I know that we have been working on Divi 2.0 for some time, and that everyone is getting anxious about when it will be finished. We get countless questions every day asking “When will Divi 2.0 be released?” Developers are holding back on new projects because they want to take advantage of new features, and we understand that not having a release date can be frustrating. We have been reluctant to give any specific timeline, because it’s impossible to know how long certain features will take to develop.
We are getting close now, however. In fact, we are so close that I finally feel confident in announcing an official release date! You can all stop asking us now 🙂
Save The Date
The countdown timer has been set, and we are sticking to it! Our official release date for Divi 2.0 is May 21st, 2014. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get notified right when the theme hits the shelves. Divi 2.0 is looking great so far, and I can’t wait get to get it into your hands and see all of the amazing websites that you create. There is still a lot of work to be done, and a lot of testing to undergo, but we will be working around the clock until that countdown timer hits 0:0:0:0. Stay tuned 🙂

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Hey guys,
Love Divi 2.0, but I installed the countdown module on a site and it doesn’t work on mobile devices…it says ‘NaN 00:00:00’. Works fine on desktop. Can someone report back on this? (Specifically using iPhone)
Anyone find out how to fix the NaN problem? I have several number counted on the hope page of a site I’m working on, but it will display NaN while the number is counting. At the end, it displays the proper number.
I had the same counter issue but found it to be a plugin conflict with “Simple Share Buttons Plus” social plugin. Not sure if it’s related and I haven’t fixed the problem yet, merely found the cause.
This will be fixed in the next release of Divi. We are already working on the next list of bug fixes/improvements, and we will be release them as soon as possible.
Sorry about that. If you need help with anything, please open a ticket in our support forums so that our team can assist you.
Wow, incredible theme!!
For anyone not showing 2.0 yet in the Members Download section, try F5-refreshing your browser – check the changelog onscreen before downloading.
I needed to do this to get 2.0 from 1.9.
The demo looks great, and surprisingly fast too ! 😀
Redonkulous! Nick Roach and team, you truly are the best web designers and web developers in the market.
Yep. It works Thanks, DIVI 2 is incredible! Bravo!
Is today the day? Standing by… Reloading… Over and over…
It’s in the download section now 🙂 Just checked the changelog and it’s 2.0!! Yippee 🙂
I download the theme from the members area, delete the previous version and then install the theme I just downloaded and notice the version is still 1.9.1 !
I was able to download 5 minutes ago, and seems everythibg is ok !
Indeed lots of errors on the demo link, using chrome:
The error looks like:
[et_pb_section fullwidth=”on”][et_pb_fullwidth_slider admin_label=”Fullwidth Slider” show_arrows=”on” show_pagination=”on” auto=”off” parallax=”on”][et_pb_slide heading=”Introducing Divi 2.0″ button_text=”Learn More” button_link=”http://elegantthemes.com/preview/Divi/features/” background_color=”#ffffff” alignment=”center” background_layout=”dark” video_bg_mp4=”http://elegantthemes.com/preview/Divi/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/homepage-slider-bg.mp4″
Sounds like you may need to clear your cache.
Oh come on! Release it! After seeing the new demo my site doesn’t look as good anymore as it did yesterday 😉 It looks so outdated now that I saw how it will look tomorrow 😀
Great work Nick!
The new Divi 2.0 is fantastic!!!!!
Is it ready for download yet please?
Opens up so many possibilities.
Elegant it sure is.
I’m assuming they’re still working kinks out because I just ran into errors on the new Divi demo. 🙁
What errors?
I was selecting header views from the dropdown to check out the other options and it went to a bunch of script errors with what appeared to be the default wordpress theme.
Maybe you all were still working on it or setting it up? It appears to be resolved now.
I was simply updating the theme.
WOW…. greatest theme ever!
Divi 2.0 is here http://www.elegantthemes.com/demo/?theme=Divi !!!! Amazing! Thanks ET!
Sheesh, people. The time was originally set for noon Pacific time, and that’s still two hours away. At least wait til it’s past then to whine about “late”!
Only reason I’m even here checking already was to see if it might be ready early!
I’m using a child theme for Divi. When it comes time to upgrade to 2.0, what is the recommended procedure for keeping some of the very basic css stuff the same? (I’m clueless about css, etc., so please explain to me in very simple terms.)
Thank you!
Gary B
I have no css or developing skills. When it comes to building great looking sites like most of you guys, I am utterly clueless and, without Divi, I am completely F’d.
But I do know about time zones and WordPress chron (or whatever) settings.
