Divi Feature Sneak Peek: Dynamic Content

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 106 Comments

Divi Feature Sneak Peek: Dynamic Content
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A More Dynamic Divi is on the Way!

Few features have been requested more than dynamic content and we’re excited to share that development on this important feature has begun.

Divi has been popular from the very beginning because of the power it places in the hands of every user, regardless of technical ability. As Divi has matured we’ve added features that allow you to fine-tune just about every element of your website, in real-time, right before your eyes. No coding required. For many of us, it has forever changed the way we design websites. Similarly, we think this update will forever change the scope and complexity Divi users are able to achieve with their WordPress websites without the need for complex development. Simply put, Dynamic Content inside Divi will place a whole new set of web design superpowers into the hands of each and every Divi user.

What is Dynamic Content?

Believe it or not, but dynamic content is not completely new to Divi. In fact, you may already be familiar with it, even if the term itself is new. The best current example of dynamic content within Divi are modules like the Fullwidth Post Title Module.

This module pulls in content from your post’s metadata, featured image, and post title field to create a more customizable post header/title. It’s that action of pulling in content from somewhere else that makes the module dynamic. When you save that module and add it to another post, the design settings will stay the same while the content it displays will change dynamically based on the new post’s content.

In our upcoming dynamic content feature release we’ll be expanding on this type of functionality and adding it to a lot of exciting and useful places throughout Divi.

Every Module a Dynamic Module

With the dynamic content feature release every text and image input in every Divi module will be able to display dynamic content.

Having dynamic content so thoroughly integrated into Divi will open the doors for a staggering amount of creativity. We can’t wait to see all of the unique ways you will find to take full advantage of the new dynamic content options we’re building in.


What You’ll Be Able to Do

Just in case the impact of this update hasn’t quite sunk in yet, let’s take a moment to tease some of the things you’ll be able to do with Divi’s new dynamic content functionality.

The first and most obvious use case for this feature release will be creating custom page and post β€œtemplates” (which will actually be layouts with dynamic elements saved to your Divi Library) that you can reuse over and over again without updating or changing any of the template’s text and image elements manually. Want an author image/bio at the top of a post instead of the bottom? No problem. Want to design a cool and creative way to display comment counts? No problem. Want to create novel title/feature image displays that were previously impossible? No problem.

But perhaps the most interesting and exciting use case for Divi’s new dynamic content will be all the ways you’ll be able to use custom fields. With this new release you’ll be able to take any custom field that you’ve created or that third party plugins provide and pull that content into a layout that you have near total design control over. This should result in a stunning array of dynamic content templates that simply wasn’t possible before. And I for one, can’t wait to see what we and you create.

So Much More to Come

As exciting as this feature release is,
the best is yet to come.

As if everything we’ve already discussed isn’t enough, this impending feature release will be just the beginning of dynamic content inside of Divi. This update will lay the groundwork for some of our most requested Divi features of all time. Namely, the ability to use the Divi Builder to create and edit headers, footers, custom post types, category pages and more. Check back next week for more details in our next sneak peek!

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  1. Why not add a module visibility parameter based on whether it is a logged in user or not? In this way it would be fairly simple to build membership sites and other types of protected content

  2. This looks like it could be fantastic but one of the things it MUST be able to do is for the user to be able to set the length of the content which is shown.

  3. Just a question about backgrounds and dynamic content…

    I don’t know for others “non-coders-website-creators”, but for a while now, I’m thinking of proposing to clients who do not want to use something like the Visual Builder (yes, they exist…) a simple UI with just standard fields to add or customize their content.

    Of course with ACF Pro, a bunch of plugins like the Sean Barton Injectors or ACF Module, or Toolset, you can do that for text, images…

    But what about the backgrounds in the Builder ? Many visual content in the builder use section backgrounds, row background etc… And if people cannot customize the big background visual of the hero section at the top of their page, you can’t really tell them they will be able to customize the visual aspect of their page.

    So I’m asking myself if somewhere in the next massive dynamic update, we have a chance to see something like that. I haven’t read anything about it though. Any ideas about that ?

  4. Wonderfull… i am actualy building a News Magazine Website and need to create custom Post Templetes, single post temple and category page. Please when those update will be released???

  5. Awesome, love the dynamic content! This will make global modules even more useful. Thanks!

  6. Wow!

  7. Once this matures I can see ET developing Custom Post Type solutions much like they currently create those great looking templates.

