Divi 2.7 Sneak Peek: A Look At Our Upcoming Divi Leads Split Testing System And More!

Last Updated on February 23, 2023 by 303 Comments

Divi 2.7 Sneak Peek: A Look At Our Upcoming Divi Leads Split Testing System And More!
Blog / Theme Sneak Peeks / Divi 2.7 Sneak Peek: A Look At Our Upcoming Divi Leads Split Testing System And More!

Divi 2.7 development is well underway, and I am excited to give you a peek at some of the great new features we are working on. Divi 2.7 will focus on 3 major areas: Split Testing, Portability and a new set of Page Options. All three of these new feature sets have one thing in common: they take Divi’s existing capabilities and making them even more powerful by enabling you to use them in brand new ways.

The Divi Leads Split Testing System


On it’s own, the Divi Builder is already an amazingly-capable landing page builder. In Divi 2.7, we are making it even better by introducing a fully-functional split testing system that will make it easy to gain valuable insights from your visitors, test the effectiveness of different content variations and ultimately create higher-performing and better-engaging pages. Divi Leads will be a natural extension of the Divi Builder, making it simple to test different modules, rows or sections to see how each variation affects the conversion rate of your designated goal. This is going to be really, really cool, and I can’t wait to dig deeper into the awesome new things that Divi Leads will make possible when 2.7 is released.

Enhanced Portability


We are make some big improvements to the portability of Divi and the Divi Builder. We want to make it as easy as possible to create, share and transfer Divi configurations and Divi Builder layouts. Whether you want to jumpstart your new client build with a specific design preset, or share your favorite Theme Customizer settings with your colleagues, you will find that Divi 2.7 makes it easy to port very specific configurations from every area of the theme.

New Divi Builder Page Settings


Divi 2.7 will introduce a new set of page settings to the Divi Builder. These settings affect the entire page you are working with, unlike module/row/sections settings (which affect only each individual element). This means you will be able to adjust certain design options for the entire page, instead of having to edit every single module.

I hope you are excited about all the great stuff we are working on. Divi 2.7 should be ready within 3-4 weeks, so you wont have to wait long to take advantage of these upcoming features! Stay tuned for more info and don’t forget to let us know what you think in the comments 🙂


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Divi Sneak Peek: Layers View

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  1. would definitively need an option to update the footer, as mention many times in these comments…

  2. mmmm….looks like this update will be more like a 2.8… 🙂

    • And I was right ! Right ?

  3. Can we get some updates on when this version is coming out? We’re way past the release you guys projected since this post.

  4. Its now Spring! (the 21th) a good day to release the new Divi 🙂

  5. Any update. I need to do some split testing and so need to decide whether to wait or use a plugin? Would help to know either way. Certainly understand regarding delays…

    Thanks, Bill St.Cyr

  6. Should be this week guys ! 🙂

    • Hopefully tomorrow, i’m sad 🙁

  7. Its way past a few weeks guys, any updates?!?

  8. Excellent blog.

  9. Do you happen to know what day this will be released yet? I know we are at the 4 week time frame now.

  10. If I may… I would like to make a suggestion, add the option of “infinite loading” to the Divi Blog Module. Due to its particular markup (columns), third party plugins doesn’t work as expected.

    Anyway, great theme!

  11. id second that request for formatting the mega menus a bit more

  12. Hi,

    There is an important improvement to bring on Divi : the ability to choose which titles (h1, h2, h3…) are used in each module.

    It’s very important for SEO to be able to control page structure. Please take it into account !

    Good job anyway 😉

    • I agree. It’s important to be able to control these options. It’s one of the reasons I sometimes don’t use the Divi Builder.

  13. Hey there ! awesome work !

    I hope theres developments on making better and more customisable mega menus ! the plugins out there seem to not work with divi, require a lot of coding to make it work, or just look plain ugly, I like the one in extra but it cant be customised that much and its not available in divi

    Feature requests
    – featured posts with images ( like extra, but customise the number of posts and post info to show )
    – insert widgets (so we can add forms and images and stuff)

    Less important feature request
    – add icons to menu items

  14. HI Nick.. LOVE LOVE LOVE DIVI….. BUT until you fix the RTL stacking issue for mobile I cannot commit my RTL websites to DIVI. You may have RTL support for text but the serious issue of stacking order in tablet and mobile mode is a constant frustration. This is an issue that I wrote about over two years ago to support. I feel that you dont quite comprend how this important this is for RTL web builders.
    PLEASE get this fixed….

  15. It looks like pretty awesome, thinking about upgrading 😀

  16. Awesome as usual. I suggest, for the next release, to add more styling options for main and secondary menu, and header also.
    Great work!!!

  17. Hi Nick, just a quick suggestion for you. It would be great to have a way to include a non-Divi element on a page that uses the Divi builder. For example when using a plugin such as ‘Master Slider’ there doesn’t seem to be a way to include this without Divi overriding some of the slides settings, such as font size. I may be wrong, but if not it would be great to have this feature.

  18. Nick, thanks for the update, the new export features look good
    – will you be adding a way of exporting/migrating from Divi/Divi builder to a different theme?

  19. Nick, will the 2.7 divi have better conversion friendly system? I mean as an Amazon affiliate I need a theme whivh increases conversion. It looks like divi is more focused to design and beauty but not conversion. Please enlighten me 🙂

  20. I think Divi should add the Author Bio Section under each blog post as Extra does.
    I am awaiting for this since extra was released :p


  21. I love all the new additions in Divi and hope they never stop. However, I am wondering if ET will continue to make new themes built on Divi. Or is Divi going to be the “end all, be all” for ET for the foreseeable future?

  22. All Divi functions are simply awesome, I can now create sites more easily than ever and the upcoming functions sounds great.
    Do you have plans to move Divi or a module of Divi to help to elearning area, to have e-learning capabilities?

  23. I propose to consider and improve better integration with WooCommerce (grid, fix responsive buttons, add new functions).


  24. I hope to add features to support multi-languages and arabic compatibility in menu and other component of website

  25. Just renewed my Developers account for another year and am ready to start building my flagship website with the newest Divi, however, I see that there is a serious bug in Divi 2.6.2 with the text module losing line breaks and paragraphs, as some have reported here. There are tons of support requests on the forum for this issue as well.

    I can’t proceed with the building of my site with Divi if this issue is not resolved, so my question to you Nick, Dustin, or anyone else on the staff : WHEN will this issue be resolved? I am now, frustratingly at a standstill until it gets fixed.

    Someone please respond. Thanks.

    Craig Kaiser

    • Hi Craig,

      It’s 2 years old bug 🙁

    • I think, after going through the support tickets I’ve seen on the paragraph and line breaks problem, I will go ahead and install the latest Divi anyway as the dev team seems to be working on the issue. Maybe I’ll be one of the lucky ones this issue won’t affect. We’ll see.

      • No, it does not yet work. I was told to install TinyMCE plugin so the line breaks and paragraph remained. That worked. But my impression is this company is focused on sexy stuff and misses many basic things. Bullets don’t work inside text boxes without custom CSS. That’s crazy! I love DIVI but you guys need to test better.

  26. Nick,

    You say “I hope you are excited about all the great stuff we are working on. Divi 2.7 should be ready within 3-4 weeks”.

    I’ve just bought my Developer licence after carefully checking the leading WP Theme vendors. I’ve asked my first question on your support forum two days ago with no answer as yet. My question is one of many other unanswered questions.

    You have a “sticky” message on the forum stating that support response times may be over 24 hours because of the influx of support requests since the release of Divi 2.6.

    How on earth can you be considering releasing 2.7 in 3-4 weeks when you clearly cannot cope with supporting 2.6?

