How to Choose the Best Domain Names for Your Business

Last Updated on December 21, 2022 by 44 Comments

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How to Choose the Best Domain Names for Your Business
Blog / WordPress / How to Choose the Best Domain Names for Your Business

Finding the best domain names is rarely easy. Your business might have the perfect name, but that domain might not be available unless you use a lesser-known Top-Level Domain (TLD). If you’re coming up with a company name from scratch, it also needs to be available for you to choose as a domain. This article will provide you with actionable tips to help you pick the best domain names. We’ll cover everything from how to find alternatives if your original choice isn’t available to what TLDs to use. Let’s get to it!

1. Opt for a .com Domain Whenever Possible

If you already have a domain name in mind and you find it available with multiple TLDs, .comΒ should always be your first option:

best domain name

There are no technical differences between different TLDs. However, research shows that .comΒ domain names are more memorable and rank higher for trustworthiness.

If you look at the numbers, 53.1 percentΒ of all ranked domains in search engines useΒ .comΒ TLDs. That’s because many of those sites have been around for a while. In other words, they’re β€œaged” domains.

Search engines give older websites and domains more weight because they’re considered more trustworthy. Simply registering aΒ .comΒ domain doesn’t mean your site will rank instantly. However, it can matter to user perception.

As other TLDs gain popularity, they are considered viable options alongside .com. However, if you find the name you want and the .comΒ option is available to register immediately, there’s no reason not to go for it.

2. Consider TLDs Beyond .com in Specific Situations

IfΒ you’re 100 percent sure about your domain name and it’s not available as a .com, it’s time to consider other TLDs. There are hundreds of TLDs available, so choosing the right one can be challenging.

As a rule of thumb, you want to avoid β€œgimmicky” TLDs, such asΒ .ninjaΒ orΒ .pizza.Β They can be fun, but they can also confuse a large segment of your audience.

An example of a gimmick domain name

Plus, non-conventional TLDs might give visitors the idea your site isn’t serious or trustworthy. With that in mind, there are several fantastic TLD options that you can use ifΒ .comΒ isn’t available. The extensions we recommend include:

  • .blog:Β If you’re working on a site that focuses on written content, the .blog TLD is a safe choice.
  • .co:Β The TLD for Colombia has gained notoriety as an alternative toΒ .com. It’s pretty similar and easy to remember. However, you risk confusing visitors with .coΒ versus .com.
  • .io:Β This TLD is a popular option for tech-related businesses.
  • .net:Β Although it’s not as popular as it once was, .netΒ remains a great choice if you’re looking for aΒ .com alternative that appears trustworthy.
  • .org:Β In theory, this TLD is for non-profit organizations. However, it’s become popular among all types of websites. It’s also one of the most recognizable domain extensions that you can use.

If the domain name you want isn’t available with any of those TLD alternatives, it’s time to return to the drawing board. It’s far better to spend time coming up with new names than opting for a TLD that confuses more visitors than it attracts.

3. Consider Potential Domains While Coming Up With Business Names

Considering potential domain names when starting a business wouldn’t have made much sense a couple of decades ago. That’s because the website came after the company was already up and running. Online-first operations weren’t all that common yet.

These days, it’s logical to think about the online arm of your business from the very start of the planning process. Every business needs an online presence that includes a website and probably social media. And for professional email accounts.

When coming up with potential business names, verify if they’re available as domains (and if the .com TLDs are up for grabs). If they’re not, try using combinations with helper words (such as theΒ or my)Β and note which domain names you can register.

Figuring out a great business name only to discover that it’s not available as a domain can be a big blow. We also recommend going the extra mile and seeing if your favorite domain names are also available as social media handles. The social media aspect of choosing a domain name isn’t as critical, but it’s worth considering.

However, it’s not uncommon to see brands with social media handles that don’t match their domain and business names. When you are able to match them up, though, it can greatly help with brand cohesion.

4. Circumvent Taken Names Using β€œHelper” Words

One of the most common challenges in finding a domain name is that most β€œpopular” words and common combinations are already taken. If you’re hoping to register a domain name such as, you better be ready to dig deep into your pockets, assuming the owners even want to negotiate.

