanks for all these good news.
    Will you be supporting SendinBlue? If you don’ know it, you should have a look and include it, it’s a great solution.
    Thanks again from a convinced lifetime ET member, in France.

  110. Great news! This is a badly-needed plugin. Can’t wait to test it out. It’ll be so nice to have one go-to solution for all my clients’ sites.

  111. Love the stuff yall are doing! I’d love to see an all-in-one package with pop-up options, sidebar, and most importantly, at the bottom of blog posts and pages. I have to use both opt-in monster and opt-in skin (paying for both) to get those features, which sucks. Hope that helps!

  112. And WPML ready?

    • YEEEEEES!!!!!!!!

  113. I’d love for it to be a module option within the Div Builder.

    • This may be possible, but only for in-line integrations, as a module wouldn’t make sense for pop-ups, fly-ins, widgets, locked content, etc.

  114. Shut the front door I love it!

  115. Will it work with SendReach?



  116. Nick, just a suggestion for Bloom v2 or Bloom v3 releases is to build it into an automation system for offering crush courses or step-by-step courses one visitor signs up for it. I don’t if it would be possible to integrate it into the dashboard itself so one can create written e-mails divided by weeks within the dashboard, so when a visitor signs up Bloom would automatically send out the crush course every week. A great example would be to look at Drip automation software at http://www.getdrip.com.

    • Timur, this is something that you set up with your email marketing software and not with a plugin such as Bloom.

      I am not a programmer but I am pretty sure what you’re asking or would be impossible to do with a plugin, you’ll need an email automation software for this (I use MailChimp for it).

  117. I really like this plan. If it becomes available, it would be the incentive to have me upgrade my current plan. It looks very promising.

  118. This is exciting. I’m just doing some major modifications for some clients who use Get Response. I hope this is covered. I’m also curious if this is exclusive to ET or if there will be a paid version/option available for other frameworks and themes. I have some folks on Genesis. They could really use this too.

  119. This sounds like great news. I am not savvy on the terminology or if the following has been answered. I was going to try Optinmonster but will await a week or so to see what you guys have. I would love to see a popup that reacts to exiting my site. Thanks

  120. Looks very promising.

    – Would like AJAX form submission (not having to reload the page on sign-up)
    – Validation on form fields (check for valid e-mail address input ect.)

    • Ditto on the Ajax.

    • +1 on that!

      • +2 on that!

        And a way to integrate a widget directly in the page builder that looks good when viewed in a wide-width column as well as in narrow a sidebar.

  121. I hope this supports ActiveCampaign. And if it will be like ThriveLeads, then this will be awesome. Truly need a marketing oriented plugin for email on Divi.

    • do you think this will work with horizontal optins on wordpress/activecampaign?

  122. Yet another great reason why I use your theme for all of my website development needs. I can’t wait til this is released. I was struggling to find a good plug-in to create custom opt-in forms for MailChimp.


  123. Hi Nick!,

    Just loving everything about ET these days.

    Second nomination on support for WooCommerce Smart coupons. My clients with digital content would LOVE this.

    I’d also love to see the choice between inline (widget), fixed (floating bottom edge like cVita), and old-fashioned div pop-up like you use here!

    Thanks for a great product line!
    San Diego Web Guy

  124. One thing I am wondering about the popups and fly ins… Will there be a way to limit that to people who have not already subscribed?

    I have noticed on your site I get this fly in that asks me to subscribe to your blog, but I already have. This is not something that is pleasing to me, every time it happens I wonder why I have to see this request to sub when I have already.

    You mention cookies in terms of limiting these requests in terms of once a week or other timeframes, perhaps using cookies to indicate the sub status for specific lists would be a good thing.

    I know the challenge may be that you are just the container not the email service itself, so that could make it difficult to set the cookie based on sub or no sub, just a thought…


    • I missed this comment, made the same one farther down the thread. Well said.

  125. May be time to take the “Themes” out of the company name? Your plugins rock.

    • I wish we owned elegant.com 🙂

    • More like “Elegant Solutions” (that domain is taken, but it’s just parked…).

  126. I find styling forms to be a nightmare even though I know css well. There are just way too many classes to struggle with. A drag and drop email form builder would be great. And it needs to be responsive, too.

    • yes.. that you can have box size adjustable .. and add as many custom fields as you need.

