Why Our New Theme Is Taking So Long To Finish, And Why It’s A Good Thing

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by 193 Comments

Why Our New Theme Is Taking So Long To Finish, And Why It’s A Good Thing
Blog / Theme Sneak Peeks / Why Our New Theme Is Taking So Long To Finish, And Why It’s A Good Thing

Two months ago, we released a sneak peek of what aims to be our most powerful theme yet, Divi. Since then, there has been a lot of activity, in the form of both excitement and frustration, related to the status of the project. I know that this one is taking a while to finish, but I promise that it will be worth it in the end! We made the decision as a team to spend extra time on Divi, even if it meant breaking our normal production schedule. To help put people’s minds at ease, however, we have put together an little update on where we are at with the project. Although we don’t have a release date set, I can say that we are now in the later stages of development 🙂

Developing A Concept

We are working really hard on making Divi a reality. Along the way there have been many opportunities for improvement, and it has since evolved into something we are very excited about. With a new Page Builder as Divi’s main attraction, we are making sure the user experience is a smooth one, and the websites that you can create with it are beautifully responsive. Here is a little sneak peek of the builder’s user interface and a look into some of our design processes.


Creating The Builder

We didn’t want to create just another drag and drop builder with so many options that it becomes confusing and breaks on mobile devices. Having too many choices doesn’t always yield strong responsive layouts, so we took a step back to look at what’s really behind great web layouts. It’s not just a bunch of elements on a canvas that sit next to each other, but more like a group of neighborhoods that are all part of a larger community.

With Divi, we first separate your page into horizontal sections, painting a big picture and giving your page a strong foundation—Let’s consider these as neighborhoods. Within these sections, you have horizontal rows (houses) that have different column structures (floor plans). Before you’ve had the opportunity to decorate your house, you’ve already thought about the structure of your website, which we believe will lead to better end results. Finally, you get to have some fun and lay out the furniture, or modules in this case. Here is the overall architecture of a section in Divi.


Divi will ship with a variety of modules that can be used in any column. You can even stack multiple modules within a column. With this structure, we are able to create some really strong responsive layouts because we aren’t moving around city blocks to make things work on mobile devices, but rather just shuffling around the furniture in the room. Below is an example of a page layout that you can create with the builder. Divi will also ship with pre-made layouts that you can use and edit with ease.

divi-update-3 divi-update-4

A Bit Of The Process

To make sure that all of these modules work with each other, we created a strong responsive grid and tested its durability in numerous layouts with multiple sections, rows, and modules. With the ability to create completely custom layouts, and set any page as your homepage, we are confident that Divi is going to be the Swiss Army Knife of our collection.


It taxed our brains a bit, but in the end we have come up with a great system that should work (and look good!) in just about any situation.


Thanks For Your Patience

We are sorry that the theme is taking longer than many of you might of hoped, but I hope this additional sneak peek has explained why the extra wait is the sign of a great product, and not a sign of laziness on our part. Now more than ever, we are working hard every day to make great new themes. Stay tuned for Divi’s release in the nearish future 🙂

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Posted on March 15, 2025 in Theme Sneak Peeks

I’m here to give you a sneak peek at a feature coming soon to Divi 5. With Divi 5’s foundation complete, we’re now focused on aggressive feature development, with new features in the works as part of the Divi 5 feature swap. Every time we finish a feature, we start working on a...

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  1. Divi theme is one of my favorites as of late and I have worked on several customization of it for blogs. Love the work you guys share with the community and I have been an avid member for over a year now!

  2. I love simple and sneak designs. A great bibliography on making theme. Great! thanks.

  3. Hey Nick, is there any chance of a “Listings” module with Google Maps integration? Similar to that in the “elist theme”

    Maybe in a future update or a separate bolt-on. That would be cool.

    • I hope additional modules are created in the future, that would be awesome.

  4. You guys should head over to elegant themes G+ page and checkout the Divi tutorial videos posted a couple of hours ago.


    Even more great work by Nick and the team.

    It would seem I was one of the few who got to see a brief public airing over Divi last night before the curtain came down again and I have to say I’m buzzing over this design even more now. Check it out

    • Thank’s for those links Pat. Yep, last nights brief preview was informative and showcased well what is possible.

      For those that have not seen Divi yet, it’s very different frpm previous ET themes and finally feels modern and up to date.

  5. Will Divi be WPML compatible?

  6. please add module for ads space nick 🙂

  7. This looks amazing, and I hope it finally gets every selfish, ungrateful, whiner, on these forums to shut up. Congrats to the ET team on something fresh new and awesome, looking forward to advertising my upcoming novel with a huge Divi based site 🙂

    • Chillax Bro, this ain’t Sparta..