If you have a great domain name in mind but it’s not available, your next step should be to look for helper word combinations. While not as simple and memorable as a short, single-word URL, the addition of a helper word does open up marketing campaign opportunities.

Some great examples of domains with helper words include:

  • Since was already taken, the online game distribution platform added an extra word to avoid dealing with scalpers.
  • This managed WordPress hosting company is called Flywheel. Since another business already took that domain name, Flywheel complemented it with an actionable helper word.
  • This domain name belongs to a regular travel agency. Instead of negotiating a massive buyout forΒ, the business simply chose a similar option that incorporates the company name.
  •Β This email management app is called Shift because it enables you to shift between email accounts with a few clicks. As you can imagine,Β shift.comΒ was already taken, so the company added tryΒ to get a domain name that remains short and actionable.

Helper words are your best allies when registering popular domain names. Almost anything can be a helper word, but we recommend sticking with elements related to the original business name.

On that same note, using an action word within your domain name (such as get or try) can act as aΒ  Call-to-Action (CTA) before users even visit your site.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Abbreviate

Many of the most popular websites use abbreviations in their domains. Two well-known examples include:

  • AWS stands for Amazon Web Services. As a standalone domain,Β amazonwebservices.comΒ sounds a bit awkward. By abbreviating the AWS component, the domain remains short and well branded.
  • The New York Times is one of the best-known publications globally, and NY is a common abbreviation for the city. That means the company can use the shortened version in its domain name.

Abbreviating part of your domain works best if you have a long business name (basically anything over two words). It’s best to keep domain names as short as possible so that they’re easier to remember and don’t take long to type.

That data holds true if you look at the most popular websites in the world. Almost all of the 100 most popular sites globally have domain names with two or three words.

Shorter domain names might not guarantee success, but they’re common for the most highly-ranked websites:

Most popular websites in the world


While coming up with potential business names, consider possible abbreviations. One-word titles are ideal, but you may have to build a brand from scratch.

6. Test Potential Domain Names

Many of the most popular businesses worldwide use made-up words for their names. Companies such as Walmart, Toyota, and Google took unique words and built up their brands around them.

It’s a common trend for startups to utilize unique words as their names. Technically, you can use any made-up word as a business and a domain name. However, it can be hard to know if users and customers will likeΒ that word. (Such as with Netflix’s Quickster fiasco.)

Arguably, if your products and services are good enough, the name won’t matter that much. Over time, users will associate the products with the name, and that’s how your brand is born.

If you want to play it safe, your best bet is to β€œtest” potential names before registering a business and a domain name. By testing a name, we mean:

  • Ask friends and family what they think about the name. This method is the cheapest option, but you might not get accurate feedback due to personal relationships and biases.
  • Use control testing groups. Some services will pool people from multiple walks of life to help you test-drive ideas and names. A panel can help determine how people feel about a potential business/domain name.
  • Poll your social followers. If you have a base brand already, posting about your choices on your social media accounts can give you a sampling of how your existing userbase will feel about the new terminology.

Naturally, most people don’t have the funds to crowd-test and focus-group domain names before registering them. However, there are several tools that can help alleviate that strain, such as services like Typeform that let you build anonymous surveys and share them.


When testing potential domain names, it helps to have a list of questions ready. Instead of simply asking if users like the domain, see if they think it’s easy to remember and type. Additionally, ask if the name reminds people of competitors and what they associate the words with.


Coming up with a great domain name can be challenging. In a way, it’s as hard as choosing the perfect name for your business. The wrong choice doesn’t mean that your site won’t succeed. But it can definitely impact your brand and how users perceive it.

You do want to choose the best domain names possible, and we recommend that you start looking at availability while coming up with your business name itself. Every company needs a website from the get-go in today’s modern world. Therefore, it makes sense to do some research as early as possible. If you can snag the right domain at the right time, a lot of your marketing and branding work becomes much easier.

Many hosts can help you choose the right domain name when you set up a plan, so be sure to check out Pressable, Cloudways, SiteGround, and Flywheel.

