Breaking News! We Are Working On A New Theme, And It’s Called “Extra”

Last Updated on September 23, 2022 by 176 Comments

Breaking News! We Are Working On A New Theme, And It’s Called “Extra”
Blog / Theme Sneak Peeks / Breaking News! We Are Working On A New Theme, And It’s Called “Extra”

Extra, Extra, read all about it! Today we are extremely excited to give you a sneak peek of our upcoming theme. This magazine theme will take a delicate and light-weight approach to presenting heavy amounts of content. Customizable layouts, flexible blog modules, gorgeous post formats, and eCommerce integration are just a few of the great features you can expect to see.


The Next Big Thing From Elegant Themes

Last year, we decided to start spending drastically more time on each theme we create to ensure that our new products added true value to our membership. This new development philosophy started with Divi, and the results were great. We will continue to dedicate time and effort to Divi, but now that the theme has matured, we can finally begin working on a new project.

In many ways, this new theme has been conceived as the counterpart to Divi. Extra will do all of the things that Divi wasn’t meant to do. Beautiful, versatile, magazine-like layouts that cater to a variety of blogs and online publications will be Extra’s forte. Robust customization options that allow for unique and elegant feeds with a focus on social interaction and user engagement will be Extra’s second nature. Where Divi focused on the page, Extra will focus on the post feed. Extra will do these things, and it will do them better than any other theme on the planet.

Extra is our magazine-theme of the future. Stay tuned for more details as we get deeper into the development process!

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  1. miss a very important features: !

  2. Eagerly waiting for this theme. when exactly is the launch of this theme? Is this theme free or paid?

  3. I really like all the themes that are in this website, at the moment I’m trying to find a theme that matches the taste that I will make the website. And certainly I also see what fits with the theme of my website niche. Okay thanks

  4. Had enough of waiting for this, going with the competition.

  5. Now that sounds promising. Just what I was waiting for. Our old them from organic themes is out of date. And our local mountain news blog will get a new look. Extra just comes right. Hope it will be not to long. September would be great to have…..

  6. Just purchased the framework and am waiting to implement it on a new website however we are patiently waiting on EXTRA to be released as well as the Divi update 2.4.

    What’s the release date?


    • As this post explains, Extra has been delayed due to our new vision for a unified framework, and Extra cant be released until we finish our work on the Divi Builder (which powers Extra).

      In many ways Extra hasn’t really been delayed, it’s just that the work that we put into Extra has already been released in the form of Divi 2.4; and Divi, The Divi Builder Plugin and Extra will all benefit from this new framework.

      As the time-line in the post explains, Extra will be released after we finish our work on the Divi Builder and release the Divi Builder Plugin.

      While Extra has been delayed, the work we put into has not been made in vain. From an outside perspective, it seems like the Extra project has not been moving forward, but like I said, Divi and Extra are (in many ways) one in the same, and our work on Extra has currently manifested itself in the form of improvements to Divi Builder used in Divi. We are working as hard as we can on this suite of products, and I am confident that we have made the right decision in our plans to develop them.

      • Hi, is there any news on Extra?

  7. Just wondering if ET is still alive?
    I was just convinced moving on with you and recognised that announcements arenΒ΄t being fulfilled in line with missing updates/responiveness to those announcements you made.

    An update about EXTRA and your ongoing commitment is very much appreciated.

    • We have an update that you can read here that outlines our progress and our new plan for the future of our product line.

  8. REALLY eager to plug this new theme in. When do you expect it to launch?

    • We don’t have an ETA right now, but you can this post explainsread this post for an outline for our product release timeline. We knocked off the first thing on the list (Divi 2.4), we are currently working on the Divi Builder Plugin (almost done), and Extra will follow suite!

      • Still no ETA @Nick ??

  9. What’s up guys? Where is this?

    The original commitment was for a new theme every two weeks. Has that changed to every two years?

  10. Still no news on this?

  11. Still no news on this?

  12. Any updates on when this new theme will launch? It looks really cool, but in reading through all the comments, I noticed there weren’t any responses from ET. You guys are typically pretty responsive with comments.

  13. Indeed! I am beginning an overhaul of a website that needs a magazine style theme. Hopefully the long wait – double the time expected – means extra will be something special.

    It would be great to know when you expect it to be released..