      • LOL. I make Nick right though.

        People have been bitching too much. Too many peeps feel so entitled.

        When this is up I will be grateful. And I don’t care how long it takes. That sneak peep looked amazing.

        • Agreed..:)

  8. Wow, Wow, Wow

    Thank you guys 🙂

    • The Dropdown menu is a bit buggy..

      But Anticipate has been put back in place, perhaps to fix that small bug. Was good to see it briefly though..

    • Well spotted Snappy.
      Less than 3 hours as I type this. Awesome.

      • Well the countdown has expired and still nothing. So i guess it wasn’t legit..:(

        More waiting then.

        • check againâ€Ķ 😉

          • Yep, up now..:)

  9. Hi, can you give us a probability that Elegant Themes will be launching this theme as indicated this *year*?

    Fine if everything is on hold from customer perspective until into next year in 2014 – but it’d be super helpful to know.

  10. Very much hoping that Santa will bring us a new toy for christmas. Have several projects on hold so really looking forward to its release to try out all the possibilities promised.
    Happy Christmas everyone

  11. I’m a bit confused. Is this to be a ThemeBuilder, a la Headway or Ultimatum, or is it a Theme with the Page Builder included?

    • A new theme with a redesigned page builder i think. And some responsive babble..

      • The entire theme will be built using a builder.

        • Then theoretically we could create and package our new creations.

    • Clearly Ultimatum for some of those who have Subscription plan…

      No offense, but is a point of view!

  12. can’t wait! can’t wait! 😀

  13. Hello Nick,

    Does the new Divi theme will support ‘projects’ just like the Flexible theme? I hope it does…..

  14. I would of just rather you came out with 5-7 new themes instead. Love the themes, love the company, but this is bordering on ridiculous.

    • I would guess that once the Divi theme is out, ET will be back to producing less intensive designs, quickly, and everyone will forget about the waiting time on this and be happy about its’ existence.

      • Yes – that is a possibility. As a customer though, I prefer more unique, well thought out designs rather than cranking out themes for the sake of releasing a theme.

        I think taking time once in awhile to do something completely new is a good thing. From the outside, it looks like Divi will be a fantastic theme that will be worth the wait.

  15. Is there a release date for this yet?

  16. I couldn’t ask for a better Christmas present and a greater way to kick off the New Year! Looks amazing. I am sure with the anticipation generated from this theme and its’ respective posts, this will mark a record number of downloads for any theme within the first day of the release. It would be really cool to see a live “Counter” within the release article for this theme. Just a thought.

    • Nice idea jhj4!

      Taking it a step further, oce count down hits 0 it would start counting number of downloads

  17. Still 2-3 weeks away?

    This theme must be epic..

    Thanks for the update..

    • Can’t wait!

  18. I have stoped the Relaunch of my Site. I think this Theme is better 🙂
    I can’t wait 😉

  19. Hello!

    Please is it possible to anticipate the launch date of your latest theme? and are the next upcoming themes will take such a long development cycle?

    Thanks a lot for all your efforts. We’re tuned for your future releases.

    • We are shooting for a release in the next 2-3 weeks. Usually our themes take ~1 month to finish, this is the only exception so far.

      • WP 3.8 is to be released on December 12th. I’m sure that’s on your mind too. By the way, they have a great default theme coming along with the new release. WP has stepped up developments on their design side. I’m sure Divi will be a great theme to work with.

  20. Can Divi be used as e-commerce site as well then? I was intending to use styleshop, should I wait for this new theme instead?

    • Yep, it will support WooCommerce.

      • If the theme is better than Nexus and that it supports WooCommerce, it will be perfect 🙂

      • Ah excellent. I would wait for it then.. Can’t we have this theme as thanksgiving gift? lol

  21. I have a good feeling about it being launched soon, it’s been quiet here for a few days – Like most, I’m eagerly waiting the launch of this theme and have two projects on hold due to the anticipation of DIVI 🙂

    Agree with the group, better off having a solid solution than to launch early. It’s my bday week, hope Nick an team have a nice surprise for us!

  22. Nick:

    The divi-update-5.jpg and divi-update-6.jpg diagrams are excellent, and making them available here helps me work ahead so that I can be ready to deploy Divi once it becomes available.

    I wanted to ask if you could provide larger versions with better resolution of those diagrams? With a bit of squinting and best-guessing, I can figure out what the best image dimensions to use may be, but I’d rather know for certain. A slightly larger and higher resolution version of those diagrams would be very helpful, and very appreciated on this end.