Do you have any questions about choosing a great domain name? Let’s talk about them in the comments section below!

Featured image via VectorsMarket /

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  1. So the company is called Mental Health and Addiction Peer Support Services. Obviously this is too long for a domain. We are thinking of going with or would it be better to just pick a different domain all together instead of using an abbreviation?

  2. Hi, I’m using .GLOBAL for my certified social enterprise matrimony site (launching very soon). It’s much more innovative and prestigious than .COM.

  3. Does domain name or extension have an impact on SEO?

  4. Nice..

  5. Is worth to buy domain from another country suffix, but it’s match brand, for example instead of ?

    • Hi Pawel,

      I’d stick with, as it’s probably the safest option πŸ™‚

    • Hi Pawel,

      I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’d stick with .com as it’s probably the safest option.

    • Hi Pawel,

      I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’d stick with πŸ™‚

  6. Very good blog written regarding web domain. Its related to business thats why it must be buy in proper way with proper combination of words.

    • Thanks Anil!

  7. its a very informative blogs, thanks for sharing.

    • You’re welcome, Oliver!

  8. thanks for this very interesting article.

    • You’re welcome!

  9. Really very informative

  10. Very useful information your blog always resolves all my doubts and helps me a lot Very thankful to you

    • Glad to hear that πŸ™‚

  11. A quick Quick Question how’s this name “instaastro” for a astrology horoscope pridiction website???
    Really amazing and impressive post you have shared. Please keep sharing.

  12. This is very much helpful information. Really very Good work and informative content. the article is very interesting and easy to understand and learn. so much by my heart. A quick Quick Question how’s this name “instaastro” for a astrology horoscope pridiction website???
    Really amazing and impressive post you have shared. Please keep sharing.

    • Thank you for the feedback, Priya πŸ™‚

  13. Very informative blog, Thank you for sharing this blog with us. Keep it up.

    • You’re welcome πŸ™‚

  14. Thanks for such a good information. I really appreciate your work.

  15. Nice one.. I wish I took time to form up my own unique domain name like walmart. Anyways, I’m happy it doesn’t sound bad though. Three words abbreviated into one

  16. You never miss a chance to impress us. Thanks you so much for sharing this useful details with us.

    • You’re welcome, Raj πŸ™‚

  17. Thanks for such good information. Great work on the article to keep it interesting and easy to understand / learn. Please keep sharing.

    • You’re welcome!

  18. Most of the time we don’t get our desired domain names which affects our brand perception(up to certain level).

  19. Hi really nice article is given by you explained very well and proper explanation with image. i got a lot of idea from this post thanks for sharing the post and keep tough with us

    • I’m glad you found the post helpful πŸ™‚

  20. Thank you very much for detailed and useful comments, I have a question please in regards to choosing my domain name… does it make a difference in SEO if my keyword(s) is at the beginning or the end of my domain name? does it make any difference with SEO algorithms?

    • No, it shouldn’t make a difference at all πŸ™‚

  21. Great article! There are actually a lot of things to consider when naming a website. I wish I saw this before starting my blog.

    • Thanks, Xavier!

  22. This is very helpful information. good work and content. the article is very interesting and easy to understand and learn. so much by my heart. Really amazing and impressive post you have shared. Please keep sharing.

    • Thank you πŸ™‚

  23. nice

  24. Ah, what a pity, Will got there before me. Living in the UK, with my audience confined tothe UK, “” is by far the most important suffix. With ET being global it would be a good idea for contributors to take a more global approach to their articles. Other than that, great article.

    • Thanks for your comment, Brian.

  25. Finally, I will go for the .com domain, Thank you for Guiding

    • You’re welcome πŸ™‚

  26. A lot of these articles about domains make one big assumption…..that you live in the USA! I live in Ireland and my main customer base is located in Ireland so the Irish .ie and European domain .eu are the first choice then followed by the .com . For those in the UK the the main choice of TLD would be or .uk followed by .com and .eu if their market was in Europe. Again the .co TLD like you said it’s Colombian which makes it important for Colombian businesses. My point really is that there is way more to it than the points you made above.

    • Finally, I will go for the .com domain

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