  8. You guys have done it again! Bring it on. So excited, keep us updated and launch soon so i can start playing with the new features. πŸ˜‰ you guys rock.

  9. Ok, Just an idea which came up whil setting up your architecture firm layout – but please think about it.

    Dynamic Content!

    1. What do we already have:
    2. What is actually needed:

    So what do we already have:

    WordPress by default offers Bolg posts; So next step would be actually that ET would offer a plugin which would insert a certain number of blog posts with images – best some neutral Lorem Ipsum stuff.
    Or even better if also those blog posts would be “packages” to certain themes – i.e. Building Architecture – with some lorem ipsum which reflects that and of course images from the building front

    For the restaurant, coffee, diner etc. some delicious looking images and of course perhaps some recepie-ipsums

    For churches, you could use bibleipsum.com and some of those typical worship images.

    – – –

    We have Projects – that post type which exists in any DIVI site but often does not get used. Here I would suggest that instead of providing a project page, simply provide a package to insert a certain number of projects.

    – – –

    Well most are using woocommerce but until now there is not even one package which provides simply a pack of products with categories, attributes, articles, prices, images etc. so that setting up a woocommerce shop would be a job of a click in a second. And of course, immediately all your shop pages would really make sense that content would get inserted dynamically and it would switch to any other template with a theme switch.

    – – – – – –

    What is unfortunately still not existing but part of nearly every theme

    Create another default Post type called Team (like you had a project) where you could now insert all Team member pages which then on the Team page would get dynamically collected. A link to the users and group table would be useful to i.e. pull some data perhaps even from there. If such a Team post type would exist also Theme builders could use it for their own themes. This again would cause that suddenly DIVI themes would get where TYPO3 Themes have been already 14 years ago. You switch the Theme and your content switches.

    – – –

    A whole lot Themes have an Events page – Again here it would be great if those events could be entered in an easy form which then dynamical would get integrated into your templates. Here I would suggest to simply FORK one of that great Premium which has it all plugins incl. booking and creating your DIVI events Post type. All kind of venues could use it and Restaurants, Car rentals could use it for their booking etc. and again you could dynamically design nice Events pages and the content in those pages would simply switch to a new look and feel with every Template change.

    – – –

    Directory – here I would recommend using simply wp_jobmanager and its huge capabilities as a directory for all kind of stuff. I mailed you already on how to get that done easily! By doing that you could design immediately job boards, property sites, classifieds, people directories, car rentals, and so much more – and again you would only insert those dynamical markers into your content and would provide some demo entries for those then DIVI DYNAMIC TEMPLATE compliant plugins. Site development would speed up tremendously and support will get much easier as most people would use the same plugins to get things done. No more search to get the XYZ solution instead you can provide your customers an approved system of approved modules and plugins and if they don’t like it – well no problem simply charge double or even triple for customizations πŸ˜‰

    – – –

    besides that, you would need only 3 more pages which occurs in more or less all of your templates. If you would make now that content available via “Form” in the backend to be filled up, you could immediately dynamically pull in content for the About, the Services and the Contact Page.

    The Contact Page Data could also be used for some standard must-haves like “Imprint” “Privacy” and “Terms” – while those terms and Privacy parts – the legal ones could be a default like it is used by the terms and privacy module. Dynamically all that information could get filled into those pages after the correct data had been entered into the Contact Form – Form in the Backend.

    With this pulling in content dynamically could be a very easy task. You could charge your hours for it why not but you also could simply ask the customers to fill in the data by themselves without that the structured layout of your developed design would be in danger at any time to get deleted in a whole or part by the customer.

    – – –

    If you besides that simply integrate an easy way to RENAME Projects or the other new Post types I mentioned, then immediately agencies and developers could reuse all their stuff for multiple projects. It would save tons of times! Which would mean it would reduce also the costs of getting things done tremendously!

    By reusing ONLY one set of standard and well known and very flexible and extendible plugins in all your themes all your Themes could be filled dynamically if that same set would get used over and over again but of course in always different Theme surroundings.

    By the way you could even start with CHURCH Content and simply call it DIVI Content – It has an Event Calendar (even recurring events), Pod and videocasts even – they call it sermon manager, Members page which could be used for Team, Group (Members) too, You would have Locations for all your address data stuff, we only would need to add an additional marker for that address which is one of the sites;-) and then create the contact page out of it. Combine that now with wp_jobmanager and you will be able to use that same set over and over again with that already integrated booking manager and Projekts Portfolios for all your Themes – dynamically.