    • +1, I’ve kept my touch on ET site and I was wondering if another update of DIVI can be given to cool down the boiling point. After much being a thinking (being a rookie developer) about the process of building a new drag and drop builder out of the box, I reconsidered that the Divi (or new ET theme initiative) worth the wait but just one more update will cool some frustrations. Thanks ET and no complain about your freebies either, please continue.

  23. Really surprised at the level of sarcasm and complaints here. I for one am really loving the recent increase in blog updates and freebies, as well as the level of support I am receiving here. Thank you to Nick and ET.

    • Agreed.

      • I second That!
        No complaints here either.

  24. Maybe read complaints as “Oh man, I’m really looking forward to see this new exciting theme in action!”. But then expressed less eloquently 😉

  25. Really looking forwar to this theme!!!

    Great job guys,

    With time comes quality!!

  26. Perhaps if the team focused on getting this theme out rather than making icons we would all be a lot happer.

    • 100% of our development efforts are dedicated to Divi. When our designers create icons, it does not affect the theme at all, but if you would like you can always unsubscribe from the blog and ignore our freebies.

      • Sarcasm is most unbecoming. You must try to see this from your customers point of view.

        You announced Divi months ago, in my opinion far to early and in doing so brought much anticipation from your current members and potential new customers.

        The theme was clearly a long way away from completion and you have not provided the communty with to much in the way of information.

        Your members here are used to a steady influx of high quality themes and in your announcement of Divi this trend continued and many of us were not expecting this theme to take this long.

        I’m sure the theme will be worth the wait, and i’m sure it will bring in a lot of revenue for you, but you must realize that when you have so many people waiting for a theme you announced months ago, and we see icons and PSD’s being offered instead of the announced theme, it can get a little frustrating as we are not privvy to your development practices, how are we to know 100% of your time is going into Divi when on the face of it, at least according to the recent blog posts, this does not appear to be the case.

        I’m just saying, see things from our point of view, your paying customers.


        • You know Chedder, it is really funny that you have the audacity to comment on this blog post when when the very thing you are complaining about is being done, Nick is keeping the community up to date, which I might add, he didn’t have to do. I don’t know how things work in your little world but designers generally design and developers stick to development (yes offence with much condescension). So if the designers have a bit of extra time let them design RESOURCES that make all of our lives just that much easier, I don’t know if you actually took the time to see the efforts that the ET team are making to ensure that even if we don’t have Divi yet that we have a set of resources that essentially just help us work faster and more efficiently. Also these PSD templates are of premium quality, and the design team is lead by an award winning designer. Normally the artwork produced by a studio with this much talent gets CHARGED for. That is my 2 cents worth to you at least.

          Then to Nick and the team,

          Your efforts are greatly appreciated, your standards are impeccable and your support is really on the ball.

          Although I can’t wait for the release of Divi, I can only imagine that when it meets your high quality standards and is released that it will be amazing.

          Please don’t stop with the freebies, we have downloaded and used all of these resources and whether it is for a client mock-up or an element on an actual site, they form a great library to work from.

          Keep up the great work guys!

        • I really am sorry for the delay, but we are working hard to finish it. As stated many times, and as is the topic of this post, the theme requires much more work that the average theme. It’s just frustrating to work hard to produce free stuff for everyone only to receive complaints.

          We haven’t given a release date because we don’t have one. The theme will be released the second it’s finished.

          • I bet it is well worth the wait !!!
            keep up the good work !!

            perhaps you should start a new Blog ” I still Love Nick ” LOL

          • Nick and ET Team. Thanks for all you do to provide ongoing support! Keep up the good work!

          • No complaints here Nick. Perfection is a process. Take your time and do it right!

        • I’d rather wait for a theme that close to 100% on code stability and functionality than have it rushed.

          And worth noting: customers get new themes for free (with membership)… I much prefer this arrangement, than paying $80/theme with site installation restriction.

          Nick’s sarcasm was fairly appropriate.

  27. Why did you even announce Divi almost 4 months ago? I’ve been waiting since then to start a new project with Divi and my emotions have gone from excitement to anticipation to frustration to I want to kill myself. Please just give us a clue, next week? Month? 2015? Not normal…

    • We are working hard to finish the theme. My best guess would be that it will be ready early December, but that’s just a guess.

    • Im in the same position we are moving our website to wordpress and i have a pretty goof mock up made with the Magnificent theme but this theme looks amazing and would be SO much better so i have been holding off on it.