  127. Will Aweber be supported?

    • Yep 🙂

  128. WIll this plugin support customized fields. For example if we want to capture more information in the form —-
    I am thinking real estate style forms as I ask

  129. As well as a pop up I would love a bar that sits at the top of each screen that has a simple sign up – Name and email address. Non-intrusive yet powerful. Is that possible? I am not sure what it is called .. sorry!

    • oh, good suggestion …

      • Yep, those called opt-in bars and that’s a great suggestion. I am sure Nick must have thought about it already as it’s quite popular and effective way of presenting sign up forms.

  130. Looking forward to this. Haven’t even started collecting emails so would be perfect for me

  131. I’d like to see a mini sign up form in the page header

    • good idea

  132. Content protection with a popup, so that you must enter your details to view the page/post!

    Total mobile support! Ability to control font sizes etc. for different screen sizes.

    Flexible cookie controll, a “don’t ever never show me this popup again button”

    Awesome templates for popups, notifications, flyins…

    Please make round/spherical templates – I’d like to try one

    Nice animations would also be great – make one with a round popup rolling from side to center =)

    Maybe even a background picture with opacity control for the lightbox effect

    Add an ability to include a special thank you message WITHIN the popup after signup (add an embedded video here to make your customers fall in love with your company!)

    Could this be integrated to Mailchimp groups so that a specific popup/flyin would subscribe to a list and also add the new member to a group? That would allow for better remarketing!

    – My mix for a near perfet popup plugin =)

    • I Like this one :
      Content protection with a popup, so that you must enter your details to view the Page.

      Using optinlinks for this. You got to subscribe to get the info on the page.

    • sounds good ..

  133. If Monarch is an example of your work,
    then Bloom will be “bloomin’ wonderful” ….

    Horizontal email forms would be on my wish list…
    they are soooo hard to do with Aweber….

    Thanks for your fine work…


  134. Will madmimi.com be covered? Not to many good plugins for this service.

    • Yep it sure will.

      • Perfect! I cannot wait for this to be released, Love your products!!

  135. One thing I’ve been looking for is the ability for users to subscribe to posts from one or more categories. Will this be possible using Bloom?

    • Each category has a dedicated RSS feed, so you could create an RSS-to-Email campaign in MailChimp (for example), which would allow users to subscribe to a specific category.

      You could then create forms for each of these targeted lists, and using Bloom you tell each form to allow appear on specific categories or posts within those categories 🙂

      • Great Idea!…anything user friendly in this regard is great and acknowledges the reality of subscriber experience…

  136. Will HTML Form be supported ?

    Thank you,

    • Yep you can input a custom HTML form.

  137. Will you incorporate MailChimp hidden groups for list segmentation?

    • This is something we are looking into, although it might not make the 1.o release.

      • Pretty, pretty please.

      • Pleeeeease 😉

  138. What Anne-Lise said – another reason why ET is the best. 🙂 So, SO looking forward to Bloom. I’ve used various different opt in plugins over the years, and never have found that “perfect” one. I don’t doubt that Bloom could be it with the quality ET provides. Thanks Nick. (and team) ~Jordan

  139. Is Bloom properly internationalized? That is, do you follow the principles of I18n_for_WordPress_Developers on the WordPress Codex?

    I’m not asking if it is translated into multiple languages (I wouldn’t expect that for a first release), but is it properly coded so that others can translate the public-facing output text?

    • Yes! multilingual is the way to go!!

  140. Hi Nick,

    Looks amazing, can’t wait to try it.

    If I’m using a non suported email marketing software, will it be possible to use Bloom with it ?

    An option to add custom form code like this one would be great :




    • Sorry, I put some html code directly and of course it didn’t work.

  141. Can’t Wait! I was just looking at subscription and email opt-in plugins…the timing couldn’t have been better.

  142. I can’t take all the teases! Extra, Divi Builder Plugin & now Bloom! Can’t wait, keep up the good work. BTW – Social sharing on my site has increased over 10x since installing Monarch! Thanks ET!!

  143. Nice one. will it be able to run off of a CPanel and not need the AWeber’s of the world?
    and while we are at it… big grin here…
    please add a membership plugin to your system
    and a decent forum plugin
    and an internal keyword linking plugin
    and a decent forms plugin
    you already have the other important one covered (social)
    cool, that should do it for now?
    oh wait, I forgot a decent security one (like the ithemes one)
    and finally one that will fix all my badly done images (resize them) and get my site to load super fast.
    Oh my goodness, I have left off the content creating plugin, and the coffee making plugin.
    and one for warming me up in winter?
    I think I am done now.
    no, I am not!
    a back linking plugin.