    I’m really disappointed with the lack of response to my first ever support question and I think you would be well advised to get your “house in order” from a support perspective before you unleash another version on users that will inevitably create similar support delays.

    New features are all well and good but not at the expense of supporting your users! If you are going to have frequent updates, you need to ensure you have the appropriate support infrastructure in place otherwise, as quick as you gain new users, you are going to lose them.

    It’s not “life or death” but I’m very disappointed. It just proves that you can do all the due diligence in the world but you don’t really know what you are going to get until you commit to something. The “proof of the pudding” is in the eating and this far, it’s not tasting too good.

    • Hi,

      If you could, please contact me in the forum so that I can check the status of your support ticket. Thanks! 🙂

  27. Having given my +1 to many voices here raising to fix long-term bugs and simple requests BEFORE bringing on new and new features, my main concern at the moment is that the DIVI Builder is cutting out paragraphs and line-breaks being basically unusable. And I can only wonder why not all ressources go into fixing such a fundamental issue. DIVI is amazing and ET as well, but I agree with many other frustrated users that some fundamentals are neglected over and over again. The biggest improvement you could do at the moment is sitting there: get the old ongoing stories fixed. Take one cycle for those things to not fall apart one day because you ignored them. So please fix the severe paragraph bug and the other things mentioned in the forum again and again to keep yourself a stable ground and happy clients.

    • I have found that when using my default browser (FF) I often lose line breaks in DiviBuilder. But if I switch to Chrome it stops happening. It is a PITA. I’ve seen multiple help threads in the forum on this issue and as far as I can tell there’s no official recognition that it’s a bug OR a real fix. But at least for me switching browsers has become a viable and necessary work-around. HTH.

    • +1 voice to Sofian words of wisdom!

  28. Will the split testing also be integrated in Extra?

  29. i really happy with this theme.. fast , easy to use, easy to custom and you always making improvement..

    Good Job Nick.

  30. Simply Awesome!

    Keep up the good work Divi Team.



  31. Bravo for this progress really useful. About change requests all was said or almost … I think you’d be very easy to put some extra parameters to the map module. It would be really a plus. I think of the marker, zoom, options on how to open and close the position of popup and a few style options. Personally I am obliged, often, to change the code to meet my client. That is my contribution suggestion … I can send you code templates.

  32. Hi Guys – The new update sounds great and will be very useful for our client sites. Thank you!

    Could we please have the following small but important items addressed as soon as possible:

    footer area:
    a – editing of bottom footer bar copyright content within the builder
    b – alignment issue on 3 column footer corrected

    2 sliders:
    a – sliders to have height management within module and not have to depend on text content for this to be determined

    Thank you.

    In future releases I would also love to see :

    – a fullwidth footer option

    – the ability to use other choices of social media icons (as in the tutorial you show @ http://www.agentwp.com/add-social-icon-in-divi-wordpress-theme) within the builder and not via php coding

    – the ability to upload my own bespoke social media icons within the builder

    – header and footer builder with modules!

    Many thanks!

  33. This’ll be very interesting indeed. Can’t wait to see all these improvements and play with at least some of them in the near to far future.

    On a parallel note, is there any plan to make the Divi builder play nice with Yoast SEO? It’s always a bit disconcerting to see that my page/post doesn’t look good according to Yoast 🙁

    Also I concur with the option to display your footer how you want. As it is, I’ve made a footer.php page in my child theme, but it’d be nice if we could do it natively from the builder or Divi options.

    Thanks for all your hard work!

    • +1

  34. Agreed. I do all my projects under a very specific SOW. If the client or I suggest an enhancement it is always expected by both parties to be a paid for enhancement even if its a 1/2 of work. If I want to eat it gratis that’s my call but the expectation is ALWAYS clearly set up front based on the formal set of features in their SOW.

    Then from time to time I send out to my client base new enhancements that might be available. If they want to learn more they contact me and I also price it at that time.

    Actually having a fast cycle gives you something to write to your client base about… also shows a constant evolution and link to the latest and greatest feature sets. Nice added value IMHO

  35. I can’t wait. That split testing feature is exactly what I need. You guys are awesome! Keep up the good work!

  36. Awesome features – Would love to see the A/B split-testing system integrate with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to see what traffic convert on your goals. I hope that will be a part of it.

  37. I would suggest just one ‘improvement’ to Divi right now, that is the option to include images in the mega-menu option through a simple tag in WP menu configuration, for example getting the thumbnail from the featured image. I’m using UberMenu for that right now but it’s really over-sized for just a single option. My 2 cents, of course. 🙂

    • You Can’t do that yet as WE NEED a real Divi Builder in the menu solution here…

      NOW if you wanted a wordpress plugin solution here today I found the COMBO of Shortcodes in Menus and Insert Pages will get those modules into the header. Still some CSS will be necessary for the final look, but this is a working solution.

  38. please add footer credit change option in ur theme… This is very very basic option sir. I just dont understand y u r ignoring all comment on this. Atleast u can reply that when u r going to add this is ur theme. dont update this urgently but atleast talk on this toping or give small reply on this.

  39. Please create a universal footer after every update to my footer overwrites. it’s tedious to keep updated on 10 sites. Thank you. Or is there another solution?

    • Child theme=perfect solution

      • I use child themes for almost every website, in part to use a customized footer. However, with so many places to edit CSS and make other style changes within the Divi theme, it’s becoming more confusing. “Where should I put this custom CSS?” is a question I find myself asking more and more….

        The move AWAY from child themes is both a blessing and a curse.

  40. Hey Nick,
    Any chance we will go to a WSYWYG Page editor like what Lead pages does anytime soon ?

    Divi is great, They look like a generation ahead.

  41. what a good theme superb theme

  42. We use Divi for all our 6 websites, all look different, we are loving it!

  43. It’s great to see that you keep on improving Divi. As you can read in the comments here, there are a lot of people that keep on asking to fix issues and keep on asking for the same features. Unfortunately you are not transparent on what is on your roadmap and nobody (including you) can see how popular their ideas are. We just shoot them in the comments of posts like this, or on Facebook or in the forum and that’s it.

    So, here I am again asking for a better feedback system!

    There are crowd sourcing systems to gather ideas and feedback from your community. These systems allow users to submit their ideas and other users can vote for them and add comments. This gives insight in the most requested/voted enhancements and also allows you to provide feedback to your communkty by adding comments, questions and give status updates like considering, planned, declined etc.

    Please consider this as an option and I love to hear from you if this is something you are willing to implement. And if not, it would be nice to know why not.


    • Thanks John-Pierre, we’re aware of the tools you had in your comment. I edited out the links because while some exceptions are made, as a rule we do not allow people to post walls of links in our comments. I agree that there is probably a better method for gathering all user feedback in one area where everyone can see what the conversation is. Improvements in this area are things we’ve talked about and even plan to implement in the future. However, I cannot promise an exact timeline.

      • You totally sidestepped the question about fixes and improvements that have been asked for literally dozens of times.

        I do not need a more sophisticated system, the forum is fine.

        I need a commitment from one of my firm’s most important vendors that they are listening to this feedback and will act on it.

        Again, ET already took these peoples’ money. You have an obligation to do much better in this area.

        A specific reply would be appreciated; but, I am most definitely not holding my breath.

        • Hey Patrick, thanks for sharing your thoughts. To directly address your concerns about us listening to you and other users regarding fixes that need to be made, I can assure you that we are in fact listening.

          We’re listening via our forums, via our social channels, and via email. And as I said above, we are working on ways to make this process more transparent and more effective for everyone involved.

          It’s unfortunate that these things cannot happen overnight. That would be amazing. But we are working toward improvements.

          Now a note on our development practices:

          When we discover a bug, encounter a compatibility problem, or receive a feature request we have to place those items in a development queue that takes several things into account:

          The safety/security of our customers (and their customers).