  28. Hey Nick: Any updates for us on the impending release of this theme?

  29. Any hint when it will be available guys??????? any smalll hint?????? can you say max possible time atleast??? i want to use this amazing theme but if its going to be late then i will choose some of your another amazing theme till that time…. please let me/us know…. 🙂

    • My best guess would be an early December release. It’s difficult to make a realistic estimate. The theme will be release as soon as it’s finished 🙂

  30. Seriously glad I got the lifetime sub now. 🙂 This theme looks like it is going to be great. Cant wait to tinker with it. 🙂 Great job yall.

  31. This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for to finally kick my site to the next level!

    You guys always take step it up and blow me away. As a non-coder these are always the best themes to play with without worrying about breaking it too much.

    Keep it up!

  32. Very interesting indeed. After seeing this preview, i do hope it doesn’t take too long… 🙂

  33. December 25th?

    It has been taking forever…Can not wait any longer 🙂


  35. Looking forward to it’s launch. Looks amazing. I hope that the search/search widget has been made more advanced.

    Excellent Job!

  36. Curious, how wide will the sidebars be? Will they be able to accommodate 336×280 adsense ads? Thanks!

  37. Great theme, but then all your themes are great.

    Having an easy way to lay the ‘furniture’ out on the website/page is great, but as usual I fear it will look fantastic on your demo store, and pretty crap when I get to do some design changes 🙁

    Its always the same with all the themes – they all look really slick as they are, with all the dreamy images and graphics, but never the same once your own material is in them

    What I would like to see from your tutorials/user guides etc is an in depth explanation of how you use the included photoshop files to edit/make the designs changes needed to make these your own, by changing background graphics to post pages etc. I’d like to have the sliced version of the PSD in place so I can simply change the design and then re-export the images with their names already in place, and simply replace them in the images folder for a design of my own. Its not too clear from the included PSDs where to start, or what to do with them.

    This may already be possible, and this is the way everyone is doing their own designs, but without a tutorial to show this, I’ll never know. Im guessing I am not alone here (am I?). I dont need a tutorial on slicing, or photoshop, just how to use your PSDs within your themes, and how you go about it

    So congratulations on what looks to be a super flexible page builder. I just hope that some time in the near future you can also show us how to incorporate/modify your design with our own designs using the included theme PSDs

    • I agree with this too. I love the design of the themes as they are displayed on this site however when I download the theme and have a go myself, the images never line up correctly.

      An example of this is Nexus. I think each image has to be resized and cropped multiple times so that it looks correct on the home page, as the featured image and then again on the blogroll.

      Would love some kind of explanation on how to do this and what dimensions the images need to be. They never seem to be shown in the documentation.


  38. WOW! Very Impressive Looking!
    For someone who likes to make totally custom sites this is Fantastic!

    1 Question?

    Who’s going to use all the real nice older themes after this one comes out? 🙂

    • Ha. Kobi I’ve got a feeling we will be seeing a lot of “Divi” themed sites in the new year. 🙂

  39. Can “Sections” span full with?

    For example a call to action section one solid color that spans full width of the browser with?

  40. It would be great if this responsive theme could be more mobile friendly.

    Mobile page load speeds tend to suffer using ET themes because they deliver ALL content to mobile devices and then hide the content based on screen size.

    Just saying…

    • ET page load speeds are very good. And CSS is always the way to go when it comes to responsive design.

    • This is the generally-accepted method for responsive design, and we wont be changing that. Using CSS to create responsive layouts is the best method, and is also recommended by Google.

  41. Is this theme going to be WP Multisite compatible, please?

    Also, I hope that the new Builder will allow its use through the Front Door – similar to the current Themify Builder – allowing a site admin to view her/his site or page from the frontend, and in context, not just from the dashboard which is the current Elegant builder modus operandi.

    With Thanks,


  42. This is exactly the type of dev theme I have been hoping for. I have been looking at framework type themes on themeforest but have been hesitant to pull the trigger because I have had so many negative experiences when leaving the comfort and solidity of elegantthemes.

    Thanks for saving me from making a distasteful decision.

  43. Hi Nick and Team

    This looks simply amazing. Do not rush it out, get it 100% the wait will be worth it. I have a feeling this will become my main go to template. So excited.

    Whilst you are taking the time in developing this, i would ask if you could spend a little time on documenting the main usage of the template as well. A great how to guide on this will help its smooth launch as it is looking quite different from your current templates.