    If people like to use instead another plugin they could also easily pull over that data by simply changing the custom post type data to the one of the new plugin – done. Still, Data could get pulled in dynamically when now that new post – type could get defined in the DIVI settings!

    For complete purists who like to work complete without plugins and instead like to create a new post -types by themselves also their naming could be entered here to make it again working with the DYNAMICAL DIVI Themes.

    Images could be defined by “categories” or image tags and then get pulled automatically too. Instead of having the need to check every single link you could upload a set of images and simply assign all in one step to a certain page and – Bingo – all would jump right in place of all kind of image creations – overlapping, or not. No need anymore for editors to mess up with page designs at all!

    Kind regards


    • No it makes it too restrictive and bloated. Different people want different things. There are many different ways of creating custom posts and custom fields what Divi is hopefully doing and should concentrate on is how that data is displayed.

  10. It would also be very interesting that forms could be created for the front-end so that the user could enter data in the fields.
    This would make DIVI a total framework and could create a web from beginning to end with DIVI, it would become the best page builder in the market without any doubt and without competition.

  11. Is this the end of EXTRA?

  12. Hi,
    I love Divi due to the power it puts in the hands of people & its speedy evolution.
    I have a little issue, however. I’m an academician & maintaining my iwn blog using Newspaper theme. I’ve also purchased Divi & want to use Divi instead of Newspaper theme but i can’t find a theme pack suitable for blogs which contain text/articles mostly instead of images & videos.
    Divi provides stunning layout packs for several industries. Should i expect a layout pack suitable for articles/text in the near future? Are you working on any such thing?

  13. Cool, is it going to be possible to add dynamic price to pricing tables when Woocommerce is going to be in multicurrency mode? Or inject shortcodes into pricing tables?

  14. Now that is what I call CAPITALISM!

    Competing products pushing each other forward. In the end, the users benefit. When this is released, all the committed Divi users are going to massively benefit.

    Great direction, great product.

    Also remarkable at how Divi stays relevant despite how long it has been around.

  15. Toooop!!!

  16. That whole Blurb with a toggle and accordion is really confusing! Can anyone explain that to me?

  17. This is fantastic. I loved that Posts could be fully customized but didn’t like having to “build” a new layout for each post (or rely on pieces saved in the library). This and a template should make things even easier!

  18. Goodness, As soon as I get my head around being creative with a current new feature, another one arrives, and another, and yet another! It feels like I’m a rabbit in car head lights frozen in awe of how spoilt we are.

    Hell I need a couple of days off, could you slow it down a tad, I can barely walk that fast. LOL !! At least I’ll never get dementia with the way you guys exercise my brain!

    Obviously eternally grateful thank you for everything you do and are doing.

    Oh and … Do you people ever sleep?

  19. What is with single post and projects pages – until now without childtheme it won’t work to give them a unique design which will always be the same WITHOUT that the editor / author applies a specific divi template to it – what a pity. It must be possible that we as an agency can design a custom blog or projects or any other custom posts page design with Divi which then gets applied automatically to all post types that design has been build for.

    At the end the customer won’t need to add any template or layout anymore to a post or even design the whole post with divi as that will be done automatically by the “divi developer” in advance.

    Divi Developer designs templates for each Post type – blog posts, project posts, … other custom post types

    Divi Developer assigns each design to one or more specific post types

    If possible he could give the customer a choice to choose from i.e. with the blog posts we have the ability to define if it is a link, a video, audio etc so it would be good if it would be possible to assign for each one of them a specific divi design which automatically gets applied.

    If possible the same could happen also concerning categories (good for all kind of post types) That way the Divi Designer could design i.e. a News Page with a nice Travel News header, which is different to the design of Recipies or an Audio Page – Kind of Blog Posts – or specific predefined Categories.

    The Editor, Author could use his mobile app to enter the content like with any other wordpress normal template and it would be stored as Blog Post, He only would choose the usual setting, i.e. Featured image – Kind of Blogpost – Categories


    For the output the assigned design for that specific post type and its category or Kind of Post, gets combined with the contend the Author has added. Images and Text, Title etc data would switch immediately inrto the right position like the DIVI Developer has planned it – and then served for the output.