Nick has already clearly explained and apologized for the Countdown Clock situation more than once, but some folks are just not “gettin’ it.”
Divi 2.0 will be released at 12:00 Pacific Standard Time. That’s still 3 hours away and nobody has spoiled anyone’s Christmas!
Can some of us please find a way to stay calm and try to carry on with the rest of our lives?
Nick Roach and his crew have forever changed the game and they deserve a little common sense and a lot more respect.
Hi Gary,
This is all just friendly chatter No one is mad at anyone just expressing their excitement. The devs are probably flattered.
How about a download link while we wait for the presentation?
How about a download link while we wait for the presentation?
How about a download link while we wait for the presentation?
Got it. Wow. I am figuring out all the new options.
It’s like hitting the lottery and being told you have to wait 6 – 8 weeks for your money.
hahaha so true!
We must have patience, the most important is that it is all right. Though I think that the time clock should not have been used, not to create expectations that could not be met, remember that the most important is to have a strong product, well done and it really is helpful. I believe in team work!
We wait for you, Elegant Themes! 🙂
Sad Times. So excited waiting 🙁 it’s like christmas day and there’s no presents under the tree!
I’m about to melt down… Cannot wait any longer… Where is Divi 2????
Oh man….I got that night before Christmas feeling. I keep checking the updates section of my site every few minutes to see if it’s launched yet. Come on St. “Nick” 😉
just makes us want it more!!
Will divi 2.0 release today? our time allready 7:53PM, 21 May
It’s only 6:15am in CA! We are going to have to wait till the 22nd!
We are also waiting… tic tac tic tac
Here I am – all excited in the UK – 12pm BST – and I now find out it is PDT – which is another 8 hours – not a great start….
i don’t think putting a countdown was really the best idea, if on the day of ‘release’ you are still making changes, surely it was nearly ready to go when you posted the countdown weeks ago? im not whinging, but you probably were best to just release it when ready instead of putting a time frame up you couldn’t reach and disappointing a few people by clock watching and having to wait again. just saying.
The theme will be ready, it’ll be the preparation and blog posts, promotions etc that will be getting if indeed anything else is indeed needing done. There probably is strategic time to posting for maximum coverage and impact. Usually posts are published around 6pm GMT and hopefully that will be the time they release new update.
Promotion and releasing to current members are 2 different things. Let us have it already 😉
agreed, when you state it is being released, and follow this timer, and it still isn’t up, it’s pretty poor form and not very professional, all the promotional stuff should and no doubt would have been done a long time ago. as soon as that countdown finished counting, it should be released. after all this time and speculation of release date, to not come through on time… i just don’t think it should have been there in the first place, just hit people with it out of the blue when its good and ready instead of people sitting waiting again.
@Finge and MegaFlare, Dido!
Although I’m looking forward to the update and find out all the new bells and whistles, I trust the added wait is best for all parties.
Hey…you never know what’s really going on behind the scenes unless you actually work there. There may have been some last minutes fixes or who knows what. Either way, any final adjustments will be to your benefit, so waiting a few extra hours should not be an issue. I’m anxious too, but this is a great opportunity to practice a little patience.
In all fairness though, when releasing something like this there are always some last things that don’t go according to plan – no matter how late you set the deadline.
Let the good folks at ET struggle through and wrap it up.
I am 110% sure it will be awesome and worth the wait!
Do you have an approximate date for Divi 3.0? Thanks.
Naaaa, Im refreshing page to see if 2.0 is ready to download. 🙂
Divi 2.0? Where are u? 🙁
Waiting Patiently…
We are waiting to launch our new website and this update is very important for us so I hope it goes live asap. It’s over 1 hour it should have been and nothing :-/ Disappointed!
I’ve been watching the countdown for the past hour. I thought it was going to go live as soon as the countdown is over. That was one big bummer. Lol
Haha same for me. I didn’t plan anything for this midday.
Using v1.0 here already http://Gabha.Photography and looking to switch http://photoinsomnia.com over to 2.0.
I hope the ET servers can cope with the strain …
233,000 people downloading DIVI-2 all at the same time !
Anyone doing an all-nighter at a DIVI-2 party !? 😀
Thank you Luca for the tip. XD
12PM PDT – whoopsie )-:
Divi is coming today, don’t worry! We are just wrapping everything up. Stay tuned. 🙂
Tyt Nick. We will wait 😀
This is already 1h30m late
Can you be more specific on how late it will be?
We are waiting the launch of a new website based on this update!
Can’t wait!! 🙂
I am checking every hour !
“Today’s The Day You’ve Been Waiting For!