    Big similes for this 🙂 🙂

  44. Hi Nick

    Seems to still be missing the one essential I and many others (from reading the original blog post) would like to see, which is…

    A “Click To Call” phone number in the header, with possibly an Email Button, and Social Media Icons.

    Please please please add this, so many clients need/request this right now, it is vital when users are viewing the site on the mobile devices.

    Thanks for reading 😀

    • I’m sure there will be social icons, but definitely +1 on the click to call button.

  45. wouldn’t be better to have the layout designer outside the Divi theme, i.e an updated Elegant Page Builder plugin which is responsive.

  46. I was waiting for this, It looks awesome!

    Thanks a lot.

  47. I can’t wait 🙂 Great theme. When the template will be ready?

  48. Whenever I surf, my first bus top is elegant themes site, you’ve conditioned my net itinerary. I love your saying about Divi;

    “With the ability to create completely custom layouts, and set any page as your homepage, we are confident that Divi is going to be the Swiss Army Knife of our collection”.

    This initiation simply put ET above other WP theme makers. My request are option for revolution sliders and roll over buttons on picture or elements.

    Thanks for creating beautiful and functional themes cum option to make us happy with the new found power. Happy new week. Cheers!

  49. Really like this strategy. Looking forward working with this already awesome builder. Keep up the good work!

  50. Wow… Can’t wait. We need it. Thanks ET

  51. i love these themes 😀 because of these Unique qualities

  52. This theme could be a dream for me! A very flexible framework simple and clear to develop good solutions for any use! When do you think it will be out?

  53. Amazing work! IÂīm very excited to see this new theme and try it out for some of my sites.

  54. It looks great. I’m hoping you’ll include some flexibility with the navigation menus … perhaps the ability to add a menu as a module. For some of my sites, it’s really important to be able to have more than one menu, and also to have the ability to separate the top menu from the company logo and the social media icons.

  55. Awesome work guys. Can’t wait!

  56. Divi is a great direction for Elegant Themes to go and grow in. I can be patient for something this good. Still gorgeous and easier to customize. Thanks!

  57. Really great … WOw!
    I hope import export option settings: D

  58. I. AM. SO. EXCITED.

    Please consider including some “right out of the box” tutorials for us PRINT designers who are finally taking the plunge to web. Kind of a “Here’s how you make a website with this theme” video.

    You guys are the BEST! On behalf of all the print designers out there…THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

  59. I’m glad extra time is being taken with this project. It looks awesome! Working out as many of the little bugs and issues that may turn up will only make it a better product in the end. We’re all looking forward to it’s release as soon as it’s ready 🙂

  60. Been waiting for this! Thx

  61. Wow! It seems to be a fantastic tool.
    I look forward to this pie out of the oven. 😀

  62. Nick,

    One of the problems with the existing Builder is that once you’ve build a complex layout, it’s mighty hard to figure out what’s inside each of the elements.

    Please add a way to describe each component so we can know what we’re getting ready to edit. Ideally, that might be by allowing us to set an ID on that component (which also allows for easy custom styling).

    Keep up the good work. Get it right and I think you’ll have a real winner.

  63. Can I make a wish list? hehe:

    – Woocommerce ready.

    – Different styles for main modules (sliders and stuff), because all the drag and drop systems always looks the same thing in the end, the matter is not only change the positions but also the styling.

    – To be optimized, all the systems similar to this arenÂīt (like Pagelines).

    It looks great 🙂

  64. Looks amazing. I’d love to see a full width product page option for the woo commerce integration.


  65. Wow, really looking forward to this masterpiece!!!

  66. I love it already. WOW!

  67. Here at Indipreneur, my team is really excited about after the sneak peak of divi and can’t wait to use use your new page builder. Great work Nick

    One question , I would like to ask.. Can we expect the new page builder to be added in the other themes update too.. For me I would like to use it in Nexus..

    Also, Please make sure that new page builder will not be having the “known issues” of “Elegant Builder” plugin.. like “Your post content is not searchable, If you create your posts with ET builder plugin”

    Expectations are really high Nick.. All the very best to you and your team.


  68. It’s fabulous…waiting for announced…

  69. Wow, this is reaalllyyy cool. Congrats to Nick and team for coming up with something this cool. If it takes more time now – we’re ok with it 🙂

    I have a few suggestions:
    a. Your ePanel should have options that connect with the template, to place any page or post in any chosen area.
    b. Your themes miss a homepage template – I find it in most other theme developers. This theme presents a perfect opportunity that you can add multiple stock homepage templates which can be used.
    c. Your icon stock is really cool, but it needs to be integrated in the ePanel or Page/Post Creator options to be more effective. Hope to see this in this theme.
    d. You need a modular plan for a. Social media connect icons in header/footer/sidebar/below slider/floating on right or left. We need multiple icon types,sizes and color for these icons; and b.Social share buttons above/below/side of pages or posts.

