14 Best WordPress Social Media Plugins in 2024 (Compared)

Last Updated on January 11, 2024 by 4 Comments

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First Pick


Pricing: $89 per year
Standout Features: Social Sharing Buttons, Media Sharing Options, Pop-up Triggers

Visit MonarchRead Overview
Second Pick


Pricing: $7 per month
Standout Features: Multiple Platform Connection, Sharing Calendar, Post Scheduling

Visit Blog2SocialRead Overview
Third Pick


Pricing: $39 per year
Standout Features: Instagram Feed Display, Customizable Layout, Multiple Placement Options

Visit SpotlightRead Overview
Blog / WordPress / 14 Best WordPress Social Media Plugins in 2024 (Compared)
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  1. Hello

    Thank you very much for this helpful post. I was finding a social plugin for my blog. My content is up but not getting share still yet.

    I hope Social Media Auto Publish plugin will solve my problem 🙂

  2. What a timely post! I literally as in five minutes ago converted to Grow by Mediavine. I used to be with Shareaholic. Not sure if they have gone out of business or what but I had a ticket open for two weeks! I wrote to them 5 times, opened up 3 tickets – no reply hence the switch. And, I had the paid version. I am happy with my move 🙂

  3. Social Media Auto Publish (Social Media Post Scheduling), click to chat button, these are wonderful.create more detailed free resources that will be helpful for bloggers.

  4. Until now, I have only used the Yoast SEO plugin. I will try other plugins now. Thanks for sharing!

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