Great news, the countdown to May 21st is over, and we are getting ready to launch Divi 2.0 very soon. Please stay tuned while we get everything ready to go. The theme will launch later today!”
Gitty with excitement for the release! Can’t wait to try the new feature on my current divi sites at http://conversionlab.no and http://tmf.no
Aww.. its past the count down and I do not see any Div 2.0 – what happened??
Nick says it’s coming at 12PM PDT 🙂
and its just 12 am now .. 🙁
For converting PDT to your time zone, please use this link http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/pdt-to-gmt-converter
That is not my website, but its useful.
I simply used the countdown page as I thought it would be more reliable. Here it is -> http://www.elegantthemes.com/divi-countdown/
I found the url of the preview of Divi 2 and… wow, simply amazing! Don’t worry do not tell anyone 😀
1 minute to go – btw am I the only one here? I thought it was supposed to be a lot of people who were excited for the countdown
just 02:00 minutes…
12 minutes to go…
waiting patiently!!
Damn that server time! My countdown clock has expired and in my excitement it occurred to me you guys are behind over there! I’m in Western Australia… 🙁
I am holding my site revamp based on this exciting update!
I say ‘damn international time’!!!
The whole world should be on my wife’s time. I know I am!!! lol.
How much longer?? How much longer??
Oh dear, DIVI 2.0 has fallen down a black hole!
1.5 hours after the trusty timer went to zero!!!
Sorry John! I forgot to configure the timezone settings in WordPress, and therefore the countdown was not adjusting to server time. We are getting close to the release, stay tuned 🙂
No problems Nick. honestly. Don’t feel any more pressured than you feel necessary.
I think its just that there is a lot of excitement and anticipation by us ET users. But you shouldn’t mistake this for frustration.
I’m with you John!
Ha, I am in Sydney and the timer has been sitting on 000:00:00:00 for a few hours…Does the timer reaching 0 vary depending on client local time?
Sorry all, Divi is coming today, but it’s coming at 12PM PDT! Sorry for the confusion. We forgot to configure the timezone on the divi-countdown WordPress settings, which resulted in using your local time instead of server time.
12PM PDT?? 21 May or 20 May PDT?
ha, do I get a complementary membership for being the first poster re this? Ouch, my finger and wrist hurts so much from pressing ctrl+f5….
12PM PDT?? 21 May or 20 May PDT?
Oh god please, can we just skip the next hour of our lives and just get this launch under way. I’m going nuts. How much can I stare at a count down page without losing my marbles!?
we almost there…. 😀 waiting for you divi.. 😀 In Another 3 hours!
In another 4 hours!
Hi Guys. So excited to see what comes next with Divi. Super super exciting!
Panik at The disco???
Looking forward to Divi 2.0!
Woohoo! Just checked back to remind myself when Divi 2.0 was arriving, and it’s tomorrow 🙂
Divi works with wordpress multisite?
It is so close now!
One ! For the only one…
Just a repost because it hasnt been answered yet, here it is:
“I have created several sites with your templates for clients (+50).
But focusing on my problems right now I have one with harmony, another one with vertex, and I did try the Divi in both but its not really helpful because it lacks the “store” area of harmony and it also lacks the “team” and “testimonials” of vertex…
Any light on this subject? could you integrate them to divi 2.0?
Thanks in advance for all your kind help and keep up the amazing work!”
Long story short, please add: STORE, TEAM and TESTIMONIALS!!
But DIVI is prepared for WooCommerce – so this shouldn’t be a problem?
Dear Jack,
DIVI is prepared for WooComerce indeed, but the main landing page in Harmony its more user friendly than DIVI for this.
Same issue with Vertex having the team and testimonials!
2 for 2.0 ! =:-)
That’s great, only couple of days to go. I am excited to see what it delivers even though I am happy with the current version of Divi.
Cant wait! 😉
Im REALLY hoping for PAGINATION on the shop and blog section. That alone will be the ICING on the cake! WITHOUT A DOUBT!
3 ! Really really three !
Our printshop http://wydrukujemy.to based on Divi 1.x is almost ready. Expecting for 2.0 to improve portfolio and add more columns option to site.
Still 4 days of waiting…
4 3/4 😉
4 sure !
5, FIVE !
I can’t be patient to wait for Divi 2.0 release, day after day just looking at the countdown page, hoping time runs faster 🙂
Anyone agree to make a WWDC ?
Yep, you heard it well ! An ET WWDC, an Elegant Themes Wolrd Wide Divi Countdown !
Eeasy, if Nick is okay with that :
From Day minus 5, Someone will post the days left and will reply with that number by hitting that first post reply button. Just like the example below.