    Hope you would consider these. Fingers crossed…

  70. Looking forward fot Divi. I hope it will be delivered with a child theme or a custum css!!

  71. Looking forward to its release. Don’t suppose it will include the Flexible Theme’s portfolio auto arrange category feature as an option .. will it?

  72. Looks promising, and the update is much appreciated!

    Wondering what (if any) crossover there will be between these drag and drop areas and widgets? Will the areas be widget capable?

  73. Hi there,
    Will DIvi be able to create a scroll down page like ‘Harmony’ ?

  74. we are also looking for layered slider or revolution slider in the module section

  75. I suggest

    1. Post by category id will be include in the builder. Make it 3 or 4 column will be great.

    2. Parallax effects for any sections

    BTW Great job!

    • …and please, let’s make the parallax effect iOS compatible! I know it can be done, even if this is not easy at all, but it could be the very first commercial theme with Parallax effect for iOS…
      …OK but first release the theme, than we will think about upgrades… 🙂

  76. Very impressive Nick !!! It is my first time comment here. I am not a web developer, but before using wordpress I employed Joomla for my project. The concept of Divi with many rows and columns with multiple module insertion take me back to the time, Joomla is more flexible than wordpress from module position point of view, but now Divi is the first generation of Elegant Theme that will rock many members of Elegant Theme.
    Congratulation Nick!

  77. Divi is exciting. I can’t wait to get a crack at it.

    Will it be compatible with WooCommerce?


  78. Sounds like it’s going to be amazing! Can’t wait!

  79. Honestly speaking… I experienced a lot of trouble with the layout builder and decided at the end to use the codes instead. It is a bit of a hassle but it is stable.
    Hope this new system is indeed a bit more stable. Of course… it would be nice if it then can be implemented in the other themes but that might be too complicated, right?

  80. Your team is so awesome!!! This look incredible 🙂

  81. Better to take longer & get it right. The best team I EVER worked — we had a sign in our office that said, “If you don’t have time to do it right, how will you have time to do it over.”

    Diva looks incredible. Documentation will be absolutely critical. Please consider me to be a volunteer to review the documentation. I’m sure others would also review too. Good documentation will reduce the number of forum queries.

    Am excited about this theme.

  82. Wow – very impressed with what I see here. Looking forward to trying this one out.

  83. Divi looks great, for sure a good improvement for ET framework, my questions are:
    1) is it still tied to 960px content wrapper or can span 100%?
    2) did you considered to use Bootstrap as base?
    Thanks for answer and my compliments for the great work 🙂


  84. What about situation where i want to use my own graphics for container frames and even icons instead of just relying on this clean/minimal theme looks?
    Im asking because i aim for parents and i have very warm and graphic like webpage. Giving them divi like would make it kinda cold.

  85. We’re all patiently waiting. Take your time to do it right from the get-go. Everybody will benefit from that.

  86. Like blizzard for starcraft and diablo games, i think itÂīs always better to make us wait, and deliver us a high Quality product in the end as always 😉

  87. J’ai hÃĒte de voir ce projet fou, cela pourrait Être une vrai avancÃĐ pour elegantthmes.

    Merci pour votre travail.

  88. Nick, I’d rather wait longer and get something that works well. I’m hoping for two things with Divi —

    1. Better documentation than what’s usually included
    2. A way to easily change font size/color. This is my only ongoing beef with Elegant Themes — you guys all have young eyes. Many of your users and their audiences do not. Make it easier for us to make our sites easier to read!!!

  89. Hi, I have done well as put some attention on other issues and see possibilities that I had not seen before.


  90. This has been mentioned many times, but I feel that it has not been addressed. Please alter the sample data so it look identical to the theme preview. This would be VERY beneficial not only for us (the user), but also for your forum support team because it would greatly reduce the amount of questions we have. This way, we can simply edit the images and text. Please please please do this!

    Thanks so much for your hard work!

  91. Wow. This is looking so good and I know it’ll be even more spectacular when it’s released.
    I can’t wait but, please, take your time! 🙂

  92. Amazing work!

    ItÂīs like a drag and drop framework?

  93. Once I create a page, will I be able to save it as a reusable template on that site?

    This template will answer a lot of my needs – thanks!

    Definitely worth the wait!