  144. Great to hear, I’m excited!

    One thing I would love to see included would be the ability to include hidden values. I use MailChimp, so passing a hidden merge tag for a specific form to identify the campaign or source would be wonderful!

    Can’t wait to try the plugin!

  145. I think this will be awesome. Here are a few suggestions:

    1. Please Please Please make it integrate with Infusionsoft.
    2. Have different layouts so people can market free books, webinars, reports, ect..
    3. Allow external links to open popup opt-in when clicked on external sites
    4. Option to add images.

    Thanks and can’t wait to see the final product! Do you ever allow beta testers if so how do I sign up?

    Jay Shockley

  146. Nick, You guys rock! I so love your thoughtfulness when it comes to development.

    Thank you! Thank you!


  147. Wish list: design functionality to adapt it to ones page design. Some opt-in plugins come with really hideous pre made designs that do not allow customisation

  148. I highly recommend integration with Feedburner’s feed by mail. I use it for years and it is free.

    • Yes, the Feedburner issue is URGENT!

    • I second the Feedburner integration request. The plugin is amazing but please include Feedburner to in the next update.

      • Yap, me too. Please add feedburner service 🙁

        • Do you plan to have feedburner integration in the next releases of your plugin ? Would be really nice.

  149. Sounds great. Would love the ability to place the form anywhere via a shortcode. Also the ability to align fields horizontally as well as vertically.

  150. Will this work with aWeber?

  151. Hope it doesn’t put a drag on page load speed. After running my site through PageSpeed Tools, the biggest drags were OptinSkin and ViperBar (two plugin’s I’ve been using to increase subscribers).

    Would also need to be compatible with AWeber.

    • Aweber will be supported.

      It shouldn’t add much time to your page loads. There is minimal CSS and JS used and there are no API queries until the button to subscribe is clicked. Are you using a Cache plugin?

  152. Will you be able to integrate multiple lists? I use mailchimp but have lots of different lists for different offers (and then merge them all into newsletter list) I current use SumoMe (which I think was following advice on one of your blog posts?)

    • Yes you will be able to integrate different lists. These lists can be used within specific opt-ins that can be targeted to different pages. So if you want users from certain pages to target certain lists, that will be possible with Bloom.

      • Ignore my earlier comment, if Mailchimp lists are supported, I’m happy. Thanks for putting this together, great!

      • And what about from different Mailchimp Accounts? We are a church, and we have 3 free Mailchimp accounts, each with their own lists….One account is in English, one in Spanish, one in German….Until now we only see the possibility of entering the API Key of one Mailchimp account…

      • That would be great! I’m getting ready to build my website on a vast topic and would love to create different email lists for different groups of people I’ll be working with. I’d love to channel them into:
        1. A centralized grouping for all general announcements/newsletter;

        2. And into their own category for receipt of automated info/video for a period of time.

        It would be awesome if each email category sign up could have a different look. And it woulld be even sweeter to integrate all emails from ALL WEBSITES into one location.

        I’m new to all this; you’re gettin’ the download of my ideal back office support. Another feature is to have multiple different autoresponders for each email category I set up…and have it very user friendly so that I can figure it out. 🙂

  153. Hi,

    Will mymail or tribulant newsletter be supported ?

    • I second Mymail plugin integration. I personally think it’s a better alternative to Mailpoet.

    • ++Thumbs Up – please including MyMail as well!

      • It’s possible import form html code of MyMail. It work.

      • Thanks for the suggestion. We haven’t hear of MyMail, so we will look into it.

        • MyMail is amazing if you want to send newsletters from your server.

  154. Hey Nick!

    You never fail to surprise and yet delight us with the things you’re doing with Elegant Themes. After Divi 2.0, Monarch and then the announcement of a page builder, now an email opt-in? 😮 Amazing stuff!

    Anyway, here are some suggestions. Please consider them as some of these features aren’t in the market yet, while others are barely around

    1) Integration with WooCommerce Smart Coupons (auto-generate coupon codes)

    I’ve tried tons of lead generation plugins, but most have been frustrating when it comes to integration with WooCommerce. Rather than offer a fixed coupon code, it isn’t too hard to integrate with WooCommerce’s Smart coupons (by StoreApps), which will auto-generate a code. This can be a really powerful tool when people start sharing or signing up for the mailing list, in order to get that coupon code.