  14. All,

    I’ve been patiently waiting for this since you “teased” it. It’s been quite awhile. I decided to postpone production on a website based upon the thought process that this would be released no later than 4th quarter 2014, but I see that has transpired. Could you please lift the veil of secrecy on the timeline and announce the expected release date of this theme in general terms.


    J. Pisano

  15. Any word on when it might be ready? Can’t wait!

  16. Can’t wait to see more about Extra! We would love an update about what it is capable of! Thanks!

  17. Time flies… I know how difficult creating a word-class theme can be. But can you give us, your trusted members, a status update?

  18. We are stile waiting πŸ™‚ please give us some news!

  19. Sound really nice. It has been close to five months since the first post, so when will it be released?

  20. EXTRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Just waiting for this theme.. i m looking for a theme which have grid style post format with exact size.

  22. Thank you!

    I need a combination of Divi & Extra!

    Hope they will integrate and make babies.

    • Hello Prema,

      Extra & Divi Builder for other theme will be released on same date soon (within few weeks). Hope you’ll create what you’ve wanted for so long.

      Have a nice day, Cheers!

    • Hello from Spain.
      I need you like the air I breathe ….

      Thank you

  23. When.. when WHEN? I can’t wait for this one, I guess you have a lot of pressure, but any ETA? Days? weeks? Months?
    Thank you for such a great job.

  24. Hello Nick & Team!

    Since your teaser post 1.5 month ago, we have been waiting anxious for the releseas of this new EXTRA theme.

    This new theme sounds perfect for our new project. Do you guys have any info or update about the release date please?

    Thank you in advance Guys!

  25. Hello Nick (and the team),
    This new Extra theme is a very good thing for all ET members.
    Can you make sure this new template comes with Buddypress and bbPress support? Support for Buddypress and bbPress would be very much appreciated.
    Thank you very much!

  26. I can’t wait! This sounds like it will be great for the project I’m working on now. One thing I am disappointed about with Divi is that all the wonderful modules you can put on a Page aren’t available on a Post page.

    Thank you!

  27. Update on status of project? ETA????

  28. Do we have an ETA for this? I’m so eager to see it! I’m getting ready to completely overhaul my site (professional graphics, logo, etc.), and don’t want to use the same theme. Extra sounds like it will be perfect. As an aside, I like Gabfire magazine themes, but they’re too cluttered and difficult to use. I’m hoping that this theme will have everything I’m looking for, including a soon-to-come release date!

  29. It’s awesome πŸ˜‰
    When are you going to launch this product?

  30. Any word on release date of “Extra” Theme? Can hardly wait, We have plans to implement on Uber Apparatus soon after release. Thanks Elegant Themes!

  31. You are my theme & now WP heroes!

    Any date on the Extra release?
    I have been counting the days, but just don’t know how many more to count πŸ™‚

  32. Hope I can wait for extra, and I hope it will match with extra. Also, when are you going to ask us about some additional features? B’Γ§os I want a post slider withing a postpage for engaging reading…

    Thanks for your recent elegant themes!

  33. I read about this when you first posted it and I am still thinking about it. I’m anxiously awaiting it’s release. I have a few projects on the backburner right now that could really benefit from this, but I’m hesitant to start them on another theme if the wait will only be a few months.

    Anymore news on when we can roughly expect this?

    • Me too, eagerly awaiting this theme as I have two sites crying out for a wordpress re-design.

    • +1

      Was thinking the same just now. Anxiously waiting for something new, but new Divi updates are also something to look forward to.. and the Monarch plugin…and…

      Too much to handle right now!

  34. Sounds amazing! Looking fwd to the release.

    We have a client ready to go but unsure as to whether to wait for the release or do I build in another and then install EXTRA when its released?

    If so, which theme would be the most similar in terms of posts/pages vs divi page builder – Nexus, Lucid or Aggregate

  35. I’ve been using a variety of WP themes on various magazine-like sites I own. None of been very good. I’m delighted you’re creating EXTRA.

    I noticed that John Hilton asked for placement for a header ad. I’d like to see you take this further. I’d really like a the ability to have a different header ad for each main section. That’s because I have sponsor/advertisers for each of the sites main sections.

    Thanks again for all you do for us.

  36. Any ETA on Extra? I’m not using ET on my main site because I needed a truly magazine-like theme. I’ve tried others, and so far, nothing has been *the one.* I’m really looking forward to it and hope that it’s very magazine with a little of the Divi flexibility thrown in. Meanwhile, I’m using ET everywhere else!