Will this be a whole new theme with a different look and feel (than the original Divi), or the same look and feel as the original Divi but with different/upgraded features?
Same basic look and feel, with new features.
Very anxious for this!! Comes soon!
7 More days . . . THISisGOINGtoBEaLONGweek, (but worth the wait).
Thanks ET ~
Will 2.0 allow me to adjust row and column padding?? I really like the theme but getting the “air” right (yeah, I come from a printing background) can be tough. I keep adding bits of CSS, which fixes one thing but messes up another. I really, really hope I can control the space between rows, columns, sections, and modules. Looking forward to the new release…
Looking forward to the release. Really hoping that it has some more Woocommerce stylings and integration i.e. custom styled login, account and checkout pages.
yayeeee!!! Getting close now.. We shall have a huge online party to celebrate the release!! 😀
Great work with the Nimble theme. really love the little fine tuning such as the site colors, simple menu options, & gallery thumb borders. Nice work!
This is very exciting news! Divi has become my “go to” theme and I can’t praise and thank you enough for the excellent work. If you are still crafting the next release, here are some wish list items that would make my day:
– Parallax effect on tablets and mobile devices (it sounds like you are on this)
– A “Sticky Footer” option or default setting. http://www.cssstickyfooter.com
– Custom backgrounds for each page or post. Colors, full screen images, or repeatable images.
– A more in depth contact page (more field options and customization)
Any luck including some of these? Again, love Divi so far and I can’t wait for the new release. Thanks!
When using DIVI 1.0 is it easy changing to 2.0?
(I want to finisch the website within 13 days … so waiting is not an option, updating is?)
Great website. I love it. Very artistic!!!!
Absolutely love the divi theme. I’m sweating more and more pro website use the divi esque theme. Thanks guys cannot wait for the new release. Love how my site looks already so cannot wait to update it further to give it that extra sleek look with more options.
I meant seeing ha ha.
My site using Divi
Any word on Divi 3.0 ?
I just started a web design business and I love Divi 1 so I guess I am gonna get crazy with 2. My first customers are more than satisfied with their sites. Check out http://www.kompazirenekonig.nl and http://yangyangcai.nl to sea the two complete different looks based on the same theme.
So far, I am loving Divi 1.0 and cannot wait for the new, improved Divi! It’s an amazing theme with a powerful backend. One of the best!
Would love to have that Divi countdown timer as a module in Divi 2.0. Could see several great uses for that!
I’m looking forward to playing with the new incantation of Divi 1.0 – I’ve been playing with D-1 for a client’s companion site: http://tuscanycustomized.com/ – haven’t had a lot of time to really explore all the possibilities…. I really would like a way to scale the images and/or be able to find the default size for the different size sliders…. want more image content to render – tried several dimensions and not that happy with what is viewing now…. but again – haven’t spent enough time to find and adjust accordingly…. T-Minus 12 days and counting! 🙂
WOOHOO! Divi 2.0!! I am thrilled! I just re-did my site and am still making edits, but I am so psyched about the new version. I was using Chameleon before, but couldn’t wait to switch to Divi once I saw the features: http://www.nextlevel-va.com
Thanks for an amazing theme!
Looks great – will the gallery/portfolios have the option for a white lightbox?
Just have a question here, is divi 2.0 an update of divi 1.0 and so I could upload the theme to the projects I am working on for my clients such as any theme update or is it a totally new theme?
can we have the countdown timer instead of anticipate?
Freaking Yay. Awesome can’t wait!
Fabulously Nick!
Wonderful news! I’ve used Divi for so many client sites, and I love how easy it is to heavily customise. 🙂
I’m wondering if boxed layouts will be a feature in 2.0?
Boxed layouts will be a feature 🙂 That was supposed to be a surprise!
Oops….I can’t believe I ruined the surprise! 😉
That’s great news that you’re including boxed layouts – gives the theme so much extra flexibility.
ha ha ha.. Nick.. now, you would know that how many of us are eagerly waiting for your next Divi.. really can’t keep waiting and can’t keep guessing for the next features that comes with the Divi 2..
Seeing the Countdown makes me… aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Seeing the timer makes me…. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Nice addition. Great feature added.
Awesome work Nick!
How can we download / use your really cool divi countdown?
Awesome update news, eagerly waiting, but need more blog layouts.
All the best Nick for the remaining dev. work. Hope you won’t have too many short nights! Can’t wait!
will there be any layout for full width theme?
i want a bigger width for post/pages.. for better viewing experience.
We are adding a few new Fullwidth Modules to Divi 2.0, which are great for adding that fullwidth feel.