          Which bugs are affecting the highest number of people.

          How popular the third party tools/plugins are which we’re being requested to resolve compatibility issues with.

          Which features will best meet the needs of our customers.

          And, which features will keep Divi competitive in the market.

          Among other things.

          I point this out to clarify for you what exactly goes on behind the scenes. We’re not ignoring people when their request is not immediately addressed in the next release. There are a lot of factors that influence the decisions Nick and the developers make concerning what to include in each release–whether that release is a maintenance release or a larger feature-based release like 2.7.

          • I appreciate the need to prioritize what goes into each release; I daresay most who have commented here do as well. It is part of our business.

            That said, you can see from this thread that many of your customers are frustrated that simple fixes to fundamental areas of the theme go undone while you preview a new release that adds significant new features well outside the scope of a WordPress theme.

            Again, it’s not that I fail to understand the process, it’s that I do not get the decisions you’ve made in your implementation of it.

            I do appreciate the reply though.

            • Hi Nathan:

              It’s now 4 weeks after the blog was posted and we’ve not heard anything more on Divi 2.7 to date.

              I hope this is because you and the team are working on some of the issues outlined in this thread.

              I wanted to point out that a very common plug-in, the Yoast SEO, recently released an update that reportedly breaks Divi sites badly.

              Speaking for myself only, I am hoping a few of these long-reported bugs will be fixed AND somehow Divi + Yoast will play well together again in the 2.7 release. (I know that making Yoast’ latest release work is not ET’s problem).

              Thanks again,


        • Great point Patrick!!!

          100% agreed with you!

          And the sad part of one way communication is that there are so many issues (listed in comments too) that can be fixed in few days!

          • Actually, this is not a very good point at all. ET took money and supplied a product. A very well produced product at that. The money that was paid was for the product that existed at the time and for support for a period of time. All of which has been supplied. They did not pay money to receive their submitted proposals for improvements or feedback. If you would like to get your proposals or feedback acted on go hire a custom development team and give it a go.

            • Sorry Jason, but you have a quite a strange logic. Patrick described a problem raised by 70% of ET and Divi users, and clients as well.

  44. Great! I hope there will be some new blog designs availeble inside divi… Or that it is possible to tweak it design more.

  45. Hi Nick,

    could you make the footer more customizeable, so one can change the copyright-text?
    At the moment i´m doing this with a child-theme….

    Greets from Germany,


  46. We use Divi for all our website. Brilliant !

  47. Amazing work! Keep it coming!

  48. I love this new version.
    Three questions,
    (1) Divi Leads will be similar to Unbounce or InstaPages software? We can make any contact form and we can integrated with email marketing providers?
    (2) Do you have plans to improve integration with WooCommerce?
    (3) Do you have plans to add functionality of Extra to DIVI?
    Greetings and congratulations for your work

  49. Really happy to see that the next update will include a split testing feature! Will there be an export option so that we could integrate this into an analytics tool such as Google Analytics?

    • I agree with you Mark!

      Without complete integration with Google Analytics (and it’s not easy task), you will never know what version converting and why.

  50. I suggest elegant team to add to each css customization page a drop down from where we an select the class names, and just punch in the css code without trying to dig out what class are used by you. This will help to customize easily.

    • If you’re in the custom css tab of the Divi builder, whatever section you have your cursor in will show you the css selector in orange.

      • Can you please provide a screenshot as an example Nathan?

        • Note the orange selector next to the title of the box my cursor is in. This is in the custom css tab of a standard text module. It’s the same for all of the custom css tabs.

  51. I teach people how to make money online, so this split testing feature is going to make a massive difference to how my MMO clients can use Divi. I will use this to create a course on how to make opt-in pages, and how to make decent sales pages and split test them. I will add a few other “how to make money” methods in as a bonus to sell more of my own course. Thank you for this feature.

  52. We love to see Divi evolve.

    If we can have these, POP up things where we can display

    1. HTML
    2. Images
    3. Videos
    4. iFrames
    5. Facebook
    6. Shortcode

    It can be really useful for our clients.


    • +1

  53. There is so much packed into Divi and more coming, we simply can’t keep up! Many people want to know how to get the most out of what Divi provides but there is a constant wave of more options, features and ways to tweak the best out of it that the average person is overwhelmed. Your sample sites look incredible but they are too often very difficult to replicate unless a person knows all the tricks that make it all come together. You need a training series on how to duplicate the sites and features you show as examples. If you would take a sample site that you post and show how it was created, that would be so helpful. That would also allow so many more people to get the most out of your products.

  54. Can anyone tell me how to create a landing page using Divi?
    Installed Divi theme and Divi builder. I created a website with a nav bar and everything. Now I want to create a standalone Landing Page within that website, how can i remove the nav bar from that particular page?

    I still can not create LP using divi. although i can create websites easily

    • Change the template to Blank Page instead of Default Template.

      NO idea why you would install Divi AND Divi Builder?!?!?

  55. Good news, look forward to Divi 2.7 !

    Need ability to build category page.
    Click on one category page & I am onto another (sub) category page.

    Also, there should be less & less need for “custom css” or editing the php files. e.g. When you know people want to edit away “Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress” from bottom, why not give easy option to change this information through epanel itself.

  56. Cool. I love Divi already and can not wait for the upgrade.

  57. Add me to the large group of people hoping to see the Extra post modules come to the Divi theme.

    I’d hoped that would be a part of 2.6. Looks like it won’t be part of 2.7 either. Frankly, I’d find that 100x more useful than a split testing system.

  58. Nick:
    Looking forward to 2.7. When will Divi be able to apply a layout to posts/pages en masse? It’s difficult to deploy Divi to large scale websites without an easy way of doing this. It would be ideal to be able to apply it in bulk somehow, perhaps simply through Bulk Edit for pages, and by categories and/or tags for posts. In order for this to work, there would need to be a “Content” module that simply pulls the post/page content that already exists.

    Also, when will you guys update the Divi Theme Options section to correctly instruct users to place Google Analytics code in the head section rather than the body? Thanks!

  59. I hope that Divi 2.7 will be fully compatible with Sensei exstension by Woo Commerce.
    Thank you you very much for your work!

  60. Let me say, I’m less skilled than 99.999999% of the others posting. I’m not an HTML or CSS person. But I’ve built some amazing sites using only what Divi offers. Now that’s saying something.

    What I would like to see are the menu options that are included in the extra theme. I thought they might be in the last update but I was wrong.

    The other thing is I would love to a photographers theme. I’m on a lot of forums (photography) and there are so many looking for a good photography website. Many are just start-ups and will never make it more than a year or two. But they are needing websites.

  61. One last thing, the move out of your wheelhouse (don’t know if the Brits use that slang) to A/B testing seems a bit strange to me. Plenty of firms with credible products in that field.

    I spent my money on you guys for a great theme. And it’s getting there.

    But I worry about the problems that go ignored from release-to-release. You’d have to be blind not to see them and not the hear the frustration in the forums and comments to this post.

    I get that part of attracting new customers to ET is announcing new features. But you have a moral obligation to address issues raised by those who have ALREADY PAID.

    Spend some time cleaning up Divi, and then decide what your firm really wants to do. I do not want a theme bloated with all sorts of stuff that doesn’t apply to most of my clients. (I serve small businesses exclusively, and believe me, A/B testing is a very sophisticated concept for them.)

    Do remember that the Jack-of-all-Trades is a master of none.

    • Well put Patrick!

      I get the feeling that the sheer amount of customers makes it challenging to address issues raised, but that’s no excuse I guess. As you state in your other comment – some basic issues and functionalities need to be addressed (footers, menus, etc) and indeed it seems strange that they’re not.

      Have faith in Nick and the ET team though but do agree that this stuff needs to be addressed rather than ignored.