    2) Have multiple choice list option

    I’ve seen this on enterprise level solutions. This is a killer feature, especially if your blog/website caters to different genre. Having the ability to choose which mailing list to sign up to helps ensure that the right readers sign up for the right mailing list.

    Currently, all lead building plugins only cater to one list =.= But this fails if the site focuses a few niche topics.

    3) Have a template builder/page builder built in

    Thrive Leads from Thrive Themes has done this. This would enable the plugin users to be able to select which kind of template, plus font size, placement of fields and buttons by elements. Would be a massive help.

    4) Consider further integration with your page builder & Monarch

    After all, page builders, social sharing and email opt-ins are meant to increase conversions.

    5) Perhaps different popups for different post types or better, category?

    As of now, email opt ins keep showing the same popup all the time. If there’s the ability to have different popups for different post types or categories, it would help. Diff post types would especially help if the site runs both a blog and a shop.

    That’s it 🙂 Appreciate the great job with ET and will definitely recommend ET to friends and readers who are planning to invest on WordPress themes and plugins!



    p/s: My affiliate account hasn’t been approved yet 🙁
    p/s2 : Please look into OptinMonster, Thrive Leads and Ninja Popups and see if you can make a better lead generation plugin.

  155. Not sure if this can happen at the form level, but if there was a way to integrate different lead magnets on a per form basis, that would be amazing.

    • Actually I am not familiar with the term “lead magnets.” Can you explain in more detail?

      • And another vote for this feature. Okay, so I’ve spent the better part of a month researching multiple leadmagnets scenarios and plugins for Mailchimp.

        First, what I LOVE about Bloom is beautiful forms! Bravo, BC Mailchimp forms and most other simply SUCK!

        This is what I’ve found for mutliple Lead Magnet functionality. Most plugins are designed to sign a person up to your list ONCE. If someone comes back because they found another piece of your content (leadmagnet) that they have to sign up to get, they get error message. At best OptinMonster does something about giving you a success action which allows you to send them email or to a URL/download, but they don’t explain if Mailchimp will throw an error if they are alread singed up. Leadpages does it but I don’t want all their other stuff on top of it. Optimize Press—nope, and 2.0 is clunky.


        This video is as close to the solution as I’ve found, and unless you’ve been in IT for 20 years (like me), the custom fields in MailChimp and the hidden submission fields in your optin HTML form, make it “puckering.”

        I may have to contract someone to build this feature, because I know lots of content marketers who have multiple lead magnets and simply use another list (totally horrible work flow and redundancy) to sign users up.

        Nick, if you build this feature, they WILL come.

        Multiple free leadmagnet (LM) offers
        Update a custom field in Mailchimp with most recent LM name
        Then have a group in Mailchimp that appends every LM a subscriber has “re-opted” in to get.
        Custom response/success actions—URL redirect or email a custom message.

        My more than two cents and I’m about to go Bad Cop in Lego Movie “He took the hard way.”

        • I completely agree with this. It’s a BEST PRACTICES thing for marketers to have this functionality (multiple premium resources in exchange for emails … no matter how many times they signed up for your email list) and the tools out there just aren’t good.

      • yes, opt-in bribes, like your “Best of” Collection of Web Design Freebies & Resources that comes with a newsletter opt in.

        • Another vote for this Feature!

      • I suspect he is referring to the free offer that will be offered. lead magnets, link bait, free offers etc – so many terms 🙂

  156. Just saw it will work with Mad Mimi. Great!

    Will it include options for different lists on one form. That would be awesome.
    Example. Some subscribe to my newsletter. Some to Remind Me when I release a new book. Some to my Bridge-Walker Team, and two others. It would be really nice if they could just click the boxes on the ones of interest on one form rather than having to do multiple forms.

  157. Good job, sounds interesting.

    1. What’s new in this plugin that other plugins do not offer?

    2. By support common marketing software you mean services like MailChimp?

    3. Any optimization for Divi?
    For example: adding created forms to Divi’s module selector popup (in Page Builder).

    Thank you!

    • Well, first of all you get it with your membership, so you don’t need to purchase any other software 🙂

  158. This is huge! I can’t wait to see it! An option to disable on mobile would be great.


    • Hide on mobile will be an option 🙂

  159. Will this support Mad Mimi?

    • Yep 🙂

    • Nevermind, read the other comment…awesome!