    • Hello Irene,

      Extra & Divi Builder for other themes will be released on same date soon (within couple of weeks). Hope you’ll create what you’ve wanted for so long.

      Have a nice day, Cheers!

  37. when the called Extra approach to Us?

    I realy need πŸ™‚

  38. I can not wait

  39. I can’t wait. This sounds fantastic.

  40. Question for you…. will Extra use the same page builder as Divi?

    Reason I ask is that I’ve been working on using Divi for a more newsy site. It seems like Extra will probably be better for this though and so now I’m wondering if I’ll be able to use my page builder templates and take them over to Extra with me?

    • If you like divi, use divi. In divi you essentially create whatever layout you’d like, whereas in a custom theme like I assume extra will be, the appeal is that it’s designed specifically to meet a certain set of needs and therefore the layouts are already pre-designed.

      • Nice Mike, even if they are predefine, there should be room for easy arrangement of the front page, box or wide layout, fullwidth slider or 620px post slider, option to have fullwidth blog post or masonry layout, option to have different sliders, option to change background, option to have 5 different header menu, option to palce social media in any place in the footer.

        I trust Nick and Elegant themes, they will make us to arrange Extra the way we love it to be just like Divi. Cheers πŸ™‚

  41. I signed up for membership on Elegant Themes for Divi, and Divi is a fantastic theme. I have confidence that Nick and the rest of the team will create the best Magazine theme available for WordPress.

    Good Luck, you’ve got a customer for life.

  42. Real Nice news! I can’t wait to see your next big work!

  43. If you’re going to make a magazine-theme, please do not look only at US way of doing newspapers and magazine, but also international, french, english, italian, or swiss . The way in Europe we manage information is by doing a lot of hierarchical organisation of informations and many cutting-out.

    If you need any description of what would be a great theme for journalism (after 20 years of writing and creating magazine and newspapers), I can write you a memo.

  44. Thanks. You saved my $$
    I was thinking of buying a new magazine theme for my magazine type blog. Now I can wait for EXTRA time.
    I hope you will have these also
    Social and SEO optimized:

    Facebook OpenGraph meta tags
    Google Plus meta tags
    Twitter meta tags (Twitter Cards) markup for Google Rich Snippets support

    I know I need to have EXTRA patience

  45. You always a well of surprises … you are magic? πŸ˜€

  46. It’s exciting to hear of a new theme and even more exciting that it’s going to concentrate on posts rather than pages.

    Top two requests for me: a review scoring system, and the lovely animated counters that were added to Divi. They’d be great for my car reviews!

  47. This sounds really exciting. I hope you put a lot of work in smart integrations with Twitter/Facebok/Instagram that helps posts go viral.

    I can’t wait for you to release the theme, please work fast. =)

  48. This sounds really exciting. I can’t wait for you to release the theme, please work fast. =)

  49. Great news!
    Hope to see a tiered (paid) subscriber option which is a basic need now on online magazine sites. Login with Facebook/Google/Twitter for comment or Like is another great feature which will make this a great theme.

    Looking forward to the release!!

    • +1

  50. Awesome news! Can we please have placement for a header ad!

    keep up the great work guys.

  51. Can’t wait for the launch so that I can try it out. ET is one awesome bunch of folks!

  52. Great news! I’m doing a build on DIVI now for an extremely verbose client, and using a few of the modules offered to collapse text and break up the design to make it easier on the eye to digest. Could really use more of these offerings, and will be interested in the result!

  53. This is amazing and exciting news!

    I’ve spent over a year getting a multisite planned, configured, and setup and after running into issues with having a number of premium and paid themes, I’ve decided to ONLY use Divi 2 for all sites, and focus on templates and CSS tips and tricks which can provide anything most other themes offer.

    If Extra is as flexible as Divi, but branching off toward larger content sites, it will be a perfect companion and I can’t wait to test it out!

  54. Looks like good theme is coming up. Curious to test it.

  55. I want to try the demo of the theme, what has been using the feature responsive. Because these features are being crowded used.

  56. Great news! Looking forward for this new theme. Divi is great! Keep up the good work and great themes.

  57. Nick,

    This is a great news. Is it possible to add crowd-funding capabilities to this theme?
    Nobody could do it better than you. We all know this.