YES!, thats my que to purchase this =)
anyways would there be any chance for a fullwidth for POST/Page with Elegant Estate??
I am so looking forward to it! =)
Thank you Nick, If you can add the DIVI features in post articles apart from pages using the DIVI page builder.
Wonderful! Waiting for the next update desperately.
Divi 2.0 is going to have the same birthday as mine! Looking forward to it. 🙂
Awesome news Nick! Thanks for all the hard work!
Wow, that is amazing nick, thx a lot
I love the way Divi WORKS as it stands now, but I couldn’t get my site to LOOK like I wanted it to without endless customization beyond my capabilities.
I finally resorted to switching to Nexus in frustration, and while not perfect, that’s close enough.
Looks like 2.0 will be solving some of my problems, though, so I’m super-optimistic that I may be able to go back to Divi soon.
Things high on my wish list – i realize some of these may be happening with 2.0, while others are pipe dreams…:
– the ability to have square featured images with post title/meta/excerpt to the right, instead of the short and wide images with info below
– dual (or triple) menu capabilities
– the ability to use the divi builder not just on pages, but as post templates and for index pages
– either adjustable column widths or an increase in column choices. (Right now there is 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4. I’d be incredibly happy if we could add 1/6s. Going as far as 1/12s would make the possibilities pretty much able to fit any need whatsoever.)
– More control over what the mobile site will look like – aka, what order columns/modules appear in
– the ability to have a mobile menu that slides from the side, rather than the strange page navigation box
– To solve a personal aggravation of mine – give me a way to FORCE the centering of any part, be it module or widget or whatever.
+1 on:
– either adjustable column widths or an increase in column choices. (Right now there is 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4. I’d be incredibly happy if we could add 1/6s. Going as far as 1/12s would make the possibilities pretty much able to fit any need whatsoever.)
– More control over what the mobile site will look like – aka, what order columns/modules appear in
– dual (or triple) menu capabilities
and someting from me:
+ option to set the default width to more than 1080px
Yes, the width, too – I realize it’s responsive, but SO many websites just end up looking incomplete and unprofessional with a lot of wasted space at the edges. Responsive to smaller-size screen shouldn’t make them un-responsive to larger ones.
I think I may have a heart attack. Someone call a doctor.
This is fantastic!
Is there somewhere I can look for an overview/indication of new features?
Ok Sarah, you can check here; http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/resources/the-divi-survey
Wondering what’s “in” for Developers License?
Thanks ET for giving us this edge.
how hard will be moving a full site from Divi to Divi 2?
I am planning to migrate my site from vertex to divi… and a bit in a hurry… so must decide to move now or to wait
Updating from Divi 1.0 to 2.0 will be seamless.
so Divi 1 will be obsolete?
if you add RAM and a HDD to your computer, and you call it CRAY XXL-2.0… you can’t say that CRAY XXL is obsolete.
It is the same updated, or improved…
Or “Divi 1.4” made “Divi 1.3” obsolete? Yes and no.
May be that seeing it in this way let us get rid off hard questions like these…
Just a thought, but sustended in the Mr Roach answer.
I feel the fragrance of Divi 2.0 in the air. And its fragrance is like no other! 🙂
Thank you Nick & entire ET Team for all that you do!
Fantastic! Great news!
Awesome! My VA and I are sitting tight just waiting for the release so we can create an outstanding new coaching site with Divi 2.0.
Great news!!! I’ll keep an eye on the timer 😉
Very excited. Whoohoo. Not long and can’t wait. Thank you
Wonderfull news! I suppose after this, 3.0 version somewhere in September…
After 2.0, we will continue updating Divi with smaller, more frequent updates while we spend more of our time working on a new theme.
Nick, Divi is a real trendsetter. So flexible. ET has done their work well. But I am also curious how your new theme will look and work.
Take as long as you need to get it right. It’ll be done when it’s done. You’re doing quality work and I assure you that it will pay for itself.
I can wait for quality.
Divi is my most fav theme to work with!
Nick, you’ve built a cult-like community…Wow! Being praying for this and its finally coming. Thanks
Divi is the best theme I’ve worked with! I’m impatiently waiting for the next update “Divi 2” 🙂
awwwww yeahhhh!!! cna’t wait
Thanks for the update.
We loved Divi when it first came out. We have used it to build customized sites for ourselves and clients. We honestly cannot wait for 2.0
I imagine that the feature list must be locked now if you are showing a firm date. So will you be sharing more with us between now and then?