  160. Great. An Integration of my AR via HTML-Form and exitpopup would be fantastic.

  161. Nick, will there be an option to insert video code or link so you can have like YouTube video in your e-mail pop-up just above the form itself instead of the image? That can really change the whole game.

    • Timur, that would be awesome!

  162. Guys… will you have an iContact integration? or even more spectacular would be one to infusionsoft???

    • I just realised that Bloom contact who have opt in to receive newsletter info and gifts from me comes as spam /not marketable. So there is no way for me to market to them rather than having to do it manually which is a killer.

      Anyways this can be fixed?

    • Yet another for Infusionsoft please …

    • Infusionsoft please, even if by inputting raw html code. Also two step opt in and ability to offer a choice as in you say ask a question and the viewer has the option to click one of two buttons which take you to a second “page” depending on the answer. Hope that is clear!

      • Raw HTML will be supported, so there is always that option.

        • Nick. When using Raw html bloom does not pickup the conversion. Any thoughts surrounding this

    • Yes to iContact! We have been working on Infusionsoft too, but their API has proven very buggy and problematic. We nick-named in Confusionsoft. I can’t promise we will get it working the way we want to, but we will keep looking into it.

      • So pleased you will support iContact, thanks!

      • Another vote for infusionsoft.

        I don’t know if there is a way for you to look how leadpages was able to integrate it, but they have no problem.


      • Another vote for InfusionSoft

        • And yet another vote for Confusionsoft please!

          • And another for Infusionsoft.. Please please..

      • Cheers Nick, We use it and we have the same name – confusionsoft… 🙂 thanks for the up-date – I use Divi and think it rocks so can’t wait for Bloom

  163. As a musician, I’m hoping I can embed videos as well. I’m also using Cash Music to interface with MailChimp for music downloads with email subscription. Hope you can interface with them as well.

    • Including videos in pop-ups would really be fantastic!

  164. Please make sure to add support for MailChimp Groups! We want our visitors to make their group choises at signup!

    • Nick, please #1 this suggestion. To make Bloom useful to us it will need to be able to support Mail Chimp groups.

    • Thanks for the suggestion. This may be a feature we need to push back to v2, but we will look into it.

      • Please, please, please support MailChimp Groups ASAP!! I NEED this. It would make my life so much easier. I’m begging you. Ok. Maybe not begging, but you would solidify Elegant Themes as the best WordPress dev around. Pretty please. With sugar on top.

        • Yes, I agree that supporting any required fields on a Mailchimp sign up form is essential. +1 from me!

      • YES! definitely…..why can´t this be the case as of version 1.0? Cheers from Spain

  165. Hello Nick,

    Will Mailpoet-plugin be supported as well?


    • It sure will!

  166. Please, please, please support FeedBlitz. (Did I say “please”?)

    • Done 😉

  167. Nick, will this be compatible with TrafficWave and Aweber?

  168. Mailpoet? Mailpoet.com I hope is in the pipeline. Thank you

    • Yep, MailPoet will be supported at launch.

      • I’m really waiting for the new stuff, it looks like ET will be a super resource website for a complete website solutions, Waiting the new Extra to provide the basis of a great future, thank you for all the effort

  169. Hi Nick, Bloom would like MailChimp?, function as MailChimp? Greetings !!

  170. You just saved me a bundle. I was going to buy a competitor, but knowing this is from Elegant Themes not only saves me money, gives me confidence that it will work like I need. AWESOME NEWS!

    • I was reminded of Thrive Leads, too. Seconded — if Bloom is a true competitor to what they’re doing at Thrive, I’ll use it! I really like Thrive’s focus on building sites that convert first, look pretty second.

    • Just wait for Bloom 😉 I think you will be pleased.

  171. I would like to have the option to use any language in the fields

    • A great idea! +1 on that!

      • Of course, please don’t limit the product to English, lets the people to decide using parameter fields on different languages which is basically the case for different Opt in products. Does Bloom allow multi-language?

      • Of course, please don’t limit the product to English, lets the people to decide using parameter fields on different languages which is basically the case for different Opt in products. Nevertheless be informed when using Mail providers (like Mailchimp) some informations are always in english without any possibility to translate (this is the case for title form for example). Please be prepared yourself to manage the complete process internally, just use the mail server to interface the mail data (email, first name, last name, etc…) Is it the case today in Bloom?