    • 100% agree.

  62. Hi!
    First of all, I absolutely LOVE Divi and everything about it. Well, most of it, that is.
    One of the things that I wasn’t too excited about is using the Divi builder on posts. I tried it a while back and, it sent all the blog subscribers a big block of shortcodes. That was awful. Now I’m scared to try it again. Has that been fixed by any chance? I love the idea of the builder on posts. It’s just a phenomenal system.
    Second, is there a way to fix the “jump” in the Divi header, if it’s larger than the default size?
    Thanks a lot, and again, I love your work and hardly touch any other themes since I’ve found Divi!

  63. Your entire team continues to amaze me, Nick!

    I am in the process of building our new site with Divi.

    Are we going to see a filterable masonry grid image album system soon?

    Thanks to all of you for your efforts!

  64. I always look forward to an ET blog post, Nation or Divi update. You guys rock. Keep up the great work !

  65. I have the same concern than many people here. Spend less time on new features and more on fixing problems. One example : I have installed Extra and I haven’t been able to find the API Key field in options so the email optin module does not work. I tried to solve the problem with Bloom but it keeps saying “invalid email” even with perfectly valid emails. I have checked the support forum about it, other people have the same problem and there is no response. Half of my requests on support are not answered. The shortcode of the Bloom forms works in text module but not in code module. Why? Mystery. Optin module and Bloom don’t manage custom fields, so I cannot add the source of the subscription, I must use multiple lists. I will have to install Contact Form 7 and Mailchimp extension to be able to have a decent optin system. So honestly, I don’t care having a “DIVI Lead Split Testing System” as long as the foundation is not solid. I bought Lifetime Access because I do believe in your capacity to provide good products if you slow down a bit.

    • Hi Nicolas,

      I’m very sorry to hear of the trouble you’ve had with Extra & Bloom. If you could, please contact me in the forum so that I can locate your support tickets and help you resolve the issue. Thanks! 🙂

  66. Fantastic, absolute genius guys,

    I have 10 customer sites in Divi already, all new, and love working with it, the one and only thing I am still looking for is bottom bar customisation without child sheets, you see, Divi has removed the need for child sheets bar replacing a couple of lines in footer.php, yes there are a few plugins for this, but thats extra updates and load, would be brilliant to just hand over a Divi site, no child, extra plugins and say there you go 🙂

    Other than that, Divi is a Sandbox of variety, thanks so much cant wait for this update 🙂

  67. This is my favorite framework hands down! Next should be more control over the responsiveness of the website. I know this last update addressed that issue but it should be more in depth I guess. We should be able to tweak every single module. I still find myself using css to tweak the websites when optimizing it for tablets, ipads, and smartphones. Also, the subscribe module should be compatible to more email marketing companies not just mailchimp and aweber.

    You guys should also release some standalone marketplace plugins…something not reliant on woocommerce. Woocommerce is pricey most of the times.

  68. WOW…exciting features on the horizon. I don’t know if this would ever be possible but this seems to be a way to get a feature request in so I’m going for it. Over and over again I wish for the ability to use DiviBuilder on the default WP templates. What mean is on the category archives, search results and 404 pages. I’m not a coder, that’s WHY I love Divi. But I’ve just created my own archive.php, search.php and 404.php in my child theme. I wish I didn’t have to do that. And since I’m not a coder it’s challenging to make them do what I want.

    I tried out Extra because it has the Category Builder thinking that might address the above issue. It doesn’t. In fact, I was quite shocked to learn that while the Category Builder adds some excellent functionality, it fails to allow all the DiviBuilder modules. Is THAT in the works? Meaning, will Divi incorporate the Category Builder? And will it eventually work with ALL modules?

    Thanks for the best tool ever. I came through Headway and Pagelines and couldn’t be happier that I have a lifetime license with ET. THANK YOU!

    • Yep, totally agree! We need customisation of category pages! We aren’t all CSS coders!

    • Well Sheila you can try out the free insert pages wordpress plugin and some CSS and you will have a shot to get those modules on the front page of the website.

      It is not what I really want to do though.

    • Yes I totally agree that category builder in extra should also be available in divi. This makes divi the most flexible theme.

    • Everything you describe is already possible with Divi.

    • Wasn’t the builder was advertised as being able to work with ANY theme? But I don’t understand how that can be without totally changing the them to a Divi clone. If a theme has a certain look and elements built into it and I can only use the modules that come with Divi, how can I use Divi to populate that theme? And where is the tutorial on how to do that? I would LOVE for that to work as I imagine it. But as I am ALSO not a coder, I can only wonder.

    • This is exactly what I was going to ask. Divi can build a nice webPAGE but if you are trying to build a full site and blog, without the ability to customize the look of your categories… you are going to have a big challenge on your hands. It would be really nice to have the category builder from Extra in Divi, as most of us already have Divi projects and don’t feel like transferring it all to Extra.

      • I agree, you set up a nice custom layout for the blog, then when you click categories, archives, tags or author its very plain.

        • I agree also on this. still trying out different plugins all the time to try to get a better post grid and then everytime the category or project listing page defaults to the plain jane version….the posts really need some work, there should be some upgrades to this finally, has been unchanged for a long time and is not use displaying your blog posts as a grid or masonry on one page and then visitors still end up on category ugly page. There needs to be the option to put all posts as grid or masonry as a default on the theme….please, please, please spend a moment on the blog post category and project category pages. Larger sites need this feature. Right now I have to make my own category page for each blog category or project category using the builder and the module and I cannot ever show category link or someone will get lost in the default archive….this is a LOT OF EXTRA WORK. Still loving DIVI, just hope that 2.8 will fix this feature. The category post look in extra as on option for divi would be GREAT…..so streamlined just beautiful. No waste of space with a huge picture and little bit of garbled text which is what divi gives you and WOW even a read more button…I would love to have a READ MORE button on the category archive. Some of the others make a good point, I can’t switch over to Extra to get some of these things….they should be part of divi theme too, not the builder but the base theme.

  69. Love the new features! Keep ’em coming. How about this to enhance usability… In modules where the WP editor is available the workspace for typing is very small. Each Divi module has a top menu and bottom area (ex: save to library or save button) that take up lots of valuable vertical space that could be given back to the edit window. It’s frustrating to have to work in such a small area on modules where you can add text with the standard WordPress editor. If you can give it back I think it would make many users very happy!

    • +1 I just opened a very old website today where I have running a quite old DIVI … and to my surprise I found the nice right lower corner size trigger there. Why did it disappear? Let people increase the size of their text window as they wish. Seems to be standard in browsers, so I guess you even took the effort to disable it. These are very important basic things and I suggest to take one update round from 2.7 to 2.8 dedicated to fixing all those long term bugs and simple requests.

  70. I would love to see a efficient way of adding say 40 images in a quick and efficient way – and having them display in some kind of tiled format, once clicked see it enlarged and not open as a page.

  71. And still no solution to add more than 4 columns 🙁 all other builders habe this option…

    • They need to fix that. It is a simple fix, but I do not know how much it increases the CSS files for the theme.

  72. What would make Divi really awesome would be to have more customisation over the header and footer. Almost using mini versions of page builder to control these and fine tune them. Then you could have some sexy header and footers that even work on non-Divi pages such as third party plugins standard page layouts etc and retrain a great deal more consistency! 🙂

  73. Seriously happy that I signed up for the lifetime license with your group. Amazing product… amazing everything… But enough with the kudos, now for two favors.

    1) Post Type Addition – Surely Divi can have a setting in Builder that allows the user to check-box the CPT to be Divi capable? Then on your modules that are ‘post’-specific, we could have do like in the Shop module where you select category and only show products of a specific category? But we could select a CPT and the (for example) Post Slider could be one displaying our CPT?