  58. So that’s a Good news for us πŸ™‚ “EXTRA” According to the name, We’re hoping to get more extra features in this theme. Hope the Extra theme will be more wonderful than DIVI πŸ™‚

  59. I’m so pumped about this! I kept thinking to myself, “That’s it… they’re done… how can you follow Divi 2.0.”

    I’ve been a member for years, things keep getting better. It’s definitely not the same old junk! You’ve got some super fresh team over there.

    ET FOR LIFE! πŸ˜‰

  60. Sounds really great.

    Nick Roach, if I may suggest,
    a few different ways the featured image displays…
    as background image to post,
    as full width image to top of post,

    Also, it would be REALLY nice if you could make a Business Insider kind of mega-menu that pulls the featured image and displays it right in the menu.

    This theme below has those two big features,
    plus a nice review module that helps with reviews
    for affilliate sales.

    That is my most desired features of the new magazine theme.

  61. Can’t wait to see it. You’re team has done a brilliant job with Divi and my imagination is already running wild with the possibilities of what you might create with Extra!

  62. Can’t wait. I was looking for a new news theme for football season. Only a few months always so let’s get movin. πŸ™‚ As always. It’s looks great from the tease!

  63. Guys – I need this NOW!! Loving Divi, But need Extra ASAP!!

  64. ARGH! Great news like this makes me regret having spent money on the Genesis Framework because I keep on using ET’s awesome themes, lol. Keep up the great work!

  65. It looks like Extra will complement DIVI really well in your portfolio. One request for you (and another gratuitous complement)…

    Can you try to make the site navigation keyboard friendly? While the DIVI theme is error free according to the WAVE tool (, DIVI’s navigation can’t be tabbed through. Making Extra’s site navigation keyboard friendly would be a fantastic addition!


  66. Hi Everyone
    Took me by surprise this one!
    I thought that Divi would be updated to somehow include the page functionality into posts but believe me… I love Divi just the way it is.

    Look forward to seeing Extra released and all the teasers appearing along the way.

  67. Hi Nick,
    One suggestion….I would like to have a theme with the aim to maximize performance in order to improve load time, number of request, etc…….
    ET themes, anyway, are great!!! …and congratuletions for this blog

  68. Wonderful stuff! I’m really looking forward to taking this theme for a test drive. Keep up the amazing work guys. My clients frequently pick one of your themes for their sites, even when presented with other paid options!

  69. Please make space for put advertise for burst earning from adsense nick… πŸ™‚

  70. Nick,

    This sounds like another great theme. I can’t wait to see try it out when it’s done. As far as updating Divi, I’d love to see more customization options to the sales modules, especially for those of us who deal with Woo Commerce. Pretty please with sugar on top? πŸ˜€

  71. This is awesome news!

    I’ve been trying to get Divi turned into a magazine styled theme for some time now. But this new theme sounds like just what i’ve been trying to get done with Divi.

    I hope for a great big news slider (like the have) for feature posts.
    Great ways to display user comments.
    Integration and counters for RSS, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
    Custom widget areas.
    Great looking tag and search results.

    Can’t wait for the release of ‘Extra’.

    • …other things I would like Extra to have:
      Mega-menu like Divi
      Social integration. Display a specific hashtag Twitter, Instagram. Some kind of “Tagboard” kind of widget.
      Latest comments with text and avatars.
      Breaking News feature…

      Can’t wait for more updates on this theme.

      • Color coded categories (for titles, links, tags, etc) will be a welcome addition!!

  72. Looking forward to seeing this when it goes live. I’ve been loving Divi and Divi 2.

    Cheers Nick and team

  73. This is great news. Looking forward to this theme very much.

  74. When! When! Please do tell. I’m in the middle of designing such a site using your templates. This is awesome. Hopefully it’s easy to use different sized logos? Glad I came across your company. Looking to make some money blogging. Hopefully.

  75. When it will be ready

  76. Guys, any chance of bringing the layout engine to posts in Divi? Just a thought.

  77. Sound great. I enjoy they style and format of most of your themes. The only bit I would hope to see in this new theme is a re-alignment of sidebars is responsive mode when using a left sidebar layout so that this information is taken from the top and re-assembled at bottom of page.