  172. Plugin looks good – But PLEASE FINISH EXTRA before you move on to anything else – there are plugins for optin etc to tide me over until Bloom but THERE IS NOTHING LIKE EXTRA OUT THERE – NADA, NICHTS, NOTHING, GOR NICHE

    • My guess is this plugin comes out first. Then a DIVI update, Then Extra, and then finally the DIVI Builder plugin.

  173. LOVE! <3

  174. Seems more like a great pop-up plugin which I like – but would like to be able to use it for other purposes, such as social media, notices and other forms…

  175. Will it work with MadMimi and will it work for all types of ET memberships?

    • MadMimi will be supported 🙂 Our plugins are available to all Developer subscribers.

  176. Wow! That looks promising! Can’t wait to actually use Bloom on my website.
    Thanks Nick & the Team for all your hard work to make our life easier.

  177. Hey Nick,

    I am very excited about this new plugin. Email is one of my biggest revenue drivers and this looks like it will help further that goal. I currently use optinmonster which has helped me grow my list quickly. How will Bloom be different from optinmonster?

    Will those really nicely designed optins in the image above be available as templates?

    Keep up the good work. ET Rocks!


    • Bloom will be a great alternative to OptinMonster. We hope to differentiate ourselves in design and user experience. And of course, it’s included in your membership which means it saves you money 🙂 You can also rest easy knowing it will always work great with our themes and other products.

      • Hi Nick,
        Thank you for offering this plugin to ET membership, I understood it will compete with OptinMonster plugin. In particular I think you are providing the exit-intent feature, right ? Waiting for your Bloom plugin….so impatient.

      • Hey Nick..this is what we love about Elegant Themes.We have never regretted our decision of signing up for a Lifetime Access Membership with ET.

        I had earlier requested if ET could come up with more plugins as you already have many themes on offer and Divi is already rocking.

        I am glad that ET has started improving on their existing plugins (Monarch) with updates and also started introducing more plugins like Bloom.

        Please keep up the good work. It makes recommending ET a contagious affair.

  178. Really, really hoping for Campaign Monitor support. Pretty please!

    • You got it! 🙂

  179. I’d really love Constant Contact integration to be included.

    A native form would look so much better than the ones they provide!

    • Constant Contact is on the list of supported integrations 🙂

      • Nick, I don’t see Constant Contact in Divi 2.4. Issues implementing?

        • Ah, I see this thread was for Bloom. I was looking for Constant Contact Divi integration.

      • Good news. Thanks

      • Fantastic!

  180. Excellent!

  181. This is great news, Nick! It seems like your team is really nailing every part of online marketing 😉

    A quick suggestion, if I may.
    If you could make that plugin be able to do two-step opt-ins it would be incredibly awesome!

    • Double opt-in support will be based on the email marketing system you use. Most of them either support or require double op-tin these days.

      • Oh, I meant Two-Step, not double opt-in.

        Two-step is when your present a visitor with a call to action (let’s say Download button) and when they click on the button, a pop-up opens, only in that new window can they enter their email address.

        Basically you don’t scare your visitors by presenting them with a “Enter Your Name And Email” fields right away, you gently lead them to that form 😉

        You can see it in action on my blog.

        • Thats what Clay Collins does with his product. Thats a huuuge way to get ppl to optin to webinars, download your freebies. If Bloom had such features like Alex describes… 😀

          • Yeah, Clay does it very well. The only thing keeping me away from LeadPages is their price…

            They have an awesome product but I would only use a small part of it (for example, two-step opti-in) so I don’t feel like paying $70 per month for only a few features that I need 🙁

            I already found a very inexpensive plugin to do this for me but I’d love to see Two Step option in Bloom plugin 🙂

            • May I ask what plugin is doing a two step optin for you?

            • +1 and super agree with Alex! Bloom should have this feature because people love freebies. A cunning way to build email list fast but may be added as one of the options trigger….

              • I agree…2-step needed…

        • There are some good features it could be integrate:
          Two step optin
          Video optin
          Question optin
          Form optin (customizing other fields)
          Built-in Conversion Stats and Analytics

  182. Looks really nice. One thing I would hope you guys include, is the possibility to add multiple forms easily, so you use segments/groups in your subscription service. Not many plugins support this, and few people add the information later on, even if you ask them too.