    2) Module Development Manual – You can’t keep all the beautiful to yourself!!! I could (probably) go through the code by hand and figure out how to custom develop a module but SURELY ET could offer a special license? Package? Training series? Slack channel? Where developers could develop custom modules?!

    Love your product either way…

    • For #1:

      I think they have to do a special plugin for that with a module attached to it. Do not think they will support only one plugin for this task.

      For #2:
      I think that is coming. I have gone through the main-modules.php file and it can get people confused as to what is actually going on.

  74. Rock on–These all sound awesome, can’t wait!! : )


    • It looks like they’ve finally figured out _how_ to fix the issue. I would sure think the fix will be in 2.7.

  76. This stuff is awesome and just making my head spin. I love it. I would like to see some of the stuff, like the menu options, that are in extra added to Divi. I’m just a muddler but Divi has allowed me to create some awesome pages.

    Here’s a tip. I think there is a market for a photography theme. I’m a member of a number of forums and consistently see people looking for a good photography website. I know it’s not a huge market but there are a lot more small (one person) photographers that you could imagine.

  77. I think the updates are great as well as their frequency. It allows me to use these updated features on new websites I create. However, I was a bit disappointed when I found the option to have the nav bar at the bottom of the header image wasn’t included on the Divi 2.4 update. Will a bottom bar sticky menu be a layout option in the future? You guys at ET do an amazing job for us creatives. Thank you!

  78. Sweet! Do you accept any new “Beta-Tester” ? If so – add me to your List or tell me how to get on that list 🙂

  79. Dear Nick PLEASE READ THE POSTS! At least 3 people are asking for the same thing here yet you keep ignoring it. Yes, we like all the new fancy stuff that comes out. But we are STILL asking for the same thing to be fixed over and over again so we don’t have to use 10 other options to remove YOUR name and website from the footer. PLEASE READ ALL THE POSTS and figure out what people would REALLY like to see done to divi. Or will you continue to ignore the multitude of people that request it over and over again.

    • ET has consistently ignored requests to do this for a very long time.

      My guess is it will NEVER be the way you want.

  80. Nick:

    I love Divi and my clients to too. Like others on this thread I will echo concern for the rate of updates, but not for the reasons they have.

    There are several outstanding issues, very well-documented in the forums, that seem to be taking a back seat to new releases.

    A “pain-in-the-butt” example is the copyright legend coded into the footer bottom bar. Another example is the misalignment of columns in the footer when a 3-column design is required. A third example is the slider whose container height is determined by text content, leaving the picture size controls virtually useless.

    Nick, these are common areas for designers to use in pretty much every project, yet they have well-documented flaws.

    Personally I’d like to see some attention paid to these problems before your team works on new stuff.

    As I wrote, I love the product. But a rush to release new features when there are notable shortcomings remaining from previous releases is not something I am very happy with.

    Thank you.

    • +1

    • +1 to all fundamental issues that keep being ignored while the rush for new features, as amazing as they are, continues. It would be much better to take care for those things as #1 priority.

    • +1

    • Yes, this.

    • +1

      • +1 as well

  81. Love your new header options. Have you considered giving the ability to set different menu style for mobile vs. desktop? Would like to use fullscreen menu on mobile only, but leave a standard menu on desktop.

  82. Hey Nick, are these Divi updates going to be integrated with Extra? And if so when can we expect to see them? Or maybe Divi will be abke to do everything Extra can soon, and then some?

    I recently switched from Divi to Extra so I can have control over my category pages.

    • I would say all the 2.7 updates will be in both themes.

  83. Very good news!

    But could you make it an option to use translations on the back end? Divi is so great, but the Danish translation is impossible to understand and makes it very difficult to work with Divi. I think most people in Denmark prefer the English words for web-design.

  84. Hello,

    Nice to hear about continuous improvement and new features !

    Can you please consider the possibility of using a particular menu (slide in or full screen for exemple) only on mobile, and keeping the other for large screen ?

    That could be a very nice improvement !

    Best regards,


    • I’d also welcome this feature, for example use a slide-in menu on mobile and a fixed horizontal menu on desktop.

    • +1

    • I was literally just thinking this. We need more menu styles and options, inside & outside of the page builder. For example, I’d like my main menu in my header to be fullwidth on everything other than phones, for which a side slide-in menu would be perfect.

      I’d like to set a custom screen width for when it switches from the full menu over to the mobile slide-in, so that when in landscape mode with my iPad I don’t have to have a dropdown, as there is plenty of screen space to fit in my full menu navigation.

  85. Please make me really happy by allowing editing of the footer without having to use a child them, custom css or a plugin just as you can with the header…

  86. It would be great if you could work on some of the existing shortfalls in Divi instead of jumping ahead. The contact form is still very basic there are no options for check boxes, drop down selections, date and time selectors etc. The gallery and image modules are still two of the weakest points in Divi yet no mention of updates to these modules.

    • Although I love Divi and applaude the new features of 2.7 I do concur with Scott here.

      Just finished a gallery setup and ind the end I actually actually opted for having several instances of the image module instead. The gallery seems limited in terms of styling – doesn’t even have options of aligning the text beneath the thumbs (only left aligned by default).

      Contact form falls short as well – too basic.

    • AH, I thought I was the only one thinking this! Divi’s biggest failing in my view is that it always uses the original image in the modules, instead of an appropriately sized one. Just using the default WordPress functionality which allows one to choose which image size to use would be a leap forward.

      It is just crazy to have a 3 megabyte image at the top of a blurb.

      • +1 from me as well. Fundamenal and should be taken care before implementing mere marketing tools.

    • I agree with Scott. Please please improve the forms. Drop down menus. Check boxes. Character specific fields, i.e. Numbers only, etc. Those things should be improved. Thanks so much for keeping improvements coming.

  87. Another great update! I hope someday the builder’s modules (Blog, Portfolio etc.) will be also compatible with custom posts (it’s a must nowadays…).
    That would make WP+Divi a real CMS.

  88. wow. sounds good. i am keen on seeing the new version. but by the way: did you solve the problem with the DIVI library??? with your import-/export-functionality you do great work but PLEASE do not forget that some of your users do have big problems with your EXISTING implementation which does not work on some installations. THX!

  89. Yes Yes YES!!! I look forward to this a lot! Please consider the awesome suggestion from ET facebook page: Putting “content” in its own tab in module editor. That will save a lot of scrolling.

  90. It would be great to NOW be able to create footers without divi reference. BEING FORCED to create a child theme is the main disadvantage of divi.

    • Not using child themes is a pretty dangerous approach. One update from Divi and any special styling is gone. Trying to understand why one would ever do that. Child themes are not hard to make and are definitely considered a development best practice.

    • We keep asking and they keep ignoring!

  91. Great additions once again!

    I would humbly like to request that at some point, a new header/nav option be added in which the nav and header are separated so that the nav can have its own background color apart from the rest of the header (you know, old-school-like :).

    • this is easy to control with some css styles. I tell the nav menu to be full width, then I give it negative margins on both sides to get away from the container and then give it a background color. This one is for boxed layout and centered logo over nav.

      .et_header_style_centered #main-header div#et-top-navigation {
      background-color: #802024;
      line-height: 40px;
      @media only screen and (min-width: 981px)
      .et_fullwidth_nav #main-header .container {
      width: 100%;
      max-width: 100%;
      padding-right: 0px;
      padding-left: 0px;

      • Thanks for the tip!

  92. How about allowing administrator to disable or hide some builder elements for users with lower rights? How it sounds?

    • I believe this is already implemented, but since I haven’t personally needed to use it, I’ll let the ET folks confirm.

      • That’s right ! It’s call Divi Role Editor.
        (I’m not from ET…)

    • I second that!