    • Thanks Don,

      This is definitely on the to do list for Extra. Thanks for the feedback πŸ™‚

  78. Nick and your very able team…you rock…can’t wait to experience it

  79. Great ! Will the existing users get access to the new theme?

  80. Nick you really need to give us more peeks for Extra! you just whetted our appetite.

  81. Oooh? I can’t wait to see the theme!

  82. It will be great to see another beautiful work from the entire team. Pretty sure that there will a lot of us be waiting for it patiently! =)

  83. After long long time Nick finally working on new theme. Really great news for ET lovers :), Can review system add in this theme?

  84. Waiting for new theme! Good Job!

  85. Its always an exciting time when we gt to see a peek of a new Elegant Theme.

  86. All the best for the development process. Can’t wait to see it!.

  87. Oh, wow! This theme is just better for my WebTv project! Now I use a customization of Aggregate Theme. I need it, I neeeeeeeeed iiiiiiitttttttt!!!!!!!!

  88. Great News! Can’t wait. πŸ™‚
    It’s awesome how quickly you guys move ahead in a new direction. This concept of modular themes is very sweet! Glad you are expanding in this direction.

    I would love to see a compact modules theme come out based on StyleShop for Ecommerce in the future.

    Top Work ET! Love it <3

  89. Awesome guys, can’t wait…

  90. Just what I am waiting for, I am starting with friends a vegan and health coaching center and we need to publish a lot of info (magazine style) Nexus maybe could be the correct but I will wait for Extra, I feel it can fill this space.
    Thanks ET.

  91. actually i didn’t think you would create another theme after divi, so i am glad to see that even with all your themes… you’re still creating new ones ! That’s unexpected and really appreciated ! i was using nexus so far at but maybe i’ll change for this Extra one day !

    A happy lifetime customer πŸ™‚

  92. I can’t wait to see this new theme. You guys are great. Keep the themes coming.

  93. I like the transparency and the heads up.

    “I would estimate ~3 months development time.” I’m holding you to this!

  94. The Apple of Website Themes/Design … Awesome on top of Awesome!

    Have been playing with Divi 2 on to create a magazine style. Would be interested in seeing other ideas from the community?

    Can hardly wait!


    John Malloy

    • Nice!, How did you manage to have 3 columns AND a sidebar? Thank you

    • Brillant !

  95. Hi,
    This new WP theme is a very good thing for all ET members. Could you just guys offer a template with less margin/padding/line height/font size… than yus are used to do? Users can easily add gap everywhere, when squeezing the margin/padding by extra CSS is sometimes a pain πŸ˜‰
    Thanks for your job

    • We give our themes a good amount of white space, ensuring that elements are not cluttered and hard to read. Reducing margins a lot is not something we advise. These days, people are used to scrolling, and the user experience should be based around how easy your website is to navigate (rather than how much information you can compress into one location).

      • @Chris, I would have to second that motion.
        I think it is better to allow a great level of compacting data & then let the user gain more space rather than aiming themes at large screens (so it seems).
        It is a balance but I think it would be wise to aim theme styling/layout density at a laptop sized screen.
        I am mainly talking about width ways blank space, though also the header area(related to first page arrival view). Widget areas have far too much blank space(such a small usable width).

        When a user sees so little content on the first screen, it is not ideal… for example the ET login screen on a laptop & I am on a 15in.

        I would like to see a compact module theme created for Ecommerce – where often, every little bit of space needs to be used.

        Awesome Job Guys … Looks amazing. What great news!

        • @Chris, we don’t build site like that anymore, we unclutter content for awesome user xperience (UX). I can surf through a site that is less clutter and spend many minutes but once I see many clutter details on the header, middle, I spend less minutes and quickly move away from the site even if the site has all the value info. Hence, unclutter and check your page views and how many minutes users spend on your site.

  96. Seriously. Thanks so so much. Really looking forward to it.

  97. Yay!! We still use The Source, I’m thinking I’ll look twice, and an EXTRA time when Extra comes out. πŸ™‚

  98. NICE – this is what I need and when you will make a nicer theme for photo wit LARGE photos I’ll sign up…. Keep up the good work.

  99. Excited about this new theme Extra…. Sounds like it is going to fit my needs perfectly for a site I want to update soon.

    Great news guys! Keep it coming!

  100. Can’t wait for this one. Sounds perfect for my site.

  101. As a member of the
    Elegant community since,
    hmm, about 08,
    this news isn’t surprising.


    Great teams develop
    great themes.