Also is there a smooth migration path for Divi 1.0 to Divi 2.0? So that we can upgrade the theme and for the most part we can maintain the layout, but now take advantage of some of your new features?
Updating from Divi 1.0 to 2.0 will be seamless. All of your old layouts will work, but you will get access to lots of new features, modules and layout options.
Awesome work Nick!
Curious to know, how can we get and download that cool divi counter?
Cant wait for the release! My website http://www.jyotimaflak.com has never been better than with Divi. It gives me the clearness and creativity that I need. Thank you.
The site is looking great 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you do with 2.0!
You have my permission to blow the deadline if you need more time to make sure everything is as good as it can be. 🙂
Great news!!!
I have used Divi exactly once for a quick makeover for some friends with a farm: http://thecornucopiacsa.com. Divi has a lot of good qualities, but sensible CSS is not one of them. It wasn’t ready for forms or buttons, and the the menu and blocks/modules have an eccentric set of classes. Making significant style changes without a lot of !important; is not possible. Why not just use a complete and more conventional frontend framework?
The Divi 2.0 Countdown timer is not working with Safari. Works great on Firefox.
Yes, yes, yes!!!
I am excited by the new update, in my case I work with Elegant themes which is excellent, I am now using much the theme Divi for several of my clients, my own page I have it in Divi, which is super functional and very practical
I am very grateful for your hard work making us easy to satisfy our customers with a modern design
Yes. I can now start working on my new personal website!
Will Divi 2.0 be backwards compatible with the current version? Ie will I be able to upgrade or will I have to do a new install?
Updating from Divi 1.0 to 2.0 will be seamless.
Great notice!… I was expecting it to create my new corporate web. We’ll be waiting the date anxiously!
Finally! Thanks Guys!
Thats Awesome News!
I have 3 sites on DIVI, that can’t want to paint with DIVI 2
Really needed a magazine layout, so this is most exciting!
Wishing you ALL the Best …
John Malloy
Hey John,
I really like how you set your Divi Header with the logo and menu centered like that. It looks awesome! Do you mind sharing how you did that? Thanks
Mike Medina
This is great new! This has been highly anticipated here at Vivid Clouds. Can’t wait for the new features. Thanks Elegant Themes.
Finally! This news made my day 🙂
I am a WP dabbler lucky enough to win an ET membership at the beginning of the year… with the onset of new value-add blog posts, updates, tips and tricks, ET blog has become a must read. Can’t wait til Divi 2.0 12 days and counting… love the countdown page (so many ideas that your team constantly uses show and tell to share the power of ET).
<3in' it!
The news we have all been waiting for! I can’t wait to add the new features to my site. 🙂
Great news. Can’t wait.
Great if it works with woo Commerce I may have to buy it again, as last time I bought it it wouldn’t work, but I did like anyway.
Thank you Kevin.
Well I have been migrating all my websites to Divi. Most of the time it only takes couple of hours to migrate them and it has been an awesome experience so far. My recent website I migrated to Divi is http://www.walks2remember.com . Now I am super excited about the Divi 2.0. Thanks Elegant Theme for such an awesome work.
Great news! I’m very much looking forward to 2.0, since I love working with Divi! I’m very curious what new functions will be added!
I would love a full width google maps option, like the slider / header text block now. Also, grid and filterable blog would be very nice 😉
Keep up the great work!
Best regards,
Marcel Oerlemans
Compass Creations webdesign Gouda (Netherlands)
wow!! we are waiting!!!!! 🙂
Yes!!! I’m one of those who has been waiting to further modify my site until I get my hands on 2.0!
So! Excited!
However, I have one dumb question XD.
Is Divi 2.0 a new theme (different to Divi) or is it a supercharged update for the current Divi theme? XD
It’s a new version of the current Divi. We are simply expanding the feature set.
It will come out as an update to the theme you have right now (Nick has already answered this question on another post).
ET – You Rock! 🙂
its the newest version of the same theme but will include some great upgrades.
Great News ET!
Looking forward to it!
I’m definitely excited. I’ve thrown just about every other theme I’ve ever used out the window in favor of Divi, just because it’s so versatile. I can’t wait to see what new and improved stuff you guys roll out. 🙂
Divi 1.9 is great – I would rather give you the time to get Divi 2 right than pressure you to release something that you wish you had another week or whatever to get it to the point you are happy.
I think some people always want the next version when they don’t really use what’s in front of them, thinking the next version will be just what they need!