    – – –

    I think that would be the only really good way to do it as otherwise authors and editors mix again with the design which then can get messy and inconsitent throughout a blog, especially if you have more than one author.

    A predesigned Single Post Design could also be specific to a specific User or even a combination User, Blog/Project, Category – all could be done by simple conditions which could be defined in the DIVI Builder settings!

    When will something like that be available?

    Kind regards

    • Plus One for you, Andi.
      Like Peter said “It’s just dynamic data and conditions go hand-in-hand.”

      But what bothers me, it’s already two weeks since they have showed us a sneak peek.

    • Yes! What Andi said

    • Good God Andi, if they designed everything in advance for you, what would your clients need you for, I suppose to collect their money! Yes that’s it, that would work, Hey we could all just count money all day, wouldn’t that be good ! LOL ET could do all the design work, Our clients could push buttons, and we could count money! Yes lets do it like that ….. Seriously ? ha ha ha

      • I’m going to assume you didn’t even read what Andi said (instead of thinking something worse). He is not asking ET to design the blog, but rather provide the tools within Divi for himself as the web developer to design a layout (or layouts that they could choose from).

  20. Hi there,

    Loved this post, and Divi itself, so thank you!

    One thing that has always bugged me is that once I log in to Elegant Themes it still has the ‘Login’ link at the top right to log in. Over and above that, often when I click to download something, it asks me to log in, or at least assumes I need to. Please can you guys work on that (maybe simple?) change…?

    Love your work though!

  21. This is nice, but I hope that you can add a URL field to the API field when you create one for a site so we can track which API’s are attached to which site in the E.T. member admin panel.

    Also, how about adding an icon to show where custom CSS is within any part of a page/post row, column, section, module… yeh, it’s easy to loose track! WP Bakery Visual Composer did this a long time ago. What is preventing us having the same with Divi please?

  22. Something that would be really useful (in the blog module specifically), is that you could have the option to choose whether or not to show the excerpt or content, that is, none of the 2 is shown, even have the option to show the metadata in one or another position, this would be really useful to be able to configure the covers of the blogs and create oneself these same type magazine. Even with the options that are in the Extra theme I still lack that option and also the option to choose the width of the clone where it is displayed. Example, if I have a column 2/3 and I only want to show a post, if I put it in grid mode, it automatically shows it to me from 1/3

  23. While this announcement sounds great I’m already concerned about performance.
    “You can do everything with everything…” sounds to me like “…but it will be slow”. Right now Divi isn’t fastest builder out there, and I’m afraid that such improvement will have high toll in overall speed even further.

    Hope I’m wrong.

    It’s good time to reduce shortcodes usage in favour of HTML+CSS classes – especially when it comes to a layout features. [ET_ROW] is really and the only reason (that I can think of) for using shortcodes in such place is to keep users hostages of your builder.

    • …[ET_ROW] is really “div class=row” and…

      html tag was dropped…

      • It would be something to considered with Gutenberg on the way.

        Thing is though we don’t really know where WordPress core will be going in regards an implementation of a box model for layout, catering for sections, rows and columns. This would be an ideal setup for page builders to hook into with an api and would make switching between themes and page builders more seamless and pain free.

        Until we get a clearer picture on where Gutenberg is going and if it will have such a feature outlined above, there’s no point in page builders changing how they do their thing without knowing what tools may or may not be available in the future.

        I am sure Nick and his team are concious of this, the same as other page builder vendors, and have already invested time researching the possibilities with the Gutenberg block.

  24. Extras Blog Modules in the Divi Builder?? …seriously that’s all I’m asking for – what could be so difficult?

    I can buy a third party plug in to use them so why cant Elegant just bite the bullet and include them in Divi – I don’t get it! It’s not like people are paying extra for ‘Extra ‘ so whats the issue ?

    WP roots are in its blogging capabilities but you gets are set to loose customers over DIVI’s inability to do just that

    • Dynamic modules will lead to the ability to design your own blog layouts… at least this is how I understand it. Making Divi dynamic will lead to many of the long awaited features we’ve been asking for… I just hope they move quickly because those features are needed yesterday.

    • *guys*

  25. Hi Divi. Can you add woocommerce theme in the elegant themes…? Thanks.

  26. Please please please ensure this new feature set is working cleaning/tightly with Toolset plugins and Gravity Form. The Holy Trifecta! Unstopable!