    As expected.
    Thanks Nick.

    Cheers from
    Southwest Ohio,


  102. On the edge to buy Braxton theme for a mandated and special magazine site and while have considered Lucid and Nexus I noticed that the home page (headers, menu and body widget) can’t easily be move around without hacking the theme. Now that you came into my taught, Extra I know will deliver just as Divi delivered but can I wait for 3 months?

    Thanks ET for keeping close to our heart.

  103. Good news, I already am very glad that I joined ET!!

    Thx for the update!

  104. We will like when we can have a Social Button on posts and pages..

  105. Sound very nice πŸ˜‰

  106. I’ll need a 1st class magazine theme around November time to accompany the big Divi site I’m currently building, so this is perfect. It’s like you’re reading my mind! πŸ™‚

  107. After great Divi if you make a magazine theme with SEO flexibility and with buddypress integration you will have a killer theme.

    Wait impatiently to see this promising new theme.

  108. I’m really excited about this! I’m a new blogger and Divi has been an excellent starting point for me, but i’m excited to see what Extra will be able to offer the site from a ‘post feed’ stand point.

  109. Increible, si Divi es el tema perfecto no puedo imaginarme algo que sea mejor o que supla sus carencias. Estad seguros que lo implementarΓ© en mi siguiente proyecto. Sois los mejores ET Team πŸ˜‰

  110. Another theme?, great!

  111. This would come in handy for a future project of mine! Thanks!

  112. Complimenti per il grande lavoro che fate!

  113. This is perfect timing for me, I have two sites begging for a wordpress conversion, and this theme will fit the bill perfectly.

  114. I’m excited! Recently an article was posted in this blog about YouTube/its competitors playing a much bigger role in WordPress in the future. Is there anything you can tell us about how video will be considered in Extra?

  115. Brilliant guys! Whats the ETA on Extra as a matter of interest. Sounds like it would be perfect for a project I am about to start on over the coming weeks.

    Keep Hustlin’


    • It’s too soon to give a real ETA, but I would estimate ~3 months development time.

      • What news? It’s been 6 months now?

        • 12 Months πŸ™

      • I love Divi, and have used ET for over a year, creating 100s of sites with your themes.
        You have made leaps and bounds, the one-pager capability, the header / Theme options, and much more.
        I use jetpack and know there are plugins to get different gallery styles, pop-up prompts, etc. but I just wish there weren’t issue like the slider portfolio stretching the images while showing thumbnails, and certain headers are’nt affected by customization of colors. Also, the footer needs to get the same attention and options as the header in my opinion.

        AlI am saying is that there is always room for improvement.

        I am still your biggest supporter and hope your company live on forever.

        ps: soon please on the nxt installment!!!! THX!

      • But we don’t know when you stared….:)

  116. Wow great news guys! I’m very curious what Extra will bring, and looking forward to trying it out! Good luck building the theme! And I LOVE working with Divi πŸ˜€

    Best regards, Marcel / Compass Creations

  117. I can not wait! So glad you are doing this!

  118. The “but…” on Divi worries me. What kind of future do you have planned for it? Will there be a Divi 3.0, or do you see it sunseting at a certain point? It would be helpful to know any schedules you’re willing to commit to publicly.

    Ideally I would hope you can maintain equal attention to the long-term support and innovative development of at least your most popular themes.

    That said, Extra sounds awesome and will fill in exactly the things Divi isn’t suited for. I’ve thought a few times it would be interesting to see your page builder applied to posts and retooled for a high volume content site. The main hitch there is what becomes of all the non-standard data for layouts and content inside the page builder if you eventually need to migrate it to a different theme.

    • We maintain all of our themes, and “We will continue to dedicate time and effort to Divi.”

      Moving forward with Divi, I think it will be better for our users to have smaller, incremental updates (instead of focusing on a 3.0 right away). We have a great foundation built for Divi now, and we don’t need to re-invent it anytime soon. You can expect smaller, more frequent updates for Divi this year (such as new modules, better compatibility, etc). We have the base, and now we can expand on it.

      While we do that, we have more time to create a new foundation in Extra that will server a different purpose entirely. Together, I think these two themes will satisfy the majority of our customer’s needs in a theme.