    • You will be able to add multiple forms, and target them to specific posts, pages, categories, etc 🙂

      • Woohoo! Sold! This is the exact functionality I’ve been looking for for a LONG time!! (Would be awesome if you could also integrate this kind of functionality into the Divi/Extra “Email Signup” form as well at some point in the future)

      • Glad to hear this..

  183. I really hope it allows to not have to double opt in, just once is enough haha

      • Yes, same for Germany. Double opt-in is a must.
        Super exciting news – I am looking forward to another Elegant Themes awesomeness.

    • That’s really up to the email marketing software you use. I highly recommend MailChimp and a double opt-in though. If people don’t want to be subscribed, they shouldn’t be. You don’t just want a big list, you want an effective one.

      • Nick great point! I hate when I get subscribed to lists I had no intention or knowledge of putting myself on. Looking forward to this plugin…. maybe a free trial for those of us who have subscribed to your newsletter?

        • I assume that itis an option. By default it is asked for double opt in but in general you can disable it.

  184. Great idea !

    I use mailchimp and they provide a widget and some html forms, but they are a bit of a hassle to make, I hope and im sure it will be easier with your solution !

    • Bloom will not only be easier to use, it will be more customizable and will get you more signups 🙂

  185. Please not more pop-ups and fly-ins…. well, maybe fly-ins. But burn all the pop-ups with fire! 😉

    • I would suggest you test out some pop-ups first, before burning them 🙂 Our popup, only shown once per week to users (unless you clear your cookies), increased our newsletter growth by 1,000% (yes I meant to type three zeroes). Of course it’s up to you which integration methods you use. We will have many to choose from 🙂

      You can also have a lot of control over how your popups are triggered, much like in Monarch. Perhaps you only want to show to popup to your visitors after they purchase a product, or after the comment, or only after they read a post (but only once per week). You will have a lot of control over the aggressiveness of your opt-in strategy.

      • Here’s the thing, though – while I understand those that use pop-ups because they say “they work” (and sign-up stats show an increase on conversions), what they don’t show is the negative perception held by many, and how many readers you’re putting off.

        There are hundreds/thousands of studies and blog posts that show pop-ups work. But what’s the ratio of sign-ups to people you (generic “you”) put off because of the intrusive nature of pop-ups?

        For example, I really appreciate the content you out on the blog – but I won’t share because I feel pop-ups are intrusive and ruin the flow and experience. That’s a problem.

        Yes, you can control aggressiveness and many other options – but the intrusion is still there. And I’ve spoken to a lot of people, and read a lot of Google+ posts and social updates, that show disdain for pop-ups and their use.

        It’d be interesting to see how much negative sentiment there is around the pop-up experience, as well as just the “well, it works” results that will always be skewed.

        • Time-delayed popup, Disable possibility on Mobile Devices, Smart Subscriber Recognition and Do Not use for these posts/pages. Please.

      • How smart can you make it? The reason I ask is that I’m a lifetime ET member, and I still get e-mail and pop-ups telling me that I can get a lifetime membership for 20% off. Just makes me feel stupid for only getting 10% off. 🙂 I’m sure it’s because I regularly use 2 computers (same IP address), but it seems that there are other factors it overlooks as well.

        In other words, you can’t make it too smart, and can probably make it much smarter by letting us integrate it with Mail Chimp, AWeber, etc. at the LIST level.


      • Hi Nick,
        Great idea, if I may suggest to go beyond the current email form behaviour in the market.

        Instead of only time based behaviour (once a week) use source based behaviour:
        Somebody that clicked on your newsletter AND is a current customer, should be shown something completely different.
        That will do wonders.

        If you can trigger fly-ins based on certain rules, can you also *prevent* them based on rules as well?

        For example, if a user clicks through to my site from one of my emails, they shouldn’t get a fly-in about signing up for my emails. Because duh, that’s where they just came from!

        • I second knic pfost’s suggestion. A big chunk of my traffic is people who click through from my newsletter. So any strategy I use has to balance getting new people signed up with not annoying the faithful subscribers.

        • This would be an amazing feature!

        • ^THIS! I have to say that is such a pet peeve when I click a link in an email I have subscribed to and get a pop up to subscribe!

      • 100% with you on that point, Nick! 🙂

      • That’s a good point – will it integrate with Monarch so that the one pop up / fly in has social share and email subscription options?

