Social Media Buttons: How to Not Annoy Your Site’s Visitors with Them

Last Updated on January 3, 2023 by 19 Comments

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Social Media Buttons: How to Not Annoy Your Site’s Visitors with Them
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  1. This is interesting, and I got a really good idea from here. I need to check my site too if that has the similar problems or not. I believe this creates problems mostly on mobile device for its small view area.
    There are many third party social widgets which fit into the website’s layout perfectly both for desktop and laptop versions.
    Thanks for sharing this.

    Soumya Roy
    Founder & Lead SEO Trainer

  2. Any chance Monarch might be updated to add some of the more recent & popular channels ?

  3. Thanks for sharing nice informative post.

  4. Ironically, while reading the section on “Blocking Content,” I noticed that your “Get All Of Our Best Freebies” popup was partially blocked by your social media icons on the left. πŸ™‚

  5. Thanks for this. The approach presented is thoughtful and will be helpful, for especially keep the consistent location for the medial sharing.

  6. Thanks, I have a blog and I’m going to set up my social media buttons as you described

  7. Good blog post, we use them on our site, but keep them in the same place and off to the right so they don’t obstruct reading. I also like the tracking capability with something like addthis.

  8. what is annyoing me?
    The popups on!

    Especially the chat-popup. I do NOT want to chat and I feel molested by popups everywhere

    • Somewhere in ET is a popup for chat that is really NOT for chat. It is to get one to buy. I have been there, done that. So when I commit to chatting, I discover I am not. I am being directly somewhere else, and vaguely, to boot.

      The story of the cobbler’s children comes to mind.

  9. Cool and clean.

  10. Hey BJ, Nice post, makes a lot of sense.
    I’d like to know where I can get some of that poison ivy toilet paper for some of my clients because they surely need it!

  11. i use monarch plugin to on my website. Really useful for social buttons.

  12. Thank you. I will review my site’s sharing and WP ‘like’ buttons. I also hope may read your excellent article — because the pop-ups on the main website drive me crazy. (But I still love ’em.❀)

  13. At last, it’s in print. I wholeheartedly agree. I will systematically go off any website with too many social sharing buttons, and popups.

    Anything that distracts my attention from what I am reading I close the tab and move on and don’t return. This goes for dancing, moving, winking, and blinking animations. Anything animated has to enhance not distract.

    Monarch is an incredible plugin. It works perfectly and is installed on my site in the sidebar. And guess what, people actually sign up for the newsletter without being reminded to signup.

    Thanks BJ for writing about this subject.

    • Yes, Joan! And BJ!
      Just because one CAN do something is no reason to do it. The point of ALL sites (all ads, all print) is to get you to read the content and respond/react/remember. The key here is read. So, ANYTHING that disrupts the brain’s natural reading function should be avoided. Conversely, anything that encourages reading should be employed. And truly, that’s the foundation of good design. Design is ONLY good if it achieves its goal, which in most cases is to get one to read.

  14. The same guideline I follow with my blogs. If your content is good people will share it automatically. No need to annoy them with share buttons. Putting social share buttons after content is best.

  15. The same guideline I follow with my blogs. If your content is good people will share it automatically. No need to annoy them with share buttons. Putting social share buttons after content is best.

  16. Great blog post! I think if you keep things simple and write great content that deserves to be shared you don’t need social media buttons all over your post!

  17. Bottom of mobile screen and sticky on side bar. That’s it. But small icons. No pop ups.

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