  93. Always look forward to the new updates.
    I hope there will be an update soon concerning the “pinch to zoom” functionality on all mobile devices.

    Kind regards,


  94. Sounds great. Getting better all the time!

  95. You read my mind. Just earlier I was wishing I could change the font for a row of blurbs in one go as opposed to going into each one. So can’t wait for the improvement.

    Regarding landing pages: It’s awesome that you’re making it marketer friendly. The only thing I wish it had is a CTA form to rival the high-conversion LP templates you see. As a non-coding marketer/copywriter it would be super cool if I could create LP-CTA forms from ET, either as a new element in Divi builder, or as a plugin.

    Get in touch if you want me to flesh out my idea.

  96. Two things I’d like to see is WCAG 2.0 AA compliance out of the box and clickable slide images without me having to code it in.

    • Clickable slides! Yes!

  97. I love the divi theme the only thing I would like to see is a masonry style gallery, I use photocrati for my home page and divi for everything else. You can see what I mean here http://www.lightleaks.co.uk any chance of adding this feature

  98. Great job, as always! Can’t wait for the new udpdate 🙂

  99. Divi has become the cornerstone of my development tools…which is saying a lot since I’m a designer. I find it very conducive to create my designs based on what I can accomplish in Divi verses creating a blind design and trying to build it from scratch.

    But I have to admit, seeing Divi and Divi Builder in the same post confuses me…if one is using the Divi theme in WordPress, will everything in Divi Builder be doable in the Divi theme?

    Or am I missing something…Divi Builder is used when one IS NOT using the Divi theme…is this correct?

    Like I said, I’m a designer.


    • You may or may not choose to use the Divi page builder when using the Divi theme. That is selected for each page near the top. You choose between that and the default WP editor.

      The builder itself is a plug-in that is supposed to work with any theme and offer the same overall features.

  100. Hi Nick,

    As great as Divi is please god give us a save colour to swatch option. Switching windows and screen to copy paste codes is quite frustrating after the 100th time and long over due considering all the options available already.

    Other than that, no gripes!

    • Agree

      • Yup! A color swatch palette across the whole site would be awesome but this new version for one page at a time will be welcome!

    • I agree!

  101. Will there an option included in the near future that makes it easy to enable Divi Builder for custom post types?

    Will there be an option for creating a page/post layout with divi builder, then locking certain modules / elements so the editors / end users only can edit the modules with textual content. And set a saved post / page layout to load automatically for a certain new post type, new page, new post… etc.

    This would solve a lot of problems of end users needing to know how to load layouts from the library… and will keep them from messing up layout.

    Best regards

    PS: love the css per page (this will only load for the related page?) and the split testing… keep up the great work!

    • For Custom posts types they may have to create a new plugin with a module for it to work.

      I do not think they will do a module for a specific plugin, but one for WOOcomerce page over rides would be fantastic.

      For the CSS that is going to be per page and for each posts. We do have the free per page add to head plugin which I think is great to have if you need special CSS for one page only. Used it once for a client for a DIVI site.

      • Can you post the url for this plugin (per-page CSS)?

  102. With the A/B testing feature coming in 2.7 is the goal to add more marketing analytics and even marketing automation with email and social into the divi platform. I’m working with several expensive SaaS providers to do this, as well as maintaining a wordpress site. I’d love to be able to turn WordPress (which has literally changed my life) into one dashboard for website and marketing.

    • Oliver, there are several plugin companies that offer analytics within WordPress and I suggest looking at Spokal for WordPress integrated marketing automation. There are others.

      Please, please, Divi do NOT go down these routes. Stick to page building please. I beg you. Otherwise your software will try to be all things to all people and you’ll grind to a halt.

  103. Can I manage a multistore with Divi+WooCommerce?

    • Josh, yes you can, wc vendors is free to start or use the official woo plugins, Divi plays well with both.

  104. Will you PLEASE include the copyright in your theme settings! Literally every other premium theme does this and the only reason I can think of that you don’t is to let your website URL slip through for those who forget to update the theme footer file when the update Divi.
    PLEASE consider this – with all the fantastic functions you have, this has to be very simple to do and I can’t understand how you could rationalize NOT doing it.

    • +1 Agree

      • +1 from me. Also seems to me the only explanation that they dont want to do it. For sure has nothing to do with being complicate.

    • +1 – Few things are quite annoying! Everyone wants them to be fixed, and update after update after update ET team ignore them!

      Hope they will hear all ours and our clients wishes!

    • This has been asked for and ignored for a very long time.

      It’s obvious that ET has ZERO intention of making this very simple addition.

    • Agree with the other comments, would be a good feature to have.

    • Yes, that would be good at present I am generating a child theme to achieve this. Divi Booster seems to play up with me so a child theme is really my only option.

    • It would be great to have this information be editable, from within the theme settings

  105. Both the A/B testing and the page level edits are VERY welcome.

    Versions 2.4, 2.6, and now 2.7 have been absolutely dynamite.


  106. It would be great if you could improve the Custom CSS panel in the Theme Editor – even with the last release of 2.6, its still far to small and gets lost at the foot of the page. Would be better if it were on a separate tab or pop out window. Also would be good if it could suggest correct style markup (like in Firebug) for us non programmers!!

    • Try using WPide for a real CSS editor of your child theme CSS.

    • Is it too much work for you to drag the bottom right corner to expand it yourself?

    • I agree, a bigger window would be much better

  107. Great news. One thing I always have an issue with is the lack of support for including php code in the text editor. As soon as you switch to visual, the builder escapes all the tags. Many other builders I have used do not do this. Is there any plan to support php code in the builder? Thanks

  108. Excited about the page settings and the export individual modules for reuse. I can see communities being build just around that feature alone.

  109. I’m so excited !

  110. I’ve been dreaming about split test capabilities. Great job!

    • Try Optimizely. It is what they do, it’s all they do, they do it best.

  111. I think you’re about to blow my mind with Divi Leads. So excited!!!!!

  112. Very excited about Divi leads and split testing, thanks for the updates!

  113. OOOoooo is that a sneak peak at the colour picker having customisable colours that we can define? I would dearly love to have that feature .. it the sneak peaks so far look amazing. THANK YOU.

    • I agree with Cathie and would like a similar capability to customize the color picker at the entire site level.

  114. Is there any way we could get more social media options built into the header and footer? Right now I am going into the PHP and manually adding Instagram and LinkedIn Accounts.

    Keep up the good work.

    • The 3rd party Divibooster plugin handles additional social media networks inc icons & urls.

    • LinkedIn is supported via Divi Booster, FYI.

    • +1 on this! Also would be great to integrate Soundcloud if possible. I know it’s niche, but shouldn’t be too difficult to program multiple social site options within the next build. Thanks and keep up the great work!

  115. Hi Nick,

    Do you plan integrate split testing with Google.Analytics? And how you will do, with a help of Google Tag Manager or Universal Analytics? Without this feature all idea with A/B testing have zero value? How do you understand what is converting?


    • Not sure why Divi is poking at A/B testing, when Optimizely and others are leading in this space? It’s different software and, really, a different everything. What’s next? Social media management? How about analytics? I’d just partner, even integrate via Zapier or whatever and move on. Not even sure that’s necessary.

      There’s so much to do in the page builder realm. Divi’s race isn’t won yet and there’s plenty of horses that aren’t going to step off the track…

      That said, you guys are awesome (at the WP page builder thing) and keep up the great work!

      • I agree with you Chris! It’s quite a childish solution. For my taste it will be better if they integrated simple SEO plugin to avoid all problems with Yoast plugin and all others.

        3 latest updates Divi SEO solution is half-done!!! All features are there, but on every post / page you should replicate all needed meta fields every time. How stupid it is!