        • They wont share the same popup, but the two plugins can be used together, each focusing on different integration areas. For example, you might have Monarch pop-up after someone reads a post, and Bloom fly-in after commenting, etc. Or you could have Bloom focus on more aggressive tactics (pop-ups and fly-ins), and have Monarch display standard sharing buttons above the post.

  186. Can we put in it the Jetpack Subscriptions Form?

    • This will be an alternative to other opt-in plugins.

      • Just to be sure: This means that Jetpacks Subscriptions can’t be used together with Bloom, right? So I’d have to chose a “real” mail service provider like Mailchimp?

        • Why is not working with JetPack?

  187. This sounds great!

    Will it work with “Getresponse”?

    Warm regards

    • It sure will 🙂

      • Great! Looking forward to!


  188. I’m so excited to try this out! When’s the release?

    • In a few weeks if all goes well!

      • YAY!

  189. Looks fantastic and this is the plugin I wanted from you guys.

    “Finally, there will be support for all of the most popular email marketing software.”

    As long as you have MailChimp covered I’ll be satisfied.

    • And mailrelay for the spanish market, please! Also, please make it for german, spanish and french, not only english.

    • And mailrelay for the spanish market, please!

      Also, multilingual, not only english.

    • Exactly! Thanks for mentioning the Chimp.

    • Is AWeber another “Of course?” And can we connect different instances of the opt-in forms with existing AWeber lists? If so, bravo! Can’t wait. Literally. 🙂

    • Constant Contact PLEASE! Have been wanting this plug in forever and can’t wait!

    • Very excited! I great feature, and with ET styling, it is sure to attract the right kind of attention!

    • Of course 🙂

      • Hey, the plugin is great, beautiful and well-done. Any chance of getting support for the brazilian software RDStation?

      • Field mapping for CRMS such as Salesforce, Netsuit and ZOHO would be amazing. Contact form 7 can handle this with some third party plugins.

        Just throwing that in the mix of what would be F’n amazing.

        How about a contact form plugin for the future? Something with multi step and conditional fields with ability to save progress?

        Looking forward to Blossom!

        • Contact Form 7 integration would be good…

          • Yes, Contact Form 7 integration would be really good.

      • This is great, I’m working on a site right now for a client!

        They use Aweber, so I hope that’s covered?

        Also… will one be able to have multiple newsletters and the ability to send to categories of folks? Newsletter Topic A, to Group A folks, Topic B, to B folks etc?

      • And Mad Mimi, Nick. 🙂

        • And please Constant Contact, Nick!

          • Contact Contact will be on the list of supported integrations 🙂

            • Nick,

              We desperately need an integration with 1shoppingcart. Had to hire a programmer to do our opt-ins and this would make life so much easier!

            • Hey Nick, One thing some other Pop-up email captures forgot with Constant Contact, was they didn’t trigger CC’s Welcome Email to be sent. Please make sure the API will trigger that. Also I’m sure you know, but CC does NOT include HTML Form code anymore(yet). So hopefully it’s a direct integration.

              Thanks for building this.
              I’ve been waiting for a good CC Email Capture plugin.

            • What about sendy.co?

        • Mad Mimi will be supported 🙂

          • I’m pleased to hear that MadMimi will be supported.

          • How about Campaign Monitor?

          • Getresponse as option for german users?

            • I second the GetResponse request.

  190. Awesome! This is definitely something that’s needed. There’s not a lot of high quality options out there for doing opt-in email collection.

    • If Elegant Themes keeps going this way I will start saving a LOT of money 🙂
      Monarch plugin is amazing and has already replaced social media plugins on my blogs.

      It seems like Bloom will be better than many of its competitors although it will be included with ET membership, so even more money saved for us 🙂

      • Definitely! At this point, ET membership is basically a no-brainer. So much great stuff!

        • Divi plus ET plugins looks like the complete solution to me… love it.

  191. Yet another reason to love Elegant themes. You guys have changed my life, and continue to do so! Thank you!!

    • Same Here!!!

    • Not only is your development of themes and plugins stellar, but your blog is one of my favorite sources for knowledge and inspiration. My web design tutor introduced me to Elegant Themes and Divi a year ago, and I’m in awe of all the great material you provide me with.

    • Yessss! Same for me!

    • Absolutely. Thanks Nick!

    • Couldn’t agree more! This team is OUTSTANDING! Thanks Nick!

    • Ditto!

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