Love Divi – for a relative novice like me it’s been a joy to work with. Have built my own site http://www.ideasonfood.co.uk and a successful event site at http://www.sherborneabbeyfestival.org – both of which have had so many compliments. Currently working on another – plus I’ve a number built on other Elegant Themes too. I’ve recently signed up as an affiliate – I have never recommended products on my site before but I can wholeheartedly recommend Elegant Themes!
Keep doing what you do – you’re great!
Divi is your flagship theme. ET master piece! Looking forward to its improved greater version. 🙂
Awesome!!! 🙂
Glad I got the lifetime membership package last time.
I am very happy with this release very soon. many questions and high expectations, but I know it will be a big success worldwide. Congratulations Elegant themes!
Oooh yeah! Can’t wait!
Awesome! Thanks Nick 🙂
..oh I DO hope it has a fully featured Gallery in it, as in “proper” gallery, not pulling images from post’s
That is great news!!!
BTW – the counter does not appear to work in ie11 at least on two of my machines.
Great news. Xmas in May!
The timer does not seem to work on Safari 7.0.3 either.
NaN days : 00 hrs : 00 min : 00 sec
Oops, it should be working now 🙂
The count down timer still does not work with Safari 7.04 and Divi 2.0
Nick, do you explicitly parse the Date?
Safari needs the date to be interpreted by the parseDate js function.
A customer of mine noticed this error on her website as well.
Please, help the world being free from IE. Tell your everyone you know to use an alternativ browser… Firefox…
I second this please stop using IE 🙂
I would agree – but unfortunately many of my clients are corporations in NY whose policy dictates IE only since many state software only works with IE. and since their websites are are powered by WP and I have used Divi, it would be good to reassure clients.
Yeahhhh tanks 😀
Looking forward to it 🙂
It’s ready when it’s ready. I hope you do not give in to the pressure of releasing it if there are any last minute doubts by your quality assurance team.
Divi has been one of the most elegant themes I have worked with and the expectations of your customers must be very high.
Keep up the great work!
yes ! It will be perfect for the project I was working on…..
It has begun! Cannot wait for this! =D
Finally!!!!!! Can´t wait
I almost wet myself in excitement… just reading this… well… maybe not quite that, but makes me anxious to re-re-launch a site I’m working on in Divi 1
Actually cannot wait. I have been wanting and needing to ask when for a while 🙂
I can now breath, ty. 🙂 – We’ve been doing WP work for about 5 years now, Divi has been the best template/architecture we’ve ever worked with. You need to raise your prices…..again.
Great news! 😀
I hope it’s got a floating “page up” button for the mobile view. The only thing it was missing, IMO
Great…tanks you
Weel, I didn’t see that coming ! 😀
YAHHOOOO! This is by far the greatest theme I have ever worked with. I have already done three websites with this theme and it is a dream come true. Although I still ask for a lot of help from the tech support team, this theme has given me the ability to have so much control it is unbelievable. I was able to completely redo my own personal website in a matter of 2 days (www.quiroz.co).
In fact it is so fun to work with, I am starting a couple of free websites for friends because this theme has enabled me create unique and beautiful websites in such a short amount of time. Thank you so much Nick and the rest of the Elegant Theme team. You all rock! Best subscription ever! Cant wait for 2.0!
Hi Geno, very nice design!!
How did you do the overlays e.g. on the you sites?
Thanks for a hint
Thanks michel-de. It took a few css tricks to get the feel I wanted. I started by adding a Fullwidth section and giving it the class “service-header-bg”. And then inside that I inserted a header module and gave it the class “service-header”. And then I added a new section and inserted a fullwidth module and gave it the class “rounded-corners-service”.
And then this is the CSS I used…
/*—————[Service Pages]——————*/
.service-header-bg {height: 300px;}
/*Establish a fixed height for the background*/
.service-header .et_pb_row{margin-top:-30px;}
/*Moves the text up a tad*/
.rounded-corners-service {margin-top:-250px!important;border:0px solid black; border-radius:10px;-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 3px black)}
/*Moves the image up into the header section, creates a border around the image and rounds off the corners and gives it a drop shadow*/
It worked fine in all the mobile devices except the cell phones so I added this to my child theme style sheet as well…
@media only screen and ( max-width: 479px ) {
/* Service Pages */
.service-header-bg {height: 200px;}
.service-header .et_pb_row {margin-top:-5px;}
.rounded-corners-service {margin-top:-100px!important; margin-bottom: -50px;}
Hope this helps 🙂
I should add that when I inserted a fullwidth module into the second section after the Header Section, it was a single column Image Module (…and gave it the class “rounded-corners-service”)
Hi Geno,
Your website looks very good.
Thanks Gerard. I like what you did with the Foxy theme!