  94. Looking forward to playing with this. Looks similar to Themify.me which I have grown to love. Good to be getting back to using some Elegant Themes.

  95. Looks like Elegantthemes is recharged! you guys just started developing things out of the box, can’t wait to test this upcoming Divi theme 🙂

  96. Woa! Can’t wait!

  97. I like the idea that it’s “The Swiss Army knife” of themes. Nice and clean. Will be using it. You are probably not aware but Divi or Divvy in Northern England is slang for idiot, as in “he’s a right divi”.

    • Looks like we are right Divi’s when it comes to naming things!

      • Guess the naming was all right, since the theme comes with an idiot number of possibilities. Great work, Nick!

  98. Looks great, I like the frequency of the blog updates that have usable info and freebies.
    Thanks, Pam

  99. Excelente! se nota el profesionalismo de ustedes. Ha sido la mejor inversiÃģn que he realizado. Saludos cordiales.

  100. Using Bootstrap CSS?

  101. Awesome work as always!! Best things are worth waiting for…..

  102. I am beyond excited for this release.

    Your themes are amazing and wonderful to work with.

  103. Hey Nick!

    This is looking really sweet! Totally understand the extra time taken to make it right…

    Keep up the great work!

  104. Anxiously awaiting this one. I already have clients lined up for it. 🙂

  105. Can’t wait to see the new Page Builder Nick! This project looks really awesome!

  106. Hi Nick,

    We have your themes and are days from starting to build the site. It is a business site and have two questions.

    1) What is the timeframe to convert other business themes to responsive design? Is there another, equally clean way to make Feather and others responsive if not already?

    2) DIVI looks like the answer. When do you think it will be available? Would hate to invest in building a theme that’s not 100% our answer and then this comes out when we are through.

    It’s the age-old business conundrum. Your thoughts? Thank you!!!

  107. I can’t wait!!

  108. Looks great and can’t wait to take it for a test drive!

  109. Thanks Excellent!

  110. I was waiting for the builder guys and I really appreciate that you decided to spend an extra time making sure everything works fine. This was a missing piece for me in ET.
    I hope the builder can be integrated into the other themes as well, since honestly, as much as I love ET, I gave up on the ET Builder. It’s not a big deal, I was able to create most of the sites without using ET Builder – but to have in place would be a huge advantage.
    It’s not that I’m a big fan of using drag and drop – but it is a huge time saviour when developing sites.


  111. Looks like something worth waiting for to me!

  112. Hi Nick

    Will we have features in the builder such as the ability to add smart. cool thing like roll over buttons on picture or elements. Looks really cool theme though

    Regards Luke

    • +1. Thanks a lot ET, we are really in exciting times and I’m happy I perched my tent with you folks and this theme will be a pacesetter to others! thanks for the intuition…a dreamweaver like…omgosh!

  113. I’m still in the pre-sales phase of checking out Elegant Themes, but you guys are blowing my mind!

  114. Wow ! it looks very promising and I am eager to lay my hands on it in the member area. Thanks a lot for all the good work.

  115. Very cool. Any early screenshots to look at??

  116. Hey guys .. It’s a very good news.
    I would like to know if you can be concerned by 2 or 3 royalty free music offered by Musikium.. my royalty free music website ??

  117. This is what I love elegant themes 🙂

  118. Excellent work, I am impressed with the quality of the work and the desire to help your customers, I think it will be the beginning of a new and excellent phase. Waiting for perfection, I am very Optimistic!

    • The new page builder looks great. Excellent work. Thanks!

  119. “New Theme”, you can come to Germany too.
    I’m thinking about to jump from “pagelines” (I do’nt like the “[google]-DMS” !).
    Can we make an exchange …?

    All elegantthemes-lovers will look for an wonderful name !
    My idea: “numinos” (lat.)
    Thanks ! – Danke !

  120. Good things takes time in building. Rome is not built in a day. So your theme are always best and time is no matter

  121. I have some important suggestions that reflect questions that are repeatedly asked in the support forums. Not in order, those suggestions are:
    1) In the instructions, please include recommended image sizes for their respective positions.
    2) Please include any new Page/Post Custom Field commands beyond Featured and Thumbnail.
    And one concern I would like to see addressed as soon as possible is one of the con’s provided in the recent WPMU review of Elegant Themes… fix the loading speed of the template. Sometimes on high speed connections (50mbs, for example), the loading speed is slow. It would be nice if something could be done on your end to improve the loading efficiency time of the template.

    • +1

      more advanced custom field so we can make virtually anything.