    • +10000000000000

      • Oh my goddess… yes… toolset integration FROM THE DIVI SIDE… would be magic…

  27. I was about to say fluff! But I’m glad that you mentioned custom header, custom post types, category pages and so on…If this so called dynamic content has to do with that then I’ll be looking forward to it!

    As soon you said custom post types, I immediately thought of Woo shop page and product page.

    Any ETA on multisite functionality? I want to be able to set user roles on the network level. If you guys can add something like this then you guys would be on top! I think the only builder standing Divi’s way is possibly Beaver…

    Appreciate the hard work ET Team!

    I can’t wait for this update!

  28. I have just bought a licence of the “CPT Layout Injector” plugin to try to get some of this functionality!! GRRR πŸ™‚

    The lack of a decent “blog module” with support for Custom Post Types has been the main reason I have spent the last week looking at alternative page builders. Finally, it is good to see some development time is being spent where it counts, on content management features, rather than new granular border-radius controls and “slideable” number inputs… really guys?

    So keen for this HUGE step toward being “par for the course” when it comes to modern page builders!

    I do appreciate your efforts to continually improve the builder, so take my snarky remarks with a pinch of salt and keep up the good work.


  29. This is nice and all, but I’m still frustrated with the terrible blog module. You can’t make boxes line up, you have little to no control over the shape and size of anything inside the module (no option for “No Excerpt”), and even Extra can do a better layout that Divi, which is by far the better overall theme. Really shocked at all this advanced feature nonsense when your blog module is worse than free WP themes…

  30. Love the improvements to come, Nathan! Thank you all from Elegant Themes’ team! One question: Will we be able to add more columns to the rows and resize them by dragging the columns to the right or left? That is one of the most important improvements Elegant Themes should care about, in my humble opinion. Site Origin, Elementor, and other page builders bring that important option. Not to mention the nested columns (So important!). We have to struggle by writing css, media queries / flexbox to correct that. Please, tell us ET is considering to work on that in the near future. Thank you for the amazing work Elegant Themes has been implementing on Divi. And excuse my “brazilian” English.

    • We’ll be doing a sneak peek post every week. I don’t want to announce anything before it’s time to, but stay tuned πŸ™‚

  31. Divi builder is so complete, but sometimes load all modules is unnecessary. In divi global setup could have a switcher that i could choose what module I want in my theme, reducing a lot of Kb of CSS and JS.

    The Divi CSS file is so much big (450Kb). So please, put this feature in divi theme and it will be the most important feature ever made… trust me…

  32. Ohhh wow!!! Had a discussion not later than 4 hours ago with a potential client for a project which requires exactly that feature! Was considering using another template as I had no idea how to manage that in Divi. You are saving my life!! When when when is it coming? Can’t wait! A million thanks and hope you will also deliver few video tutorials on how to manipulate this new feature.

  33. this update its awesome, but i will wish like can have more desing options in blog module that grid and default post

    thanks your by the updates

  34. Please please search and filter functionality with Ajax refresh! Something like wp-types or facetwp but with the elegance of Divi’s interface. This would be amazing for directory and listing sites.

    • +1000000000000000000

  35. Question, will we be seeing any major overhaul with WooCommerce?

    It’s a major part of most websites, 90% of my clients even if they don’t need it always ask is it an option.

    I saw the word foundations mentioned in a comment. Unless the builder plays some key role in the Theme, shouldn’t the builder come 2nd and the theme comes first, its the foundation. This all goes out the window if the builder does.

    Looking forward to future of Divi, it’s still my favourite builder on the market. Just doesn’t support what I want atm…

  36. Holy Moly, you literally saved the best for the end of the video… This update is gonna blow Divi to the moon! I’m sure you’ll do amazing work, can’t wait to start working with it. The whole team at VEONIO is excited for it!

  37. Hi, this sounds good. But please prioritize make du I faster and iron out the bugs. I experience regular Problems 1) with the visual builder not saving changes and 2) with modules that are broken after an divi update. I would rather see fixed These instead of new features as maintaining multiple client pages create a lot of unpayed extra work when updates break the module options.

  38. Divi 3.0 & The All New Visual Builder Has Arrived! I know I see this a lot at the top of the page when going to this site…

    Since we have moved onto DIVI 3.2 and we are moving into dynamic content I think the Divi 3.0 & The All New Visual Builder Has Arrived! wording needs to change right??