      Beyond that, we can create niche themes for specific markets, while always maintaing Divi and Extra as our flagship products. That’s my basic plan at the moment, but it could always change based on the needs of our customers πŸ™‚

      • I was bemoaning the fact you didn’t have a true magazine theme when I was launching Woman’s Survival Guide. So I chose Divi and found it worked wonderfully well for my needs. In the meanwhile, I have noted the success of sites like Medium and Upworthy! that are content heavy. But a Divi-like theme really seems to be working for them. Now I see magazine layouts as old. So I will be interested to see what you do with Extra – maybe you will refresh an idea that risks being seen as tired.

      • This makes me feel better :). Excited to see the results!

      • I agree — small incremental updates. I started with Divi 2.0 but I can tell by reading the forum that for some folks the move from 1.0 to 2.0 was, let’s say…a little bit of a challenge because of display.

        As for EXTRA — this may be exactly what my genealogy society (it’s currently using Quadro) needs. I believe within the next year we will be moving to a partial quarterly “magazine” on-line.

        Regardless I love looking at your new themes! You guys think OUT OF THE BOX.

  119. Great news! Me and my friends are using Nexus as theme for our new magazine website, but soon we are going to launch another sports magazine website and this new theme will come just on time. We are going to try it out and I’m sure we will be satisfied as always with Elegant Themes! Keep up the great work!

  120. As you work on this, please pay attention to ad space, both on the site and on the mobile version. Too many themes are designed without ad space, or if they have ad space on the desktop/laptop version, the ads on mobile are pushed to the bottom, where they get no views. Without ads, news publishers don’t have a business model.

    • I agree!

      • I agree too – well placed ad space is really important.

  121. Awesome! And I like the ET team’s confidence! “Extra will do these things, and it will do them better than any other theme on the planet.” πŸ˜‰

  122. Wow great!!
    Please focus on different kinds of style’s menu!!
    And layout builder like Divi!!
    Good job!!!!

    • +1! That will make it extra edge πŸ˜€

  123. You always doing a great job Nick, looking forward to see your new theme.

  124. Mwah! Consistently the best membership $$$ ever spent!

    I love @ET, I’ve fallen heavily for Divi2.0, and now you guys answer my next dream theme with Extra!

    Wicked;) Bring it!

  125. Yeah!

    I REALLY hope you let us do beautiful things with featured images on our posts….

    check out what this studiopress theme does with featured images….

    I’l loving DIVI, and thrilled to hear about Extra!

    You guys rock!

  126. Great news, I can’t wait for this.

  127. Amazing! Back to releasing new themes after so much time on Divi!
    Glad to have you back making more awesome content!

  128. I thought you guys will slow down as Divi is picking up real fast. Yay.. now another reason to buy lifetime membership. Thanks guys. Keep rocking.

  129. Cool un nouveau thème !!! vite vite vite !!!

  130. This is going to be awesome…

  131. Awesome…. πŸ˜€
    I need a magazine theme so badly. Please release it soon.

  132. Very exciting news indeed. You guys keep raising the bar and I’m sure this will only continue the trend setting innovations ET customers have come to expect. Do you have a time frame for release yet?

  133. Based upon the top image, I am hoping we will get the option of rounded corners in the post thumbnails, please…..

    • Well this can be done on any theme with a bit of CSS… πŸ™‚

  134. Looks great! Just when I thought Divi 2 was the perfect theme, you roll out more greatness!

  135. USA Today is one awesome website on which wordpress theme work is going on.. Many developers are commenting on web for such post popup and redirection layouts. here is one example: If you can make this theme, with SEO flexibility and with buddypress integration, then your theme can standout for almost 5 to 10 years πŸ˜€

    looking forward for your amazing work.. Thanks ET team..

  136. I can’t wait for this, As I move my business from online marketing to digital publishing this would make my life a lot easier :d

  137. Yesss!!! I’m an teacher in HTML, CSS and WordPress and I’ve showed your themes for every one of my students since three years back. Keep up the good work!

  138. Sounds awesome! How about bbpress and Buddypress integration?

  139. Amazing. This is what I am looking forward in divi 2.0.. This is what I wanted since the past 1 year in divi. Now, I am really Happy :DDD Yahoooo!!!! you are making it happen..

    I love you team.. You people rock.. πŸ™‚

    • Wow, can’t wait for it to be launched! πŸ™‚ Will it be as secure as Genesis and have schema micro data?

    • Looks good! πŸ™‚

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