    • +1

      … but again a great update, ideas and vision. But let’s get the basics in place as well.

    • +1

    • +1

    • yes! I second the motion! Please more theme-specific instruction! thanks! (I would renew just to get DIVI) keep up the good work. thanks

  122. Curiosity is very high. Looking forward it’s release.

  123. I’m quite new to ElegantThemes, but this looks like a massive step forward. The current page builder is great, but this looks a lot better.

    Please provide unique ‘sample data’ with this theme, so we can reproduce the demo site and easily work out how all the elements interact.

    Great work. I look forward to the finished theme.

    • Is sample data available now?

      • Still waiting on sample data, when will this be available?

  124. Very impressive! I’m very curious about how this will work in the end, and can’t wait to get started with Divi! I hope this will become possible in all themes in the future, would be really great! It’s definately worth waiting for. Thanks for the updates, and good luck with the rest of the building process!

    Regards, Marcel / Compass Creations

  125. This looks awesome! Can’t wait till it’s out.

  126. All I can say is wow! I appreciate the update and the immense amount of time you all are putting in.


  127. It’s looking really nice.

  128. Stunning work Nick, Look awesome pixel perfection design and fully flexible option of Page builder is an awesome. Best of luck for rest of work,

  129. This looks incredible! A site built on Divi will look great in my portfolio 🙂 Is it safe to assume that this new page builder concept will be the backbone of all new themes moving forward?

    • Looking forward to working with this new innovation!!

    • Tim,

      I was wondering the same thing. I’m not a designer/programmer but with the flexibility Divi offers I find it easy to believe it will become the “go to” theme for members.

      It looks as if you can basically customize the theme to look like anything you desire, even utilize elements of other themes.

      1 Theme = 1,000’s of Possibilities


      • That is insane, that brings so much flexibility to themes !!! That is what we have been waiting for !!! Thank you !

      • Brandon,
        Just like you, I am not web designer nor programmer. But with new Divi concept, I believe I can do it more what my clients require. With Divi there are tons of possibility to insert modules inside rows and columns.

        • Woah ! This theme looks incredible. I think that might work with it !
          Congrats 🙂

      • I am about to build a new website for my new business and I have been studying all the themes endlessly and not coming up with one that has all the features I truly need for my type of business.

        Am I understanding correctly that Divi will provide access to all the theme features so that I can create my own unique theme? I know this comment was made a few times, but I don’t see where that is clearly stated by the developers; I may not understand the lingo well enough to have caught it.

        Also, does anyone know the estimated roll out date? Will it be this year?

        The photo slider in the Aggregate theme would be invaluable to me if I could put whatever content I wanted in there without it having to connect to a blog post. I find that most of the themes lean towards bloggers, and although I will have a blog, it won’t be the focus of my site.

      • Brandon, I agree
        “1 Theme = 1,000â€ēs of Possibilities”

        Its hard to imagine every single possibly there is.

        Start mixing that with different themes of colour, fonts, styles, etc via css (Or other) and then you start multiplying those 1,000’s of possibilities by 1000’s of more possibilities of colour, fonts, styles, anything you can do with css.. then it goes to infinity times infinity 😉

        This is really going to take wordpress to its true abilities and use-abilities.

        To expand on what Tim said, I do not see how this would not become the”new page builder concept will be the backbone of all new themes moving forward”

        This is completely amazing.

        My ownly stickler would be I would love to see it STAY 100% W3 compliant in the code.

        I know that sounds a bit.. *too picky* but for me, I really push to keep everything 100% for that. Not only does that give it the best SEO-ability in my opinion, but I also feel it gives the best cross-browser compliance as well as keeping it inline with the best usability and response-ability.

        Again, I might sound way too picky.. many people thinks if it works, than it works. But, being w3c complaint to me means it will have access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect – screen readers, accessibility in various browsers, etc.

        I am not trying to spoil anything of what has been created here.. just the opposite.

        I see so many possibilities with this theme. so many i haven’t even imagined now.

        Kudos times Kudos to Elegant Themes, Nick and others there for producing this.

        This is going to become the standard for all wordpress sites from here on out once the world has seen what this will be capable of. Someone pinch me! I have to be dreaming.

        If it takes a bit longer to make this perfect in every way, than so be it. I would prefer it takes a it longer to make sure everything is just right .. thats awesome! That is the super awesomeness that makes Elegant Themes stand out above and beyond the rest 🙂

        • Erica,

          You brought up some good points. And from everything I know about Elegant Themes and their strive for quality, I’d be very surprised if it wasn’t 100% W3C compliant.

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