        Few freelance programmers said it’s 5-7 days work to implement all cool SEO stuff, that will need and use 100% percent of clients of the Elegant Themes.

        I’m planning to create a Divi Ideas Facebook Group for discussion and critique.


    • Good point. This no doubt would require a more deep integration, and of high value for companies that need to run all metrics through GA.

  116. Excellent work as always Nick, the new features look exciting and really useful. I like the idea of the being able to quickly import modules from other sites….. would be great for rapid mockups and wire framing. Will the import also include content from the original module?

  117. Thanks for the preview Nick… sounds like there yet more great features coming to Divi. I love the idea of being able to quickly import modules and page layouts from other sites… would be very useful for rapid mockups and wireframing…

  118. Hey Nick!

    This looks awesome. I love the A/B testing – that’s going to be so helpful, especially for some of the larger sites in the community.

    I’m also excited about page-specific settings. Thanks for the quality you provide to the web design community!

  119. This looks really great! Looking forward to it. Is there any plans on being able to customize the header and footer on a page by page basis in the future?

    • By definition, headers and footers are content common to every page. If they’re going to change from page to page, why not design them using the page builder?

      What I want is better control of the header and footer styling, as well as some bugs fixed in that area.

  120. Awesome!!!!! You guys are updating this theme at lightning speed!!

    One feature that would be amazing would be to be able to copy a row to a clipboard and paste it on a new page. There might be one row that has a design element of that row that I like. Currently I have to save the entire page to a library and then import the whole thing to a new page. That takes too long. Optimizepress has that feature and I love that. It saves me so much time.

    • You can, just Right Click and “Copy” 🙂

      • It only works with Firefox here.

        • It works in Chrome for me also, but it’s a little flakey.

          • When using tabs, don’t forget to refresh the page (tab) you want to paste to.

  121. Hi Nick, thanks for all these great updates that are lined up. Any plans on making Divi ship with the ability to create custom posts without additional plugins? Was also thinking that the new fields that were added to the contact form are great but could do with more options like checkboxes, dropdowns, radio buttons, etc

  122. Thank you all for the time and effort you’re putting into making Divi better and better. It’s exciting to see all these updates rolling out!

    Any news on whether the full-page options will be available in 2.7? Those would be a huge help on a site I’m currently working on. Excited to see them whenever they do roll out!

  123. Maybe its time to include the pt_PT language! I build websites and many clients want multilanguage, and don’t want to have the pt_BR, the language is almost the same, but makes difference when using wpml to translate… we really need the pt_PT files… just duplicate the pt_BR files and name it to pt_PT so we can choose Portguese from Portugal!

    • Hi Rui,

      As I understand it pt_br is accepted in both Brazil and on the continent, while pt-pt is only accepted in Portugal.

      We never just duplicate the pt-br files into pt-pt — I am guessing you are referencing developer rather than user localization.

  124. Superb!

  125. Looking good…although I have yet to explore all the features from the last update!

  126. Thanks a lot Nick, Divi rocks!

  127. Divi Leads looks nice…

    What we all need is Divi builder for the main menu. I would love to use Image, code, text., map modules and more in the menu.

    • I also agree. In fact, I would say the footer and menu are much more in need of immediate — though the new features described sound neat.

      • Totally agree on this one – need more options in terms of menu design

        • Yes!,

          More focus on header, specifically MEGA-MENU, thanks for all the great work…

          Love DIVI

    • Yes, it would be good for instance to have some form of selection for hover options. If fact more selectivity would be great so we do not have to rely on CSS to get the design we want

    • Do you mean mega menu capability? That would be cool!

      • You can actually utilize mega menus now with 2.6. Within the Menus manager, select Screen Options then check the box for CSS Classes. Go to the top level menu item you want to organize your mega menu under and in the CSS Classes text enter
        “mega-menu” in the text box.

        After which, you can organize all of your pages (or whatever) under your tier 2 Menu links. Just a fair warning, I’ve been experimenting with using a semi-transparent background with a client’s mega menu and it doesn’t go semi-transparent behind the tier 3 Menu text. So, you may want to stick with a solid color option. If you solve that problem, let me know!

        Hope that helps!

        • Kenny…. We want stuff like map, sidebar, and text modules in the menu. That is not a Divi 2.6 thing.

      • I would love to have mega menu capabilities. I am new to Divi and can’t seem to figure out how to make breadcrumbs work on pages. Works on my blog posts just fine.

      • 100000% yes… Mega Menu capability.. You do have the free Max Mega Menu wordpress plugin, but the same DIVI builder you have for posts and pages can be used in the menu area.

        You don’t need every module, but this would be a major design improvement.

    • I totally agree with this. I’d like to add more to the main menu as well.

      • Agreed. Divi is currently weak in the menu & footer departments (though the latest release addresses some things).

        Also, if some feature like Divi Booster exists, it’s features should pretty much be addressed by now. Heck, just hire Dan and buy his code… done.

      • This would be amazing. I’d love to be able to customize the menu, footer and widget items the same way we customize sections and rows on a page.

        • +1 Agree!

  128. Great news 🙂
    I hope full screen slider will be available in Divi 2.7

    One more cool fix would be adding custom social media icons and links in person module.

    • This would be really helpful, as Xing for instance is missing for Germany

    • We have lots of cool plans for adding Full Screen support to various modules, but right now this isn’t on the list of 2.7 updates. Rest assured, it’s on our list of things to do though!

      • I am new with Divi and have been using it for 3-4 months. I see lot of improvement in that short a time. I had some requests.

        Can you separate logo from primary menu so that we can have different backgrounds.

        Can you add more animation options for slider and gallery

  129. Nice! Looking forward for the new features. Keep it up guys 🙂

  130. 2.7 looks great – do you know if it will correct the outstanding fault in 2.6 where adding new pagebuilder modules (such as text) causes the site to hang with a spinning “wheel” as described in my recent open ticket (submitted by account user “rkjonline” on Feb 7th)?

    • Please make sure you clear your plugin caches (such as WordFence cache) as well as your browser cache (in that order). You may also need to increase your hosting account’s PHP memory limit or disable plugins to reduce your overall memory usage within the WordPress admin interface.

      • Sorry Nick, but the problem is occurring on a raw WP 4.4.1 install, no plugins or caching. The only additional product is the DIVI 2.6.2 theme itself.
        Memory is set to 96M and as it is a shared hosting environment I cannot get this increased.
        I have quite a few other DIVI installs (at 2.5.9 or earlier) which are operating with no problems.
        Any suggestions would be welcome as my open ticket has been unanswered for several days now.

  131. Awesome!!!

  132. Can you confirm that Divi Builder 2.7 will work with Explorable Theme Listings? Since the release of Divi Builder, it has not accessible for interacting with Explorable Theme custom post types (Listings).

    • Here you go Jack, just edit the array with the additional post types you would like to add. (in this case I have added Popup Maker’s and LearnDash’s custom post types – but you can change them to whatever you like – use the post type slug):

      add_filter( 'et_builder_post_types', 'rbs_et_builder_post_types' );
      function rbs_et_builder_post_types ($post_types) {
      	$custom_post_types = array (
      	$new_post_types = array_merge($post_types, $custom_post_types);
      	return $new_post_types;
      • Well Reidtech custom posts types are more complicated than just that.

        Custom posts have multiple and different types of fields…

        When I think Custom posts and DIVI I think of creating a template for the custom post type with the use of a module or even possibly modules we do not have yet

        then we can start to fill out posts for that custom post type and template we made.

        • Yes, this will only enable the builder for post_content. Not sure how one could use the builder with custom post metas.

          Creating templates for builder modules that don’t exist yet? Interesting idea, but not related to this.