    • Hard to believe its been 2 years. Old news now and old “masterpiece” ads on Facebook. When all these updates come out they could make some awesome promos!

  39. Hope you guys find a way to incorporate a custom table data Divi Module – repeating custom data regions that could be styled with Divi would be wonderful.

  40. Will there be time based elements? So you can set a module to display between a certain start and end date? For example, a restaurant has a mothers day brunch. They send me the details 2 months ahead and want it to be published on their menu page starting a month before mothers day and be removed the day after.

    And an off topic question. Is development on the module customizer on the development planning? Each module there only has a hand full of settings while the actual modules have over 50. I’d like to see all these options in the module customizer as side wide defaults. Much like the button settings in the theme customizer, but even that one doesn’t have all options that are available in the button module.

    • I do not think Timed based elements are going to be in the first release of this plugin, but they may add that in at a later date. We do have the DIVI display logic plugin that does time based elements.

  41. Oh man that’s fantastic! Been using ACF and Pods Framework for many projects, and just found too complicated to integrate with Divi and thus had to turn to other themes and builders. Now I’ll be able to create anything I can imagine πŸ˜€

  42. This is what I’ve been hoping for! I was an avid enthusiast of the now defunct HeadwayThemes and it’s ability to pull content dynamically from any post or page was one of the main features I loved. This will make Divi truly exceptional. I can’t wait!

  43. Even more reason to love Divi! Keep up the good work Team Divi.

  44. Fantastic…so glad I found Divi.

  45. Does this dynamic stuff include WooCommerce? πŸ™‚

    • I am going to assume that it does even if it is not in the first release of this groundbreaking new version of the DIVI theme.

      I ham hoping for support for plugins we really have not touched yet with plugins like IDX and Events.

  46. This is great to hear. I’ve managed to do this by coding my own shortcodes to add the dynamic content to post templates (like the post date, author etc.) but soon I won’t need to do that as it’ll be baked in, which is brilliant!

  47. Hi! Is there any chance that you can add an automatically rotating Carousel feature to divi?? Or is there a plugin that provides that functionality?

  48. I’ve been waiting for this for 2 years. This should be realy fun! Thanks!

  49. Applying these dynamic content for all posts or for a particular category of posts – that will be awesome.
    Waiting for that.

  50. Wow! This is fantastic news. Cannot wait to see the impact this has on designing and building sites – kid at Christmas describes me best right now ?

  51. Wow! Just wow!!!

  52. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see a feature coming to Divi. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long for this foundation to be built upon so that it becomes truly useful. Without the ability to apply dynamic templates to entire categories, post types, archives or other regions conditionally, the feature will become a lame duck.

    Please don’t half-a$$ this feature, ET. Make as many options dynamic as possible including little things like colours. Essentially any setting should be able to be dynamic even if you can’t immediately see a use for it. You provide us with the tools and abilities, we’ll discover and create the uses. πŸ™‚

    Please also think ahead to what dynamic data can lead to… such as conditional display of sections, rows and modules. Show/hide elements conditionally if dynamic field content is empty or not, if content is greater than or less than than a number, etc etc. (Not just via CSS by the way.)

    Either build multiple conditions into each module, or/and have dedicated IF/ELSE modules that can be placed above/below/between sections, rows and modules to control individual or groups of those sections, rows and modules.

    Anyway, don’t mean to get ahead. It’s just dynamic data and conditions go hand-in-hand.

    REALLY looking forward to seeing ET do its best work ever with these new features.

    • Thanks for the enthusiasm Peter! I can assure you, this will be a whole-ass effort. This particular update will be the beginning, and then we’ll continue to expand on it and improve it in subsequent releases.

  53. Wow, this is huge. I already have a few ideas how I’m going to use the custom fields feature. The rest of it has a limited use for me, but the custom fields is everything. Keep innovating guys!

  54. Hello

    It’s a risk for duplicate content ? Or no?

  55. This is great. Can’t wait to see all the functionality to this new feature.

  56. Thx a lot ! Edit post template and header… you made my day ! Love you guys !

  57. I need this like yesterday!!! having awesome looking Divi Pages then a generic looking blog/cpt posts are meh. I have always thought it would be awesome to be able to customize a layout that could be used for posts or custom post types!

    Quick question though, will we be able to customize the look/layout of archive pages?