Hi Geno, very nice design!!
How did you do the overlays e.g. on the you sites?
Thanks for a hint
Congratulations!!!! It is a fantastic design.
Thanks Nat! 🙂
Hi Geno!
You have one great looking website! It certainly pleased my eyes.
Great choice of black/red colors as well! And love the video header on the homepage! 🙂 Bookmarked!
Thanks Timur 🙂
Wow ! Great design and choice of colors.
By the way, thanks for the verse at the bottom… 😉
Thanks HyperTiti 🙂
Yes! Thanks for the update Nick, some wait for the draft to begin, I have been waiting for Divi 2.0
Divi is by far the most “elegant theme” out there. I used it recently to design and develop a clients website http://www.kaykayscakes.com. I did a lot of customization, so having some of the new features will be nice.
You guys truly are the best!
What a great site. Love the gallery. Were you able to do that with “basic” Divi or did you use a plugin?
Thank you Lynda for your compliment. Yes, I was able to do the Gallery with what Divi had to offer, with some minor customization.
very nicely done Gregory!
May I ask how you did the transparent on the slider on the first page?
Beautiful effect!
very nice also the small red line.
would you be wiling to share some css?
Thanks a lot
Hi Michel, thanks for the compliment. I would be happy to share some CSS with you. This is the code I used, and you simply insert it in the custom CSS section of the ePanel that comes with Divi.
Transparent Slider Effect:
.et_pb_slide_description { background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) !important; margin: 150px 0px 0px !important; padding: 70px 30px !important; }
Header Border: (You can simply plug in your own numbers for color)
#main-header { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(216, 38, 46) !important; }
If you are still unsure or confused on what to do, we can exchange email addresses and I would love to help you out some more.
Michel-de: you can view the css of a website pretty easily. In Chrome, hit F12. In Firefox, add the firebug plugin.
They both work roughly the same way. Click the top left button (in Chrome it’s a magnifying glass) and you can hover over any element on the page and see the css. I use this every few minutes whenever I’m working with a wordpress theme. It’s magic.
F-12…really!? Thank you Tim, I learned something new today.
Thanks for the tip Tim. I am afraid it is not enough clear to me. I can see e.g. this:
background: url(“chrome://global/skin/media/imagedoc-lightnoise.png”) repeat scroll 0 0 #E5E5E5;
color: #222222;
but is this the way to create the semi-dark transparent background? And where do I put this. In the css of the site? with an editor? I am afraid, I do not know enough to handle this. Is such a thing simple or really already a bit more advanced?
Thanks for any hint.
Hi Michel,
Sounds like you need to learn CSS 🙂
Here are some good resources:
You could do this easily with some basic CSS. In the Custom CSS section of your Divi Options add.
.et_pb_container .et_pb_slide_description {
It would be better to give the section a unique css class in the Page Builder such as “dark” and then that only affects sliders using that class.
.dark .et_pb_container .et_pb_slide_description {
/* css code goes here */
Nick I’m currently running a Divi promotion site – any chance I can add something similar to the countdown clock on a post promoting Divi 2.0?
Any suggestions?
Thanks for the update Nick
I’m guessing that the countdown clock will be a Divi 2.0 module?
The countdown is surely a part of Divi 2.0 🙂
Looks to be that way…it has a class of et_pb_countdown_timer_container. That could be a custom class added to the divi page builder, but me thinks not 😉
Brill, can’t wait and know it’ll be so worth it!
Perfect, thank you. Cheers to you and your team.
Great – that’s the day I go to Copenhagen on holiday! Grrr…
Looks like I’ll be taking my laptop with me now. 🙂
Lee, I am sure that Copenhagen will get Divi of your mind – at least for a couple of days. I might be biased. Have a nice holiday here. 🙂
Hi Lee
Welcome to Copenhagen. Enjoy your holiday.
Divi 2.0 could wait a day or two.
Great! Thanks Nick!
Will Divi 2.0 have the ability to add social media icons on the top of the header (menu bar) on the HOME page vs the default footer section? Seems like a logical step, hopefully that’s in the update.
Hi, Will it be a seamless upgrade from older version to new for existing websites? Thanks
Well done guys! Looking forward to it. 🙂
Thanks for all your great work.
I will seriously have to start looking to move my ecommerce website over to DIVI.
The other website I did with DIVI was so wonderful to create. DIVI 2.0 is going to be insanely good.
I love what you guys have created with this new concept. I hope DIVI 2.0 can work with SEO plugins …. though hopefully DIVI 2.0 will be so good it doesn’t really need any plugins 😉
Keep up the great work ET!