    • We don’t currently have this set for 2.7, but it’s definitely something we plan to look into. Adding support for popular post types shouldn’t be a problem, so maybe we can still get it into 2.7 for you 🙂

  133. Great work guys. How about adding to Divi the Post options currently only available on Extra? Also, how about some modules to create split screen (two columns, one fixed) content?

    • Great Idea. I am missing the menu options available only on Extra.

      • Yes, those menu options are great however I cannot help wondering is they use js and therefore slow down the site

    • Can you elaborate on what you mean by “split screen (two columns, one fixed) content?”

      • So what’s the news? Can we look forward to blog modules in Divi Builder soon?

      • Hello guys,

        Glad to discover that I’m not the only one.

        Please, take time to add your voice to this post I made on the forum about Extra and its locked up power ! This issue is kind of related to Divi…
        This is exactly what we’re talking about here.


      • @Sergio OOoooh That Tesla Theme is sweet! Thanks for the share! That however can totally be built with Divi with a few tweaks. Might actually give that go! 🙂

        • Now we will all want to know if you did it. 🙂

        • @Websternet really? Great, would love to see how you make that happen 🙂 Tesla Themes are very good, but they are, in the end, templates designed for a very particular purpose. That’s what they do. I think Divi is the future!

      • Sergio, are you referring to the ability to flow one piece of text across multiple columns (sort of like what you can do in indesign)? That would be handy.

        • Yes! To have a two column layout, each one with independent scrolling.

        • Wow! Love it!

      • I concur, all of the Post related modules in Extra should be in Divi Builder!

        • I agree, in fact, I would go so far as to ‘rename divi builder’ to something else, because of the confusion between divi builder and divi theme in documentation, which references both as ‘divi’ and I get very confused sometimes.

        • I agree, in fact, I would go so far as to ‘rename divi builder’ to something else, because of the confusion between divi builder and divi theme in documentation, which references both as ‘divi’ and I get very confused sometimes.

        • I agree as well because just now, I was thinking about why can’t Divi have different blog style from masonry to timeline etc

          • Absolutely agree. Divi should have the same blog/post modules as Extra. People have been asking a long time for this and then when it came, it’s only available in a different theme as opposed to just being part of the Divi Plugin.

    • I’m with Sergio on this. This would be awesome!

      • I absolutely agree that divi should have post module like what extra have. Please consider it.
        Thank you

  134. Great news nick, thanks!

  135. Nice Ideas, i was typing the custom css for a page in text module but when i save page many times or duplicate, the and the content of it automatically disappear.
    I can see Divi 2.7 solving it, keep going.

    • Hi Mohamed,

      I am not sure I understand the issue you are describing. Please open a support ticket with more details so our team can take a look.

      It sounds like you may be adding “<style></style>” tags within the CSS boxes, which is not necessary and would cause characters to be removed during the data validation process.

      • @Chris: https://greatwizoo.com uses a not valid security certificate….

        Leave us alone you troll, thx….

        • Thanks for the heads up on the security certificate. His comment has been removed. That said, let’s keep it civil.

    • * the “<style.." and the content of it automatically disappear.

  136. Hi Nick,

    As usual, all of this looks and sounds awesome. Further underlining Divi and the Divi Builder as more than a theme and a framework.

    Looking back at what Divi was in it’s infancy, Divi is now different in so many ways. With each version, Divi gets more kick ass!!

    However, is it changing too fast? I don’t necessarily mind fast update cycles…but it always seems like an awesome feature becomes available just as a client’s site is finished. It is not always possible to go back to that client for many reasons and add that new feature or design tweak in.

    On occasion you can make more money by going back to a client and asking them would they like this new feature to improve x, y or z. However, like I said, it’s not always possible to do that.

    Is there an update cycle that you guys work to every time?

    Kind regards,


    • While I appreciate the work that goes into Divi and the improvements, I too have concerns about the short update cycle and lack of LTS branches.

      During development of the last Divi website we did there were at least a half dozen new major Divi releases, requiring backtracking in development to keep the site current before even launching it.

      Child themes help a bit, but I still have to do a diff on the filesets and modify my child themes to work with each new Divi version.

      Yes, we need LTS branches of Divi at this point. Please.

    • This makes absolutely no sense to me.

      “Stop adding stuff so fast cause I can’t get paid to go back and add the newest cool feature to my clients’ sites!!”


      Past clients have paid you for a specific thing. New features to Divi are irrelevant to what they paid for.

      I’m baffled by your logic. I guess it’s just the sales guy in me. I take it you don’t have much real world sales experience Simon. 🙂

      • +1. The more updates, the better. This is not like Apple updating OS and making it uncompatible with past OS and application… Another whole topic, I know

    • I agree with Simon. I love the updates, but would it would be helpful to have an update cycle.

    • This is the most ridiculous criticism I’ve seen. You’re suggesting they hold off on improving… Maybe they should lay off a few developers so they don’t create the good stuff too quickly. Think about what you’re asking them to do. Of course your business is a concern to them (as well as all of our businesses), but their goal and main concern shouldn’t be too worry about how you treat/charge clients, but how to come up with the best framework in the shortest time to please the majority of their subscribers (which in turn pleases their clients).

      • I was thinking the same. Ridiculous complaint. Keep going! Full steam ahead! To much heat? Get out of the kitchen.

      • Everything is alright!
        Continue to the improvements.
        Similar rapid intervals.
        Ideas come to work. It is natural.
        Thank ET

        • Confidence because I see diligence. Life in the Divi:)

      • I wholeheartedly agree with Abel! I have nothing but good stuff to say about Divi but what makes it surpass above the competition is its quest of constant and never ending improvement. Keep them coming guys!!!

      • Well said.
        Bring on the Updates, I can’t wait to see what’s next!

      • I agree with Abel. That criticism doesn’t exactly make sense. Don’t think of a new Divi version as a chore— something more to do. But instead think of it as a opportunity. Get your clients excited about the new possibilities that just became available, and they’ll gladly open up their wallets to get the new features from you. In fact, you should even sell a continuity program that includes you keeping their website up to date with the newest versions of WordPress, Divi, etc. Then, every time ET comes out with a new version, you’re able to provide more value to your clients.

        • Thumbs up Bruno, Abel and Tim! We are just scratching Divi extension/features and no need to lose steam.

      • I agree with Abel. Short development cycles are most favored. Besides bug fixes, new features are very much welcomed and encouraged. Divi should never increase their development cycles. Plus that is a good business model for them to keep annual renewals alive.

        • I was astounded at the criticism. Divi is awesome but it still has a ways to go to reach its potential. The Page CSS settings is something that I have missed from VC. This is one of the best ways to get a custom effect without having to create new classes or IDs for just one page. I love where Divi is heading and I am now beginning to use it on two client sites. Thanks!

          • Spot on Ben, being able to set CSS for a single page is something I too have wanted for some time. Why have styles load site wide that are only needed on one page?

    • I agree on this concern Simon.

      Maybe Divi can now consider making LTS (long term support) releases of certain Divi versions?

      Like for example when 3.0 comes out it can have a 12 month (minimum?) support for any errors and bugs in correlation with either the latest WordPress version or one specific version (4.4.x for instance).

      I am not sure how LTS could be “best” implemented in correlation with the majority of the typical Divi user. Maybe the current way as it is, really is the best?

      • In our company we work with lean methodology, updating our site in short cycles. Very soon we will launch our new site using Divi.

        Fast update cycles from ET are perfect in this scenario because we always have something to feed our ideas log to keep the site improving.

        Example: we were just discussing to have a split testing system in our landing pages and boom “Divi 2.7” just present it, convince us to wait before researching other plug-ins.

        • Same As Bruno. We update in Fast cycles as well. If a new version is out we are always on board with the implantation. Keep those updates coming.

        • Try Optimizely if you don’t want to wait. That’s their pure focus. Fairly smooth learning curve.

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