    • We’ll have more news on that in next week’s sneak peek πŸ™‚

  58. When are you going to give us more options in the navigation, like custom made headers and navigation? So people can use the builder to make a custom header. A bit like the mhmm plugin. Since you presented Divi as a framework, and advertising with “building is like painting a masterpiece”, I think a custom navigation is a must. And yeah, sorry, this kind of stuff is for me “nice to have” but no real need.

    • This update is actually laying the groundwork for exactly what you’re talking about. Those features are coming too.

  59. Aweome news! Help me understand this as related to blog posts. Will the Divi Builder be needed in single posts? For example, I don’t won’t my client using the Divi Builder to blog, but yet I want to create the template with Divi. Would this update allow that?

    • So this update will allow you to create dynamic post templates that you save to your Divi Library. Your clients wouldn’t have to design anything to use those templates, but they would still need to add the template to the post. However, as I began to tease in the last paragraph of the post, even more features (like page template building) will be coming down the line.

      • Would be amaaazing if that step could be eliminated. I.e. we could make that template the standard post template that simply pulls the “dynamic content” from the post in wordpress.

  60. Very cool, didn’t see this coming. I hope you add the ability to apply a template to certain types of posts or pages similar to Beaver Themer or the new Elementor Pro.

    • Yes at the moment the main option to create templates for custom post types seems to be the CPT Layout Injector which is great to have but is a little limited in its formatting capabilities (well without tweaking)… native custom field templates in divi will be so liberating

    • Sadly it sounds like the first step will simply be making modules as we know them dynamic. But it seems like applying dynamic layouts to post types is in the future… just don’t know how far into the future. πŸ™

      • There’s a trick to do this already and with dynamic modules it will just be more ideal.
        Use this plugin: Simple Content Templates
        And then you can add a little function in the functions.php to do the trick.

    • That just might occur here. I do not think we have enough info here at the moment on this.

  61. Sounds great! One more thing Divi needs is to make header more flexible. Maybe a header builder to modify placement of menu, logo and to add widgets.

    • Also footer with footer builder will be awesome.

      • Nick said yesterday that this is in the pipeline and is coming soon! πŸ™‚

  62. Brilliant. Can’t wait!!!

  63. Thank you for constantly keeping Divi out in front of the WordPress community.
    Your tools make our team look great!

  64. Interesting. Was hoping this was going to be about dynamic keyword insertion – that would make divi a landing page powerhouse, but this is still cool.

    Sounds like it might be a step toward replacing the injector plugin series?

    • Yup. I use the Divi Layout Injector plugin to spread certain display elements site-wide in most cases. Once Divi has the ability to create layouts and apply them (hopefully conditionally) to entire sections of the site, then the Layout Injector plugins become far less useful.

      • I was testing all the Injector plugins and they have multiple problems. Definitely this must be a development of Elegant Themes and be integrated into DIVI.

    • I think that is what is going to happen here.

  65. Wonders how easy will this be to force override base layouts for something like an IDX plugin using this new DIVI dynamic content idea.

  66. Oh and by the way I would thought that the blog module would be a better example than the title module ?

  67. Hey Nathan,

    Thank you very much for this update.

    But while listening to You I was going crazy with the music being too loud and this reverb on your voice ? (natural room reverb or fx ?)

    Please, but really, please, next time mix the music lower and don’t use any reverb, delay or echo on your voice. If it’s a room issue, try to get the mic closer to you mouth, so we get more of your voice and less of the room.

    Thanks for you understanding.

  68. This is awesome! I’ve been looking forward to this!

    It’d also be awesome if you guys could do this for Woocommerce Products like you already do for Posts.

    I’d love to be able to completely style a product page and use dynamic content to show the price, description, etc.

    • I don’t use Woo, played with it some, but never used it. Are they not Custom Post Types?

    • I agree. Woocommerce product pages are too limiting.

      • Woo Layout Injector is brilliant for that

        • I was testing Woo Layout Injector and it has multiple problems. Definitely this must be a development of Elegant Themes and be integrated into DIVI.

  69. You’re doing an excellent job of telling the story arc and building anticipation for all that ET is doing with Divi. I’m constantly taking notes πŸ™‚

  70. Now these are blog posts I can get behind!

  71. divi is gonna explodeeeee. give it a couple months πŸ™‚

  72. that will be really awesome, i love how divi evolves so fast!

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